Correspondence 27th November
Nursery DT Session – Tuesday 3rd December
Dear Nursery Parents,
Next Tuesday (3rd December), we will be completing our DT topic ‘ Cooking & Nutrition- soup’ by making pumpkin soup.
Here is a list of the ingredients we will use:
Vegetable stock
Double cream
Unsalted butter
Olive oil
Bay leaf
If you do not wish your child to taste the soup, please let a member of the nursery team know.
Thank you
Mrs. Pollard
Correspondence 27th November
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Breakfast Club
Our breakfast club is almost at full capacity most days and we have had several days where it has reached maximum. To ensure the safety of our children, we must adhere to staffing ratios, and unfortunately, as we do not have additional staff available to call upon to support breakfast club, it is imperative that children do not arrive without a booking.
If you have missed the 4pm cut off to book into breakfast club, please email the office so that we know to expect your child. We do not wish to turn anyone away, however, we may have to do so.
Parents who have not booked must remain with their child at breakfast club drop off in case we do not have the capacity to accommodate your child.
Nativity Tickets
Our Nativity this year is called ’Straw and Order’ and we know the children are going to make us proud!
Tickets are available to purchase on ParentPay until Tuesday 10th December, priced at £2 each (child and adult). We are provisionally limiting these to four per pupil, per night, on a first come first served basis.
Seat numbers will be allocated, therefore, please let us know if you require any accessible aisle seats. Tickets will be sent home with your child from Wednesday 11th December.
A raffle will be held on both nights (cash only please), and all money raised goes to improve our KS1 learning areas and classroom resources.
Christmas Disco Tickets Y1-6
Christmas disco tickets are now available to buy on ParentPay, priced at £3.50 each. Children will receive a packet of crisps, a small bag of sweets and a drink.
Young Voices
We are really enjoying practising for Young Voices 2025 and will continue to rehearse Tuesday lunchtimes and after school on Friday 29th November and 6th December. Due to the Christmas festivities, Young Voices Friday after school club will not run on 13th and 20th December.
During next half term, Friday practise will continue after school on 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st January. Should your child wish to attend our Young Voices after school club, it will last until 4:15pm, and parents are asked to collect the children from the main entrance, unless they have prior permission to walk home by themselves after a club. Your child does not have to attend every week; however, it would be lovely to see as many as can make it, and what a way to end a busy school week! Children should come to the Year 1 classroom after school, where they will be registered.
Please remember that all the videos and tracks are available on the Young Voices Music Room app/website using the school code sent out to you in a previous email, should children wish to practise a little more.
The tickets and t-shirts won’t arrive until a couple of weeks before the event; please don’t worry as this is quite normal.
Guidance on purchasing dangerous gifts at Christmas
The Child Accident Prevention Trust has published guidance on purchasing dangerous gifts at Christmas. You can read the article at
Flu Vaccination Clinics
The attached flyer contains details of the children’s flu vaccination clinics that are running locally.
Volunteer Training Programme
Please see attached the Hoyland Milton & Rockingham Volunteer Training Programme for this winter.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 25th November
Y5/6 Football Finals – Wednesday 4th December
Dear Parent,
A few weeks ago, your child was part of the boys’ football team that came runners up in the district finals. As a result of this, we have been allocated a place in the Barnsley Boys Plate Finals.
The event is Wednesday 4th December at Barnsley College Honeywell Site (also known as Honeywell Sports Village), S75 1BP, and will run from 12-3pm.
I am aware this is Christmas dinner day; however, the children will need to leave before this and will unfortunately miss lunch. If you would prefer your child to remain in school for Christmas dinner, please inform the office, and their space at the event will be given to another child.
Children will need a packed lunch, which they will eat at the event. Your child will travel to the venue by minibus at 11:20am.
The event will be played on Astro turf, and your child will need suitable footwear, shin pads, socks, water bottle, and warm clothes to wear when spectating. They will also be given a school football kit to wear at the event.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant, and therefore no money is needed.
Parents are able to spectate on this occasion; however, children will need to return to school via the minibus before they can be collected.
Due to the location of the event, children may not return to school until approximately 3:30pm.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 12th November
Y2 DT Project
Dear Y2 Parent,
Our current Design and Technology (DT) project is to structure a chair for Baby Bear from Goldilocks.
We have looked at different 3D shapes that will create a strong, stiff, and stable chair. Our recent experiment has helped us discover that cylinders were the best 3D shape to achieve our criteria.
Last lesson, we began designing our chairs and considering what materials we would like to use. Based upon previous years’ experience of this DT project, we have narrowed it down to two different types of materials that they could choose from to make the chair. These are:
The recycled materials we would need are cylinder shaped, such as toilet roll or kitchen roll tubes. They will need 4 of these tubes to create the legs of the chair. They may also need a small amount of cardboard to create the seat and back of the chair.
Your child has chosen which option they would like to use, and we ask that you talk to them regarding their preference. We have discussed that if they have chosen the option of recycled materials, then they would need to bring those in from home. Mrs Law and I will also try to bring in some recycled materials to support them.
The children will test their structures in school and will be able to take them home afterwards (if the structure is still standing), if they would like!
If your child is bringing in recycled materials, we would like them to be in school by Thursday 28th November, as we will be starting the structure then and will be working on them over the next few weeks.
Thank you for your support,
Miss Bradbury
Y2 Teacher
Correspondence 12th November
Emotional Regulation Workshop Reminder – 27th November
A reminder about our Emotional Regulation Support Parent Workshop – 27th November
We have been offered an Emotional Regulation Support parent workshop by Compass Be on the 27th of November, 9:15-11:15am. This is an opportunity to find out more around supporting children with strong emotions, and building strategies to help them manage difficult feelings. It is a workshop some parents and carers attended last year and found helpful.
We would like to extend an invitation for any parents that would find this helpful to attend this workshop.
Places are limited and we hope to be able to accommodate all those who wish to attend, however, it would help us if you could confirm whether you wish to attend by Friday 23rd of November. Places will be given on a first come, first served basis.
Please register your acceptance of your place by emailing the main office at
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 12th November
Bright Night’s Parade – Saturday 23rd November
Dear Y6 Parents and Carers,
We have an exciting opportunity for our Y6 children and their families to be part of Barnsley Bright Nights Parade.
We are working with Fusion, Barnsley’s Cultural Education Partnership, on an exciting project funded by Arts Council England. The first part of the project has seen three artists coming into school to work with our children to create artwork and a performance as part of Bright Nights Illuminated Parade. This brilliant event is being held in Barnsley town centre on Saturday 23rd November, to round off the Bright Nights Festival. This year, you and your children have a very special opportunity to be part of it.
We really hope our Y6 children will come along and join in the parade to show off their hard work to the crowd, including the Mayor of Barnsley. Free transport will be provided to and from the event (pick up and drop off at school, time to be confirmed) for every child who wishes to come along, as well as their parents/carers. (places are limited, so book early to guarantee your seat). If you wish to bring siblings, please let us know, and we will try our very best to book seats for them however, we cannot guarantee this. For a child to take part, they MUST be accompanied by their parent or carer, who will need to walk with their child in the parade.
Here is a film of last year’s parade to give you an idea of how special an event this is – the children who took part last year absolutely loved it – it was something they will always remember!
If you are planning on making your own way there, please let school know so that we know how many children to expect at the event.
Correspondence 12th November
Cross Country Colour Run Event – Friday 22nd November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has expressed an interest in attending a 2km Cross Country Colour Run event at Kirk Balk Academy on Friday 22nd November. The route will be marshalled so the children will know where to go around the simple route. The aim is to inspire participants to continue their physical activity journey.
The event will start at 1pm and will finish at approximately 3pm. Your child will have lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring old clothes comfortable for running in. It is more effective if the children wear white t-shirts, and they will need to bring a top or a coat for afterwards to keep the bus clean. They will need their water bottles and inhalers if they require them. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
If your child wishes to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes, they are permitted to do so, however, this is not essential.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant, and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you do not wish your child to take part, please let us know, and they will remain in school for the afternoon.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 12th November
KS2 Multi Sports Panathlon Event – Tuesday 19th November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a KS2 Multi Sports Panathlon event at Barnsley College Honeywell Site on Tuesday 19th November. The event will start at 9:30am and finish at 11:30am. Children should arrive back at school before lunch time.
This is an inspire and engage event run by the School Games. These events have an emphasis on participation and encouraging children to develop sporting skills.
Children will travel to and from the venue via Wyatts Coaches. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, parents are not allowed to attend the event.
Your child will be given a sports top but will still need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings, and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held indoors.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant, and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 11th November
Y4 Cannon Hall Trip – Tuesday 14th January
Dear Parents,
We are very excited to inform you that we have organised a trip for our Y4 children to Cannon Hall, where the children will be participating in a Victorian kitchen workshop. This incredible workshop will support children in securing their knowledge of ‘children’s lives through history’ and also our class book ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty.
The trip will take place on Tuesday 14th January 2025. We will be leaving school at 9am, and therefore, children will need to arrive promptly for registration at 8:45am. We will be back at school in time for normal home time. Transport will be provided by Globe Coaches.
The children will need to bring a packed lunch, and there is no requirement for any spending money. During our visit, the children will engage in making lavender bags, Victorian style laundry, and making Victorian style sweets (sugar mice), in addition to a visit of the house itself.
The cost of the trip will be £16, and we are asking for contributions to be made by Tuesday 7th January 2025. If we do not raise sufficient funds to cover the cost of this trip, then unfortunately it will have to be cancelled. Please log onto ParentPay to make payments and to give your permission.
This trip will be a fantastic experience for the children, and we are looking forward to taking them.
If you have any questions regarding the trip, please do come and see me.
Kind regards,
Miss O’Brien
Correspondence 11th November
Foundation Stage Reading Workshop – Tuesday 12th November
Dear Parent/Carer,
This is reminder about our free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) tomorrow, Tuesday 12th November, at 4.30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop ‘Reading in the Early Years’ will be held in the ICT Suite and will start at 4.30pm. If you have requested a child care place, Mrs Edwards will be running a small creche in the school library. Please drop your child off there before making your way to the ICT Suite.
Refreshments will be available free of charge.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr D Grayhurst & Mrs T Pollard
Correspondence 7th November
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Government Tax–Free Childcare can help with the costs of breakfast club AND after school clubs
If your child is attending breakfast club or the new paid after school clubs, you may be eligible to receive ‘Tax-Free Childcare’ to help fund these.
Please see the following link for more information:
If you are eligible for Tax-Free Childcare, you will set up an online childcare account for your child and for every £8 you pay into this account, the government will pay in £2 to use to pay your childcare provider.
You can get Tax-Free Childcare at the same time as 30 hours free childcare if you’re eligible for both.
Once you have set up your account, please email the school each time you make a payment as this goes direct to the school bank account. Let us know whether it is for breakfast club or after-school club so that the school can credit those funds to your ParentPay account.
Please note:
If you wish to use the tax–free childcare payment to pay for after school clubs, you will need to initially make the payment from your personal bank account to secure your child’s place at the club. Once we have received the Tax-Free Childcare payment into our school bank account, we will credit this to the relevant after school club on ParentPay and refund your initial payment back to you.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Emotional Regulation Support Parent Workshop – 27th November
We have been offered an Emotional Regulation Support parent workshop by Compass Be on the 27th of November, 9:15-11:15am. This is an opportunity to find out more around supporting children with strong emotions, and building strategies to help them manage difficult feelings. It is a workshop some parents and carers attended last year and found helpful.
We would like to extend an invitation for any parents that would find this helpful to attend this workshop.
Places are limited and we hope to be able to accommodate all those who wish to attend, however, it would help us if you could confirm whether you wish to attend by Friday 23rd of November. Places will be given on a first come, first served basis. Please register your acceptance of your place by emailing the main office at
‘What’s for Tea Barnsley?’
‘What’s for Tea Barnsley?’ is a time limited competition, where residents are able to submit photos and recipes of their home cooked evening meal for the chance to win a £30 Barnsley gift card and for their recipe to be included in a free cookbook, which will be distributed to residents in 2025.
The campaign is designed to tackle particularly high obesity levels in the borough and improve food education and food access levels. Through this campaign, the aim is to empower residents to cook healthier, low-cost meals at home, reduce reliance on ultra-processed foods where possible, foster a sense of community around cooking, provide residents with food education in an accessible way and improve cooking skills on a budget.
Submit your entries via email to
All cooking abilities are welcome, as long as the recipes are easy, affordable and nutritious. Entries need to be submitted by an adult aged 18+. Please include the ingredients, a picture of your meal and why you like to make this recipe with your submission.
Healthy Lunch Box Toolkit
The Children’s Public Health team would like to share the ‘Barnsley Packed Lunch Tool Kit’ to help raise awareness around a ‘Healthy Lunch Box’.
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 6th November
Archbishop of York’s Youth Trust Young Leader Award for Y5
Dear Y5 Parent/Carer,
I would like to share with you a fantastic opportunity for your children. We are taking part in the Archbishop of York’s Youth Trust Young Leader Award to help ‘be the change you want to see’.
The scheme will give the children the opportunity to make small changes in their environment/ global community, as well as other skills including self-development and social awareness. Previously, we have raised funds for the WWF Australian Bushfire appeal, Cancer research, the Red Cross Ukraine appeal, as well as organising litter picks and many other worthy causes.
Some of the children’s individual tasks will involve doing things to help you out at home, and I will be in touch over the coming weeks to let you know what these tasks are.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
The Ellis C of E Primary School
01226 753383
Correspondence 6th November
KS2 SEND Glow In The Dark Dodgeball Event – Friday 15th November
Dear Parent,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in an inclusive Glow in the dark Dodgeball event at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 15th November.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to be in full PE kit but can bring tracksuits to travel in. They will need inhalers if they require them and their water bottle with their name on.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 6th November
KS2 Taekwondo Taster Event – Wednesday 13th November
Dear Parents,
Your child’s class has expressed an interest in attending a KS2 Taekwondo taster event at Horizon on Wednesday 13th November.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus with Wyatts.
Children will need to bring full PE kit (white PE tops/black shorts), suitable trainers for the event and their water bottle. The event will be held indoors but suitable tracksuits/coats should be worn when travelling to and from the event.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 6th November
Key dates for this half term
Y6 Crucial Crew – Thursday 14th November, 8:45am
The coach will leave school at 8:45am prompt and is expected to return to school by 3:15pm.
Children in Need – Friday 15th November
Children are welcome to come to school in spots or pyjamas. Should you wish to donate, please do so via the Children in Need website.
The Ellis Church, straight after school in the hall – Thursday 21st November
All are welcome to attend.
F2 to Y6 Flu Vaccinations – Thursday 21st November
Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day – Wednesday 4th December
More information to follow.
Foundation Service Christmas Coffee Morning – Friday 6th December, 9-10:30am
All our F1 and F2 family members are invited.
The Ellis Church – straight after school in the hall, Thursday 12th December
All are welcome to attend.
Christmas Discos – Thursday 12th December (5-6pm for Y1-3 and 6:30-7:30pm for Y4-6)
More information to follow.
HAG (Hemingfield Action Group) Christmas Concert, in the school hall – 6pm, Friday 13th December
KS1 Nativity Dress Rehearsal – Monday 16th December
More information to follow
KS1 Nativity – 6pm, Tuesday 17th December, and Wednesday 18th December
More information to follow.
Y1 Theatre Trip – Wednesday 18th December
The coach will leave at 8.45am and return in time for lunch. Please ensure your child is in school for registration by 8:30am.
Christmas Party Day – Thursday 19th December
More information to follow.
Christingle – 2-3pm, Friday 20th December
Please join us for our school Christingle Service, which will be held in the hall at 2pm.
Christmas Holidays – Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January
INSET day – Monday 6th January
Kind regards,
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 16th October
Y5 Geography Afternoon – Tuesday 5th November
Dear Parent/Carers,
We are pleased to inform you that Y5 have been invited to attend an afternoon of Geography learning at Wath Academy on Tuesday 5th November 2024.
This will be an opportunity to take part in a range of learning activities led by the staff at Wath Academy. Mrs Wise, Mrs Wood and Mrs Law are excited to be taking the children on this trip. We will be travelling by minibuses, which are being provided by Wath Academy. There will be no cost associated with this trip.
On the day of the trip your child will need to be wearing school uniform, a waterproof coat, suitable footwear and a water bottle. We will eat lunch in school before we depart, however, as this will be earlier than our usual lunchtime it would be advisable to provide a packed lunch for that day if possible.
Our extra-curricular and sporting trip form covers this event and there is no requirement for you to give additional consent.
Kind regards,
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 15th October
Young Voices Reminder
Dear Parents/Carers,
A reminder that the deadline for ordering tickets for Young Voices is Monday 21st October.
We do have 3 tickets and a t-shirt (aged 9-11) to sell on behalf of one of our parents, at a cost of £88.99. Please contact the office should you wish to purchase them.
The link to sign up for a Young Voices account and is
Kind regards,
Mrs Trotter
Class Teacher/KS1 Leader
Correspondence 14th October
The Great Cable Challenge – Monday 14th October to Monday 21st October
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please bag up any unwanted or broken cables and place them in the box outside the school office for recycling. The box will be available until Monday 21st October.
Thank you for helping to make a difference to the environment and saving some precious metals from going to waste.
Thank you for your support.
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 13th October
Y1-6 Harvest Festival, St Mary’s Church – Wednesday 16th October
Dear Y1 – Y6 Parents,
A reminder that our Harvest festival this year will be tomorrow, Wednesday 16th October at St Mary’s Church, Wombwell.
Years 1-6 will be walking from school promptly at 9am and parents are welcome to meet us at St Mary’s for a 10am start. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis, however, the children will be sitting in the main pews directly in front of the altar, so please leave these free. Children will need to stay with their class throughout the service and will share some harvest poetry or art.
At the end of the service, we will walk the children back to school in plenty of time for their lunch.
Kindly bring any donations of tinned/packet food with you as these will be donated to Wombwell food bank via St Mary’s
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 13th October
Christmas Card Competition
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please see below the details of a Christmas Card Competition run by Stephanie Peacock MP. If your child would like to enter, please give their entry to the office before the 5th November deadline.
Kind regards,
Mrs Brinkley
HLTA/Art Lead
Invitation to take part in the 2024 Christmas Card Competition
It is that time of year again when I invite pupils across Barnsley South to take part in my annual competition to design my official Christmas card. Every year, the competition shows the creativity and talent of young people in the area.
I would be delighted if the pupils at your school took part in this year’s competition. The card, made with the winning design, will be sent to local businesses, civic leaders, voluntary groups, and politicians across Barnsley and Westminster.
Winners from each school will be chosen and named the ‘school winner’. Winners from each participating school will then be shortlisted, and the final design will then be chosen to be my Christmas card design. However, all the school winners will have their design included within the card, along with their name and school.
In December, the winner and runners up from the schools will be awarded prizes and certificates.
The competition will run from now until Tuesday 5th November, with applications accepted up until the deadline. Designs should be submitted on white A4 paper, preferably landscape.
To avoid any potential confusion, please could the artist’s full first name, the first initial of their surname, class, year group, and the name of their school be clearly written on the back of their design.
I look forward to receiving your designs.
Yours sincerely,
Stephanie Peacock MP
Member of Parliament for Barnsley South
Correspondence 13th October
Y1 Trip Information
Dear Parents,
I am very excited to inform you of the two trips we have organised for our Y1 children for this academic year. At The Ellis, we see real value in taking our children on educational visits and want to ensure that throughout their time with us, they have the opportunity to experience many different places and types of visits. This year we would like to take our Y1 class to the Crucible Playhouse Theatre in Sheffield and to Pops Outdoor Adventure in Rosehill Park, Rawmarsh. As the children are now in KS1, the staff at The Ellis accompany the children rather than parents. The trips are supervised in line with recommended ratios, and the staff taking the children are very experienced at running trips. I will be trip leader for both, and these two trips are perfect for the first time children to go without their parents. I have outlined the two trips below and will send out final details of each one nearer the time. We have tried to keep the cost as low as possible and to give you as much notice as possible so that parents can spread the cost over the coming weeks. The theatre trip is the higher priced one, as the tickets per child cost more and so does the coach. We have tried to balance this by running a lower cost trip to Pops.
Crucible Playhouse Theatre Sheffield
On Wednesday 18th December, we have booked to take the children to see ‘Underneath a Magical Moon: A reimagining of Peter Pan as told by Wendy Darling’. It is described as ‘a sparkling production with exquisite music, enthralling movement, and a sprinkle of Tutti Frutti magic, and is for children 3+ and their families to enjoy’. This will be a lovely experience, especially as it is the week of our nativity, so we can experience what it is like as an audience member rather than a performer.
The show lasts 1 hour, and we will be using Globe Travel. The cost of the trip will be £24, and we are asking for voluntary contributions to be made by Friday 29th November. If we do not raise sufficient funds to cover the cost of this trip, then it will have to be cancelled. Please log onto ParentPay to make payments and to give permission.
The performance starts at 10am prompt, and therefore the coach company has asked that we leave at 8.45am to allow time for traffic and parking. On the day we ask that your child be at school by 8.30am to allow us time to register them and to get onto the coach. We will collect any child who is at breakfast club at 8.30am. The children will be back at school in time for lunch and do not require any spending money. A letter will be sent out nearer the time to remind you of this information. If you would like to find out more about the show, please visit
Pops Outdoor Adventure (Rosehill Park, Rawmarsh)
On Wednesday 30th April 2025, we have booked to take the children to Pops, which is an educational centre within Rosehill Park that has a daily before and after school club and runs holiday clubs too. They have their own fully insured minibuses, which we will be using (hence the cost is a lot lower as they only charge for petrol, which is wonderful). During the day, the children will take part in lots of activities linked to mini-beasts, and it supports a lot of our science Y1 objectives for the spring term. The centre has an indoor classroom where we can eat our lunch and a large tent gazebo should it be needed. We ran this trip in the pouring rain last year, and the children still had an incredible time! Fingers crossed for a pleasant day, though!
The cost of the trip will be £11.50, and we are asking for voluntary contributions to be made by Wednesday 2nd April 2025. If we do not raise sufficient funds to cover the cost of this trip, then it will have to be cancelled. Please log onto ParentPay before this date to make payments and to give permission. We will send out a reminder nearer the time, as it is a long way away.
We will leave school at 9am for this trip, therefore children will need to arrive promptly at 8.45am. We will be back in time for normal home time, and the children will require a packed lunch on this day. I will send out an email much nearer the time to give you all the final details. There will be no spending money needed for this trip.
Local Walk
During the summer term, we will carry out a local walk around our village as part of our Geography topic, ‘What is it like to live in Shanghai?’ The local walk is an opportunity for the children to compare the human and physical features of Shanghai to features in Hemingfield village and to make a simple map using data collected through the fieldwork. There is no need to give permission for this trip as it is covered by the local walks permission already received. We will, of course, send out information about the day and details of the walk in the summer term.
I realise that this is a lot of information, but felt that it was helpful for parents to have all the information regarding trips for the year in advance, to enable parents to spread the cost and to organise earlier drop off arrangements if needed for our theatre trip.
We love trips in Y1, and we hope that the memories they create will last for many years to come. Both trips are on ParentPay should you wish to start paying smaller amounts towards them. Alternatively, you can pay the full amount up to the given date.
If you have any questions regarding any of these trips, please do come and see me.
Thank you so much for your support. Without this, our trips could not go ahead.
Kind regards,
Mrs C Trotter
Correspondence 9th October
SEND Parents’ Evening
Dear Parents of Children with SEND,
We are aware that many parents with SEND children often have additional meetings or contact with their child’s class teacher and therefore do not need extra time at Parents’ Evening.
If you are happy with the 10 minute meeting on either of the two days that have been offered, then this will be great for us too, however, if at the end of your appointment, you or the class teacher feel more time is needed to discuss your child’s progress/learning, a further appointment can be booked for a mutually convenient time.
Thank you
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 9th October
BMBC Questionnaire regarding Childcare Facilities
Dear Parents,
We have been asked to share the link below to a short questionnaire regarding the difficulties parents/carers might face when sourcing childcare.
This has been sent to us from a Childcare Sufficiency Officer within the Early Start and Prevention Team within BMBC. The questionnaire closes next Monday (14th October).
Thank you
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 7th October
Y5/6 Football Event – Friday 11th October
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Event at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 11th October. The event will start at 1pm and will finish before 3pm. Children will return to school for the normal finishing time.
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential, however we do have spares in school if you require any.
Parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 7th October
Y6 Barnsley Bright Nights Parade – Saturday 23rd November
Dear Y6 Parents and Carers,
We have an exciting opportunity for our Y6 children and their families to be part of Barnsley Bright Nights Parade.
We are working with Fusion, Barnsley’s Cultural Education Partnership, on an exciting project funded by Arts Council England. The first part of the project has seen three artists coming into school to work with our children to create artwork and a performance as part of Bright Nights Illuminated Parade. This brilliant event is being held in Barnsley town centre on Saturday 23rd November, to round off the Bright Nights Festival. This year, you and your children have a very special opportunity to be part of it.
We really hope our Y6 children will come along and join in the parade to show off their hard work to the crowd, including the Mayor of Barnsley. Free transport will be provided to and from the event (pick up and drop off at school, time to be confirmed) for every child who wishes to come along, as well as their parents/carers. (places are limited, so book early to guarantee your seat). If you wish to bring siblings, please let us know, and we will try our very best to book seats for them however, we cannot guarantee this. For a child to take part, they MUST be accompanied by their parent or carer, who will need to walk with their child in the parade.
Here is a film of last year’s parade to give you an idea of how special an event this is – the children who took part last year absolutely loved it – it was something they will always remember!
If you would like to travel to Bright Nights on the coach from school, please email by Friday 8th November.
If you are planning on making your own way there, please let school know so that we know how many children to expect at the event.
More information about timings, what to expect from the parade, what clothing to wear, and any items to bring will be sent to you closer to the date.
We wanted to let you know as soon as we could about this brilliant opportunity so you can make sure you don’t miss it!
If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me in school
Kind regards,
Mrs Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 7th October
KS2 Non-Competitive Inclusive Event – Thursday 10th October
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a KS2 non-competitive inclusive event at Horizon Community College on Thursday 10th October 2024. The event will start at 1pm and finish for 3pm. Children should arrive back at school before the end of the day.
This is an inspire and engage event ran by the School Games. These events have an emphasis on participation and encouraging children to develop sporting skills.
Children will travel to and from the venue via Wyatts Coaches. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, parents are not allowed to attend the event.
Your child will be given a sports top but will still need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 3rd October
The Ellis Home School Agreement September 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope this email finds you well. As we reach the midpoint of the first half term, I want to take a moment to thank you all for your continued support. We’ve had a wonderful half term so far, filled with learning, creativity, and positive energy. It’s been fantastic to see the children settling into routines and enjoying their time at school.
To ensure the rest of the year runs smoothly, I’d like to kindly remind everyone of a few key school policies and have attached a document which I hope you will find useful which includes useful information about The Ellis. Whilst this document may be lengthy, it addresses many frequently asked questions and serves as a valuable resource that you can refer back to as needed.
We truly appreciate your partnership and support in helping us create the best possible environment for your children. If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the policies, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you once again and we look forward to even more exciting learning opportunities in the weeks ahead!
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 3rd October
Y4 Geography Fieldwork Walk to Hemingfield Rec – Monday 7th October
Dear Y4 Parents,
As the weather (at the moment) is looking a lot brighter for Monday 7th October, we will have another attempt to walk to Hemingfield Rec for our Geography fieldwork.
The timings will be the same as originally planned, leaving school to begin the walk at 9:15am and arriving back in time for school lunch.
Could all children please come prepared with a water bottle, suitable footwear and a warm coat.
Kind regards
Miss O’Brien
Correspondence 3rd October
Admission Arrangements 2026-27
Dear Parents,
Please find attached an overview of the changes to the admission arrangements.
Kind regards
Joanne Rodgers
Business Manager
Correspondence 2nd October
Looking after yourself as a parent – online seminar
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have been asked to share the following information:
Looking after yourself as a parent – online seminar with parents.
This seminar helps you find ways to take time for yourself as a parent or carer and stay calm so you can juggle family life.
“You can’t pour from an empty cup”
You will learn ways to cope with the everyday ups and downs as a parent, including:
Recognising signs of stress
Tips for recharging our batteries
How to implement the five ways to wellbeing
The seminar will be held over Microsoft Teams.
Kind regards,
S O’Rourke
Family Hub Practice Lead
Correspondence 2nd October
Fundraising for School
Dear Parents/Carers,
As the Christmas shopping period is starting, we thought it would be a good time to remind you of some easy ways you can help fundraise for the school.
Parentkind – a charity that supports school PTAs – have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative. To support our school, all you have to do is opt-in through the Asda Rewards app, shop and scan in store or shop online at
Between 2nd September and 30th November 2024 – every time you shop with Asda using your Asda Rewards app, Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to your chosen Primary school. Also, every time somebody opts-in to support our Primary school, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started.
The supermarket has joined forces with Joe Wicks to support the initiative – look out for the TV advert, radio ads and social media coverage!
It’s as easy as 1,2,3
Asda does the rest, all money raised will be donated to schools to spend on the things they need the most.
Remember, anyone can sign up – so start spreading the news and raising funds for our school.
This initiative is on top of the existing Asda Rewards benefits you get as a shopper – so you won’t lose out on any of your own earnings or Cashpot, so everyone is a winner!
For more details, visit
We are registered on #easyfundraising which means you can raise free donations for us when you shop online! Over 8,000 retailers will make a donation to The Ellis Primary School Hemingfield on your behalf when you shop with them. All the big names like Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Argos, Just Eat and more are ready to donate at no extra cost to you. Plus, join today and we could win a £100 bonus! Sign up here:
Thank you for your continued support.
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 1st October
Y2 Whirlow Farm Residential 2025
Dear Y2 Parents,
Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response to our Year 2 residential to Whirlow Farm next year. I can now inform you that we have 28 children going, which is very exciting news! Now that we have these numbers, I can give you some more information. We plan to take the 3 groups of children on the following dates:
Group 1: Monday 30th June – Wednesday 2nd July 2025
(Leaving at approximately 10.30am on Monday and arriving back at 12pm on Wednesday).
Group 2: Wednesday 2nd July – Friday 4th July 2025
(Leaving at approximately 10am on Wednesday and arriving back at 12pm on Friday).
Group 3: Monday 7th July – Wednesday 9th July 2025
(Leaving at approximately 10.30am on Monday and arriving back at 12pm on Wednesday).
When your child is not on their residential trip, they should attend school as normal. 2 members of staff will stay with each group of residential children, and other staff members will teach the children who are in school.
The cost of the trip will be £110, which includes 2 nights’ accommodation, return travel, food, and all activities whilst we are there. We must inform you at this stage that the cost is non-refundable. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer a discounted price if your child does not sleep over night.
We ask that payments be made via Parent Pay. The total amount will appear on your child’s page, and parents are then able to pay off small amounts at a time (the total amount left will decrease as payments are made), or should you wish to, you can pay the full amount in one go. We ask that all parents meet the following payment deadlines, as we have to pay Whirlow Farm in advance. Should you wish to pay the balance before these dates, that is fine.
First payment of £40 to be paid by Monday 9th December 2024.
Second payment of £35 to be paid by Monday 24th February 2025.
Third payment of £35 to be paid by Monday 12th May 2025.
Parents are invited to a meeting on Tuesday 20th May 2025, at 5pm to discuss what your child will need to bring and to give you more information. Should you have any questions prior to this time, please do not hesitate to pop in and see Mrs Trotter.
Thank you for allowing your child to take part in this experience. We are sure that many lifelong memories will be made whilst we are there!
Kind regards,
Mrs Trotter
Year 1 teacher and KS1 Leader
Correspondence 1st October
Barnsley Rockley Rotary Club’s annual art competition
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have been invited to enter Barnsley Rockley Rotary Club’s annual art competition, once again. This year the entries will be judged by Barnsley born comic book illustrator Dean Ormston. The competition is open for children from F2 up to Y6, and 12 successful entrants will have their work on display at Barnsley Metrodome along with this year’s winners.
If your child would like to take part, the competition criteria is listed below:
The closing date for this competition is Thursday 17th October.
I am really looking forward to seeing the fantastic artwork that your children produce, I feel very privileged to lead art at The Ellis and am so proud of the work that I see produced in and around school.
Mrs Brinkley
HLTA/Art Lead
Correspondence 30th September
Young Voices Information
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are very excited to let you know that we are about to launch into our Young Voices rehearsals from this week. Mrs Trotter and Mrs Edwards spent the day last Wednesday at the YV teacher’s workshop and are ready and raring to go. The day highlighted that we have a lot of songs and dances to learn, but also showed us that yet again, we are in for a phenomenal concert!
YV Practise Schedule
Children are expected to attend a half an hour rehearsal each Tuesday lunchtime (after they have had their dinner) in the Y1 classroom starting on Tuesday 1st October. This rehearsal is compulsory and we will focus mainly on learning the songs and going through the dances as well.
As both space and time is limited on a Tuesday, this year we are offering an after school Young Voices club on a Friday (starting on Friday 4th October) run by Mrs Edwards / Mrs Trotter which is optional. The club will be held in the hall which means we can focus more on the dance moves as well as practising the songs again. It will last until 4:15pm and parents are asked to collect the children from the main entrance unless they have prior permission to walk home by themselves after a club. Your child does not have to attend every week, however it would be lovely to see as many as can make it, and what a way to end a busy school week! Children should come to the hall after school where they will be registered. Please remember that all the videos and tracks are available on the Young Voices Music Room app / website using the school code sent out to you in a previous email, should they wish to practise a little more.
Tickets and T Shirts
The final deadline for ordering tickets and t shirts is 21st October. At this point Young Voices will ask us to submit all the orders which means that the tickets should all be in one block as in previous years. If anyone requests tickets after this date, they may be sold out or they are not guaranteed to be seated with all the other parents. We are also not sure if the cost of buying them after this date will increase. Therefore, if you want a t shirt or any tickets, please do ensure your order is in and fully paid for by 21st October. As soon as Young Voices ask us to submit the orders, we will be doing so to ensure they have been ordered for everyone. Just a reminder, the tickets and t shirts will come in bulk to school and Mrs Trotter will send them out. Again, please do not worry if the tickets do not arrive until a couple of weeks before the event, this is quite normal.
All that is left to say is that we can’t wait to get started on Tuesday and to raise the roof with our practises! It is going to be a good one!
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter and Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 30th September
Y4/5 Swimming Information
Dear Parent/Carer,
In addition to their swimming kit, your child will now need a t-shirt and shorts every Friday, for their lesson. The reason for this is that the swimming instructors will be incorporating water safety into each lesson. Please also send a plastic carrier bag to use for wet clothes.
Thank you for your support.
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 2nd October
Consultation letter – The Ellis CE (VA) Primary School Admission Arrangements 2026-27
Correspondence 26th September
Y5 Religious Studies Day – Tuesday 1st October
Dear Parent/Carers,
We are pleased to inform you that Y5 have been invited to attend a Religious Studies day at Wath Academy on Tuesday 1st October 2024. This will be an opportunity to take part in a range of learning activities led by the staff at Wath Academy. Mrs Wise and Mrs Wood are excited to be taking the children on this trip. We will be travelling by coach, provided by Globe Travel. There will be no cost associated with this trip.
On the day of the trip your child will need to bring a water bottle and be wearing school uniform, a waterproof coat and suitable footwear. We will eat lunch in school before we depart, however as this will be earlier than our usual lunchtime it would be advisable to provide a packed lunch for that day if possible.
Our extra-curricular and sporting trip form covers local events, therefore there is no requirement for you to give additional consent for this trip.
Kind regards,
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 24th September
Secondary School Open Evenings
Dear Y6 Parent/Carer,
We have been asked to pass on further details of the secondary school opening evenings below.
Netherwood Academy – Thursday 26th September
Tours are 4:30pm and 5:30pm.
Penistone Grammar School – Thursday 3rd October
The open evening timings are:
Principal Presentation 4.30pm and repeated at 5.30pm
Department Tours 5-7pm
For more information, please visit Penistone Grammar School
Thank you
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 24th September
Y3/4 Football Tournament – Friday 27th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Jump Primary School on Friday 27th September. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm depending on how well the school perform!
If the weather is fine, the children will walk to the event however, in the event of adverse weather, Mrs Fiddes and Mrs Edwards are insured to transport the children in their cars. Children have to return to school after the event and cannot go straight home from the football.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential, however we do have spares in school if you require any.
Parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 23rd September
Y4 Walk to Hemingfield Rec – Monday 30th September
Dear Y4 Parent/Carer,
As part of our Geography fieldwork this half term, we are planning to walk to Hemingfield Rec on Monday 30th September. We will be leaving school to begin the walk at 9:15am and will be back in time for school lunch.
Please send your child to school with a water bottle, suitable footwear and a waterproof warm coat, in case we have a change in weather at the end of the month.
Our extra-curricular and sporting trip form covers local walks and there is no requirement for you to give your consent to this trip.
Kind regards
The Y4 Team
Correspondence 24th September
Y3/4 Colour Run Event – Thursday 26th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to attend a 2km Y3/4 colour run event at Horizon School on Thursday 26th September. The route will be marshalled so the children will know where to go around the simple route. The aim is to inspire participants to continue their physical activity journey.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish by 2:15pm. Your child will have lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:20pm.
Children will need to bring old clothes comfortable for running in. It is more effective if the children are in white t shirts, and they will need to bring a top or a coat for afterwards to keep the bus clean. They will need their water bottles and inhalers if they require them. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
If your child wishes to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes, they are permitted to do so, however this is not essential.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you do not wish your child to take part, please let us know, and they will remain in school for the afternoon.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 24th September
Foundation Stage Workshop Reminder – Tuesday 24th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
This is reminder about our free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) tomorrow, Tuesday 24th September, at 4.30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop ‘What to expect in the Early Years’ will be held in the ICT Suite and will start at 4.30pm. If you have requested a child care place, Mrs Wise will be running a small creche in the school library. Please drop your child off there before making your way to the ICT Suite.
Refreshments will be available free of charge.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr D Grayhurst & Mrs T Pollard
Correspondence 20th September
The Great Cable Challenge
Dear Parents,
We have been invited by the Policy and Compliance Team at Barnsley Council to join ‘The Great Cable Challenge’, a project to promote the re-cycling of e-waste, especially cables. Cables are full of valuable metals, however, most of them end up in landfills or incinerators.
We will be sent a pop-up box to use as a collection point on October 14th, the first day of Recycle Week, where children and their families can bring unwanted or broken cables. This will help make a difference to the environment and save some precious metals from going to waste.
Thank you for your support.
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 20th September
Y1 Information and Reminders
Dear Parents,
Having been in Y1 now for three weeks, I just wanted to send a message with a few ‘thank yous’ and reminders.
Firstly, thank you so much for all your help in settling the children into Y1 so quickly and the support you have shown the Y1 staff. We are so impressed with how they have coped with the numerous changes from FS2 to Y1 and are really pleased at how they have embraced the KS1 busy timetable and all the new things they have been shown. We recognise that they are tired at the end of a day, but have to praise them for the number of things they are getting through at school every day. Please give them all a well-deserved cuddle and a pat on the back!
Thank you for your patience at the end of the day. We are getting quicker and please forgive us if we are still asking which child you are here for. There are a lot of new faces to learn but we are getting there.
We are very impressed at the number of children who have remembered PE kits on the correct days and book bags. It really helps us when the children have all they need so please continue to do this.
Thank you also for providing your child with a pair of pumps and wellies. If you haven’t had chance to bring any wellies in yet, then please could you do so as the grass in our outdoor area, which we use every Thursday, is getting a little wet.
Well done to everyone who has managed to log onto Seesaw, Spelling Shed and Class Dojo. If you are having difficulty with any of these things, please do just ask.
A few reminders:
Our jewellery policy states only small stud earrings and a watch (if you feel your child is ready for one – at this young age, they can be a big distraction as they do tend to end up ‘playing’ with them). They are not allowed bracelets and necklaces.
Children are encouraged to bring water in their bottles (we have noticed a few bottles of juice). If this causes a problem, please come and see me so we can discuss it.
No nuts at all in lunchboxes please as we do have children with nut allergies. This includes Nutella based things.
Please do not attach keyring toys etc to rucksacks and books bags or allow children to bring toys into school. Unfortunately, our cloakrooms are very small and the same with storage spaces for 27 book bags. These are currently causing a problem at the moment, as not only are they taking up space, children are wanting to play with them and get upset if they fall off or are damaged. The children are very good at working out which are their things and do not need large keyrings to identify their belongings.
Please ensure everything is named, especially jumpers and cardigans. We know how expensive things are to buy and it makes it so difficult to find the owner if things are not named. We want to help you get your belongings back if they are lost.
One slight change I have made to the week, having looked at our very busy Friday afternoon timetable of PE, computing and gold awards, is that ‘Recommended Read Library Books’ will be changed on a Thursday, not a Friday. Please ensure if your child wants to change it, that they have it in school on that day.
I recognise that this is a lot of information, but I really want to ensure your child makes the most of every minute at school, to ensure we maximise learning time. By working together, I know we can help all our amazing Y1 superstars have the best year possible.
A massive thank you for all your support so far this year. We really are having a wonderful time in Y1 and I am so proud of each and every child.
Kind regards
Mrs C Trotter
Correspondence 19th September
Y6 Artsmark Project
Dear Y6 Parents and Carers,
We are excited to inform you that our Y6 class has been selected to take part in an Artsmark project. This project will run throughout the school year and offer a range of opportunities with artists in residence and enrichment activities. The first project the class will be working on is linked to Barnsley Bright Nights, with pupils contributing and possibly participating in the event.
This project has been funded by The Arts Council England and is facilitated by Fusion (Barnsley Cultural and Educational Partnership) and Mrs Brinkley, with an action research project running alongside the exciting opportunities that will be offered to the class. The research project is investigating the question ‘Why arts and creativity is so important to supporting children and young people’s mental health?’ As part of the research aspect of the project, the researchers may seek parental views on this. As a school, we are committed to offering a broad and balanced curriculum and feel that this project offers our children unique opportunities. We are one of only two schools in the Barnsley area to be selected to take part.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Brinkley, who is excited about this project and more than willing to answer any queries.
Many thanks,
Y6 Team
Correspondence 19th September
School Milk Registration Information
This email originated from outside the domain. Please treat any links and attachments with caution.
Dear Parents,
The School Food Standards legislation states that lower fat milk must be available for all pupils during the day and should be offered free of charge for children who are eligible for benefits-based free school meals.
Please find attached a flyer from School Milk, our milk provider, containing everything you need to know regarding registering for an account.
Thank you
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 18th September
Foundation Stage Library Session Reminder
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are pleased to announce that we will be reintroducing our EYFS Library Session in the School Library, every second week, beginning Thursday 19th September for Nursery children and their families and Friday 20th September for Reception children and their families. This will be a ‘pop in pop out’ session where you can spend a short time choosing a book with your child.
We hope that you are able to attend with your child.
Here is a reminder of how our library sessions will run:
If you have any questions regarding our new library sessions, please see your child’s class teacher.
Many thanks and kind regards,
The Early Years Team.
Wednesday 18th September
Allergy Information for Cooking Lesson
Dear Parents/Carers,
This half term, our DT topic is Cooking and Nutrition: Eating Seasonally. Over the next few lessons, we will be developing our cutting and peeling skills for different fruits and vegetables, tasting different fruits and vegetables and making our own seasonal tarts.
The ingredients we will be using is:
puff pastry
tomato puree
red cabbage
spring onion
Please could you let us know by next Wednesday if your child has an allergies to any of these ingredients.
Thank you,
The Year 3 Team
Correspondence Tuesday 17th September
Macmillian Cancer Support Colour Run – July 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
July seems like a distant memory now, however I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who came to support us at the colour run on 16th July. We had a brilliant afternoon and it was a fantastic way to end the summer term. There were many smiling faces and the atmosphere was amazing!
Our reasons for holding the colour run were to raise funds and increase awareness towards Macmillan Cancer Support charity and the incredible work that they do. I am pleased to say that, as a school, we have sent £200 to the charity from donations and proceeds from the cake sale. I know many families also raised sponsorship and made donations directly to the charity.
Once again, thank you to all involved, whether you were brave enough to run the course, you donated baked goods, or you bought a cake or two on the day. We couldn’t have held the event and sent such a large donation to the charity without your generosity and support.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 17th September
F2/Y1 Phonics Parent Workshop – Monday 7th October
Dear Parent/Carer,
F2 / Y1 Phonics Parent Workshop
We are holding a phonics workshop on Monday 7th October at 4.30pm in the hall.
During this session, we will explain how phonics is taught in school and the ways in which you can support your child effectively at home. You will also have the opportunity to see the resources we use in school on a daily basis and to ask any questions.
Please note that for any of our Y1 parents who may have attended the phonics workshop last year, this will be a refresher course, however, we encourage as many people as possible to attend.
Kind Regards
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 16th September
Secondary School Open Evenings
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see attached details of the secondary school open evenings in our area.
Secondary School Open Evenings 2024
Kind Regards
The Ellis Team
Correspondence 16th September
Meet and Greet Coffee Afternoon and ‘The Graduated Response’ Speaker – Wednesday 18th September 2:15pm
Dear All Parents and Carers,
On Wednesday 18th of September at 2:15pm, we would like to invite you to a coffee afternoon with the purpose of meeting Mrs Edwards, our headteacher, Mrs Wise, our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), Mrs Gay, our Parent Support Advisor, and to listen to a talk by Frances Whayman from the Local Authority SEND team about The Graduated Response.
In their journey at The Ellis, all our children will have challenges and successes and we are keen to support them all, and you as their families, through the highs and the lows. Please come along to find out more about our school team and the support that can be put in place if it is needed.
To help us manage numbers, please email if you will be attending.
Many thanks,
The Ellis Team
Correspondence 16th September
Ellis Information
Dear Parents/Carers,
We would like to let you know that there has recently been a couple of incidents where strangers have approached children after school in the Tankersley and Birdwell areas. Whilst these incidents have not resulted in any harm, we wanted to make you aware so you can speak with your children, particularly those who have permission to walk home alone, about the importance of being cautious around strangers and what steps to take if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
Please remind your child to:
If you have any concerns or notice any suspicious activity, please do not hesitate to contact the school or local police.
Parking Safely
Whilst we understand that parking at school drop off and collection is a constant pressure for everyone, please be considerate to our community when parking. We sadly have had complaints from our neighbours that cars are parking unsafely at the bottom of Garden Grove, making it dangerous for pedestrians crossing the road, and for cars exiting onto School Street. We continue to recommend parking a 5 minute walk away from school, this is healthier for us and better for the environment.
We thank you for your support with these matters.
Kind Regards
Emily Edwards
Correspondence 16th September
KS2 Girls Football Tournament – Friday 20th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a KS2 Football Tournament at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 20th September. The event will start at 1pm and will finish before 3pm. Children will return to school for the normal finishing time.
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential, however we do have spares in school if you require any.
Parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 13th September
Foundation Stage Library Sessions
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are pleased to announce that we will be reintroducing our EYFS Library Session in the School Library, every second week, beginning Thursday 19th September for Nursery children and their families and Friday 20th September for Reception children and their families. This will be a ‘pop in pop out’ session where you can spend a short time choosing a book with your child.
We hope that you are able to attend with your child.
Here is a reminder of how our library sessions will run:
If you have any questions regarding our new library sessions, please see your child’s class teacher.
Many thanks and kind regards,
The Early Years Team.
Correspondence 12th September
Attendance and Punctuality Procedures
form should be collected from Mrs Gay, completed fully and handed in to the office.
Generally, the DfE DOES NOT consider a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation to be an exceptional circumstance.
If we have reason to believe your child is on holiday, and no form has been handed in, you will receive a ‘Reason to Believe’ letter.
If a leave of absence form is not handed in then your child could be classed as a child missing education.
Attendance and punctuality will be taken into account prior to a decision being made with regards to exceptional circumstances.
Please note that attendance and punctuality are monitored rigorously both by school and the Education Welfare Service. When a child’s attendance level drops below 96.7% parents will receive a phone call and may be asked for evidence of a doctor’s appointment regarding any further absences. Mrs Gay will work with parents to improve attendance as
poor attendance at school can result in fines for parents.
If attendance does not improve then a referral to the Education Welfare Service will be made as they may be able to offer different strategies that may work for you and your family.
If your child’s attendance drops below 90%, it is classed as persistent absence and you will be asked to attend a meeting to discuss how we can improve your child’s attendance.
From September 2019, there is a revised code of conduct for issuing penalty notices please read the following:
Revised Code of Conduct for the issuing of Penalty Notices to parents for unauthorised pupil absence or leave of absence from school September 2019.
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) has now received Council Cabinet approval for changes to the Code of Conduct regarding the issuing of Penalty Notices which are to be implemented from the 2nd September 2019. (See appendix 1). The proposed changes to the Code of Conduct were circulated to Schools, Academies, Governing Bodies, Chief Executives of Academy Trusts and the Chief of Police for Barnsley as part of the consultation period which commenced on the 18th January 2019 and concluded on the 15th February 2019.
The changes to the Code of Conduct are:
The removal of the following criteria which Headteachers were required to consider under the current Code of Conduct when assessing the merits of a leave of absence request during term time:
Under the new Code, Penalty Notices will be issued if any of following three conditions applies:
Legal Context
The Education Welfare Service Issues Penalty Notices on behalf of all schools and academies across Barnsley as part of the Council’s statutory duties. Penalty Notices are issued by the Local Authority at the request of Headteachers (or designated Deputy). Prior to any request, the school must ensure that they can evidence that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the parent/carer has committed an offence under Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996. The offence relates to the unauthorised absence during the period in question and not the non-payment of the fine, therefore, schools must consider each case on its own merits to ensure it passes the evidential test.
(1)If a child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, his parent is guilty of an offence
Impact on Attendance
The changes will provide clarity across the system which has been lacking since the Supreme Court hearing in April 2017 and the continued delay in the issuing of revised guidance from the DfE. The proposal will ensure that Barnsley is aligned with other Local Authorities across the country that have amended their respective Codes. The proposal will further promote to families the importance of consistent attendance and this will support the ongoing efforts of schools and the Council in raising awareness of children, young people and families of the impact that attendance has on their education and longer-term outcomes. The proposal is part of a strategy across the Council and the Barnsley Alliance to improve attendance.
Please remember all holidays in term time are classed as unauthorised absences unless there are exceptional circumstances that have been discussed with school, and;
failure to inform school with a reason for any absence is classed as an unauthorised absence, which can also lead to a fine.
Attendance statistics are collected regularly throughout the year by the DfES and in order for school to achieve a good attendance record we rely on the support of parents/carers.
If you are experiencing any issues or need some support, please contact Mrs Gay.
Thank you for your support in ensuring that we have good attendance and punctuality rates.
Yours sincerely
Mrs T. Gay
PSA / Attendance Officer
Correspondence 12th September
Y5 Geography Fieldwork Trip – Monday 7th October
Please note: ‘The information below will also have been shared on our Class Dojo story. If you have not yet signed up for the Class Dojo platform, then please do. It is a great way of finding class specific information.
Dear Y5 Parent/Carers,
We are planning a Year 5 Geography Fieldwork Trip to Elsecar Reservoir on Monday 7th October 2024. This is linked to our ‘Why do oceans matter?’ learning and will be an opportunity to observe and collect data about a local marine environment. This will give us a chance to use field study skills and to make links between our learning about the ocean and the bodies of water in our locality. We will be making a sketch map, collecting data on plants, animals and litter and making observational drawings of key human impact on the area.
We will be leaving school after registration at 8:45am, walking along the canal to Elsecar Park, walking around the reservoir and stopping at three points to make tally charts regarding any litter in the area, observations of animals and plants and drawings of key geographical features. We intend to be in school for lunch, however we may eat slightly later than our usual time.
On the day of the trip, your child will need school uniform, a waterproof coat, suitable footwear for a potentially muddy walk, and a water bottle. We suggest pupils bring a rucksack in which to carry their water, as they will also be carrying clipboards for data collection.
We ask that you give permission for your child to take part in this trip via ParentPay, which you may do so straightaway at
Kind regards,
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 12th September
50 Recommended Reads
Dear Y1-Y6 Parents,
Exciting news! As a school we have purchased a set of 50 brand new books for each class, Y1 – Y6. These are called ’50 Recommended Reads’ and the packs have been put together by a team of experts, who have selected the best 50 books for each year group. They cover a variety of themes, from classic stories to modern adventures and include a range of picture books, non-fiction books, chapter books and poetry collections. They are stunning books which we hope our children will love to read. The children will soon be able to choose a book to bring home and will regularly change these books in school.
As we have spent a considerable amount, we would like these books to bring enjoyment to our children for years to come. We kindly ask, therefore, that they are well looked after when they are brought home.
We have spoken to the children around the importance of looking after all books and that they need to be returned to school in the same condition they were taken home. If any book is returned damaged or defaced, parents will be required to cover the cost of purchasing a new book.
Please see the list below for the list of 50 Recommended Reads and we look forward to the children having many hours of pleasure reading them.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 12th September
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Free School Meals
To find out more information on free school meals and how to apply, please see the attached flyer.
F2 and Y6 National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
Please see the attached poster for further details on this programme for F2 and Y6 children.
National Child Measurement Programme Poster
Health Protection Public Health
As we head into the autumn and winter seasons, the Health Protection Public Health team at Barnsley Council would like to share the following information and attachments:
Barnsley schools Pharmacy First
When can my child return to school Barnsley
Thank you
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 11th September
Y5/6 Football Tournament – Friday 13th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 13th September. The event will start at 1pm and will finish before 3pm. Children will return to school for the normal finishing time.
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential.
Parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 11th September
Swimming Lessons – Friday 13th September
Dear Parents,
A reminder of your child’s swimming lesson details for Friday are below:
Swimming sessions begin on Friday 13th September 2024 for 7 weeks until Friday 25th October. Swimming lessons will recommence on Friday 8th November for a further 5 weeks until Friday 6th December 2024.
Your child will need to bring a swimming bag containing:
Girls should have a one piece bathing suit, no Bikinis or Tankinis.
Boys should wear swimming shorts, but these should be tight fitting and should not be longer than the middle of the thigh.
If your child does not have a swimming cap, please send £2 in a labelled envelope on the day to purchase one at the centre. All monies should be handed to reception before registration.
Any medication your child may require, such as asthma medication, will be taken to the pool. Please ensure that, if your child has asthma, a spare reliever inhaler is available for them to use during the school day, by leaving one with our office staff.
Parents are not allowed to come along to spectate during the swimming lessons.
Thank you
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 11th September
Y5 PGL Residential Trip 2025
Dear Y5 Parents and Carers,
We are delighted to let you know we have provisionally booked our Y5 residential trip for next year, at PGL Caythorpe Court, for 31st March – 2nd April 2025.
We have chosen the dates of the trip in order to secure a more reasonable price of approximately £250. This includes transport costs but will depend on the number of children going.
The booking is only being held for a short period, therefore we will need to confirm numbers by Monday 16th September. Please reply to this email to confirm if your child would like a place. This will give an initial indication of interest and allow us time to put the deposit on ParentPay for you. Please note that if you do not get in touch, we will assume that you do not want a place for your child on the trip.
To secure your child’s place, an initial deposit of £40 will be due by Friday 27th September. A further interim payment of £55 will be due on or before Friday 13th December. The remaining balance will be due by Friday 24th January. As always, there is the option to pay in small, regular amounts if you prefer to spread the cost of the visit, as long as the deadlines are met.
We would like to inform you of PGL’s cancellation costs below:
4-8 weeks before travel – 60% of the whole balance is retained/needs to be paid.
2-4 weeks before travel – 80% of the whole balance is retained/needs to be paid.
2 weeks or less before travel – 100% of the whole balance is retained/needs to be paid.
As soon as we have final numbers, we will be able to give an exact costings, however we do not envisage this to be over £255 per child. If there are less than 14 children, unfortunately the trip will not be able to go ahead.
For more information about this trip and the types of activities on offer please visit:
Primary School Residential Trips | PGL Education
Looking for a fun and educational primary school residential trip? Look no further than PGL! With over 50 years of experience, we can provide the perfect trip for your students. Visit our website today to learn more! |
If you have any questions about the trip, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Wise.
Please note participation on this trip will be dependent on consistent good behaviour in school.
Many thanks,
The Ellis Team
Correspondence 10th September
Foundation Stage Workshop – Tuesday 24th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
We will be running a free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) on Tuesday 24th September at 4.30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop will focus on ‘What to expect in the Early Years’ and will offer you a valuable insight into how to support your child’s learning and development whilst they are in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Refreshments will be available free of charge. Childcare will also be available for children in F1 and F2 for the duration of the course.
A letter is going out about this workshop at the end of the school day. If you would like to attend the workshop, please complete and return the slip at the bottom of the letter to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr D Grayhurst & Mrs T Pollard
Correspondence 10th September
Y2 Whirlow Farm Residential 2025
Dear Y2 Parents,
As some of you may be aware, we run an annual 2-night residential trip for our Y2 children to Whirlow Farm in Sheffield. In July, we took 29 Y2s and we had an absolutely brilliant time! Our Y2 Whirlow residential is a wonderful experience and one which our current Y6 children talk about fondly from when they visited all those years ago! This will also be the 10th year we have run the residential!
Whirlow Farm is a very popular place for Key Stage 1 children to visit and they run residential trips for children all year round (although the summer term books up very early as it is a lovely end of year experience). Their most popular age group is indeed Year 2 as it provides a welcoming, age-appropriate programme for children of this age. Many schools visit year after year and it becomes an annual favourite for Key Stage 1 children!
Whirlow Farm is a working farm with many animals, beautiful woodland and farm walks and space for children to play in the safety of enclosed gardens. It is set in acres of farmland, has a lovely play area and the views are spectacular! The farm staff are very experienced at working with primary school children and there is an onsite educational team who will work alongside the teachers and children during the day.
On one of the days, the children will have the opportunity to take part in a farm tour where they will have the chance to meet lots of farm animals and to help out with the farm jobs (e.g. feeding the animals, grooming them and handling some of the smaller animals). On the second day, the school staff will walk the children to Forge Dam, approximately 1.2 miles away, which has a large duck pond, lovely play area, picnic spots, woodland area and stream which we love paddling in (it is very shallow only coming up to ankle-level and staff are in the water with the children) and yummy ice cream! In the evenings, we will do lots of activities with the children, depending on the weather, including playing games and sports, baking and playing board games and quizzes together. The children will also work together (alongside the school teaching staff) to prepare meals, make packed lunches and wash up! It really is a big team effort but an amazing opportunity for the children to develop their independence in a small, safe environment.
With regards sleeping arrangements; the farm can cater for 12 children and 2 teachers at a time, which would mean that one group would visit whilst the others are at school and on their return the other group would then visit. If we have 24 children or less, we will run 2 trips. If we have more than 24 children, we will take smaller groups of approximately 10 and run three trips (Any child who does not wish to take part in the residential will attend school as normal that week). The children will sleep in a converted hall which has two rooms of 6 children. (The two teachers will have their own rooms within the hall and will look after the children overnight). There is a lovely enclosed garden and it is right in the heart of the farm. Waking up to sheep baaing and the cockerel crowing is magical!
As a parent myself with two children, I realise that it is hard to ever imagine that your own child will be ready for an overnight stay but this residential is a lovely way to let them experience an overnight stay with their friends and teachers they know well in a small, homely and calm environment. Having taught KS1 for many years now, it still staggers me how much the children grow up and change between the end of Year 1 and the end of Year 2. They really do grow in confidence, independence and resilience over the year. Having run this trip for many years now, I can say first-hand that the children gain so much from such an experience and that it provides them with lasting memories. I will be personally accompanying each group with another member of staff from school.
With regards cost, we are unable to give an exact figure until we know how many children will be going (as the hall and coach are a set price regardless of whether it is at full capacity of 12 children or not). I envisage that it will not cost more than £115 based on previous years and may be slightly lower depending on numbers. This will include 2 nights’ accommodation, food, return travel by minibus and all the activities children undertake whilst they are there. Payments can be spread throughout the year and once we have numbers, we will be able to send out a final price and a payment schedule.
As lots of schools are now starting to book residential visits for next year, we have provisionally booked the following dates for our visit, however I need to confirm these dates soon. If we have less than 24 children, then the last date will not be needed.
Mon 30th June – Wed 2nd July 2025 (first group)
Wed 2nd July – Fri 4th July 2025 (second group)
Mon 7th July – Wed 9th July 2025 (third group)
NB – group 1 and group 2 swap over on Wednesday lunchtime. Group 2 are collected from school mid-morning on Wed 2nd July and are taken to Whirlow and dropped off and group 1 are then returned to school on the same minibus.
As we are only able to hold our provisional booking for a certain number of days, please can you reply to this email by Friday 20th September 2024 confirming whether or not your child would like a place. When we have confirmed numbers, I will be able to confirm the exact price. I will then send out payment schedules and details of how to pay on Parent Pay.
Please note participation in this trip will be dependent on consistent good behaviour in school.
If you have any initial enquiries, please pop and see Mrs Trotter or email the office and I will answer any questions you might have. Alternatively, I am sure the current KS2 parents would be happy to speak to you about their experience of the residential.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter (Y1 teacher and KS1 leader)
Correspondence 9th September
Ellis information – Important Dates 2024/25
Dear Parent,
Please find attached our list of important dates for the 2024/25 academic year.
Thank you
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 9th September
Ellis Information – Earrings during PE
Dear Parent,
Every year, schools face questions regarding the wearing of earrings in PE. The National guidance has always been that no jewellery should be worn in PE and that includes swimming and physical activity. It is also not safe to cover earrings, studs or sleepers with tape. The reason is both because of the potential tearing of the ear lobe, but also the very slim chance that the post of the earring could damage the neck, which is where the brachial nerve is running directly to the brain. There are anecdotal cases of children wearing earrings and studs with plasters over being hit by a ball or having a collision, and suffering from injuries as a consequence. There have been awful cases involving jewellery in PE and physical activity, and we are protecting against that happening.
Unfortunately, children and staff are not allowed to help each other to take out earrings. With the children being so young they could potentially cause injury to each other taking them out and also need to be ready themselves for the lesson.
We understand that ears can take time to heal, and if done at the start of the summer holidays then this healing period should be coming towards an end. Therefore, up until October half term we will allow children to wear plastic retainers but only the ones given free from the school office to ensure that these are fully safe, however they may not be sterile. After October half term no retainers will be allowed for PE and if children cannot remove their own earrings, then unfortunately, they will be unable to take part in PE and sporting events.
Once fully healed, it may be beneficial for your child not to wear earrings on PE days to minimise the time taken to prepare for, and after the lesson.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead
Correspondence 9th September
F2/Y1 Thursday Footy Stars After School Club
Dear F2/Y1 Parent,
There are spaces available on Thursdays Footy Stars after school club. The club is led by Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach and costs £2.50, payable directly to Adrian. Parents must remain with their child at this club. Please book your child’s place on ParentPay.
Thank you
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 5th September
Flu Vaccination Programme – Thursday 21st November 2024
Dear F2-Y6 Parents,
Barnsley School Aged Immunisation Service will be visiting school on Thursday 21st November to deliver the flu vaccination programme for our pupils, F2-Y6.
Please see the attached information on how to give consent for your child.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 5th September
Y2 After School Girls Football Club
Dear Parents,
Due to low numbers, we have decided to open up the after school club below to Year 2 girls. If your child would like a place, please book this on ParentPay. There are limited places so it will be first come first served.
KS2 Girls Football, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 5th September
Trinity St Edward’s Information
Dear Y6 Parents,
We have been asked to email the attached letter and open evening information to our current Year 6 parents.
Trinity Academy St Edward’s – Reminder Letter
Trinity Academy St Edward’s – Open Evening
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 4th September
Meet and Greet Coffee Afternoon and ‘The Graduated Response’ Speaker – Wednesday 18th September 2:15pm
Dear All Parents and Carers,
On Wednesday the 18th of September at 2:15pm, we would like to invite you to a coffee afternoon with the purpose of meeting Mrs Edwards, our headteacher, Mrs Wise, our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), Mrs Gay, our PSA, and to listen to a talk by Frances Whayman from the Local Authority SEND team about The Graduated Response.
In their journey at The Ellis, all our children will have challenges and successes and we are keen to support them all, and you as their families, through the highs and the lows. Please come along to find out more about our school team and the support that can be put in place if it is needed.
To help us manage numbers, please email if you will be attending.
Many thanks,
The Ellis Team
Correspondence 4th September
Full Time School Reception Place September 2025 Information
Dear Nursery Parent,
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, they will be bringing home an envelope today containing information about how to apply for a full time school place in September 2025.
We strongly recommend that you apply for a school place online because you will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received. If you don’t receive an email, you MUST contact the Admissions Department at Barnsley Council on 01226 773677.
If you do not live within Barnsley you should apply to the authority where you pay your council tax.
In addition to the above, if you or your child attend a Church and you are applying for a Voluntary Aided School including The Ellis, then you should support your application by completing a Supplementary Information Form. These are available within the online admissions system or from the admissions team. Please note, this is NOT the formal application form.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.
Please be aware that the school does not have access to check who has applied for our school until after the closing date, therefore we would appreciate it if you can inform us that you have applied online and have received an email confirmation.
Should you have any queries, or require any support completing your application, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.
Yours sincerely
Mrs E Edwards
Correspondence 4th September
Secondary School Application Information
Dear Y6 Parents,
Your child will be bringing home an envelope today containing information about how to apply for a Secondary school place in September 2025.
We strongly recommend that you apply for a school place online because you will receive an email confirming that your application has been received. If you do not receive an email, you MUST contact the Admissions Department at Barnsley Council on 01226 773677.
If you do not live within Barnsley, you should apply to the authority where you pay your council tax.
In addition to the above, if you or your child attend a Church and you are applying for a Voluntary Aided School, then you should support your application by completing a Supplementary Information Form. These are available within the online admissions system or from the admissions team. Please note, this is NOT the formal application form.
The closing date for applications is 30 November 2024.
Please be aware that the school does not have access to check who has applied for Secondary school until after the closing date, therefore we would appreciate it if you can inform us that you have applied online and have received an email confirmation.
Should you have any queries, or require any support completing your application, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 3rd September
Class Dojo
Dear Parents,
You may remember, before the summer, we announced that we would no longer be using X (formerly Twitter) to share children’s learning. We have opted to use Class dojo instead as it offers a safer environment for us to connect with our families. Tomorrow, your child will come home with a paper invite to enable you to access the school and class accounts, please check their book bag.
Below is a guide to connecting with us; it can be found online here:
This is a new platform for us all and we may experience a few teething issues, however, there are some key bits of information we’d like to share before we start. Whilst there is a messaging option on the platform, we request that you do not use this as this feature as it will not be checked regularly. Please continue to communicate either face to face with your child’s class teacher or speak to the office.
We would, however, like to encourage you to comment on posts and talk to your children about their learning. Any inappropriate comments will be removed.
As it is a closed platform, we kindly request that you do not share posts on other social media platforms as we have children in school who cannot be online for safeguarding reasons. If you don’t want your child’s photograph to be on Dojo please email the office by Monday 9th September.
There are plenty of guides available on the class dojo website if you are unsure of anything, however, please get in touch if you are struggling to access it.
Thank you for your support with this change.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards and The Ellis Team
Connecting to Your Child’s Class via a Parent Code
Parent codes are unique to each child and allow parents to connect with their child’s teacher on ClassDojo. Each parent code can be used by up to three parents and guardians, making it easy for everyone to stay connected!
All parent accounts linked to a code are separate and private. All connected parents can view the student’s reports and any posts made to the Class Story or Portfolios. However, individual messages exchanged between each account holder and the teacher remain private.
Please note: Parent codes can only be obtained from your child’s teacher. If you haven’t received one yet, please reach out directly to the teacher to get yours!
Learn how to create a parent account using the web, iOS, or Android device below.
From the Web
Here’s how to use a parent code to connect to your child’s class on the ClassDojo website:
Here’s how to use a parent code to connect to your child’s class on the iOS app:
Here’s how to use a parent code to connect to your child’s class on the Android app:
Correspondence 3rd September
Y3 Information
Dear Parent,
We look forward to welcoming your child into Y3 tomorrow.
At the end of the day, please collect your child from the Y3 classroom. We would kindly ask you not to arrive before 3:10pm, to minimise distractions, as children will be getting ready for home time.
Thank you
The Y3 Team
Correspondence 2nd September
New After School Clubs
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are happy to announce that you can now use ParentPay to book your child onto our after school clubs for the next half term.
Our new after school clubs will be displayed within ‘Pay for other items’ when you log into your ParentPay account. Once you have made a booking, you will secure your child’s place for the full half term and do not need to select each week individually. If there are dates when a club will not run, for example inset days or during the last week of the summer term, the date will not be displayed in the booking calendar.
As our clubs are free of charge (Footy Stars is payable directly to Adrian), you do not need to complete the checkout process and confirming your booking will secure your child’s place on the club.
Our clubs can be popular and have a limited number of spaces. If you cannot see the club listed in your ParentPay account, it may be that it is full. Please email to place your child on our waiting list.
Bookings for our clubs will remain open until 11:59pm on Thursday 5th September.
Our clubs run straight after school until 4:15pm.
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
Please remember to use ParentPay to book your child’s place on our clubs.
Y1/2 Multi Skills, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Y4-6 Football, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions.
Y3 Craft/Lego Club, Free of charge with Mrs Willis.
KS2 Girls Football, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions.
F2/Y1 Footy Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 12 places.
Please ensure your child has their PE kit with them. If your child will not be attending club one week, please inform us to avoid any confusion and also so we can make sure they do not get changed at the end of the school day.
Please contact the office if you have any questions regarding our after school clubs or the new booking system.
Kind Regards
The Office Team
Correspondence 19th July
New Attendance Policy and Procedures
Dear Parents,
Please find attached new attendance regulations, policy and absence procedures.
Attendance and Punctuality letter 2024
Many thanks
Mrs Gay
Correspondence 19th July
End of Term Email from Mrs Edwards
Dear Parents,
As we reach the end of another wonderful school year, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support and involvement in our school community at The Ellis. This year has been filled with remarkable achievements and memorable moments; all of which were made possible by your amazing children and your dedication and commitment to their education. We are incredibly fortunate at The Ellis to have to have such a supportive and engaged group of parents.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank staff for the hard work and dedication they show to the children at The Ellis year on year. Some of our amazing events, such as Young Voices, Y2 and Y5 residentials and the colour run, wouldn’t happen without their initiative and planning- which is often in their own time.
As we look forward to the new school year, we aim to strengthen our collaboration with parents. Your feedback and involvement will continue to be invaluable in helping us achieve this goal. Following feedback we have received already, We are making some changes to how we communicate with you. One such change is that we will be stepping away from X as a source of communication with parents, instead opting to share with you via Class Dojo. We will be sending more information out about this, and invitations to sign up, before the start of September. If I could ask you not to request to join us yet as we have to change some settings to get it ready, which can’t be actioned until after this week.
Thank you once again for your support. We wish you and your family a restful and enjoyable summer break, and we look forward to welcoming you back in September.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 19th July
Sensory Resources from September 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
At The Ellis, we recognise that all children are unique and have different needs. We have lots of tools in school to help us identify and support these needs and we work with professionals from other services when the need arises.
Some pupils have sensory needs, including a need to move more or to have sensory tools to support regulation. This academic year, some families have kindly supported their children by providing sensory tools (such as fidget toys, putty, soft toys, notebooks) to try and help meet these needs. We have found that for many children this blurs the line between items being toys and items being tools to help with regulation and this can lead to conflict when they are asked to put them away or if they are lost and broken. It has also led to confusion for pupils who do not need sensory tools but would like to bring toys from home to have in class. For some children, sensory resources cause a distraction rather than supporting learning.
From September, we ask that you allow staff in school to work with your child to build a sensory tool kit if they need one. As a school we will provide a range of resources in order to facilitate this. Parents and carers will be able to work with school to help identify needs and support with conversations about tools that might help, but are asked not to send resources into school.
If you feel your child has an unidentified sensory need then please talk to your child’s class team.
Many thanks,
Mrs Wise
SENCO and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 19th July
Y1 Thank You
Dear Parents,
Well here is my final email of the year!
I just wanted to say on behalf of myself, Mrs Freeman and Mrs Andrews, a MASSIVE thank you, not only for the extremely generous gifts, cards and kind words, but for the year as a whole. We have been overwhelmed by your generosity and your support this year (I have tried to thank each parent face to face, but if I have not managed to do this, due to childminders bringing or a busy time at the start and end of the day, thank you for the beautiful gifts).
We genuinely have had a brilliant year and the children are a credit to you all. I would be very, very proud if I was a parent of any child in Y1. They have made our classroom a fun place to be and allowed us to fulfil my 3 wishes which I set out on transition day back in July 2024 – we want a classroom where we…
Learn lots
Laugh lots
And make lots of memories!
Well, we have certainly done that!
I have spent a long time with Miss Bradbury talking through each child so she is ready to hit the ground running in September. As KS1 lead, I oversee both classes so I will be bobbing in to check how things are going and I know I will see these incredible children continuing their journey. You don’t quite get rid of me yet, as we will have our famous KS1 nativity in December and for those who wish to, I will be accompanying each group on their Y2 residential to Whirlow Farm where we get to continue fulfilling my three wishes outlined above (especially the memories part).
A little message for my Y1 superstars …
Thank you for being you. I have loved being your teacher and can’t thank you enough for making every day in Y1 such fun. You are all so ready to go into Y2 and Miss Bradbury is very lucky to be your teacher next year. Remember I am only next door and love to see our Y2 children pop back and visit me. You have grown up so much this year and are ready to continue your next steps at The Ellis. Have a fab summer and eat lots of ice cream!!!!
Love Mrs T xxx
So, all that is left for me to say is enjoy the summer. I hope the sunshine has been saving itself to burn brightly for the next 6 weeks.
Take care and thank you again.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 18th July
Young Voices – 13th February 2025
Dear Parents,
I am excited to tell you that your child has a place for Young Voices 2025! Just a quick reminder, the concert date is Thursday 13th February 2025.
This year, all ticket and t shirt orders are online. This means that we will not be taking orders through school. It is therefore parent’s responsibility to order them through the link below. The tickets and t shirts will be delivered to school in bulk (not your home address) and I will ensure that as soon as I have them, I will send them out to you. Please do not worry if we do not receive them until a few weeks before the concert, this is normal. I will keep you updated along the way. I do urge that you order as soon as you can, as last year the concert did sell out and once it has sold out, then unfortunately parents will be unable to get tickets to watch.
In order for you to order t shirts and tickets you will need to log on to our school Young Voices account. You need to click on the link below and then register. This is the first year that they have done it this way, so please bear with me if there are any teething problems. I would suggest if there are, you email me directly at and then if it is during the summer holidays I can still try and sort things out for you by contacting Young Voices to resolve any difficulties. In the email I have received it does say that if you already have a login in from last year, then you will need to let me know so that I can contact Young Voices to change your login to 2024/2025 season. Alternatively, if you have a second email address or another adult in the house has an email address you could try setting up an account using that one (as I said, this is new to me as well as you, so I’m no expert!)
Once you have set up an account, then you can access the dashboard and the shop. In the shop, you can place and pay for any tickets or t-shirt (just to reiterate, your child does not have to have a Young Voices t-shirt, a white PE t-shirt is fine. Also, they do not need a ticket themselves, the tickets are only for any family member who want to watch as an audience member). You can also add your child to the Music Room so that they can practise the songs and the dance moves at home.
I have sent home a printed copy of the words and we will begin lunchtime rehearsals in October. I will send out a letter nearer the time about the final arrangements. But for now, please get signed up, order your tickets and/or t-shirts ASAP and enjoy hearing your child start to learn the songs!
Here is the link you need:
Any problems, do let me know and I will endeavour to sort them out as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
Correspondence 16th July
F2 Information
Dear F2 Parents/Carers,
A polite reminder to please return your child’s red homework folder and any library books by Friday.
On Wednesday, we will be having hotdogs and ice cream in class. If your child has any allergies or you do not wish your child to take part, please let a member of the F2 team know.
Friday will be toy day. Children are allowed to bring in one toy. No weapons or electronics please, something easy for the children to share and that isn’t too precious if anything happens to it.
Many thanks
The F2 Team
Correspondence 16th July
Macmillian Cancer Support Colour Run – Wednesday 17th July
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am excited for our colour run taking place on tomorrow, Wednesday 17th July, and thank the parents who have contributed and given consent on Parent Pay already. The cut off for consent is today at 4pm after which, without this consent, unfortunately, your child will be unable to take part.
Your child should come to school dressed in their uniform and if they are getting changed, bring their old clothes (white t-shirt, shorts/long bottoms and trainers) in a bag. Children will get changed in class, before running the colour run at approximately 2:30pm. If they are running in their uniform and a white t-shirt, they can remove their jumper/cardigan beforehand.
Parents are unfortunately unable to watch, however we will take photographs of the event, which we will post on X.
Alongside the run, cakes will be sold during break times on the day. Please send your child to school with 50p if they wish to purchase a bun.
We would love any cake donations for this event – if you are able to help, please let us know and send your donations into the school office tomorrow morning.
After the run, children will return to class to collect their belongings and will remain in their colour run clothes for school pick up.
Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception), are invited to take part straight after school accompanied by an adult. If you would like to take part, then please feel free to come along after school to the Y3/4 playground to join in with the event and complete the course with your child.
I’m hoping the sunshine makes a return for the event as we will be providing the children with sunglasses to protect their eyes from the paint.
Any sponsorship raised is to go towards Macmillan Cancer Support Charity. I have attached a sponsor form; however, we would please ask you to donate directly to the link at Macmillan Donate Page If you would like a paper copy, please collect one from the office.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead
Correspondence 16th September
Nursery Information
Dear Nursery Parents,
This Wednesday will be Hotdog and Ice cream day in nursery. If your child has any allergies or you do not wish your child to take part, please let a member of the nursery team know.
Friday will be toy day. Children are allowed to bring in one toy. No weapons or electronics please, something easy for the children to share and that isn’t too precious if anything happens to it.`
Many thanks
The Nursery Team
Correspondence 12th July
Y1 Information
Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for your understanding over the last 2 weeks whilst I have been away. The children have been brilliant and worked so hard in my absence. I would like to thank Mrs Freeman for keeping everything going and working so hard.
The exciting news is that Whirlow 2025 is booked! I will send out a letter in September which will outline everything and explain what you need to do, should you wish your child to go. I have booked the accommodation from Monday 30th June 2025 to Wednesday 9th July 2025. The children only go for 2 nights in small groups and whilst I won’t be organising groupings until nearer the time and can’t say which 2 nights they will go, I can say that it will be within the above window brackets.
Secondly, please could I ask that reading books (both Read Write Inc and book banded books) are returned on Monday so that I can do a check and get them all ready for September.
Lastly, there are no spellings or homework this week, but thank you for your support with these over the last year.
The children have been brilliant in Y2 during transition days and I am proud of each and every one of them.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
Correspondence 12th July
Y2 Information
Dear Parents,
We hope all our Y2 children have recovered from their exciting time at Whirlow. They were incredible and the staff were proud to take them. I will send out the photo link via email next week.
In order for us to check reading books ready for September, please could I ask that any reading book (Read Write Inc or book banded) be returned to school on Monday please. If you find any on book shelves at home, please return them so that we can do a check to ensure we have everything ready to go out next year.
Thank you for your continued support this year.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
Correspondence 11th July
Y5 PG Film
Dear Y5 Parents,
We have been reading ‘wonder’ in our Vipers sessions and thought it would be lovely for the children to watch the film.
As the film is rated a PG, please contact the office if you do not wish for your child to watch the film.
Thank you,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 11th July
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Amazon Prime Day
It’s Amazon Prime Day 16th – 17th July! You can get great deals and raise free donations for The Ellis Primary School, Hemingfield when you start your Amazon shop at #easyfundraising! It only takes a moment to join and it’s completely free, so please sign up today:
Family Service at St. Mary’s – Sunday 14th
Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Barnsley Lawn Tennis
Barnsley Lawn Tennis Club are running Summer holiday tennis camps. These camps are for anyone who would like to try tennis, or who already plays. Each day will work on a new shot or skill in tennis through coaching drills, with lots of fun games and activities! Welcome to all ages and abilities with sibling discount available.
Mini Camp (4-8 years old)
9am to 11am
Tuesday 23rd July and Friday 26th July
Tuesday 20th August and Wednesday 21st August
Junior Camp (9-18 years old)
9am to 3pm
Packed lunches required
Tuesday 23rd July and Friday 26th July
Tuesday 20th August and Wednesday 21st August
Please book via this link:
Or email
Many thanks
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 10th July
Macmillian Cancer Support Colour Run – Wednesday 17th July
Dear Parents/Carers,
Colour Run – Wednesday 17th July
I am excited for our forthcoming colour run taking place on Wednesday 17th July and thank the parents who have contributed and given consent on Parent Pay already. The cut off for consent will be Tuesday 16th July at 4pm after which, without this consent, unfortunately, your child will be unable to take part.
Alongside the run, cakes will be sold during break times on the day. Please send your child to school with 50p if they wish to purchase a bun.
We would love any cake donations for this event – if you are able to help, please let us know and send your donations into the school office nearer the time.
Cancer has directly affected the lives of our staff, pupils and relatives in school and it is important that we make this a successful event.
Children will be running a minimum 1km obstacle course around the school grounds whilst being doused in colourful paint. I’m hoping the sunshine makes a return for the event as we will be providing the children with sunglasses to protect their eyes from the paint.
Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) children are invited to take part after school accompanied by an adult. If you would like to take part, then please feel free to come along after school to the Y3/4 playground to join in with the event and complete the course with your child.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Correspondence 8th July
Y4 Information
Dear Y4 Parents,
As we enter the last two weeks of term, we would like to thank you for supporting your children in their reading, spellings and homework at home.
We will not be setting any further tasks on Mirodo, although your child will still be able to continue accessing learning on the platform. There will also not be any further spelling sets sent home until the children return to school in September, however, revision lists will load onto Spelling Shed to support practise of spelling patterns.
Many thanks,
The Y4 Team
Correspondence 5th July
Trinity Academy Open Evening
Dear Y5 Parents,
We have been asked to email the attached information about an upcoming year 6 open evening.
Trinity Academy St Edward’s – Open Evening
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 5th July
Y6 Sex and Relationships Curriculum Learning
Dear Y6 Adults,
A quick email to let you know that Y6 pupils have engaged well in our ‘Growing and Changing unit’ of the sex and relationships curriculum learning. We have answered many interesting questions from the children; however, they may come home with further queries or want to talk about some of the topics covered.
We will be having a further session in school exploring some of the questions the children have asked anonymously at the end of today’s lesson.
Kind Regards
Mr Milliner
Correspondence 4th July
Y4 Elsecar Park Geography Field Trip – Wednesday 10th July
Dear Y4 Parent/Carers,
We are excited to inform you of our Year 4 Geography Fieldwork Trip to Elsecar Park on Wednesday 10th July.
Below is a brief outline of our day:
Detailed Plan of our day:
Children are to be in the Y4 classroom at 8:45am. We will ensure that your child has used the toilet facilities before we set off. Staff will register your child and we will set off from school at approximately 9am for the walk to Elsecar Park.
Key crossing points to and from the park will be:
Please note that we will need to be extra vigilant as the paths are quite close to the canal. For this reason, we will not let your child near the water’s edge at any point on our walk. Our journey will take us down Tingle Bridge and along the canal bank until we reach Wath Road. A member of staff will help your child cross the road safely, after which we will continue our walk along the canal bank all the way to Elsecar Heritage Centre. We use the public path that runs parallel to the Heritage Centre car park, which will lead us out to the pathway where the main crossing is for the entrance to Elsecar Park. We will then all cross the road at the crossing outside Elsecar Park, making our way up to the field at the side of the playground/café area.
The Year 4 staff will set up base at the bandstand. This will be the first meeting point where we will remind children of our expectations and discuss the different observation areas they will be rotating around.
There will be three key areas for children to visit in their adult led groups. Once those areas have been visited for the length of time allocated, we will reassemble as a class at the base (bandstand). The children will then have the opportunity for a short play on the equipment available and an adult-led ball game.
At approximately 11am, we will all reassemble at the starting base (band stand) and start our journey back to school at 11:15am, with the intention of arriving back at school around 12pm.
It would be really helpful please if parents could pre-order children’s lunches to save time on the morning of the trip. Please ensure your child is wearing full uniform on the day, along with appropriate footwear for the walk. Sun cream should be applied before school and sunhats worn, if necessary. Water bottles will need to be in school on the day. No money will be required.
Please confirm your child’s attendance on this trip through Parent Pay. Without consent, your child will unfortunately be unable to attend and will remain in school, in an alternative classroom.
We look forward to this last adventure of the school year.
Many thanks and kind regards,
The Year 4 Team
Correspondence 4th July
Y6 Sex and Relationships Curriculum Session – Friday 5th July
Dear Y6 Adults,
We would like to inform you that we will be delivering the ‘Growing and Changing unit’ of the sex and relationships curriculum on Friday 5th July. We will be covering relationships, growing and changing, the male and female reproductive system, conception and pregnancy. If you do not want your child to take part in this lesson, please let me know so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Mr Milliner
Year 6 Teacher / Maths Lead
Correspondence 3rd July
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
School Lunches and Breakfast Club Cancellations
A gentle reminder that it is parent’s responsibility to cancel any bookings that are not required UNLESS this is due to illness the previous evening. Please email the office to inform us of your child’s illness and ask us to cancel any bookings for the following days. The deadline for breakfast club is 4pm the day before and for school lunches 8am on the day.
After School clubs
Scotty’s Heroes will be the only club running during the last week of term. There will be NO other clubs running. Thank you.
Y1-Y6 A reminder of the details for our Colour Run on Wednesday 17th July
We will be offering everyone at The Ellis the chance to take part in a Colour Run to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.
The “Colour Run” involves the children running whilst non-toxic coloured throwing powder is thrown in the air. As you can imagine this will provide lots of fun for the children and some fantastic photos. Children will be offered the chance to run a course around the school grounds. This will consist of obstacles and coloured powder at different sections. Children will need to be dressed in a plain white t-shirt to get the best effect from the colours. As the event will be messy, and although the powder will be washable, we would recommend that children wear old clothes and trainers. An old PE t-shirt would be perfect!
For your Y1 to Y6 child to participate in the colour run, the disclaimer on Parent Pay must be signed by Friday 5th July. If you do not sign the disclaimer, your child will not be able to take part. We are requesting a £3 donation towards the cost of the powder and sunglasses (to protect their eyes from the powder), which can be done on ParentPay.
Any sponsorship raised is to go towards Macmillan Cancer Support Charity. As you are aware, at The Ellis this year, we have been affected with members of staff being diagnosed with cancer and I’m sure many of you have been affected as well either personally or through someone you know. We have attached a sponsor form; however, we would please ask you to donate directly to the link at Macmillan Donate Page If you would like a paper copy, please collect one from the office.
We are hoping it will be a day of celebration with the sun shining. Y1 to Y6 children will run the event in classes in the afternoon. Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) children are invited to take part after school accompanied by an adult.
Children will also have the opportunity to run again with parents after school in exchange for a £3 donation from parents, which can be done on ParentPay. Cakes and buns will also be sold on the day to raise more money and more information will be given about this at a later date.
Thank you for your support
Correspondence 3rd July
Key Dates for the remainder of this half term
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please see below a list of the key dates for this half term.
Thursday 4th July – Whole school closure for Polling
Friday 5th July – F2 library session
Our final Library session for Reception children will be from 8:15–8:45amin ourSchool Library.
Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th July – Y2 Whirlow Residential (Group 3)
Thursday 11th to Friday 12th July – Transition Days
Thursday 11th – full day
Friday 12th – morning transition
Information has already been shared regarding this.
Friday 12th July – Reports Sent Out
Friday 12th July – Celebration of Music Assembly – 2:15pm start
Will be held in the hall – all are welcome.
Monday 15th July – Foundation Stage walk to Elsecar Park
Tuesday 16th July – Y6 Sleepover
Wednesday 17th July – Colour Run Fundraising Event.
Information has already been shared regarding this.
Thursday 18th July – Nursery library session cancelled
Please return any library books that you have before the end of the school year.
Thursday 18th July – Merits Assembly 2pm start
Individual invites will be set out nearer the time.
Friday 19th July – Y6 Leavers’ Assembly 1:15pm start
All Y6 parents and families are welcome. If your child is attending transition at Wath Academy, please can they return to school for 1pm.
Monday 22nd July – Inset Day
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 3rd July
Y5 Spellings and Homework
Dear Y5 Parents,
As we enter the last few weeks of term, we would like to thank you for supporting your children in their reading, spellings and homework at home.
We will not be setting any further tasks on SATS companion, although your child will still be able to continue accessing learning on the platform. There will also not be any further spelling sets sent home until the children return to school in September, however, revision lists will load onto Spelling Shed to support practise of spelling patterns.
Many thanks,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 2nd July
Y5 Puberty Lesson – Tuesday 2nd July
Dear Y5 Parents,
A quick email to let you know that Y5 pupils have engaged well in our puberty learning. They may come home with further questions or wanting to talk about some of the topics covered.
We have covered body changes (including genital), hormones, mental health and hygiene.
We will be having a further session in school exploring some of the questions the children have asked anonymously at the end of today’s lesson.
Kind Regards
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 1st July
Y5 Puberty Lesson – Tuesday 2nd July
Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you that we will be delivering the part of the curriculum that explores Puberty on Tuesday 2nd July. We will be learning about body changes (including genital), hormones, hygiene, mental health and hygiene.
If you do not want your child to take part in this lesson please let me know so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Kind Regards
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 28th June
Afternoon Nursery Coffee Morning Information
Dear Parents,
Our Foundation Stage coffee morning will be held next Wednesday 3rd July.
If you would like your child to join in with this event, please bring your child to nursery in the morning session (8.45am-11.45am), instead of the afternoon session.
Please also inform myself or Mrs. Kelly of this change.
Thank you.
Mrs. Pollard
Correspondence 27th June
Young Voices Concert – Thursday 13th February 2025
Dear Parent/Carer,
It is that time of year again when I get very excited! I have just received the date for our 2025 Young Voices event! With this in mind, we would like to offer the children in Key Stage 2 (Y3 – Y6) the opportunity to take part in “Young Voices” which is a concert for primary school children. It involves over 1 million children all over the country and is quite simply – awesome! Our school has been part of it for the past 14 years and it is an event which children in Year 6 often refer to as one of their lasting memories from their time at The Ellis.
The concert we will be taking part in is at Sheffield Arena on Thursday 13th February 2025 at 7.00pm. Before then there is a lot to do! We will practise the songs and the dance moves one lunchtime each week from October onwards and will send lyrics home for the children and login details so that they can start practising the songs and dances over the summer break.
There is no cost for your child to take part in Young Voices. The children will be transported to and from the concert by coach which will be funded by school. On the day of the concert, children will take part in an afternoon rehearsal at the arena and will be required to bring a packed tea. Staff will then bring the children back to school after the concert at about 9.30pm. (A letter with further details outlining all the arrangements will be sent out nearer the time).
You will be able to buy tickets for the concert (last year the price was £23 but I have not yet received this year’s price. Please note, the price is set by Young Voices, not school). The children need either a plain white T-shirt or a ‘Young Voices’ T-shirt (last year they were £15 for a t-shirt bundle, again I am awaiting the 2025 price list). Once we have received permission for your child to attend via email, we will send out order forms for tickets and t-shirts. Please note, there is no obligation to buy either of these. Tickets ordered through school will be allocated seats together; however, I do have to stick to very rigid deadlines as concerts do sell out, so I have to put the orders in by a certain date. If any parent misses our school deadline, then unfortunately I am unable to put in a second order so you would have to try and purchase tickets from the arena if they have any left. Please note these tickets cost more and sometimes there are no more tickets available after the school orders date closes, therefore I strongly recommend you order through school. I like to pre-warn about the ticket price as when they do go on sale straight after the summer holidays, we have to order quickly so that they don’t sell out so I end up asking for full payment of tickets with only a couple of weeks after we return to school in September, hence I am giving everyone plenty of advanced warning!
You can find out more on the website
Final choir numbers are needed before 30th September so if you would like your child to take part, please respond as soon as possible, before we break up for the summer. We have 63 places available this year as we have booked a 70 seater coach. Please could everybody respond via email to the office to ensure places are allocated fairly and names are kept on a list in one place.
Before replying, we ask that you speak to your child and explain that they are making a commitment to attend one lunchtime practise every week from October up until the concert date. We have sometimes ended up with a waiting list of children who desperately want to do Young Voices and then have other children who have been given a place, but a few weeks in drop out as they do not want to miss their lunchtime playtime. We welcome everyone, but do ask that you check that your child genuinely wants to be involved in Young Voices and will show this by turning up once a week to a lunchtime rehearsal willingly.
Thank you and we look forward to starting rehearsals in October. We will send out a confirmation letter for those who have a place and a link to the words and music tracks so they can get started learning them over the summer holidays!
Yours sincerely
Mrs C Trotter (KS1 lead and music co-ordinator)
Correspondence 27th June
Compass B ‘Move with me’ session – Friday 28th June
Dear Parents,
On Friday, KS1 and KS2 children will have an opportunity to join in with a ‘Move with me’ session during lunchtime led by Compass Be.
Compass Be Mental Health Support Team (MHST) works with children, young people, and families in education settings in Barnsley. They will lead some fun activities and talk about the wellbeing benefits of being active. They will also find out what we already like about playtimes at The Ellis and help us think of ways to improve them further.
Beth Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 2th June
Transition from Nursery to F2
Dear Parents/Carers,
In addition to the email below, we wanted to clarify the arrangements for the F2 transition visits in July.
As we explained in the initial email, your child will have two transition visits before the Summer holidays, a full day on Thursday 11th July and a morning visit on Friday 12th July. On both days your child will need to come straight to their new classroom using the F2 entrance door, which can be located at the top of the path from School Street. Mr Grayhurst will be waiting to greet the children and take them inside. The drop off time is 8:50am and the pick-up time at the end of the day is 3:20pm.
As Friday 12th July is a half day visit only, please collect your child at 12pm from the from the F2 entrance door. If you pay for your child to stay in nursery on Friday afternoon, staff will take your child back to nursery at 12pm, where they will remain until the end of the day.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Beevers
Correspondence 24th June
Y6 Sleepover – Tuesday 16th July
On Tuesday 16th July, children can return to school at 5pm for a sleepover. Children will set their beds up in the hall before going outside to enjoy Nerf Wars and outside activities. After this, we will come in for our tea. As a class, we voted and the outright winner was McDonalds. We will be taking orders from the children in advance and this will be ready for when the activities are finished.
Once we have eaten, we will have some time for some late-night activities outside. If your child is not sleeping overnight, we will request that they are collected from the main entrance at 9pm.
After the non-sleepers have left, we will be settling down to enjoy a film and a ‘midnight feast’. Myself (Mr Milliner), Mrs Brinkley and Mrs Edwards will be the adults at the event.
Children will need the following:
Food will be provided (both evening meal and breakfast). If your child is attending a transitional event on Wednesday 17th July, could we ask that they are collected at 07:30.
We have worked so hard during enterprise week, that the children are able to cover any costs for this event with their profits.
No phones or electronics please, due to safeguarding reasons. Any phones/electronics brought will be placed in Mrs Edwards’ locked office until the end of the next school day.
Mr Milliner
Year 6 Teacher / Maths Lead
Correspondence 24th June
Transition for F2 children into Y1
Dear Parents,
Thank you to the parents who were able to attend our meeting last Thursday, it was lovely to meet you. I hope that the packs given out and sent home are helpful. If any parents who were unable to attend have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask. I appreciate there is a lot of information in the pack, but please do not worry, I will introduce things slowly to the children in September and will keep you all updated throughout the first few weeks of any new things we have introduced now the children will be in KS1. Just a few key pieces of information to help make the transition days in July as smooth as possible.
If you have any questions, please pop in and see one of the Y1 staff.
We all look forward to getting to know the children and their families over the coming weeks.
Kind Regards
Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 24th June
Whole School Transition – Thursday 11th and Friday 12th (morning)
Dear Parents,
I am just emailing to clarify a few details for the transition days in a couple of weeks. I hope this information will answer any queries you may have, but please do ask if you have any further questions.
Thursday 11th and Friday (morning) 12th July –
These are our whole school transition days.
Foundation Stage
Please look out for an email from Mr Grayhurst providing details of the staggered transition days in September. A friendly reminder, FS2 start their day at 8:50am.
Please also refer to the Welcome to F2 booklet, which contains lots of key information about starting school. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Both mornings, please can children line up at 8:45am. Class teachers will be outside to help you know where to stand.
As the children will be spending the Thursday in their new class, we would like to encourage them to use the cloakrooms as they will in September. Please ensure any items of clothing are clearly labelled as the children’s pegs may not have been renamed yet. The children will have already taken their pumps to their new classroom. Please don’t forget to send them with their water bottles. PE kits won’t be needed on these days.
The children will spend the whole day getting to know their new classroom and staff in order to feel fully prepared for September.
Please order your child’s lunch online via ParentPay, or send your child with a packed lunch.
Don’t forget to order milk online for your child over the summer holidays, from Cool Milk.
At the end of the day, please collect your child from the following places:
FS1- Please collect from the nursery door at 3:30pm
FS2- Collect from the classroom door at 3:20pm
Y1- line up by the brown fence opposite the Y1 classroom
Y2- line up opposite the Y2 window
Y3- congregate outside the main office near the disabled car parking spaces
Y4- collect from the classroom
Y5- wait near the brick wall opposite the staff car park
Y6- As Y5. Phones will be brought to this area by a member of staff.
On Friday morning, please line up in the same place as Thursday.
After lunch, staff will ensure all belongings from the new class cloakrooms will be taken back to the child’s current class ready for home time.
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 24th June
Y5 Archie Information
Dear Y5 Parents,
On Monday 1st July, Y5 will be taking part in a litter pick for their Young Leaders end of project task.
As the Archie motto is ‘Be the change you want to see’, we thought that improving our local area was something which all our children could take part in.
Your child will not need any special clothing for the task, and the extra-curricular consent form which you approved on ParentPay will cover this activity.
** If your child still needs to complete their home tasks (cooking a meal, reading with a relative or helping around the home), your support with this would be appreciated. The deadline for me to submit your child’s learning is Tuesday 9th July and tasks competed after this date will not count towards the award.
Kind Regards,
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 24th June
Y6 Trip Information
A couple of reminders for our trip on Friday
As the weather is forecast to remain warm, please ensure that your child has applied sunscreen at home and brings a hat.
Your child will need a packed lunch and enough drinks to last throughout the day.
No spending money is required.
Kind Regards,
The Y6 Team
Correspondence 24th June
Y5 DT Information
Dear Y5 Parents,
This half-term we are doing Food Technology and making Bolognese sauce.
Please can your child bring in an empty jar – a cooking sauce or large jam jar is ideal.
This will be used to attach their designed product label to and bring their sauce home.
We will be cooking over the next three weeks commencing Monday 1st July.
Kind Regards,
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 21st June
Y1 Information
Dear Parents,
As some of you may be aware, our Y2 class will be going on a residential visit to Whirlow Farm during week 5 and some of week 6. I am therefore writing to let you know that I will not be in school Monday – Friday (1st July – 5th July) and Mon – Wed (8th July – 10th July) as I am leading the residential trip and will be away with our Y2 children.
We have looked very carefully at who will cover our Y1 class during my absence and this will be Mrs Freeman, Mrs Andrews and Mrs Law. I have planned all the lessons and prepared everything to ensure that the Y1 children continue their amazing learning journey and I know they will continue to work as hard as they do for me.
They are wonderful children and I will miss them very much but can’t wait to see what they have been doing when I return. I will of course be in touch with Mrs Freeman whilst I am away to ensure they have everything they need and will be keeping a very close eye on X so that I can see all their brilliant learning.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter. The exciting news is that I have just booked for Whirlow 2025 meaning that this time next year, it will be your children who will have the opportunity to take part in a residential and to make memories which will last them a life time.
Kind Regards
Charlotte Trotter
Correspondence 21st June
Ellis Staffing
Dear Parents,
We are pleased to announce that Mrs Gay has returned to work, she will be back to her usual timetable on the 1st July. We would also like to share the lovely news that Miss Saunders has welcomed her new baby into her family. We are very happy to report that both Mum and baby are in excellent health.
Please see below for next year’s staffing.
We are very pleased to welcome Miss O’Brien and Mrs Greenhalgh, to our teaching team at The Ellis. Mrs Greenhalgh will be sharing the teaching responsibility with Mrs Wise, in Y5, whilst Miss Saunders is on maternity leave, to allow Mrs Wise time for her Deputy and SENDCo roles on the days when she is not in class.
F1 – Nursery Class Teacher – Mrs Pollard
Mrs Kelly
F2 – Reception Class Teacher – Mr Grayhurst
Mrs Beevers & Miss Turton
Y1 – Class Teacher – Mrs Trotter
Mrs Freeman, Mrs Andrews, Mrs Lawson & Mrs Willis
Y2 – Class Teacher– Miss Bradbury
Mrs Law
Y3 – Class Teachers – Miss Cook/Miss Beresford
Mrs Lawson
Y4 – Class Teacher – Miss O’Brien
Miss Turton
Y5 – Class Teachers – Mrs Wise/Mrs Greenhalgh
Mrs Wood & Mrs Brinkley
Y6 – Class Teacher – Mr Milliner
Mr Webster, Mrs Brinkley & Mrs Wood
Mrs Beever (HLTA) will be continuing to cover management time and PPA in Y2 to Y3.
Mrs Brinkley will continue to cover management time and PPA in Y4, Y5 and Y6.
Forest School – Mrs Trotter will continue to oversee our forest school sessions.
French – Miss Cook will continue to deliver French in KS2.
This year we will be having a day (11th July) and half a day (12th July) of transition. All the children will move up to their next class to give them the opportunity to be with their new teaching staff and to work in their new classroom before September.
Our current Y6s will have the hall and outdoor areas to use for their learning on those days.
The children who are starting F2 (Reception) in September and are new to our school will have a separate afternoon to visit the F2 class on Thursday 27th June. The children currently in F1 will have their transition days with the rest of school on the 11th and 12th July.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 19th June
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Uniform Swap Shop
Items that have been donated to our swap shop will be placed outside the main reception until after school on Friday, as well as our lost property store. Please help yourself. After this date, the clothes will be placed in the Samaritan’s bank.
Sun Cream
Please can sun cream be applied before school and not brought to school in children’s bags.
F2 Request for plastic water bottles/containers
Our F2 children will be making boots in their DT project, please bring any water bottles/containers into school for the children to use. Thank you.
Menu change Tuesday 25th June
On this day, the lunch will change from ham carbonara to spaghetti bolognese. This change has already been placed on to ParentPay which you will see when you log on to book your child’s lunches.
St Mary’s Church Fashion Show Saturday 22nd June
Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport – free parent webinar
Free webinar for parents and carers – Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport
Yorkshire Sport Foundation is hosting a free webinar around keeping your child safe in sport. It will cover:
The webinar will last around 30 minutes and takes place on Monday 24 June on Zoom. There are three times to choose from, to enable as many parents as possible to attend: 12.30pm, 5pm, 8.30pm.
Participants’ cameras and microphones will be turned off, but any questions can be typed in the chat facility.
Parents and carers can sign up for the webinar here.
Thank you
Correspondence 18th June
Free All Star and Dynamos Cricket Coaching Opportunity
Dear Y2-Y4 Parent/Carer,
We have been asked to email our free school meal families with an opportunity for their Y2, Y3 or Y4 child to attend free cricket coaching with All Stars or Dynamos at Rockingham Colliery Cricket Club in Hoyland Common.
The programme will start on Friday 28th June at 6pm and will run for 8 weeks. Each child will receive one hour of coaching per week plus a personalised All Stars or Dynamos training top.
Places are limited and on a first come first served basis. If your child would be interested in taking part, please email Hannah at or telephone 07736234219 to register your interest. She will then provide you with a code which can be used to gain a place on the programme.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead
Correspondence 18th June
Macmillian Cancer Support Colour Run – Wednesday 17th July
Dear Parents/Carers,
On Wednesday 17th July, we will be offering everyone at The Ellis the chance to take part in a Colour Run to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.
The “Colour Run” involves the children running whilst non-toxic coloured throwing powder is thrown in the air. As you can imagine this will provide lots of fun for the children and some fantastic photos. Children will be offered the chance to run a course around the school grounds. This will consist of obstacles and coloured powder at different sections. Children will need to be dressed in a plain white t-shirt to get the best effect from the colours. As the event will be messy, and although the powder will be washable, we would recommend that children wear old clothes and trainers. An old PE t-shirt would be perfect!
For your Y1 to Y6 child to participate in the colour run, the disclaimer on Parent Pay must be signed by Friday 5th July. If you do not sign the disclaimer, your child will not be able to take part. We are requesting a £3 donation towards the cost of the powder and sunglasses (to protect their eyes from the powder), which can be done on ParentPay.
Any sponsorship raised is to go towards Macmillan Cancer Support Charity. As you are aware, at The Ellis this year, we have been affected with members of staff being diagnosed with cancer and I’m sure many of you have been affected as well either personally or through someone you know. We have attached a sponsor form; however, we would please ask you to donate directly to the link at Macmillan Donate Page If you would like a paper copy, please collect one from the office.
We are hoping it will be a day of celebration with the sun shining. Y1 to Y6 children will run the event in classes in the afternoon. Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) children are invited to take part after school accompanied by an adult.
Children will also have the opportunity to run again with parents after school in exchange for a £3 donation from parents, which can be done on ParentPay. Cakes and buns will also be sold on the day to raise more money and more information will be given about this at a later date.
Thank you for your support
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead
Correspondence 17th June
FS Cleethorpes Trip Information – Monday 1st July
Dear Foundation Stage Parent/Carer,
We are pleased to inform you that we have received enough funds to go ahead with our planned trip to Cleethorpes on Monday 1st July 2024. As you are aware, the money that you have kindly contributed has paid for the cost of the coaches, which is only the financial outlay that has been required for this trip.
Below is an outline of the plans for our day trip to the seaside:
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Pollard & Mr. Grayhurst
Correspondence 17th June
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 20th June from 8:15-8:40am in our School Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 21st June from 8:15-8:45am in our School Library.
If you have any questions regarding this, please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 13th June
Ellis Information
From The E-Safety Office – Monitoring Apps
As we all know, many children have smart phones.
There are settings on the main devices such as Android and IOS, to give parents greater control. However, there are also third party apps which parents can download to ensure they have greater control of their child’s device, these are known as monitoring apps. Some are subscription only with a monthly fee, however, they can give parents a greater piece of mind.
Attached is a useful sheet for parents.
St. George’s Church, Jump, Family Service around the camp fire – Sunday 16th June 4pm
Please see the attached flyer.
Thank you
Correspondence 12th June
Y1 Phonics Screening Check
Dear Parents,
I have nearly completed the Y1 phonics screening check and am so proud of the way the children have tried. I could not have asked anymore from any of them! They all tried their best and have achieved so much this year. When I look at the scores the children achieved in December, compared to now, they have all improved so much and have done themselves proud.
I will not receive the official ‘pass mark’ until 24th June, at which point I will send a letter home with your child’s score on. If your child has not yet scored the ‘Working At’ pass mark, then we will of course, continue to support them in their phonics for the rest of Y1 and throughout Y2, working through the sound gaps they still have ready to re-sit the phonics screening check at the end of Y2. If your child has achieved the ‘Working At’ pass mark, they will continue with their phonics in Y2, building on everything they have learnt in Y1.
Every child has improved and each child is on their own learning journey. As a school we only ever ask a child to try their best and I can honestly say they have all done that this week and I am very proud of them.
Kind regards
Charlotte Trotter
Correspondence 12th June
Foundation Stage Sports Day – 25th June 9:15am
Dear Parents,
We hope that you are ok and you are keeping well.
Our Foundation Stage sports day will be held on Tuesday 25th June at 9:15am until approximately 10:15am.
Please make your way up to the school field and the children will follow after registration. Children will need to wear shorts and t/shirt and trainers- please send them to school in these instead of their uniform. They will also need sun cream on if it is warm, a sunhat and a water bottle.
Afternoon nursery children are invited to attend this event instead of their usual afternoon session. Please let Mrs Pollard know whether your child will be attending Sports Day or their usual afternoon nursery session on this day.
During the sports day you are welcome to take photographs but do not post any photo of another child on any social media site.
After the event, all our Early Years children will be taken back to their classes. If you would like to collect your child from nursery at this time, please wait at the nursery gates and a member of the team will send them to you after another register has been taken. Nursery will be open as usual if you would like your child to stay for the duration of their usual session.
All of our Foundation Stage children will have an ice-lolly in class after sports day free of charge.
Please note that the day will recommence for our Reception children so please pick them up at the end of the day at the usual time of 3:20pm.
In the event of bad weather, we will let you know as soon as possible if we have to cancel the event for health and safety reasons.
If you have any further queries then please do not hesitate to come and speak to a member of the Early Years Team.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr D Grayhurst and Mrs T Pollard
Correspondence 12th June
Y6 Enterprise
Dear Parents,
Your child may have already mentioned that as part of their learning we are holding an enterprise week this half term. This is an ‘IKIC style’ learning opportunity where the children create and run a business in small groups or independently. There are several prizes and awards on offer to recognise the hard work of the children, and the profits we make will be used to pay for an experience before the end of the school year.
I have already introduced the project to the children and they have decided their business ideas and will order their raw materials tomorrow. I know some children have already started making their products, however, next week is our official enterprise week so please do not panic if you aren’t yet aware of this. Pupils will be selling from Monday to Friday and some may request that they can stay after school to run their stalls, these will close at 3:30pm.
The children can choose to run their business outside of school if they wish, however, there will be many selling opportunities next week in school so this is not a requirement of the project.
To get the businesses started, school has offered each child an investment of £5. This is the fairest possible way I could think of for children to be provided with start-up funds. If your child chooses to work in a larger group, they will have a larger budget from school to work with. However, if your child chooses to work independently, then they will have the £5 available to them. All children are aware of this and the advantages/disadvantages for both and have made an informed decision on who they would like to work with. If you have already bought materials/ingredients, you must ensure your child keeps a record of what has been spent so that it can be paid back from any earnings. It is not compulsory for parents to contribute, so please don’t worry if you can’t. One of the key aims of the project is to help children handle real life situations and problem solving such as budgeting and making decisions around money.
The last time we did IKIC, we had some very successful teams and we raised a significant amount of money for the class to spend on making some amazing end of Y6 memories. I will be in touch again once I know what the celebratory event will be.
If, at any time during the project, you have any questions please don’t hesitate to pop in and see me or email school.
Mr Milliner
Year 6 Teacher / Maths Lead
Correspondence 11th June
Y1 to Y6 Sports Day – Monday 24th June
Dear Y1 to Y6 Parents,
We are really looking forward to our KS1/2 sports day on Monday 24th June. Here is a little more information about the day.
The approximate timings for the day are below:
Years 1/2 – 9am – 10:30am
Years 3/4 – 10:40am – 12:10pm
Years 5/6 – 1pm – 2:30pm
The children will compete in a mix of races and field events.
Refreshments (tea, coffee, soft drinks and ice creams) will be available throughout the day. You are welcome to stay for a short time with your child after their session and enjoy refreshments on the playground. Children without an adult attending sports day can bring £1 in a named envelope, and will be able to purchase alongside their friends.
As the Year 3/4 event runs into lunchtime, it would be preferable for those children to have a packed lunch, however it is not compulsory.
Children should come to school in their PE kits and remain in them for the duration of the day.
Please make your way to the school field using the KS2 gates (at the side of the bins). Chairs will be provided on the field for spectators.
We are hoping for a very enjoyable day and we are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather!
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead
Correspondence 7th June
St Mary’s Church Family Service – 9th June
Dear Parents,
Please see the attached for further information on St. Mary’s church family service this Sunday.
Thank you
Correspondence 7th June
Y4 New Maths Mirodo Homework
Dear Y4 Parent,
As you know we have been using the CPG 10 Minute Maths Workout Booklets to help boost our times tables knowledge this year and help us prepare for the MTC which is currently taking place in school until Friday 14th June.
Once the MTC window has closed we will no longer be using the CPG Workout Booklets as a form of Maths Homework in school, however, you can still use these at home at your own disposal.
In replacement of the Maths Homework Booklets following the 14th June, your child will be set a Maths Mirodo Task which will be due in on Friday each week.
We are already using Mirodo for English Homework so it is a familiar platform to the children.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 6th June
Chicken Pox Information
Dear Parent / Carer,
We are writing to inform you that there has been a single confirmed case of chicken pox in three classes at school.
Chicken pox is a mild and common childhood illness caused by a virus called varicella zoster. It is most common in children under the age of 10 and is contagious. The incubation period is approximately 21 days and the person is contagious from 1 to 2 days before the spots appear. The person stops being contagious when the spots have crusted over (usually 5-6 days after the spots appear).
Groups of people that are most at risk of serious problems if they catch chicken pox are newborn babies, pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system; therefore, it is important, if your child has chicken pox, to keep them at home whilst they are contagious.
If a child is suspected of having chicken pox, parents will be contacted immediately and asked to collect their child from school. Children should remain at home until all chicken pox spots have crusted over to avoid further spread of the illness, this includes at pick up and drop off. Should any child return to school before this time, parents will be contacted and asked to collect them and take them back home.
We appreciate your understanding on this and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 5th June
Y5/6 Cricket Competition – Friday 21st June
Dear Parent,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 cricket competition on Friday 21st June at Rockingham Cricket Ground (Hoyland Common).
The competition will begin at 9am and is set to end at approximately 2:30pm depending on how well the children do.
We would love you to come and support your child. Please let the office know if you can provide transport or if you are unable to transport your child so we can ensure everyone can get there. We would like all children and parents to meet at school at 8:30am so we can ensure everyone has transport to the event.
Children and adults will need a packed lunch on the day along with water bottles and PE kits. Tracksuit bottoms can be worn. The children will be given a school shirt when they get there and will need warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 5th June
Y5 After School Club
Dear Y5 Parent,
With reference to the email below, we would like to inform you that the Tuesday Rounders/Cricket club has now been opened up to Year 5 children. Please use ParentPay to book your child’s place.
Thank you
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are happy to announce that you can now use ParentPay to book your child onto our after-school clubs for the next half term.
Our new after school clubs will be displayed within ‘Pay for other items’ when you log into your ParentPay account. Once you have made a booking, you will secure your child’s place for the full half term and do not need to select each week individually. If there are dates when a club will not run, for example inset days or during the last week of the summer term, the date will not be displayed in the booking calendar.
As our clubs are free of charge (Footy Stars is payable directly to Adrian), you do not need to complete the checkout process and confirming your booking will secure your child’s place on the club.
Our clubs can be popular and have a limited number of spaces. If you cannot see the club listed in your ParentPay account, it may be that it is full. Please email to place your child on our waiting list.
Bookings for our clubs will remain open until 11:59pm on Friday 31st May.
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
Our clubs run straight after school until 4:15pm. Scotty’s Heroes finishes at 4:30pm.
Please remember to use ParentPay to book your child’s place on our clubs. Scotty’s Heroes membership is arranged directly with Scotty.
Y1/2 Multi Skills, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Y3/4/5 Rounders/Cricket, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions.
Y1 Craft/Lego Club, Free of charge with Mrs Willis
F2/Y1 Footy Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 15 places.
Y5/6 Rounders, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes –the final session will take place on Monday 10th June. If your child would like to be placed on the waiting list for the Wednesday club, please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term.
Please contact the office if you have any questions regarding our after school clubs or the new booking system.
Kind Regards
The Office Team
Correspondence 4th June
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 6th June from 8:15-8:40am in our School Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 7th June from 8:15-8:45am in our School Library.
If you have any questions regarding this, please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 4th June
Publicity Consent Required – Y5 Wentworth Woodhouse Experience – Friday 7th June
Dear Y5 Parent,
If you have not already done so, please could you consent to your child attending the trip to Wentworth Woodhouse on Friday 7th June via ParentPay.
I have attached a publicity consent form from Barnsley Museums in preparation for our visit. Please could you confirm, by email, if you are happy for photographs, images, video and comments of your child to be used publicly or privately in video, radio or TV broadcast, media websites, social media platforms and on the Barnsley Council, Barnsley Museums, Fusion and Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust (BMHT) website.
If you would prefer not to give your permission, we will ensure that your child is not included in any photographs or video taken by Barnsley Museums at the event.
I would appreciate if you could respond to this email as soon as possible.
Kind Regards
Mrs Brinkley
Correspondence 4th June
Welcome to Year 1 Parent Meeting – Thursday 20th June
Dear Parents,
We are very excited to welcome our FS2 children to Key Stage 1 in September. We understand that the move from Foundation Stage to KS1 can bring about some new systems and changes in routine, therefore we would like to invite you to a ‘Welcome to Y1’ parent meeting on Thursday 20th June, 4.30pm in the Y1 classroom. During this meeting we will explain how the day is structured in Y1 and introduce you to any new routines which may differ slightly to current practice in Foundation Stage. There will be an opportunity to see the classroom and the outdoor area and to ask any questions you may have. If you are unable to attend the meeting, then information will be put on Seesaw for you to read and should you have any questions following this, please do not hesitate to pop and see a member of the Y1 team.
We look forward to getting to know both the children and parents of our new Y1 class.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
KS1 Leader
Correspondence 4th June
Foundation Stage Summer Coffee Morning – Change of Date – Wednesday 3rd July
Dear Parents,
Due to our school being closed for voting on Thursday 4th July, we have decided to move our Foundation Stage Coffee Morning to Wednesday 3rd July.
All details regarding the Coffee Morning remain the same.
We hope to see you all there.
Kind regards,
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 4th June
Y5/6 Cricket Competition – Friday 14th June
Dear Parent,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 cricket competition on Friday 14th June at Rockingham Cricket Ground (Hoyland Common).
The competition will begin at 9am and is set to end at approximately 2:30pm depending on how well the children do.
We would love you to come and support your child. Please let the office know if you can provide transport or if you are unable to transport your child, so we can ensure everyone can get there. We would like all children and parents to meet at school at 8:30am so we can ensure everyone has transport to and from the event.
Children and adults will need a packed lunch on the day along with water bottles and PE kits. Tracksuit bottoms can be worn. The children will be given a school shirt when they get there and will need warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 24th May
Y1 Phonics Information
Dear Y1 Parents,
First of all, a massive well done to our amazing Y1 children for the last 7 weeks. They have all worked so hard and have been a pleasure to teach. We hope they all have a super week off and can’t wait to spend the last 7 weeks with them leading up to the summer.
Secondly, we have worked hard all year teaching phonics to our children to enable to the read and decode words. We are so proud of the progress they have all made from September to now. We could not have asked more of them. During the second week back after the holidays (w/c 10th June) your child will sit the phonics screening check. I will administer this and I always tell the children it is their ‘time to shine’ and to show me what they have learnt this year. We just ask our children to try their best. We have done lots of practise ones so they know what we do and we see it as another day at school.
Below you will find some links to some short Read Write Inc videos designed to keep children practising over the holiday. I have sent enough for one each day and any time you have to just look at them will help to keep the learning fresh for their return. The videos are only 3 minutes each and do not focus on teaching sounds, but simply practising the read and alien words like they will be in the phonics check.
The children are allowed to sound out the words and we do encourage this to ensure they are accurate. They do not for this check need to read them on sight or at speed. Please ensure your child is sounding out the words (Fred Talk) but are then reading the whole word afterwards because if they Fred Talk the words into sounds and do not put it back together and say it as a whole word, it has to be marked as incorrect. If any Y1 children does not meet the threshold this year (historically 32/40 but we will not get the 2024 threshold mark until after the check has been administered), then they will re-sit it at the end of Y2.
As I said before, we really do see this as chance for the children to show what they know and be proud of how far they have come. We could not have asked any more of any of them and we are proud of the achievements they have all made this year.
Here are the links:
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
Correspondence 24th May
Y5/6 Jewellery and Personal Property Policy
Dear Y5/6 Parents,
It has been noticed that valuable jewellery and personal possessions are creeping into school.
Not only are these at risk of being broken or lost, they are also causing issues whilst getting changed for PE.
Thank you
Correspondence 23rd May
Dream Box Reading Trial Participant Information Sheet
Dear Y4 Parents,
Please see the attached information.
We would be grateful if you could agree to participate or decline by Monday 27th May.
Thank you
Correspondence 23rd May
Welcome New Starter Letter and Information
Dear Parent/Carers,
We are delighted that your child has been offered a place at our school for September 2024 and we are very much looking forward to working with you. With this in mind, we are currently making plans to offer transition visits for all our children before the Summer holidays so that they can meet both Mr Grayhurst, the class teacher and Mrs Beevers the teaching assistant.
Your child will have two transition visits before the Summer holidays, a full day on Thursday 11th July and a morning visit on Friday12th July. On both days your child will need to come straight to their new classroom using the F2 entrance door, which can be located at the top of the path from School Street. Mr Grayhurst will be waiting to greet the children and take them inside. The drop off time is 8:50am and the pick-up time at the end of the day is 3:20pm. On Friday 12th July, please collect your child at 12pm from the same classroom.
Your child will have the option to order a school meal on Thursday, which we strongly encourage you to take up as school meals are free until your child turns 7 years of age. Please let Miss Dodd or Mrs Fiddes in the office know your child’s choice of meal from the menu below on or via telephone on 01226 753383.
Your child is welcome to bring a packed lunch instead of ordering a school meal, please let Mrs Fiddes or Miss Dodd know if this is the case.
The menu choice for Thursday 11th July is:
Traditional all day breakfast
Hearty vegetarian breakfast
Jacket potato with a choice of hot and cold fillings (beans, cheese or tuna).
We have a fully stocked salad bar and sliced bread the children are welcome to help themselves to.
A selection of desserts will also be available to choose from.
On the full transition day, children will be accompanied by their teachers into the school hall to have their lunch and the adults will stay to support them.
We will be holding a new Parent’s Meeting in school on Monday 24th June at 4:30pm. This will be hosted by Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Beevers and consist of a short presentation around key information in the ‘Reception Year’, including daily routines, the provision we have on offer and our Early Years Curriculum.
We will also offer an afternoon session on Thursday 27th June where our new children, who are currently at a different nursery setting, can visit with their parents; details about this afternoon visit will be sent out in a separate letter after the Spring Bank half term. We will also offer further transition days for all children at the start of the new academic year to help them settle in to school after the long Summer holiday. Our plan of action is as follows:
A few additional pieces of information
If you are unfamiliar with our online payment system, ParentPay, you will be issued with a username and a password once your child has started. This will enable you to access your child’s own personal account in order to book and pay for breakfast club, trips, after school clubs and lunches. Menus are uploaded onto ParentPay for you to look at and help your child choose their lunch each week.
School Uniform
If you wish to purchase school uniform with our school logo on, this can be ordered online from Vortex, at Stairfoot. Our uniform consists of grey or black bottoms, a red or white polo and a red cardigan or jumper. Girls can wear red Summer dresses.
The following link will take you directly to our School’s homepage with Vortex:
Indoor shoes are not required in Early Years as the children wear wellies for outdoor play all year round. During the Summer months a pair of trainers may be needed for outdoor PE. PE kit consists of black shorts and a white t-shirt. ALL items should be labelled. ‘Stikins’ sell stickers which can be stuck onto lunch boxes and water bottles as well as clothing and require no sewing or ironing and are fully washable and dishwasher proof.
The children will need a book bag which can be ordered from Vortex, or they are welcome to choose their own from elsewhere if preferred. This also applies with school uniform.
If your child has been unwell and requires medicine when they are well enough to return to school, we are insured to administer antibiotics if they have been prescribed to be given four times a day only. Please complete a form at the office.
Cool Milk is the provider of school milk at our school. The process of ordering and paying for your child’s milk is quick and easy and you can pay for each term (3 times a year) or for the full academic year September – July. If you would like your child to enjoy milk at school as a snack, you can register online at Once you have registered, there is no need to register again. If you are in receipt of benefits, please speak to the school office as milk may be free for your child and school will also receive extra funding.
Milk is free until the beginning of the term in which your child turns five. Please see below for a list of dates:
Autumn 02.09.24 to 20.12.24 If your child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for all three terms.
Spring 06.01.25 to 04.04.25 If your child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for Spring & Summer terms.
Summer 22.04.25 to 22.07.25 If your child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for the Summer term.
If your child’s 5th birthday is after the 22nd July 2025, then milk is free for the entire school year.
Fruit is provided free for your child to enjoy as a mid-morning snack. Please send your child into school with a named water bottle with fresh water in every day which they can refill.
Our jewellery policy is that children are allowed to wear a watch and one pair of single stud earrings through the earlobe only. No other piercings are permissible. Pupils are asked to remove all of their jewellery for PE. If your child is unable to remove their jewellery by themselves, please do not sen
d them into school on PE days with earrings in.
We look forward to meeting you very soon. In the meantime, we have provided you with a copy of our ‘Welcome to F2’ booklet and ‘Key Skills’ booklet that will provide you with an overview of key information about F2. We would also be grateful if you could complete the application form, please and drop this into the office. If you would like a paper copy, please let us know. If you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate contacting school and we will be happy to help in any way that we can.
Welcome to F2 Parent Booklet 2024
Key Skills for children starting F2
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr D Grayhurst & Mrs C Beevers
Correspondence 23rd May
Y6 Wentworth Woodhouse Trip – Friday 28th June
Dear Y6 Parent/Carer,
As part of our leaver’s celebrations, I have arranged for the children to spend the day at Wentworth Woodhouse, being part of their Scholar’s Treat experience.
During the course of the day, the children will enjoy a range of activities in the gardens in addition to enjoying a roaming theatre experience. We will have a picnic lunch in the grounds followed by games and art activities before we return to school ready for home time.
The coach company we will be using is Gee Vee. The coach will leave school at 9:15am and is expected to return to school by 15:15pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school. Mr Milliner, Mr Webster and Mrs Freeman will accompany myself on the trip.
I have managed to obtain funding for the trip, so there will be no cost. No spending money is needed as the children will be provided with an ice lolly.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat as most of the activities will take place outside, the British weather can be very unpredictable to say the least! If it is a sunny day, please ensure that your child is wearing sunscreen and brings a hat and an additional drink. If your child is eligible to a free lunch from school, then please pop in to see Miss Dodd or Mrs Fiddes to order this, alternatively please send your child with their packed lunch.
Participation in this trip is dependent on good behaviour in school. Please give your consent via ParentPay as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Art Lead/ UKS2 HLTA
Correspondence 23rd May
Y5 Wentworth Woodhouse Trip – Friday 7th June
Dear Y5 Parent/Carer,
I have been offered a fantastic opportunity to take Year 5 to Wentworth Woodhouse to participate in a creative writing experience. The event has been organised by FUSION (Barnsley’s Local Cultural Educational Partnership) in collaboration with WE Great Artists.
The children will be creating a narrative which will be performed to the public by WE Great Artists along with Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra on Saturday 6th July. As a thank you for their participation, your child will receive a free ticket for themselves and one accompanying adult for the public event.
The coach company we will be using is Globe. The coach will leave school at 9:00am and is expected to return to school by 12:15pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school. Mrs Wise and Mrs Greenhalgh will accompany myself on the trip.
The visit is fully funded by FUSION.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat as some of the morning may take place outdoors.
Participation in this trip is dependent on good behaviour in school. Please give your consent via ParentPay as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Art Lead
Correspondence 23rd May
General Election – Thursday 4th July 2024
Dear Parents,
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement last night, we would like to inform you that our nursery will be used as a polling station for the General Election on Thursday 4th July 2024. For safeguarding reasons, the whole school will be closed to pupils on this day.
The Y2 trip to Whirlow will be unaffected, however, the Foundation Stage coffee morning will be re-scheduled- we will confirm the new date as soon as we can.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 23rd May
Y5 Information
Dear Y5 Parents,
Just a quick email to say well done to our Y5 pupils on their learning this half term. They are working their socks off! They have also welcomed Mrs Greenhalgh to our Y5 team wonderfully.
What an exciting week Y5 are returning to after half term!
Bikeability will be running for many of our Y5 children on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, which means that our timetable will be looking a little different. Everyone will have lots of opportunities to enjoy learning and wider experiences (whether they are joining in with Bikeability or learning in class), but we will not be starting our Science, DT, Geography units fully until the following week.
Friday is another exciting day with our trip to Wentworth Woodhouse.
No homework or spellings will be set over the holidays or during this first busy week.
Wishing you all a lovely May half term holiday and looking forward to sharing the last 7 weeks of Y5 with your children before they enter Y6.
Many thanks,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 22nd May
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Inset Days
We have attached a calendar with our inset days on for next year, 2024/2025.
Ellis Church
Details of our next Ellis Church session is attached, everyone is welcome.
New Updated Charges
We are sorry to inform you that we will have some slight increases from September 2024. Our Governors have agreed the following charges:
Nursery childcare on Friday afternoons – £20.00
Pupil school meals – £2.60
Breakfast Club – £3.05
Foundation Stage Cleethorpes Trip
Our trip to Cleethorpes has not been as popular as we had hoped. A reminder that the cut off for payment is 14th June, after which, the trip may need to be cancelled if we do not have enough people attending.
Fundraising for The Ellis
Do you shop online with Tesco? You could help us to win £1,000!
Sign up to easyfundraising and watch your everyday online spending turn into free donations. And the best bit? It won’t cost you anything. What a great way to support us! Once you’ve registered, all you need to do is visit the Tesco website, for example, via the easyfundraising website or app, shop as usual, and not only will we get an entry into the giveaway, Tesco will also give us £10 donation for your first shop and £1 for every subsequent shop as a ‘thank you’ for shopping with them. How amazing is that?
Registering takes only a couple of minutes – help us to win £1,000 today: tesco-5000-email1
Kind regards
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 22nd May
Y5/6 Rounders Event – Friday 7th June
Dear Parent / Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 Rounders event at Kirk Balk Academy on Friday 7th June. The event will start at 1pm and will finish for 2:45pm. Children should arrive back at school around 3pm.
Your child will have their lunch before leaving for the venue at 12:30pm.
Children will travel to and from the venue via mini bus with Mr Webster. Unfortunately, parents are not allowed to attend the event.
Your child will be given a sports top but will need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held outdoors.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 22nd May
New After School Clubs and Booking System
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are happy to announce that you can now use ParentPay to book your child onto our after school clubs for the next half term.
Our new after school clubs will be displayed within ‘Pay for other items’ when you log into your ParentPay account. Once you have made a booking, you will secure your child’s place for the full half term and do not need to select each week individually. If there are dates when a club will not run, for example inset days or during the last week of the summer term, the date will not be displayed in the booking calendar.
As our clubs are free of charge (Footy Stars is payable directly to Adrian), you do not need to complete the checkout process and confirming your booking will secure your child’s place on the club.
Our clubs can be popular and have a limited number of spaces. If you cannot see the club listed in your ParentPay account, it may be that it is full. Please email to place your child on our waiting list.
Bookings for our clubs will remain open until 11:59pm on Friday 31st May.
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
Our clubs run straight after school until 4:15pm. Scotty’s Heroes finishes at 4:30pm.
Please remember to use ParentPay to book your child’s place on our clubs. Scotty’s Heroes membership is arranged directly with Scotty.
Y1/2 Multi Skills, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Y3/4 Rounders/Cricket, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions.
Y1 Craft/Lego Club, Free of charge with Mrs Willis
F2/Y1 Footy Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 15 places.
Y5/6 Rounders, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes – the final session will take place on Monday 10th June. If your child would like to be placed on the waiting list for the Wednesday club, please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term.
Please contact the office if you have any questions regarding our after school clubs or the new booking system.
Kind Regards
The Office Team
Correspondence 21st May
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 23rd May from 8:15-8:40am in our School Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 24th May from 8:15-8:45am in our School Library.
If you have any questions regarding this, please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 21st May
Class Photographs
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child will bring home a card from the School Photography Company today. The details on the card can be used to view your child’s class photograph. Please do not feel under any obligation to make a purchase if you do not wish to do so.
We do not have permission for all of our children’s images to be shared on social media. We would therefore ask, for safeguarding reasons, that you do not share your child’s class photograph on any social media platform.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 21st May
Cancellation of Elsecar Park Trip – Wednesday 22nd May
Dear Parent/Carer,
We have taken the timely decision to postpone our trip to Elsecar park tomorrow. This is due to the heavy rain forecast which presents a health and safety risk, particularly when walking along the canal path. We will be in touch once we have arranged a new date for the trip, which will be before the end of this school year.
Please note that the school day tomorrow will now run as normal for all of our Nursery and Reception children.
Thank you for your understanding.
Kind Regards
Mr Grayhurst, Mrs Pollard and the EYFS Team
Correspondence 21st May
Y1 Pops Trip – Wednesday 22nd May
Dear Y1 Parents,
As you know tomorrow is our school trip to POPS Outdoor Adventure (Rawmarsh). I have looked at the weather forecast and it is due to rain all day. I have spoken to the venue and have clarified what shelter there is available. They have 2 buildings which can both accommodate a full class and five shelters in the outdoor areas.
We know how much the children have been looking forward to the trip, and we feel that as long as the children are suitably dressed, and knowing that there is plenty of shelter on site, we intend to proceed with the trip.
Should the weather become unbearable or we feel that it is not safe, then we have made a contingency plan with POPS that we will return the children to school early.
In order to ensure the children are suitably dressed, please ensure your child has a waterproof coat, a pair of wellies (many have them here at school) and if they do have any at home, a pair of waterproof outdoor trousers. As we are the only school at POPS and there is no public access, we feel that it is not necessary to wear full uniform on this occasion. Children can therefore wear any trousers (e.g. leggings/jogging bottoms and warm jumpers under their coats). Please also send your child with a complete change of clothing (this does not have to be school uniform) in case we get back to school earlier than planned, and feel the children would benefit from putting on dry clothes.
I will continue to monitor the weather both before and during the visit. Let’s hope the forecast is wrong but just in case, please ensure your child is fully prepared.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
Correspondence 20th May
Y5/6 Orienteering Event – Friday 24th May
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 orienteering event at held at The Ellis on Friday 24th May 2024. The event will start at 1pm and will finish for 3pm.
This is part of our Hoyland Sport’s Partnership cluster events and I (Miss Cook), will be hosting the event at our school with many other schools attending.
Your child will be given a sports top but will still need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held outdoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 20th May
FS Walk to Elsecar – Wednesday 22nd May
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are closely monitoring the weather for our walk to Elsecar on Wednesday. If it looks like heavy rain, please be assured the walk will be cancelled. We will make a decision as early as possible on the day of the trip.
Kind regards
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Pollard
Correspondence 20th May
Bike It Breakfast – Wednesday 22nd May
Dear Parent/Carer,
We have recently been working alongside Barnsley Active Travel to help more of our children to become competent with biking and scooting. Consequently, we hope as the weather improves more children will bike, scoot or walk to school to ease the congestion around the school gates on a morning and afternoon.
Monday 20th May sees the start of Walk to School Week.
On Wednesday 22nd May, we will be hosting a Bike It breakfast for any child who cycles or scoots to school. This could also include those who park and ride. (Parking 5 minutes away from school and scooting the rest of the way). The breakfast will be available from 8:15am and will consist of fruit, croissants and yoghurt, however, it is not a substitute for breakfast at home.
There is no cost to the event and it would be lovely to see as many children as possible coming to school on their bikes/scooters. Children can park their scooters in the scooter pods in front of school, their bikes in the shelter outside the Year 5 classroom and then enter school through the main reception, where they will be directed into the hall for breakfast. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, parents are unable to stay with their child.
Children who come on their bikes or scooters will be entered into a raffle to win some cycling accessories.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 17th May
Y1 POPS Trip – Wednesday 22nd May
Dear Parents,
Our Y1 children are very excited for our trip next Wednesday to POPS Outdoor Adventure Centre (Rosehill Victoria Park, Rawmarsh). As this is fast approaching, here are a few final details and reminders.
Please ensure your child is in school at 8:45am prompt on Wednesday. The minibuses are arriving at 9am to take us to the park for our 9.30am start. There are 3 sessions throughout the day and activities will include a scavenger hunt, mini beast hunt, pond dipping, art work using the outdoor provision and resources, sorting and classifying activities and active games to help consolidate the science we have been learning at school. The minibuses will then leave and return to school in plenty of time for home time.
On the day of your trip your child will need school uniform, a coat, sun hat and sun cream (please apply before school), water bottle and a packed lunch (unless one has already been ordered via the office).
We are very grateful for the prompt payment of so many parents, especially as it was very short notice and we appreciate your positive feedback and support. If anyone still feels like they are able to make the £10.50 contribution, the payment can be made on Parent Pay.
As our timetable is being rejigged next week, we will be doing PE on Monday, not Wednesday, so please ensure your child has their kit in school on Monday and any earrings are removed.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 17th May
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Breakfast Club
A polite reminder to no longer use the old breakfast club. All balances and bookings have now been moved manually across to the new breakfast club system. The new system allows bookings and cancellations up to 4pm the night before and you will be able to see all bookings that have been made. Please check that the new system is as it should be for your child and let us know if anything looks amiss. We will no longer be logging on to the old system, therefore changes cannot be rectified.
Class Photographs
To clarify, the school photographs on Tuesday are class group ones only, not individuals or siblings.
Barnsley Cycle Trails Led Rides and Half-Term Community Ramp Up Events
Please see the attached posters detailing upcoming opportunities for families and young people in May and June.
Chewing Gum
Chewing gum must not be brought into school under any circumstances.
Please check your children’s hair for headlice as we have a few cases in school. Thank you.
Kind regards
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 17th May
Y4 Choking Hazard
Dear Y4 Parents,
We have noticed that some children have been coming into school chewing gum and are keeping it in their bags.
Please remember that chewing gum is not allowed in school under any circumstance.
Chewing gum could be very dangerous if staff are unaware, in addition to this, once children are reminded in class, some are swallowing the gum which could be a choking risk.
Please make sure any gum is disposed of before entering school.
Thank you,
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 16th May
General Information from The Ellis
Dear Parents,
School Photograph Reminder
Please see the attached school photograph reminder.
Barnsley Museums Half Term Activities
Barnsley Museums are offering a variety of fun, family friendly activities during May half term across our five sites, a number of which are free. For more details on the activities, please visit or check out their social media @Barnsley Museums.
Pentacost Family Campfire
Please see the attached flyer, which is for St. Mary’s Church, Wombwell, as well as St George’s, Jump.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Yorkshire Sculpture Park has a new £3 after 3pm ticket offer running from now until 29th September. Adult entry is just £3 after 3pm, children are free and parking is free too. No need to book – just pay on arrival. £3 after 3pm | Yorkshire Sculpture Park (
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 16th May
Y5/6 Rounders Event – Monday 20th May
Dear Parent / Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 Rounders event at Netherwood School on Monday 20th May. The event will start at 1pm and will finish for 2:45pm. Children should arrive back at school around 3pm.
Your child will have their lunch before leaving for the venue at 12:30pm.
Children will travel to and from the venue via mini bus with Mrs Brinkley and Mr Webster. Unfortunately, parents are not allowed to attend the event.
Your child will be given a sports top but will still need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held outdoors.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 16th May
Important Breakfast Club Information
Dear Parent/Carer,
Thank you for your patience with the new breakfast club booking system.
Following your feedback, we have reviewed this and can now confirm that we have upgraded our subscription to allow parents more flexibility. We are happy to confirm that you will now be able to book and cancel breakfast club sessions up until 4pm the day before, as well as being able to see all of your bookings. Breakfast club places cannot be booked and confirmed until payment has been made, however, if you have a credit balance that covers the full cost of your bookings, you do not need to checkout, the bookings are automatically secured. This new breakfast club can now be seen on your ParentPay account. Please DO NOT USE the old one.
Please use the new breakfast club booking system from now onwards. Please remember that there is a daily limit of 35 places, therefore, if you do not see the day that you require, this is because it is full.
As the two systems are not integrated, the current breakfast club will show a balance to cover this week, and any remaining balance (either credit or debit) will have been moved to the new breakfast club. Any bookings that you had made from next week onwards, have also been placed on to the new breakfast club account.
A list of the confirmed bookings will be printed at 4pm every day and will be used as the breakfast club register for the following morning. Children who arrive and are not on the register will be sent to the office and parents contacted. It is parent’s responsibility to cancel any bookings that are not required UNLESS this is due to illness the previous evening. Please email the office to inform us of your child’s illness and ask us to cancel any bookings for the following days.
Payments made through the Government’s Tax-Free Childcare scheme
We are aware that some parents pay for breakfast club through the Government’s Tax-Free Childcare scheme. Unfortunately, as we do not receive a remittance advice to inform us when these credits are received into our bank account, please email when you have made a payment and we will credit your payment into your ParentPay account.
Any payments that are received into our account during holiday periods will be credited as soon as possible following our return to school. Please ensure there is a sufficient balance to cover any bookings during the first week back.
Please can we ask you to check that your new breakfast club account is as it should be, with all bookings, and email the office if things look amiss. We appreciate that there will be teething problems, please do let us know if you have any queries.
Kind Regards
Mrs Edwards and The Office Team
Correspondence 16th May
Elsecar Park Trip – Wednesday 22nd May
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all keeping well.
We are looking forward to our trip to Elsecar Park on Wednesday 22nd May. However, your child will not be able to attend the trip unless you have signed and returned the permission slip to school. If you haven’t already done so, please ensure that this is returned by Friday 17th May at the latest.
Please see the information below regarding our trip to Elsecar Park next week.
Below is a brief outline of our day:
Please refer back to the original letter that we sent out regarding the trip as this contains more in-depth information. We have attached a copy of this letter for your reference.
If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Early Years Team.
Elsecar Park Trip Summer 1 2024
Many thanks and kind regards,
From the Early Years Team
Correspondence 16th May
Y4 Multiplication Tables Check Information
Dear Y4 Parents,
The Y4 Multiplications Tables Check (MTC) will take place in school between Tuesday 4th June and Friday 14th June 2024.
It would be very helpful if in advance you could let me know any dates when your child will not be in school. This could be due to a holiday or a medical appointment.
I will be letting children know which days they will be completing their test to allow children in advance to ease any anxieties for the test.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 10th May
Y5 Information
Dear Y5 Parents,
During the week of Monday the 13th of May, Y5 will be completing their morning lessons in the Hall as our classroom will be being used to facilitate the access arrangements for some of our Y6 children. We will be following the same timetable and have some lovely lessons planned, which will utilise the larger space.
Many thanks,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 10th May
Chicken Pox Information
Dear Parent / Carer,
We are writing to inform you that there has been a confirmed case of chicken pox in two classes at school.
Chicken pox is a mild and common childhood illness caused by a virus called varicella zoster. It is most common in children under the age of 10 and is contagious. The incubation period is approximately 21 days and the person is contagious from 1 to 2 days before the spots appear. The person stops being contagious when the spots have crusted over (usually 5-6 days after the spots appear).
Groups of people that are most at risk of serious problems if they catch chicken pox are newborn babies, pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system; therefore, it is important, if your child has chicken pox, to keep them at home whilst they are contagious.
If a child is suspected of having chicken pox, parents will be contacted immediately and asked to collect their child from school. Children should remain at home until all chicken pox spots have crusted over to avoid further spread of the illness, this includes at pick up and drop off. Should any child return to school before this time, parents will be contacted and asked to collect them and take them back home.
We appreciate your understanding on this and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 9th May
Y1 POPS Trip – Wednesday 22nd May
Dear Parents,
I have been looking for the right trip to take our Y1 children on, which would support all our science work on habitats, animals and plants. I wanted to take them to Pops Outdoor Adventure, who are an experienced company who run school trips, after school clubs and holiday clubs and are based in Rosehill Park, Rawmarsh, Rotherham. Unfortunately, they did not have any available dates this academic year when I enquired, however they have had a sudden last minute cancellation and have offered the day to us as we were on the waiting list. It is; however, short notice and we always aim to inform our parents in plenty of time to allow them time to make contributions which enable us to run trips. I do, however, feel that this opportunity is too good to miss and hope you understand why this email is sent only a couple of weeks before the intended trip.
The trip will take place on Wednesday 22nd May and they have two minibuses which are used to regularly transport children to and from different schools. These have been booked to transport our Year 1 children and Mrs Trotter will be the leader of the trip along with Mrs Freeman, Mrs Andrews and Mrs Green. The coach will leave school at 9:15am and we will be back at school in time for 3:15pm. It is only a short journey, however if your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness medication is taken before school.
During the day, the children will take part in various outdoor activities linked to what we have been learning in school. I am currently liaising with the staff at Pops Outdoor Adventure to choose the activities I would like the children to take part in and I will confirm these once I have finalised the day.
The cost of the trip will be £10.50 and we would appreciate contributions to be made prior to the trip where possible, however on this occasion, payments can be made after the event. We usually strive to give you as much notice as possible, but we are unfortunately bound by the short notice of the provider as we have been on their waiting list for a while. We were planning an alternative trip, which would have given you more notice, however this opportunity is too good to miss. For future trips, we will ensure we use our usual policy which involves cancelling if we don’t secure enough funds.
As many of the activities take place outside, please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and appropriate coat. Your child will require a packed lunch and water bottle on the day. One can be provided free of charge under the Government Universal Meals Programme, however this must be ordered by Monday 15th May for ordering purposes. Please email to inform the office staff that your child will require a packed lunch. No additional packed lunches will be able to be provided on the morning of the trip.
Children do not require any spending money.
I do apologise that I have been unable to give you more notice, however the trip is perfect for Y1 children and the activities are being tailored to really support the children’s understanding of the science objectives, therefore I felt that I could not pass on the unexpected opportunity.
If you do have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding. It is much appreciated.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 9th May
Y4 Orienteering Event Tomorrow (Friday 10th May)
Dear Y4 Parent,
Your child will be attending the Orienteering event tomorrow morning (Friday 10th May) at Astrea Dearne Academy.
Due to the hot weather, in addition to children wearing warm, waterproof clothing we recommend that they also bring a sun hat to wear at the event. Please make sure that their sun hat has their name or initials written inside. We have discussed with the children about possibly wearing sun cream and if possible, could this be applied please before they arrive at school to help speed up organisation in the morning.
We have also had discussions with the children regarding not sharing sun cream due to allergies and skin conditions, therefore, if children come with sun cream already applied, it will hopefully ease these concerns.
The children are very excited to attend this event!
Thank you for your cooperation,
The Y4 Team
Correspondence 9th May
Y6 SATS Information
Dear Y6 Parents,
As you will be well aware, our SATs tests start on Monday. Please see below for the full timetable:
Monday – English – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar ((45 mins paper 1: punctuation and grammar, 15 mins paper 2: spelling)
Tuesday – English – Reading (60 mins)
Wednesday- Maths – Arithmetic and Paper 2: Reasoning (30 mins paper 1: arithmetic, 40 mins paper 2: reasoning)
Thursday – Maths- Paper 3: Reasoning (40 mins paper 3: reasoning)
Please note, the tests will start promptly at 9am. Could we please ask you to inform us immediately if your child is ill, as we will need to make alternative arrangements for your child to catch up with any missed papers.
We want your child to feel ready for their tests and to facilitate this we are offering a light breakfast which will be available from 8:15am each day. It comprises of toast (with a topping) and a fruit juice/drink. Your child has already ordered their selection. In order to prepare furniture, the last toast will be served at 8:45am.
We are very proud of how hard all the year sixes have worked to be ready and regardless of results we are immensely impressed by the resilience they have shown this year.
I would like to remind you that the SATs only test your child’s English and maths skills. They do not take into account how good they are at sport, art or their other hobbies. They do not test how amazingly kind they are or how they help each other. These things are all remarkably valuable skills and our children show us that they are fantastic every day.
Please reassure your child that they are more than ready for the SATs and all we ask is that they ‘be the best they can be’. We will make sure that they have time in the afternoons to relax and get ready for the following day.
Thank you so much for your support,
Mr Milliner
Year 6 Teacher / Maths Lead
Correspondence 9th May
Hot Weather
Dear Nursery Parents,
As the weather is becoming hotter, please remember to put suitable strength sun cream on your child before nursery.
Please do not send sun cream in your child’s bag.
Lastly, your child will need a sunhat and a bottle of water every day.
Thank you
Mrs. Pollard
Correspondence 8th May
FS Cleethorpes Trip – Monday 1st July
Dear Foundation Stage Parent/Carer,
In support of the children’s topic ‘Journeys’, we would like to take all of the children within our EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) to Cleethorpes on Monday 1st July 2024. The children will have the opportunity to carry out a scavenger hunt on the beach and also have some free time with their family and friends.
Children within our Nursery (F1) MUST be accompanied by an adult.
We RECOMMEND that children in our Reception (F2) class are also accompanied by an adult, however this is not compulsory. Children who are not accompanied by an adult will be supervised by their class teacher.
As bus places are limited, we must ask for only one supporting adult per child. Unfortunately, younger siblings cannot attend this outing.
The visit leaders on the trip will be Mrs Pollard and Mr Grayhurst and the accompanying staff will be Mrs Kelly and Mrs Beevers.
The coach company we will be using is Gee Vee. The coach will leave school at 9:30am and set off back at 2pm. The expected time of arrival back at school will be approximately 3:20pm. Children will need to be at school for no later than 8:55am for registration. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness medication is taken before school.
The cost of the trip will be £15 per person and it is necessary for accompanying adults to pay. We must point out that if insufficient money is collected the trip will have to be cancelled. Payment will be via ParentPay and will need to be paid by 14th June 2024. If you are experiencing any financial difficulties covering the cost of the trip, please contact Mrs Edwards.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear/sun hat/sun cream and an appropriate coat depending on the weather.
Accompanying adults are welcome to purchase lunch (such as fish and chips), for themselves and their child, however, if your F2 child is unaccompanied, then a packed lunch must be provided for them. If any children, in Nursery or Reception, require a school packed lunch, one can be provided for them (free to children in F2/£2.30 for children in F1 – also paid via ParentPay). Please let us know if your child requires a school packed lunch by Friday 17th May for ordering purposes. After this date, school will be unable to provide a packed lunch and this must be brought from home.
Children who are not being supported by their parent can bring a small amount of spending money (no more than £5) if they wish.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Pollard & Mr. Grayhurst
Correspondence 7th May
F2 – Y6 Poster Competition – Barnsley in Bloom
Dear Parent/Carer,
As part of the Barnsley in Bloom Campaign, pupils of The Ellis are invited to take part in a poster competition commemorating the 60-year anniversary of Britain in Bloom. The theme this year is Friendship, and elements of this may be included in the poster designs.
The winning posters will be displayed across the town to publicise our community group entries into the Yorkshire in Bloom Competition. There will be a prize for both the winning pupil and their school. There will also be a presentation event for the successful winner, two runners up, and the ‘Mayor’s Favourite’ award at the end of June/early July 2024, with media coverage.
Competition entries should be returned to the office by Wednesday 22nd May. The work should be your child’s own and can be landscape or portrait. Please ensure that your child’s name, age and school name is written clearly on the back of their poster.
The winner and runners up will be contacted after this date with details of the presentation event.
I look forward to seeing the entries!
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 7th May
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 9th May from 8:15-8:40am in our School Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 10th May from 8:15-8:45am in our School Library.
If you have any questions regarding this, please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 7th May
Y5 Ready to Ride Session – Thursday 9th May
Dear Y5 Parents,
On Thursday 9th May your child will have the opportunity to take part in a Ready to Ride Session. This is to prepare them and build their confidence for Bikeability happening later in the year.
Cycling is an important life skill for all children and Bikeability is the nationally recognised standard in schools with most sessions being delivered in Y5. Bikeability sessions give children the skills and confidence to cycle in an urban environment and also enjoy cycling for leisure with family and friends.
The Ready to Ride sessions are delivered by the Sport and Physical Activity Team at Barnsley Council and are aimed at primary school children in Y5 who may need some skills development to help ensure they are ready to roll when Bikeability is delivered in your school.
There are limited places available for this course and your child has expressed an interest in taking part. If you would not like your child to take part, please email
Your child will not be required to bring their bike for the session as all bikes and helmets can be provided, however if they would prefer to then this is fine, as it will improve their confidence when riding their own bikes. Children will need a coat as the session will take place outdoors and suitable footwear.
If you would like any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead / Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 7th May
Y1 DT Project
Dear Y1 Parents and Carers,
Our DT unit this half term is to design and make a smoothie. As part of this unit the children will be given the chance to try some different foods in class before they design and make their own smoothie which they will then bring home. The foods the children will be able to try are banana, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, watermelon, pear, apple, grape (these will be cut longways in half and quartered and blitzed in the smoothie), mango and pineapple. In the smoothies, the children will have the option to mix their fruits with either orange juice, apple juice, water or milk.
If your child is unable to try any of these foods, please could you let me know either in person or by emailing me at
Whilst we encourage children to try new things, tasting the food will be optional and a child can pass on any food they do not want to try.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Y1 Teacher / KS1 Lead
Correspondence 30th May
Y5/6 Handball Event – Friday 17th May
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your 5/6 child has been selected to represent the school in a handball event at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 17th May.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm depending on how well the school perform! Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus with Wyatts.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm, waterproof clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 7th May
Y2 Scooter Skills Sessions – Thursday 9th May
Dear Y2 Parent,
On Thursday 9th May, I have chosen your child’s class to take part in a scooter skills session. Your child does not need to have a scooter to take part as all scooters and helmets will be provided, however if they do have their own, it would be beneficial as it will mean more riders can take part and your child will not have to wait for spare scooters. There will be 2 sessions during the morning and all children will have the opportunity to take part.
The session will take place outside, therefore your child will require a coat and suitable shoes/trainers. If you would not like your child to take part, please email the office at
If you would like any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 7th May
Y4 Ramp Up Session – Thursday 9th May
Dear Y4 Parents,
On Thursday 9th May, I have chosen your child’s class to take part in a ramp up session. Your child does not need to have a bike to take part as all bikes and helmets will be provided, however if they do have their own, they are welcome to bring it along. The session will take place during the afternoon and your child will have the opportunity to ride bikes or scooters over ramps.
The session will take place outside, therefore your child will require a coat and suitable shoes/trainers for the session. If you would not like your child to take part, please email the office at
If you would like any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 30th April
Mrs June Fearn, Former Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the passing of our former headteacher, Mrs June Fearn. She was an integral part of our school community and I’m sure she touched the lives of many of our families during her time here.
Mrs Fearn led with dedication, passion, and a genuine commitment to the well-being and success of our children from 1991 to 2006. She brought her own unique flair and vision to ‘The Ellis’ leaving an indelible mark on all those who had the privilege of knowing her.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and loved ones during this difficult time.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 30th April
Y4 Orienteering Event – Friday 10th May
Dear Y4 Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in an orienteering event at Astrea Dearne Academy on Friday 10th May.
The event will start at 9:30am and should finish approximately 11:30am. Your child will have their lunch when they return to school.
This event is part of our School Games events against other schools in the local area with a focus on inspiring and engaging children.
Your child will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms and top, trainers and their water bottle. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm, waterproof clothes. Your child can arrive at school in their sports clothes, as the event is in the morning, and bring uniform in their bag for the afternoon.
Children will travel to and from the venue on a coach with Miss Bradbury and Miss Turton.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 30th April
Y3/4 Football Tournament – Friday 3rd May
Dear Y3 Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Jump Primary School on Friday 3rd May. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm.
Your child will have their lunch before walking to the venue at 12:15pm. If we have inclement weather, children will be given a lift to the venue in staff cars. Children will return to school after the event and cannot go straight home from the football.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Your child WILL need a pair of shin pads. Please make school aware before Friday if you need some.
Parents are able to spectate on this occasion, however, decisions made by the referee must be respected.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 26th April
Y5 PE Kit Reminder
Dear Y5 Parent,
Please can you ensure that your child has their full PE kit on Thursdays and Fridays. We have some fantastic cricket coaches in school on those days and hope to have the majority of our lessons outside.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 25th April
Transition Advice for Y6 from the NHS
Dear Y6 Parents,
Please find some transition support (by clicking on the link below) from the NHS, looking at the Solihull approach and how this can facilitate the transition to Secondary School.[UNIQID]&u=eb249a370a50185be611e21fe&id=8f355ee2ff
Many thanks,
The Y6 Team
Correspondence 24th April
Nursery Hot Meals
Dear Full Time Nursery Parent/Carer,
We have had a very positive response from the children who are having a school lunch. The children particularly seem to enjoy the traditional meal option and are willing to try different foods that they may not have experienced before, and are finding that they like them.
Our current menus can be found at meals and are also on ParentPay.
Please pre-order your child’s meal before the 8am cut off via ParentPay. Meals are charged at £2.30 each.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 23rd April
Y5 Information
Dear Year 5 Parents,
As you may already know, Miss Saunders will be going on maternity leave soon, with her last day being Friday 10th May. Whilst we are thrilled for Miss Saunders as she embarks on this exciting journey, we also recognise the importance of ensuring a smooth transition for the class during her absence.
To facilitate this transition, we have arranged for Miss Greenhalgh to join us for several dates including the 26th April, 3rd, 9th and 10th May. Miss Greenhalgh will be stepping in to familiarise herself with the Year 5 curriculum, routines, and most importantly, your children. Her presence will enable her to seamlessly take over and provide continuity in the learning experience for the class.
We understand that transitions can sometimes be unsettling, especially when it involves a change in teachers, however, we would like to assure you that we are committed to maintaining our high standards of education and support. Miss Greenhalgh is an experienced educator who is dedicated to the well-being and academic progress of each child in our care.
If you have any questions or concerns about this transition or Miss Saunders’ maternity leave arrangements, please feel free to reach out to us. We value your partnership and are here to support you and your child throughout this process.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this transition together.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards and Mrs Wise
Correspondence 23rd April
Weetabix Wildcats Girls Football Programme – Ages 5-11
Dear Parents,
We have been asked to promote the attached flyer for the Weetabix Wildcats Girls Football Programme.
Weetabix Wildcats Football Poster
Thank you
Correspondence 23rd April
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents/Carers,
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 25th April from 8:15-8:40am in our School Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 26th April from 8:15-8:45am in our School Library.
If you have any questions regarding this please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs. Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards,
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 16th April
Poster Competition – Celebrating 50 years of BMBC
Dear Parents and Carers,
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC) are celebrating their 50th year – half a century of serving our local communities. To commemorate this, they are running a competition for local children to take part in. Details of the competition are on the attached flyer, along with the terms and conditions.
If your child would like to enter, please give their entries to the office by Monday 22nd April and I will submit them for you. Alternatively, you can scan and e-mail entries direct to the BMBC (instructions are on the flyer).
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind Regards,
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 15th April
Y5 Homework and Spellings Changes
Dear Y5 Parents,
From Monday the 15th of April, tasks will be set on SATs companion on Monday and will need to be completed for the following Monday. Children can choose to complete their homework at school in our Thursday lunchtime club. If homework is not completed on the Monday it is due, children will be supported to complete overdue homework during a lunchtime during the week it was due.
Spellings will be set each Tuesday and tested the following Tuesday. We will give opportunities to learn spellings at home but children need to practise these at home to help them become confident. Spelling Shed is a useful tool for learning these spellings.
Many thanks
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 11th April
Fundraising plea from Mark Farnsworth, one of our Governors
An email from Mark Farnsworth, our Governor:
Would you be able to share my fundraising page for London Marathon on the 21/4 with staff for me please?
Correspondence 10th April
Nursery Lost Property
Dear Parents,
We have several unlabelled jumpers and cardigans that have not been claimed (we do regularly put them outside for all parents to look through). If any of these clothes are still not claimed by this Friday, we will be putting them in for the school uniform swap shop.
Also, can you take a moment to check that your child has the correct uniform and return anything that does not belong to your child.
Thank you
Mrs. Pollard
Correspondence 10th April
Ellis Information – Key Dates
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please see below a list of the key dates for this half term. We have also attached the full list of important dates for your information.
Y5 PGL Residential – Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th April
Age UK Charity Donations – Friday 12th and Monday 15th April
If you have any items you would like to donate, please drop them in to school, either anytime on Friday 12th April, or on Monday 15th April before 9am ONLY and one of their vans will come and collect everything that morning.
We will be unable to accept donations after this date, however, Age UK will accept any donations such as clothing, homewares, toys, books etc. with 100% of the sale proceeds going to help older people in the Barnsley boroughs.
Emotional Regulation Support Workshop (by registration only) – Tuesday 16th April, 3:30-5:30pm
A workshop run by Compass Be to find out more around supporting children with strong emotions, and building strategies to help them manage difficult feelings. There are a few spaces left and are limited to one parent per family. Please register your interest by emailing the office at
Y5 Elsecar Heritage Trip – Friday 19th April
If you haven’t already done so, please log on to ParentPay and give your consent. Your child cannot attend without this.
Ellis Church – Thursday 25th April, straight after school in the hall
All are welcome to attend.
Polling Day – Thursday 2nd May – whole school closure
Bank Holiday – Monday 6th May
Y6 SATs Week – Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May
F1 to Y6 Group Class Photographs – Tuesday 21st May
Y2 Whirlow Residential Parents Meeting – Tuesday 21st May, 5pm
Ellis Church – Thursday 23rd May, after school in the hall
All are welcome to attend.
Half Term – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May
Inset Day – Monday 3rd June
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 10th April
New Breakfast Club Booking System
Dear Parents,
Under the new system, breakfast club attendance lists will be run on Friday morning for the full following week. Bookings for the following week MUST have been made by 11:59pm on Thursday.
Please ensure you have enough money in your ParentPay account to cover all bookings that have been made, as the system will not add your child to the attendance list if there are any arrears.
Our breakfast club staff will be using the attendance list printed from ParentPay and if your child’s name is not on the list, they may be refused entry.
This new system has been put in place to ensure that staffing ratios are adhered to.
Thank you for your support, we know there were a few teething problems.
The Office Staff
Correspondence 9th April
Y5 PGL Arrangements
Dear Parents,
We are very excited about our trip to PGL this week.
Just a quick email reminding you that we will be leaving school at 9am on Wednesday. Please ensure that your child arrives promptly at school with their suitcase, sleeping bag, pillow and a rucksack to carry the items they will need during our first day (water bottle and packed lunch).
If your child is bringing money, please ensure that this is in a labelled wallet or money bag and is accessible to give directly to an adult.
If your child has medication to be administered during the trip, please ensure this is in a separate labelled bag that can be given directly to Mrs Wise, unless it is a reliever inhaler, and these should be kept in your child’s rucksack.
Due to the timing of travel, please administer any travel sickness medicine before arriving at school on Wednesday. If your child needs travel sickness pills for the return journey, please send them in an envelope that is clearly labelled with your child’s name and timings.
Our coach will be collecting us from PGL at 1pm on Friday and we are aiming to be back in school for the end of the normal school day.
Many thanks
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 9th April
Y5 Playground Leadership Training
Dear Y5 Parents/Carers,
During this half term your child will receive cricket coaching from the Chance to Shine programme as part of their PE Curriculum. In addition to this, the coach will be running 3 after school sessions to develop playground leaders for school. These sessions will run on Thursdays, 3:15pm-4:15pm on 18th April, 25thApril and 9th May. (School is closed for polling on Thursday 2nd May).
The aim of Playground Leaders is to introduce and develop leadership skills in Year 5 children through training and the organising of activities for other children in the playground. The scheme has many benefits to the child including improving their communication, confidence, leadership and organisation skills. I hope the children who complete the training will become sport ambassadors for school assisting with events, lunch times and sports in school.
If your child would like to take part in the playground leadership training, please email to secure a place by Friday 12th April. There are limited places available and places will be awarded on a first come first serve basis.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 8th April
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well and you have had a lovely Easter Holiday.
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 11th April from 8:15-8:40am in our School Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 12th April from 8:15-8:45am in our School Library.
If you have any questions regarding this please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs. Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards,
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 8th April
Emotional Regulation Support Parent Workshop – 16th April 3:30-5:30pm.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Our Emotional Regulation Support parent workshop by Compass Be was cancelled in February due to the inclement weather. We are happy to confirm that the workshop has been rearranged for Tuesday 16th April, 3:30-5:30pm. This is an exciting opportunity to find out more around supporting children with strong emotions, and building strategies to help them manage difficult feelings.
We would like to extend an invitation for you to attend this workshop.
As there are only 20 spaces available, we are limiting places to one parent per family, and asking that you confirm whether you wish to attend by Friday 12th April. Places will be given on a first come, first served basis. Please register your acceptance of your place by emailing the office at If you were registered for the previous workshop and would like to attend on the new date, please email us.
If you would like any further information, please contact don’t hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks
Mrs Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 22nd March
A Few Reminders for Y1 and 2
Dear Parents and Carers,
First of all, can we just say how hard our KS1 children have worked this half term. We are proud of each and every one of them. We will send out our newsletter at the start of next half term but wanted to just send a few reminders prior to the summer term, in order to get off to a swift start.
Firstly, we have been doing PE inside so far this year, but with the weather on the turn and lessons which require more space, at least one of our lessons will be outside for the rest of the year. Please ensure your child has an appropriate outdoor PE kit with a pair of trainers in school each week starting from the first week back. Our PE days continue to be Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Secondly, please can we ask that unless there has been a prior arrangement made with your child’s teacher, NO toys, fidgets, soft cuddly toys such as squish mallows etc are brought into school at all please, this includes toys attached to book bags and school bags / rucksacks. We have noticed that over the last few weeks more and more children are bringing in little toys and cuddly toys etc which have caused some difficulties amongst the children. We do not want any child to be upset should they get lost or broken, we already struggle to get the coats and bags into the cloakroom and these items attached to the outside of bags are making it even more difficult. We really would appreciate parental support in this matter.
Finally, all that is left to say, is have a wonderful Easter. Enjoy the sunshine and some chocolate and we can’t wait to welcome the children back ready for our final full term in Y1 and Y2.
Kind regards
KS1 team
Correspondence 22nd March
Easter Holiday activities at Barnsley Museums
Dear Parents,
Barnsley Museums have an exciting programme of family activities during the Easter holidays, many of which are free. Their five museums (Cannon Hall Museum, Elsecar Heritage Centre, Experience Barnsley, Worsbrough Mill and the Cooper Gallery) are all free to enter.
Their flyers with more detail have been shared on our Facebook page.
Thank you
Correspondence 22nd March
Easter Holiday Ramp Up/Cycling/Scooting Events Taking Place
Dear Parents,
I have attached a summary of the Easter holiday Ramp Up/cycling/scooting events that will be taking place.
Thank you
Correspondence 21st March
Y6 SATs Boosters – Thursday
Dear Y6 Parents,
As we embark on an important phase in your child’s academic journey, we are excited to invite your child to join our Y6 SATs Boosters, starting on Monday 8th April, 2024.
The boosters will take place every Monday and Thursday in the Y6 classroom, providing targeted support to enhance your child’s preparation for the upcoming SATs. We believe that these sessions will play a crucial role in building confidence and refining key strategies.
Details of the Y6 SATs Boosters:
Start Date: Monday 8th April 2024 (Reading) & Thursday 11th April 2024
Day: Every Monday/Thursday
Time: 3:15pm-4:15pm
Location: Y6 Classroom
Staff: Mr Milliner, Mrs Brinkley & Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 21st March
Y6 SATs Boosters – Monday
Dear Y6 Parents,
As we embark on an important phase in your child’s academic journey, we are excited to invite your child to join our Y6 SATs Boosters, starting on Monday 8th April, 2024.
The boosters will take place every Monday and Thursday in the Y6 classroom, providing targeted support to enhance your child’s preparation for the upcoming SATs. We believe that these sessions will play a crucial role in building confidence and refining key strategies.
Details of the Y6 SATs Boosters:
Start Date: Monday 8th April 2024 (Reading) & Thursday 11th April 2024
Day: Every Monday/Thursday
Time: 3:15pm-4:15pm
Location: Y6 Classroom
Staff: Mr Milliner, Mrs Brinkley & Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 21st March
Y5 Film Consent
Dear Y5 Parents,
Y5 have really enjoyed reading Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief this term. As an end of term Dojo reward, Year 5 would like to watch the film on Friday.
As the film is rated PG, we need to get parental permission to allow your child to watch the film.
If you do not want your child to watch the film, please reply to this email and we can find an alternative activity for your child to participate in.
Thank you
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 20th March
Vegetarian Lunch Option Changed Tomorrow (Thursday 21st)
Dear Parents,
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the vegetarian option on tomorrow’s lunch (Thursday 21st March) has been changed to homemade quorn sausage roll.
All other options remain the same.
Thank you
Correspondence 20th March
Young Leaders Award – Challenge
Dear Parent,
Thank you to those of you who have already sent in photos of your child completing their home cooking challenge. The children have enjoyed sharing their photos and talking about the meals they have cooked.
Please don’t worry, there’s still time for your child to complete their first challenge as the deadline isn’t until the end of March.
For their next couple of home challenges, Y5 would like to complete the following:
‘Read to a younger brother, sister or elderly relative’
‘Complete an act of kindness for someone in your family’.
This can be something as simple as washing the pots, helping with the recycling, making a card for someone, etc.
It is important that we collate the evidence so that we can build your child’s portfolio which will be used when assessing whether the children have met the criteria to earn their Young Leaders Award. Please could photos be sent via email or Seesaw by the end of April.
In school, your child has been exploring what makes a good leader, we have also been discussing the leadership skills needed to be an inspirational leader. Y5 will then be able to put these skills into practice by working together on a variety of projects including completing various community challenges which the children already appear to be excited about.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact school.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss A Saunders
Year 5 Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 20th March
Hot School Meals for Full Time Nursery Children
Dear Full Time Nursery Parent/Carer,
Thank you for expressing an interest in our consideration to extend school meals provision to include full time nursery children.
As we have had a very positive response to this, we can confirm that after Easter, we will be offering a daily choice of nutritious and tasty lunches to our full time nursery children.
Our current menus can be found at meals. Meals should be pre-ordered and are payable via ParentPay, at a cost of £2.30 each.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 19th March
Y5 Elsecar Heritage Centre Visit – Friday 19th April
Dear Parent/Carer,
I would like to take Year 5 to Elsecar Heritage Centre on Friday 19th April 2024 to participate in a new history workshop activity, which is run by Barnsley Museums and is rich with learning about history in our local area.
The coach company we will be using is Globe Holidays. The coach will leave school at 9:45am and is expected to return to school by 12:15pm, just in time for lunch. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school.
There will be no cost for the trip as funding has been provided by Barnsley Museums.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat, as some of the day will take place outdoors.
Participation in this trip is dependent on good behaviour in school. Please give your consent via ParentPay.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
HLTA UKS2/ Art Lead
Correspondence 18th March
EYFS Information – Library Sessions and Easter Coffee Morning
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well.
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Wednesday 20th March from 8:15-8:40am in our school Library. The date has changed due to our EYFS Easter Coffee Morning, which will be held on Thursday 21st March.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 22nd March from 8:15-8:45am in our school Library.
If you have any questions regarding this, please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the Library, please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs. Edwards’ office.
We also hope that you are able to join us for our EYFS Coffee Morning this week (Thursday 21st March). The children have been busy making handmade gifts, which will be on sale and have been practising the Easter songs that they will perform for you on the day.
Many thanks for your continued support this term it has been very much appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you at our Library and Easter Coffee Morning.
Kind regards,
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 18th March
Y4 Homework Support
Dear Y4 Parent/Carer,
We have noticed an increase in a number of children who are not completing tasks that have been set for homework, including Mirodo, Maths 10 Minute booklets and Reading.
Following a restorative conversation with the children last week, we would like to clarify which homework tasks are due on which day of the week:
Reading Diaries:
Children should aim to read at least 3 times a week and Reading Diaries will be checked each week on Wednesday and Friday. We are striving to encourage reading for pleasure as it is so beneficial for writing and language development, which is a key focus in our school.
Mirodo English Task:
Children should complete the task which will now be clearly labelled as ‘Homework: …’ due to some confusion. This should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and can be done so with your support or independently. This is due on a Thursday.
CPG 10 Minute Workout Booklet:
Children should complete the times tables booklet each week. If they need support, they can access the times tables grid they were given in the Autumn Term, in addition to various methods that we discussed last week. Children use the checklist on the contents page to mark which tasks they have marked in class. This booklet is due in Friday.
Children are reminded regularly throughout the week about upcoming tasks and they are aware of which homework activity is due and when. We therefore ask for your support to support your child in completing these tasks at home.
Thank you,
Miss Bradbury
Y4 Teacher
Correspondence 16th March
New After School Clubs
Dear Parent/Carer,
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
Clubs run straight after school until 4:15pm. Scotty’s Heroes finishes at 4:30pm.
Y1/2 Athletics, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Y5/6 Athletics, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions.
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Y3 Craft/Lego Club, Free of charge with Mrs Willis
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
F2/Y1 Footy Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 15 places.
If your child is already attending this club, and would like to continue, please email
Y3/4 Dance/Gymnastics, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
Correspondence 13th March
KS2 50 Recommended Reads – Information for Parents
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are always working hard and striving to promote a lifelong love of reading at The Ellis. As part of this, we are delighted to inform you that we have purchased a variety of new and exciting books for your children to enjoy in class.
We launched these books as part of our World Book Day celebrations and I think it is safe to say that our children at The Ellis enjoyed exploring a variety of new books including poetry, fiction and non-fiction.
Each year group has their own set of 50 recommended reads to enjoy. These are all engaging, age-appropriate texts. We would like to share the list of books with you as you may be looking for book recommendations to share with your children at home.
Please see the links below for more information:
Y3 –
Y4 –
Y5 –
Y6 –
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss A Saunders
Year 5 Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 13th March
Age Uk Charity Donations – Friday 12th and Monday 15th April
Dear Parents,
We will be working in conjunction with Age UK again to support their charity.
If you have any items you would like to donate, please drop them in to school, either anytime on Friday 12th April, or on Monday 15th April before 9am ONLY and one of their vans will come and collect everything that morning.
We will be unable to accept donations after this date, however, Age UK will accept any donations such as clothing, homewares, toys, books etc. with 100% of the sale proceeds going to help older people in the Barnsley boroughs.
Kind regards
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 13th March
Nursery Library Session Change of Date
Dear Parents,
Our next nursery library session will be held on Wednesday 20th March, not the Thursday 21st, due to the coffee morning.
Thank you
Correspondence 12th March
Ellis Information – Key Dates Prior To Easter
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please see below a list of the key dates prior to the Easter holidays.
Red Nose Day – Friday 15th March
Friday 15th March is Red Nose Day and our school council have decided to hold a non-uniform day. Children are welcome to come to school in Comic Relief t-shirts, wear something red or non-uniform. If you would like to, please feel free to donate using the link below:
Y1-Y6 Walk to Church Easter Service – Wednesday 20th March
Our Easter service will be at St Mary’s Church on Wednesday 20th March.
Years 1-6 will be walking from school promptly at 9am and parents are welcome to meet us at St Mary’s for a 10am start. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis, however, the children will be sitting in the main pews directly in front of the altar, so please leave these free. Children will need to stay with their class throughout the service and will sing a variety of songs and share some Easter readings.
At the end of the service, we will walk the children back to school in plenty of time for their lunch.
Dr Bike Session – Wednesday 20th March
Please see the separate email we have sent about this.
EYFS (F1 and F2) Easter Coffee Morning – Thursday 21st March
We will be holding our Easter Coffee morning on Thursday 21st March, 9-10:30am to which all family members are invited.
The Ellis Church – Thursday 21st March
Everyone is welcome to our Ellis Church which is held in the school hall straight after school.
EYFS (F1 and F2) Balance Bike Session – Friday 22nd March
Please see the separate email we have sent about this.
If you have any questions about the above events, please contact the school office.
Kind Regards
The Ellis Office
Correspondence 12th March
PGL Information Meeting – Tuesday 19th March
Dear Y5 Parents,
A reminder that we are holding a PGL information meeting on Tuesday 19th March at 3:30pm.
If you have not already returned your child’s completed PGL Medical information and Consent form, please can I ask you to do so at the meeting. I will have spare copies should you need one.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Many thanks
Beth Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 12th March
Y3 PHSE Information
Dear Y3 Parent/Carer,
Our current topic in PHSE is about Relationships. In today’s lesson, we have discussed the correct names for the different parts of the human body including their private parts.
Your child may come home with further questions that you might not be ready for.
If you have any questions about this topic, please email Alternatively, you may want to check out the 1decision website on where you can find further information about this subject.
Kind Regards
Mrs Beever
Correspondence 11th March
EYFS Balance Bike Session – Friday 22nd March
Dear Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Parents,
To encourage children how to ride safely on bikes, we have organised a balance bikes session in school on Friday 22nd March. The session will be run by Ami Harding, our Road Safety Officer, and Will Henwood, Senior Active Travel Officer.
Children will not need to bring anything for the event as balance bikes and helmets will be provided. As the session will take place outdoors on the MUGA, children will need to be in appropriate warm clothing and footwear.
A balance bike allows your child to master the fundamental skills of balance and coordination much better than a normal bike that has been fitted with stabilisers.
The session will teach the children and staff how to use the bikes safely, and encourage children to be active.
If you have any questions, please contact me at school.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 11th March
Nursery Information – Full Time School Lunch Interest
Dear Full Time Nursery Parent/Carer,
We are considering extending our school meals provision to include full time nursery children, and we would like to know if this is something that would be of interest to you.
We offer a daily choice of nutritious and tasty lunches, and our current menus can be found at meals. Meals can be pre-ordered and are payable via ParentPay, at a cost of £2.30 each.
Please email to register your interest by Friday 15th March.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 11th March
Y5/6 Bouldering Finals – Friday 22nd March
Dear Parent/Carer,
Due to your child’s success at the bouldering qualification event in January, I am pleased to inform you that your child has successfully qualified for the indoor bouldering finals. This will take place on Friday 22nd March. The event will start at 12pm and will finish for 3pm. Children will have their lunch when they arrive at the event, and will require a packed lunch.
They will be travelling with Mrs Connelly on Wyatt coaches. Unfortunately, parents are not able to attend this event.
Your child will be given a school PE shirt, but will need to bring suitable clothing for climbing in, trainers, a drink of water and a bag for their belongings. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms or shorts for the event, which will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
Due to the location of the event, children may not return to school until approximately 3:45pm.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 11th March
KS1 Gymnastics Festival – Friday 15th March
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has expressed an interest in attending a Key Stage 1 Gymnastics Festival at Kirk Balk Academy on Friday 15th March. The children were asked if they would like to attend the event, and as the interest was high, the above names have been randomly selected to attend.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm. Your child will be taught a gymnastics routine by Kirk Balk sport leaders and will then perform their routine to other schools. No prior rehearsal or practise is needed.
Your child will have their lunch before leaving at 12:30pm, travelling to and from the venue via Wyatt Coaches. Mrs Connelly will be accompanying the children.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. Children can wear a tracksuit and warm jumper/coat for travelling to and from the event, which will be held indoors.
Unfortunately, parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 8th March
Market Research Wraparound Childcare
Dear Parents,
The Government committed in March 2023, to develop wraparound childcare for all families in need of it, across the Country in a new programme.
In order to achieve this, the Department for Education requires all Local Authorities to seek views from parents and carers and identify any areas where breakfast or after school clubs may be needed.
A flyer is attached, please access the survey here to share your views and be in with a chance of winning £100 in shopping vouchers:
Thank you
Correspondence 4th March
World Book Day Thank You
Dear Parent,
I just wanted to say a big thank you to you all for embracing World Book Day 2024. The children have all looked amazing today and we appreciate the effort that has gone into their costumes at home.
We’ve had such a fun day celebrating books; we have had a mystery reader in class, read with our reading buddies and have even enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies in our very own Forest School area.
Please don’t forget about our book swap that will be happening just outside the main office after school today – please feel free to bring and swap any pre-loved books.
Your child will be coming home with their £1 book token today, please look out for it in your child’s reading folder.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss A Saunders
Y5 Class Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 4th March
New Breakfast Club Booking System
Dear Parents,
As you may well know, our breakfast club is becoming increasingly popular.
In order to keep our children safe, we regularly review attendance to ensure that staffing ratios are correct. As the number of attendees differs on a daily basis it is difficult to predict accurately therefore, we are introducing a booking system after Easter.
We have chosen to use ParentPay, as you are all very familiar with this. Just as with lunches, you will be taken through to the payment screen after booking your requested days, and your booking will not be confirmed unless payment is made.
Booking is open until midnight on Thursdays, for the whole of the following week. For example, if you would like your child to attend breakfast club the first week back after Easter, this will need to be booked by midnight on Thursday 4th April. You don’t have to book for the full week, simply select the days you require.
We appreciate that some parents use the government tax free childcare scheme and this will still stand, however, the first time you book online, you will need to make the full payment outstanding, once we have applied the credit to your account, the system will reduce the amount you owe for your next booking.
We hope the new system brings clarity and gives reassurance that you have secured your child’s place at breakfast club.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 4th March
Dr Bike Session – Wednesday 20th March
Dear Parents,
On Wednesday 20th March, Ami Harding (Barnsley Council, Road Safety Officer) is having a ‘Dr Bike Session’ at our school!
Any pupils who cycle to school that day will be able to receive a free health check for their bike. If your child does not cycle to school and you would like their bike to be checked, you are welcome to bring their bike and a bike lock into school from Monday 18th March. We cannot be held responsible for your child’s bike, however, the school gates are locked each night.
Consent will need to be given on ParentPay. Without this, your child’s bike will not be checked.
Your child’s bike will need to be identified, as Ami will be given a list on the day of those who have given consent. You are welcome to come and collect a blank name tag from the office to attach to your child’s bike (these will be available in a coupe of days).
What does it involve?
Ami may be able to replace some parts, however, with the time and resources she has, some things may not be possible to fix.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Correspondence 4th March
Y4 Team Building – Friday 8th March
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your Year 4 child has been selected to represent the school in a teambuilding event at The Ellis Primary School on Friday 8th March.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 2:45pm. Your child will have their lunch before taking part in the event. This event is part of our Primary Sports Cluster events against other schools in the local area.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm, waterproof clothes, that may get muddy.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 4th March
Y5 Skipping Festival
Dear Parent,
We have received some very positive feedback from the Y5 children after they attended a skipping festival yesterday.
As a school, we attend many sporting events, and we send out an email to parents in advance of each event. Unfortunately, on this occasion it didn’t happen and we apologise for this.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
The Ellis CE School
Correspondence 4th March
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well.
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 7th March from 8:15-8:40am in our school Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 8th March from 8:15-8:45am in our school Library.
If you have any questions regarding this then please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs. Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards,
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 4th March
Breakfast Club Drop Off
Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the past few weeks, we have seen an increase in traffic levels at breakfast club, with some vehicles travelling at speed in the school grounds. In light of this, we feel it is necessary to ask you not to drive into the school gates when dropping off your child for breakfast club, unless previously arranged with school.
The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and we are committed to maintaining a secure environment for everyone. Whilst we do not want to take the step of closing the school gates, as we understand the importance of maintaining disabled access, it may become necessary if we cannot collectively ensure a safe drop-off process.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you have any concerns or need to make special arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 1st March
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Measles Guidance
We have been asked to circulate the attached measles guidance by Public Health and would like to clarify that there is NO school outbreak.
Barnsley Museums
Barnsley Museums are launching a new quarterly newsletter, focusing on their accessible offer across their museums, including upcoming accessible events, sensory backpacks, visual stories, relaxed events, BSL events, audio descriptions, Makaton videos and more.
If you would like to join their mailing list, please follow this link to sign up – Sign up for Barnsley Museums’ Accessibility Newsletter
School Meals
Please see the attached photo of our main school lunch today.
We will be starting new menus from the 15th April. These have been updated on ParentPay, so please continue to order lunches this way and help choose your child’s lunches together.
Fit and Fed
Barnsley FC community Trust will be running ‘Fit and Fed’ during Easter, funded through the healthy holidays programme. The sessions offer free places to children who qualify for free school meals. Please see the attached for more information.
Many thanks
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 1st March
SEND Children’s Progress
Dear Parents,
During Parents’ Evening, you will have received your child’s updated SSP or EHCP monitoring document and have had a chance to talk about your child’s progress.
We are keen to work co-productively with you to ensure that everyone working with your child has a good understanding of their strengths and needs. If you have any further questions or queries regarding their plan and their progress, or if you were unable to attend Parents’ Evening, we would encourage you to make an appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher for a further 15-20 minutes.Many thanks,
Mrs Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 1st March
Y2 Staffing Update
Dear Parents,
I am emailing to share that I have received confirmation that unfortunately, Miss Hudson will not be returning to school before Easter.
Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we followed our recruitment process for the long term supply position after Easter. We recently selected Miss Gomershall for the role, however, in order to ensure there is consistency for the children she has agreed to teach the class with immediate effect until July.
In order to support your children with this transition, we intend to run some nurture groups (until the summer) to work with your children and ease any anxieties. Mrs Trotter and I will be closely monitoring the provision in Y2 and making sure children are still receiving the planned curriculum with appropriate support and adaptation.
With regards to SATs, we will be doing our ‘special booklets’ in May, however, they are not statutory this year so will be managed in a much more informal way. I will send further information around how this will look next week.
I am aware that some parents haven’t yet had their parents’ evening. Mrs Law and myself will be available to discuss your child’s progress on Wednesday 6th March, you are able to book this via our usual booking system, the Cloud
If you have already had your parents’ evening and would still like a conversation, please email separately to arrange a convenient date.
I would like to reiterate this is not the year 2 experience that we wanted or anticipated for your children and we apologise for the additional stress it has caused our families. We are fully committed to ensuring your child achieves their full potential as they journey through The Ellis and will closely track their progress and prioritise additional support should any child need it.
Thank you again for your support and patience.
Mrs Emily Edwards
Correspondence 29th February
Young Leaders Award – Cooking Challenge
Dear Parents,
Apologies as there was no date included on my last email. Please can your child’s photos from the first home challenge be submitted by the end of March at the very latest.
Kind regards,
Miss A Saunders
Year 5 Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 27th February
Y3/4 Dodgeball Event – Friday 1st March
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Y3/4 Dodgeball event at Hoyland Common Primary School, on Friday 1st March. The event will start at 1pm and will end at approximately 2:45pm. Your child will have their lunch before leaving at 12:45pm, travelling to and from the venue via Wyatts Coaches. Unfortunately, parents are unable to attend this event.
Your child will be given a school PE shirt, but will need to bring suitable shorts, trainers, a drink of water and a bag for their belongings. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms over their shorts for travelling to the event, which will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 26th February
Young Leaders Award – Cooking Challenge
Dear Parent/Carer,
Our Y5 children are very excited about starting their Archie project (Archbishop of York Trust, Young Leaders Award) and are raring to go with their first challenge. The children have selected the challenge ‘to cook a meal for your family’ from the challenge grid. Due to the health and safety aspects of working in a kitchen, we have discussed and reiterated the importance of this challenge being supervised by an adult.
Please can children upload photographic evidence on Seesaw as this will form an important part of their Young Leaders Award journal. If your child is struggling to access Seesaw at home, please feel free to email any photographs into school.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Thank you for your continued support, we hope that you enjoy your meals.
Miss A Saunders
Year 5 Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 23rd February
World Book Day 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are now getting very excited about World Book Day 2024!
World Book Day this year will be on Thursday 7th March. As well as inviting our children to come dressed as their favourite character, we also have some other things planned that we would like to share with you.
Share a story
We would love to invite you into school to read with your child/children, no sign up is required, please just pop into your child’s classroom in the morning. The opportunity to read with your child in school will run from 8:45 – 9:15 if your child is in KS1 or KS2, and from 8:50 – 9:10 if your child is in Foundation Stage. If you have children in different classes, please feel free to split your time between classes. We appreciate that many of you also have work commitments so please open up the invitation to other family members.
Book Swap
At The Ellis, we are very mindful of the current cost of living crisis and want to do what we can to promote a love of reading without breaking the bank. With this in mind, we would like to trial a book swap at the end of the day. There will be some tables just outside the main office, please feel free to bring a children’s book that you are happy to swap for another. So that the books that children may choose are age-appropriate, we will make sure that there is a table for each key stage.
Wooden Spoon Character Designs
Your child will be creating their very own wooden spoon character in school. We would love for your child to create their design at home with you, this will offer the wonderful opportunity for you to talk about your child’s favourite stories and characters. Your child will be coming home on Monday 26th February with a design template, this does not need to be 3D as it is just the design.
Please can all designs be returned to school by Friday 1st March so that your child can use it when creating their characters. School will be able to provide paint, pens and glue but if your child requires anything specific then they are welcome to bring in their own resources. Please note that school have purchased the wooden spoons, so you will not need to provide one. Prizes will be awarded for the most creative entries.
We have lots of exciting activities planned throughout the day, your child’s class teacher will be posting many photos and updates on X so please keep an eye out on the relevant pages.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss A Saunders
Year 5 Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 23rd February
Y5 Young Leaders Award
Dear Y5 Parents / Carer
I’m writing to inform you that our Year 5 pupils will be taking part in the Young Leaders Award this year. We’re really excited to be involved in this programme which has been designed and written by the Archbishop of York Youth Trust (for more information please visit
The Young Leaders Award aims to equip young people to ‘Be the change they want to see’ in their local communities, and through a number of interactive lessons and practical challenges our pupils will be involved in serving their community and making a difference. The award is currently available at Key stage 2, 3 and 4, and there are thousands of students across the North of England all taking part in changing their communities for the better.
We have started the programme today and look forward to all that our pupils will do to serve the local community. There may be opportunities for parents and family members to get involved in the community action projects that will take place later in the year, and we will be in touch with more details nearer the time.
At the end of the award each student will receive a certificate to celebrate and share their success.
Thank you in anticipation for your support with this venture.
Miss A Saunders
Year 5 Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 20th February
Parents’ Evening – Thursday 29th February
Dear Parents,
Our postponed parents’ evening will be held in the school hall on Thursday 29th February, between 3pm and 6pm.
If you previously had an appointment booked for Thursday 8th February, your new appointment has been booked at the same time on Thursday 29th February. Please contact the office if you need to make any changes.
If you haven’t booked your child’s 10 minute slot, or you wish to check your appointment time, please use the Cloud system by following the link below:
If you have any problems logging on to the system, please contact Mrs Fiddes or Miss Dodd at who will be able to help you.
Thank you
Correspondence 20th February
Compass Be Managing Worries Workshop – Wednesday 21st February
Dear KS2 Parent,
Compass Be are running a small group ‘Managing Worries’ workshop on the morning of Wednesday 21st February. Your KS2 child has been identified as a pupil that might benefit from exploring strategies for managing anxiety and will be taking part.
If you have any questions about this, please speak to your child’s teacher.
Many thanks
Mrs Wise
SENCO and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 19th February
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well.
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 22nd February from 8:15-8:40am in our school Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 23rd February from 8:15-8:45am in our school Library.
If you have any questions regarding this then please see your child’s class teacher.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs. Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards,
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 9th February
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Inclement Weather
We appreciate your support with the weather yesterday. Thank you for collecting your children promptly and enabling everybody to get home safely.
Paul Sturgess
Thank you for all the messages of thanks to Miss Cook for arranging Paul Sturgess, the tallest basketball player in the world and former Harlem Globetrotter player, to visit school. The whole day was definitely a memorable one and we are so glad your children thoroughly enjoyed it.
World Book Day
We would like to invite children to dress up for World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. Children are welcome to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book.
Red Nose Day
The school Council have decided to hold a non-uniform day on Friday 15th March for Red Nose Day. We will be requesting a £1 donation to support the charity via an online donation page nearer the time.
Uniform – We have noticed that some children are beginning to wear clothing that is not in line with our uniform policy. Could you please ensure you are familiar with our expectations, these can be found on the website. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Edwards via the
Pumps – A gentle reminder that all KS1 and KS2 children should have a pair of indoor pumps.
Hair and Jewellery – We have noticed some children have started to wear their hair down and not follow our jewellery policy. These policies are in place for your child’s safety. After half term, we will be enforcing these rules. Jewellery will be asked to be removed and kept safe until collection at home time.
Juice – We request that only water is sent to school in water bottles unless you have a prior arrangement in place with your child’s class teacher.
We hope you all have a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing the children refreshed on Monday 19th February when school resumes.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 9th February
PGL Residential Information – 10th – 12th April
Dear Y5 Parents,
Just a quick email to help with your preparations for our upcoming PGL trip to Caythorpe Court (Wednesday 10th April to Friday 12th April).
Attached is a suggested ‘kit list’ of items your child will need for their time at PGL, along with a ‘what to wear list’ for the different activities – for us these will be: abseiling, laser tag, ambush, survivor, zip wire, raft building, giant swing, camp fire and archery.
The children will need to be able to carry their own bags, sleeping bag and pillow, so please consider this when packing (it can be a bit of a trek from the coach to the accommodation).
Children are invited to bring sweets and snacks for a ‘midnight feast’ whilst we are there and can bring money (£10 limit) to spend at the gift shop.
You may like to click on the following link UK PGL Menu – PGL Schools & Groups to see a sample menu of the meals PGL offer.
We will hold a PGL information meeting on the 19th of March at 3:30pm, but thought it would be helpful for you to be able to start considering the kit requirements before then.
Many thanks,
Beth Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 5th February
New After School Clubs
Dear Parent/Carer,
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
All clubs run straight after school until 4:15pm. Scotty’s Heroes finishes at 4:30pm.
Y1/2 Dance/Gymnastics, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Y5/6 Handball, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions.
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Y3 Craft Club, Free of charge with Mrs Willis
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
F2/Y1 Footy Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 15 places.
If your child is already attending this club, and would like to continue, please email
Y3/4 Cricket, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
Correspondence 5th February
KS2 Basketball Event – Friday 9th February
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a KS2 Basketball event at Kirk Balk School on Friday 9th February.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to be in full PE kit but can bring tracksuits to travel in. They will be given a school PE shirt to compete in. They will need inhalers if they require them and their water bottle with their name on.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 5th February
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well.
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 8th February from 8:15-8:40am in our school Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 9th February from 8:15-8:45am in our school Library.
If, for whatever reason, you are unable to attend our Library sessions then please send your child’s folder into school by Wednesday at the latest so that we can change their books. We also have some outstanding books that have not yet been returned, and would ask you to bring these into school this week.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs. Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards,
The EYFS Team
Correspondence 2nd February
Y4 Film Afternoon
Dear Y4 Parents,
Our end of half term reward is a film afternoon on Tuesday 6th February and the children have chosen Narnia 2: Prince Caspian as their film of choice.
As the film is rated PG we need to get parental permission to allow your child to watch the film.
If you do not want your child to watch the film, please reply to this email and we can find an alternative activity for your child to participate in.
Thank you
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 1st February
Barnsley Updates
Dear Parents,
Barnsley Museums
Barnsley Museums have a fantastic range of activities on offer for February half term, the majority of which are free of charge. Their sites are free to enter and can act as warm spaces during the colder weather.
They are also pleased to announce a brand new book festival in Barnsley for 2024, and I have attached details of both this and the half term activities on offer.
Information from Compass Be
Next week is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, with the theme being ‘My Voice Matters’. The Team leader at Compass Be, Barnsley Mental Health Support Team, is asking for feedback from children and their families around their experiences of mental health support.
They will use this feedback to improve the support they provide directly to the children, young people, families and schools across Barnsley and have a number of prizes for children who wish to complete the short survey including bowling, cinema, swimming, football vouchers.
Children will need to leave their name, school name and school year.
I have attached their newsletter along with a link below to resources you can use to celebrate Mental health awareness week.
Barnsley School Catering Services
I have attached a newsletter from Barnsley School Catering Services who wish to keep you informed of their work taking place across the service
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 29th January
Compass Be Managing Worries Workshop – Friday 2nd February
Dear KS2 Parent,
Compass Be are running a small group ‘Managing Worries’ workshop on the morning of Friday 2nd February. Your KS2 child has been identified as a pupil that might benefit from exploring strategies for managing anxiety and will be taking part.
If you have any questions about this, please speak to your child’s teacher.
Many thanks
Mrs Wise
SENCO and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 29th January
Y3/4 Aqua Fest Swimming Event – Friday 23rd February
Dear Parent/Carer,
On Friday 23rd February 2024, your child has been selected to take part in a Year 3/4 Aqua Fest Swimming event held at Barnsley Metrodome. This is an inspire and engage event as part of the School Games. These events have an emphasis on participation and encouraging children to develop sporting skills.
The event will consist of races and finals. You child will have a minimum of 1 race against other schools in our sport’s cluster.
The event will begin at 9:30am and be finished in time for the children to return to school for their lunch. Children will leave school just after 9am and will travel to and from the venue via Wyatt Coaches.
Children can come to school with their costumes underneath their uniform to speed up getting changed. Children will need water bottles and towels and a bag to store their wet clothes.
There will be no cost for this event. Parents can spectate but must observe the event from the balcony.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 29th January
KS2 Dance Event – Friday 2nd February
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Key Stage 2 Dance event at Kirk Balk School, on Friday 2nd February 2024. The event will start at 1pm and will finish for 3.00pm. Your child will have their lunch before leaving at 12:30pm, travelling to and from the venue via Wyatts Coaches. Unfortunately, parents are unable to attend this event.
Your child will be taught a dance by Kirk Balk dance leaders and will then perform their routine to other schools.
Your child will be given a school PE shirt, but will need to bring suitable shorts, trainers, a drink of water and a bag for their belongings. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms over their shorts for travelling to the event, which will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 29th January
Foundation Stage Road Safety Lesson – Tuesday 30th January
Dear Foundation Stage Parent/Carer,
On Tuesday 30th January, your child will be taking part in a Road Safety lesson run by Ami Harding, our local Active Travel Coordinator. She will be coming into school and working with both Nursery and Reception classes to increase their awareness about keeping safe around roads, and when playing outside. The session will be fun and engaging and will include a mix of discussion, videos and colouring.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 29th January
Nursery Teddy Bear’s Picnic – Friday 2nd February
Dear Nursery Parents/Carers,
We will be holding a teddy bear’s picnic in nursery this Friday (2nd February). Please can your child bring 1 teddy from home into nursery on this day.
Thank you
Mrs Pollard & Mrs Kelly
Correspondence 29th January
Nursery (F1) Library Session – Thursday 8th February
Dear Nursery Parents/Carers,
I’m sorry that we cancelled our library last week. Our next session will be Thursday 8th February 8:15am- 8:40am in the school library. In the meantime, please continue to read stories for fun with your child.
Thank you
Mrs. Pollard & Mrs. Kelly
Correspondence 26th January
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Thank you
We would like to say a massive thank you to Mr Smith, Director of The Finance Seer (who currently has a child in Year 1) for his company’s very generous gesture of paying the pantomime shortfall.
Mr Smith has also kindly offered a £25 donation to school for any new customers who use his service, so if you are seeking financial advice, please consider using his company.
Mrs Connelly, one of our KS2 Teaching Assistants, has made the decision to resign from her position with effect from Easter. She has decided it is time for a career change and is in the process of setting up her own dog walking business – Wood Walkies. Whilst we are sad to say goodbye, we wish her all the best for her new venture.
For those of you who aren’t already aware, Miss Hudson will also be leaving us at Easter. We wish her well for the future.
Parents’ Evenings
A reminder that we will be holding our parents’ evenings in the school hall on Tuesday 6th February and Thursday 8th February, 3-6pm.
For appointments, please book using the Cloud system by following the link below:
If you have any problems logging on to the system, please contact Mrs Fiddes or Miss Dodd at who will be able to help you.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 25th January
Y2 Staffing Information
Dear Y2 Parents,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you today with an important update regarding our school’s staffing situation in Year 2.
Over the past few weeks, there have been occasions where, unfortunately, Miss Hudson has been unable to work due to illness, consequently, we have had to rely on supply staff. We understand the importance of continuity in the children’s education, and where possible, we have tried to utilise the same supply teacher, however, this has not always been possible as, due to the nature of supply, many of them prefer to work part time. We recognise the value of having familiar faces in the classroom and Mrs Law has hopefully been able to provide this. Mrs Trotter and myself have also been overseeing the work the children have been accessing and monitoring behaviour standards to ensure consistency of expectation.
It is with regret, that I need to inform you that Miss Hudson has made the very difficult decision to resign after Easter, due to her personal circumstances. We know this will cause ongoing concern, however, please rest assured that we are actively working to ensure we recruit a suitable replacement as soon as possible and will do all we can to enable a smooth transition. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate through this period. We will keep you as updated as possible.
We are very aware that the children had an unsettled Year 1 experience and we had hoped that Year 2 would be more stable and it saddens me that this has not been the case. We will ensure we offer additional support to any children who find themselves in need of this as we want all our children to achieve their full potential.
We appreciate your ongoing support as we work to provide the best possible learning opportunities for your child. If you do have any concerns or questions, please feel free to speak to me as your feedback is extremely valuable, and we want to make sure we get it right for the children moving forward.
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 23rd January
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents and Carers,
Unfortunately, there will be no Nursery library session this Thursday due to staff training and illness. Our Reception library session will go ahead as planned on Friday.
Thank you for your understanding.
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 23rd January
KS2 SEND Athletics Event – Friday 26th January
Dear KS2 Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a KS2 SEND athletics event at Barnsley College Honeywell Site on Friday 26th January 2024. The event will start at 9:30am and finish for 11:30am. Children should arrive back at school before lunch time.
This is an inspire and engage event run by School Games. These events have an emphasis on participation and encouraging children to develop sporting skills.
Children will travel to and from the venue via Wyatts Coaches. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, parents are not allowed to attend the event.
Your child will be given a sports top but will still need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held indoors.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 23rd January
KS2 Dodgeball Event – Friday 26th January
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Key Stage 2 Dodgeball event at Hoyland Common Primary School, on Friday 26th January. The event will start at 1pm and will finish for 3:00pm. Your child will have their lunch before leaving at 12:30pm, travelling to and from the venue via Wyatts Coaches. Unfortunately, parents are unable to attend this event.
Your child will be given a school PE shirt, but will need to bring suitable shorts, trainers, a drink of water and a bag for their belongings. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms over their shorts for travelling to the event, which will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 22nd January
Emotional Regulation Support Parent Workshop – 8th February, 3:30-5:30pm
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have been offered an Emotional Regulation Support parent workshop by Compass Be on the 8th of February, 3:30-5:30pm. This is an exciting opportunity to find out more around supporting children with strong emotions, and building strategies to help them manage difficult feelings.
We would like to extend an invitation for you to attend this workshop.
As there are only 20 spaces available, we are limiting places to one parent per family, and asking that you confirm whether you wish to attend by Thursday 25th January. Places will be given on a first come, first served basis. Please register your acceptance of your place by emailing the main office at
If you would like any further information, please contact myself, Mrs Wise.
Many thanks,
Mrs Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 22nd January
Nursery (F1) and Reception (F2) Library Sessions
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well.
We would like to send you a reminder about our Early Years Library sessions that will be happening in our school Library later this week.
Our Library session for Nursery children will be this Thursday 25th January from 8.15-8.40am in our school Library.
Our Library session for Reception children will be this Friday 26th January from 8.15-8.45am in our school Library.
If, for whatever reason, you are unable to attend our Library sessions then please send your child’s folder into school by Wednesday at the latest so that we can change their books.
On the day of the Library please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs. Edwards’ office.
We hope to see you there!
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr Grayhurst & The EYFS Team
Correspondence 22nd January
Y4 Information
Dear Y4 Parents and Carers,
To support our Y4 children with their transition to home, we would like to trial inviting Y4 parents to wait on the playground rather than in the carpark. We would kindly ask you not to arrive before 3:10pm, to minimise distractions, as children are getting ready for home time.
If your child walks home unsupervised, this can continue as normal.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 19th January
Y6 SATs Maths Boosters – Thursdays
Dear Y6 Parents,
As we embark on an important phase in your child’s academic journey, we are excited to invite your child to join our Y6 SATs Maths Boosters, starting on January 25th, 2024.
The boosters will take place every Thursday in the Y6 classroom, providing targeted support to enhance your child’s Mathematical skills in preparation for the upcoming SATs. We believe that these sessions will play a crucial role in building confidence and refining key mathematical strategies.
Details of the Y6 SATs Maths Boosters:
Start Date: January 25th, 2024
Day: Every Thursday
Time: 3:15pm-4:15pm
Location: Y6 Classroom
We understand the importance of your child’s success, and these boosters are designed to create a supportive and focused environment to aid their preparation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Milliner
Correspondence 19th January
Y6 SATs Reading Boosters – Mondays
Dear Y6 Parents,
As we embark on an important phase in your child’s academic journey, we are excited to invite your child to join our Y6 SATs Reading Boosters, starting on January 22nd, 2024.
The boosters will take place every Monday in the Y6 classroom, providing targeted support to enhance your child’s reading skills in preparation for the upcoming SATs. We believe that these sessions will play a crucial role in building confidence and refining key reading strategies.
Details of the Y6 SATs Reading Boosters:
Start Date: January 22nd, 2024
Day: Every Monday
Time: 3:15pm-4:15pm
Location: Y6 Classroom
We understand the importance of your child’s success, and these boosters are designed to create a supportive and focused environment to aid their preparation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Milliner
Correspondence 18th January
Join ‘Easy Fundraising’ Today for The Ellis
Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who joined ‘easyfundraising’ just before Christmas. £41.00 so far has been raised for the school which is much appreciated. If you haven’t done so already and would like to, please join and share the link below:
Please support The Ellis Primary School Hemingfield on #easyfundraising today and raise FREE donations with your everyday online shopping at Tesco, eBay, M&S, Expedia, Just Eat and many more! Once you raise your first £5, easyfundraising will double it! Plus, join this month and we could win a £250 donation. Sign up here:
Many thanks
Joanne Rodgers
Correspondence 17th January
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Easter Service Y1-Y6
We will be walking the children to St Mary’s Church for a 10am Easter service on Wednesday 20th March.
The children will leave school just after 9am and parents are welcome to meet us there – seating will be available on a first come, first served basis, however, the children will be sitting in the main pews directly in front of the altar so please don’t sit there. Children will need to stay with their class throughout the service, consisting of readings and songs which we are looking forward to sharing with you.
At the end of the service, we will walk the children back to school and we usually arrive back in plenty of time for lunch.
Please do get in touch if you need further clarification on anything or have any other questions.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Y6 Hoodies
The Y6 hoodies are now available to order online at Vortex. Please use the following link:
Any colour can be ordered and children are welcome to wear their hoody as soon as it has been delivered. Please note, as the hoodies have been personalised, unless there is a fault, they cannot be returned, therefore, please check the sizing is correct for your child.
Morning Drop Offs
Please do not drive down to the turning circle when dropping your children off at breakfast club. This area is for staff and deliveries only. This does not apply to people who need to use the disabled parking bays.
Safer Internet Day Video by Tim Pinto, e-safety Officer – 6th February
As we are now in the new year, it is always a good focus for families to make a fresh start with digital parenting by making family rules. This ensures that there is a balance with the use of digital technology. Tim Pinto, our e-safety Officer, will be presenting a webinar next Thursday (18th January) to cover resources from The Safer Internet Centre that are available.
He has also sent some useful documents which we have attached.
Topic: Preparing For Safer Internet Day 2024
Time: Jan 18, 2024 03:45 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 3615 7049
Passcode: 070877
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 16th January
Updated Leave Of Absence Guidance
Dear Parents/Carers,
As you may be aware, the government has a focus on improving attendance. Please take the time to read this letter as it has updated information regarding fixed penalty notices.
From January 2024, the leave of absence guidance has changed and there is now a new ‘Leave of Absence’ request form. When leave of absence is applied for, both parents will now receive a copy of the reply letter, as under the new guidance, both parents may receive a Penalty Notice.
All leave of absence requests should be made by the parent/carer with whom the child normally lives with. If this parent/carer is not the one taking the child on holiday, then full details of the parent/carer taking the child out of school must be completed on the form.
If we have reason to believe your child is on holiday, and no form has been handed in, you will have received a ‘Reason to Believe’ letter and a ‘Leave of Absence’ request form whilst you were away. This must be completed by you on your return and handed into school.
Kind Regards
Mrs Gay
PSA / Attendance Officer
Correspondence 15th January
SEND PE Fitness Disco – Tuesday 23rd January
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your Y3 child has been selected to attend a SEND PE Fitness Disco at Barnsley Academy Secondary School on Tuesday 23rd January 2024. The event will be inclusive to all children. There will be a ‘coach’ booked to deliver the event which will include lots of music and glow sticks! Year 3 children will be expected to support and chaperone the younger children at the event.
The event will start at 1:15pm and finish for 2:45pm. Your child will have their lunch before leaving for the event.
Children can bring bright coloured t shirts for the event but still need to be in shorts or tracksuit bottoms so they will be able to move around freely. They will also require suitable trainers and their water bottle.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 15th January
Y3/4 Boccia Event – Friday 19th January
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Key Stage 2 non-competitive Boccia event at Hoyland Common Primary School, on Friday 19th January 2024. The event will start at 1:15pm and will finish for 3pm. Boccia is a sport similar to bowls and the children will be aiming to land balls in specific targets to earn points for their teams.
Your child will have their lunch before leaving for the venue around 12:30pm via Wyatt Coaches with Mrs Connelly. Unfortunately, parents are not able to attend this event.
Your child will be given a school PE shirt, but will need to bring suitable shorts, trainers, a drink of water and a bag for their belongings. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms over their shorts for travelling to and from the event, which will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 15th January
SEND Drop Ins – Thursday 25th January
Dear Parent/Carer,
We would like to offer you the opportunity to drop in for a cuppa and a chat to Mrs Wise on Thursday 25th January, between 1-5pm. This can be for a variety of reasons, for example: your child’s learning; their progress; so that we can celebrate their achievements or to raise any concerns you may have.
For appointments, please book using the Cloud system by following the link below:
If you have any problems logging on to the system, please contact Mrs Fiddes or Miss Dodd at who will be able to help you.
Kind regards
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 15th January
Parents’ Evenings – Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th February
Dear Parents/Carers,
We will be holding our parents’ evenings in the school hall on Tuesday 6th February and Thursday 8th February, 3-6pm.
For appointments, please book using the Cloud system by following the link below:
If you have any problems logging on to the system, please contact Mrs Fiddes or Miss Dodd at who will be able to help you.
Thank you
Correspondence 12th January
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
What a fantastic start to the New Year this week has been! I am pleased that our children have returned to school with positive attitudes and are showing that they are ready to continue their learning in 2024. Class newsletters will be sent out early next week so please keep an eye out for them as these will help you to support your child at home.
Pantomime – Monday
We are very excited (oh yes we are!) for the Snow White Pantomime on Monday. Thank you to all of you who have already contributed towards this. A friendly reminder that if we don’t receive enough contributions, we won’t be able to rebook for next year which would be such a shame. Please note this is a normal uniform day.
Miss Saunders
We are extremely pleased to share with you the happy news that Miss Saunders is expecting her second child. We would like to send congratulations to her and her family.
A gentle reminder to ensure homework is completed each week and homework folders are sent into school. If you are unsure of the expectations regarding your child’s homework, please see the class newsletters or clarify this with their class teacher.
Parents’ Consultations
Our Spring term parents’ consultations will be held in the last week of this half term. Further information about how to book will be sent shortly.
As always, thank you – from myself and all the staff – for your continuing support in helping our children to be the best they can be.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 12th January
Y6 SATs Information Evening – Thursday 18th January 3:30pm
Dear Y6 Parents,
I hope this email finds you well. As we approach an important milestone in your child’s academic journey, I would like to invite you to a Year 6 SATs Information Evening.
Date: Thursday 18th January 2024
Time: 3:30pm
Location: The Y6 classroom.
During this session, we will provide valuable insights into the upcoming SATs assessments, discussing the format, content and ways you can support your child in preparing for these tests. We believe that a collaborative effort between home and school plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and well-being of our students.
This evening is an excellent opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have and gain a better understanding of the SATs process. Your participation is highly encouraged, as we value your partnership in nurturing the academic growth of your child.
Although it is not necessary for your child to attend, they are more than welcome to come and listen. Although, if they do have any particular questions regarding the SATs process, I will be having a similar meeting with all of the children in school time to answer all their questions.
We look forward to seeing you on January 18th. If you have any specific questions or topics you would like us to cover during the session, please feel free to let me know in advance. If you would like to ask a specific question regarding your child in a less communal environment, I will be around after the session to answer any queries.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Milliner
Correspondence 11th January
F2 Home-learning week commencing 8th January
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have decided to focus on reading and phonics for home-learning this week. Your child will either have a phonic reading book in their red folder (if this is appropriate), or alternatively, they will have an activity placed on See-Saw.
Next week (week commencing 15th January), we will begin our new topic about Toys. We will be reading a story about a teddy bear and would like the children to bring in their own teddy bear for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic, on Friday 19th January.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Beevers
Correspondence 11th January
Emotional Regulation Support Parent Workshop Invitation – 8th February 3:30-5:30pm
Dear Parent,
We have been offered an Emotional Regulation Support parent workshop by Compass Be on the 8th of February, 3:30-5:30pm. This is an exciting opportunity to find out more around supporting children with strong emotions, and building strategies to help them manage difficult feelings.
We would like to extend an invitation for you to attend this workshop.
As there are only 20 spaces available, we are limiting places to one parent per family, and asking that you confirm whether you wish to attend by Friday 19th January, after which your place will be offered to further families. Places will be given on a first come, first served basis. Please register your acceptance of your place by emailing the main office at
If you would like any further information, please contact myself, Mrs Wise.
Many thanks,
Mrs Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 11th January
Y6 Homework
Dear Y6 Parents,
Y6 are settling in brilliantly to life in 2024 and are excited for the challenges that are to come this calendar year.
One of our pre-existing routines is homework set on SATS Companion, being completed each week. Your child is set an English and a Maths task on SATS Companion each Thursday, to be completed by the following Thursday. Each task is 10 questions long and may have a short video to support your child to recap the learning linked with the questions. Every child brought home a letter with log in details in the first week of term and have been supported to log in and explore the platform in school.
We are really pleased that many children are accessing their homework and completing the questions each week. We have noticed that some children are completing one task, but not the other, whilst some children have not accessed any question sets yet outside school.
As these SATs Companion tasks are not optional, we would like to support children who may be having access issues, or who have not completed the home work by Thursday each week. This support will be given in school during Thursday lunchtimes.
Please get in touch if you have any questions regarding the home work being set, or if your child needs an additional copy of their log in details.
Many thanks,
The Y6 Team
Correspondence 10th January
Snow White Pantomime – Monday 15th January
We have secured M&M Productions to perform for us on the 15th January, oh yes we have!
We are asking for donations of £2.50 per child please, available to pay now via ParentPay. A letter should have been sent home today containing your log in details for ParentPay. Please see the following link: ParentPay
As the pantomime will be held in the morning, you are welcome to send your afternoon nursery child to the morning session on that day. This will be instead of the afternoon session. Please let Mrs Pollard know if your child will be swapping nursery session that day.
If we do not receive enough donations, the pantomime will, unfortunately, not be able to be booked for next year.
Many thanks
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 10th January
Y5 PGL Residential Remaining Balance Due
Dear Parent/Carer,
The remaining balances are now due for our PGL Residential Trip. Please log into ParentPay and pay the balance outstanding on your account by 3:30pm on Friday 2nd February 2024. If you do not pay by this date, we will be unable to send your payment to PGL and therefore your child’s place will be at risk.
A link to ParentPay is below.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 9th January
Nursery (F1) Library Session – Thursday 11th January
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have made a slight change to our fortnightly library sessions. From this Thursday (11th January), we will be running the session in our school library. It is a little bit smaller than our previous setting but is the perfect place to share a story!
Please leave empty prams under the canopy outside Mrs. Edwards’ office. Also, as nursery staff have to be back in class to open nursery at 8:45am, please note that the sessions will run from 8:15-8:40am.
We hope to see you there!
From the Nursery team (Mrs. Pollard & Mrs. Kelly)
Correspondence 9th January
Reception (F2) Library Session – Friday 12th January
Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy New Year. We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas.
We emailed you before the Christmas Holidays to let you know some changes about our Library Sessions this term. Unfortunately, have had to re-evaluate the space size of the multi-purpose room, and have decided that for safety reasons and practicality we need to use our school Library room to facilitate our future sessions. However, as we can only accommodate one class session at a time, we need to change our F2 Library Sessions to Friday. We will be running our sessions every two weeks starting this Friday 12th January. We apologise for the change of day.
Please bring your child to the F2 session in our school Library using the main entrance. Our session will run from 8:15-8:40am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day.
Should you have any further queries then please see a member of the Early Years Team who will be more than happy to help in any way that they can.
We look forward to seeing you all at our next Library Session this coming Friday 12th January.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr Grayhurst, Mrs Beevers and Mrs Smith
Correspondence 9th January
Y5/6 Athletics Event – Friday 12th January 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 Athletics Event at Kirk Balk Academy on Friday 12th January 2024. The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Children should arrive back at school for normal home time.
Your child will have their lunch before leaving for the venue at 12:30pm.
Children will travel to and from the venue with Wyatt Coaches. Unfortunately, parents are not allowed to attend the event.
Your child will need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 9th January
Y5/6 Bouldering Event – Friday 12th January
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child will be attending a bouldering event on Friday 12th January 2024 atThe Climbing Works, Sheffield, S8 0UJ. The event will start at 1pm and will finish for 3pm. Children will return to school at approximately 3:30pm, however, it could be later depending on traffic.
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, at 12pm with Mrs Connelly and Wyatt Coaches. Unfortunately, parents are not able to attend this event.
Your child will be given a school PE shirt, but will need to bring suitable shorts, trainers with a good grip, a drink of water and a bag for their belongings. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms or shorts for the event, which will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 22nd December
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
What a fantastic year we’ve had at The Ellis! I’m so proud of all the achievements of our children and would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our wonderful families, for your ongoing support.
We have lots of good news to share with you following our recent events.
The Y4 Bake Sale
We are so proud of Y4 for their fundraising efforts following their learning in English. They managed to raise a staggering £175 for Barnardos.
A huge thank you to Miss Saunders for organising our readathon, we raised £207 to help get books and stories into hospital.
Y1/2 Nativity
I’m sure those of you who attended will agree, Mrs Trotter, once again, did a phenomenal job with the KS1 nativity. The children really did sparkle and shine like the stars they are! We managed to raise a whopping £1116 which will go back into school funds and help KS1 develop their outdoor areas ready for the summer.
Foundation Stage Coffee Morning
Similarly, the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) team were fantastic and the children blew us away with their singing. The coffee morning raised an amazing £448 which will help fund our early years provision.
We also have some important news regarding the new year:
Snow White Panto
We have secured M&M Productions to perform for us on the 15th January, oh yes we have!
We are asking for donations of £2.50 per child please, available to pay now via ParentPay. If we do not get enough contributions, we will unfortunately not be able to book the panto again for next year.
Polling Station Information – Thursday 2nd May
As you may be aware, our nursery is usually closed for polling, however, this year we have made the decision to close the whole school. We will remind you of this nearer the time.
Public Consultation Event – Thursday 11th January 5-8pm
Local residents may have received a leaflet recently regarding a public consultation event. We have been approached by the host to provide a venue, as we are the only public building in the village. This will take place on Thursday 11th January, 5-8pm, if you would like to attend and air your views. You can find further information on the attached leaflet.
Fit and Fed January Camp
Please the flyers attached.
Hope you all have a very merry and peaceful Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Emily Edwards
Correspondence 20th December
Readathon 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am delighted to announce that we have raised a fantastic total of £402 for the Read for Good charity. I would like to thank you all for supporting your child to complete the Readathon at home.
This generous support will not only help us to get books for The Ellis but it will also bring the power of stories to children who are in hospital.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Miss A Saunders
Class Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 19th December
New After School Clubs
Dear Parent/Carer,
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
All clubs run straight after school until 4:15pm. Scotty’s Heroes finishes at 4:30pm.
If your child will not be attending the club one week, please inform us to avoid any confusion and also so we can make sure they do not get changed at the end of the school day. Thank you.
Monday – from 15th January
Y1/2 Gymnastics, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Y4/5/6 Basketball, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
F2/Y1 Footy Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 15 places.
If your child is already attending this club, and would like to continue, please email
Y1/2 Craft Club, Free of charge with Mrs Willis
Due to the popularity of this club we are limiting places to the children on our reserve list. If you put your child’s name forward for the club this half term, and they did not get a place, they will be on the list to attend Craft Club from 10th January.
Y3/4 Hockey, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Monday from 15th January
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
Correspondence 19th December
Y6 Enrichment Opportunity – Kirk Balk Academy
Dear Y6 Parent,
Your child will be bringing home a copy of the attached letter today.
Please do not worry if Kirk Balk Academy is not your child’s first choice of school, the enrichment activities are open to everyone, and are to aid transition from primary to secondary school.
If you would like to express an interest, please return your completed slip to your child’s teacher or the office, by Friday 22nd December.
Kind Regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th December
Foundation Stage Writing Workshop – Tuesday 16th January 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
We will be running a free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) on Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 4:30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop will focus on ‘Writing in the Early Years’ and will offer you a valuable insight into how to support your child’s learning and development whilst they are in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Refreshments will be available free of charge.
If you would like to attend, please inform your child’s class teacher. Unfortunately, children are unable to attend this event.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Grayhurst & Mrs Pollard
Correspondence 19th December
F1 (Nursery) Toy Day – Friday 22nd December
Dear F1 Parents,
We will be having a ‘Toy Day’ in class on Friday, the last day of school.
No electronics please, something easy for the children to share and something that isn’t too precious if anything happens to it.
Many thanks
Mrs Pollard
Correspondence 18th December
Y1/2 Nativity Information
Dear Y1/2 Parents,
The children have all worked incredibly hard and are very excited to perform ‘The angel who nearly missed it all’ to you all.
A quick reminder of timings for the next two days.
Please could children return to school at 5.30pm tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday via the outside cloakroom door. Please do not arrive before, as staff will be unavailable. We expect the play to last until approximately 6:45pm.
We have two fantastic raffles (one for each performance) and tickets will be on sale on the door before the start of each performance (£1 a strip).
Thank you again for your ongoing support.
Mrs Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
Correspondence 18th December
Nursery Friday Afternoon Additional Hours and the Government Tax Free Childcare Scheme
Dear Parents,
Further to our email last week inviting children to stay in nursery on Friday afternoons for additional childcare hours. Please see the link below about the Government Tax Free Childcare scheme which can be used to pay your nursery fees.
If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you
Joanne Rodgers
Business Manager
Correspondence 14th December
Nursery Friday Afternoon Opening from January 2024
Dear Parents (Full Time Nursery ONLY),
We are pleased to let you know that the nursery will now be open on Friday afternoons from 12th January.
If you would like your child to attend on Friday afternoons, in addition to the 30 hours they already attend, please let us know. Payment for this will be £15 payable via Parentpay.
Joanne Rodgers
Business Manager
Correspondence 14th December
EYFS Library Session – Thursday 11th January 2024
Dear Early Years Parents and Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well and that you are enjoying the run up to Christmas.
We would like say a big thank you to all the parents who have supported our EYFS Library sessions this term, it has been lovely to see how much the children have enjoyed choosing a book to share with you at home.
With this in mind, we would like to inform you of some changes that will be happening to our Library in the New Year. As our Breakfast Club numbers have increased this term, they will need to use the hall every day, as this is the biggest space that we have in school. Our Library Sessions will continue to happen every two weeks, but we will be hosting them in two separate rooms in school. Our F1 Library will be held in the Computer Suite and our F2 Library will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Please bring your child to the F1 Library (in the Computer Suite) or F2 Library (in the Multi-Purpose Room) using the main entrance. Both our library sessions will run from 8:15-8:40am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day.
Should you have any further queries, then please see a member of the Early Years Team who will be more than happy to help in any way that they can.
May we take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024.
We look forward to seeing you all at our next Library Session on Thursday 11th January 2024.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr Grayhurst, Mrs Pollard, Mrs Beevers and Mrs Kelly
Correspondence 14th December
Crucial Crew Fact Information Sheet
Dear Y6 Parents,
Crucial Crew have created a fact sheet with key messages from their Crucial Crew programme. They hope you will find this useful and follow up by reiterating the points throughout the year.
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 14th December
Useful Information around Safety
Dear Parents,
Dog Safety Information
Crucial crew (a provision run by South Yorkshire Police’s Community Safety Team), have asked us to share some useful information to all parents around Dog Safety, as there has been an increase in injuries caused by dogs recently.
Our e-safety Officer, Tim Pinto, has also asked us to share some online safety Christmas resources for parents and ’12 tips for Christmas’.
He has also sent an E-Safety Santa video for children. It is aimed at KS1 and possibly Year 3/4, is based on a story about online safety and Christmas and lasts around 15 minutes.
The link for the video is here:
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 13th December
Attached Leaflet of Interest
Dear Parents,
Please find attached a flyer which may be of interest to you.
BAFSS Consultation – Parent Flyer
Many thanks
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 11th December
Y4 Barnado’s Charity Bake Sale – Thursday 14th and Friday 15th December
Dear Y1-Y6 Parent/Carer,
Our Year 4 class are hosting a bake sale on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th December to raise money for Barnardo’s charity.
There will be a variety of store bought baked goodies which will be sold by the children across lunch time on both days.
If you would like to support the charity, please send your child with a small amount of change to purchase a baked treat on either of these days.
All of the money raised from the bake sale will go to Barnardo’s charity to support vulnerable children and young people to improve the outcomes for children living in poverty.
If you would like more information on the work that Barnardo’s do or would like to make a contribution, please visit
Thank you for your support
The Y4 Team
Correspondence 11th December
Y4 Barnado’s Charity Bake Sale – Thursday 14th and Friday 15th December
Dear Y4 Parent/Carer,
Last week, we emailed about Y4 hosting a bake sale in school to raise money for Barnardo’s charity. We have decided this event will take place over 2 days on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th December.
If you feel you can support this charity, we would be grateful if your child could bring in baked goods (preferably store bought for allergy reasons) to sell across the 2 days. Please ensure that baked goods do not contain nuts, as we are a nut free school.
The children are really excited about the bake sale, and are enthusiastic about raising money for this charity, following the completion of our book Street Child.
If you have any questions about items to bring into school, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you
The Y4 Team and Y4 Children
Correspondence 8th December
Closing date for Reception school place applications – Monday 15th January 2024
Dear Nursery Parents,
You will have received an envelope at the beginning of September containing information about how to apply for a Reception school place for your child in September 2024.
You should apply online at If you do not receive an email confirming your application, you MUST contact the Admissions Department at Barnsley Council on 01226 773677.
If you do not live in Barnsley, you should apply to the authority where you pay your council tax to. If this is the case, please can you email the school office to tell us that you have submitted your application so that we don’t send you any further reminders.
The closing date for applications is Monday 15th January 2024.
Should you have any queries, or require any support completing your application, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office or the admissions department on 01226 773677.
Thank you
Joanne Rodgers
Business Manager
Correspondence 7th December
Ellis Information
Dear Parent/Carer,
If you haven’t already, please can you send your child’s Readathon sponsor card into school by Friday 8th December, as we would love to celebrate your child’s reading achievements in our Gold Awards assembly.
When I have the final numbers, I will be in touch to share the amount that we have raised. Thank you for supporting our Readathon this year, your support at home really does make a big difference.
Kind regards,
Miss A Saunders
After School Clubs
The ONLY after school club that will be running during the last week of term is Scotty’s. ALL other clubs will be cancelled.
A reminder that as it is the Ellis Church next Thursday, the dodgeball club will either run outside, weather and lighting permitting, or be classroom based e.g. table tennis. If your child does not wish to attend, this is okay.
Party Food
Please order your child’s party food as soon as possible online, using ParentPay, this really does help with the catering numbers.
New Sports Opportunity – Rugby League
We have been asked to promote and share the attached rugby league club flyer.
Many thanks
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 6th December
Y5 Polite Reminder
Dear Parent,
Please can you ensure that your child has a full outdoor PE kit in school every Friday.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 6th December
Barnsley Immunisation Service Information for Parents
Dear Parent/Carer,
Barnsley School Aged Immunisation Service has asked us to send out the attached letter and leaflet regarding Measles vaccinations.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
The Ellis CE School
Correspondence 6th December
The Big Ambition Survey
Dear Parents,
As there has been an amazing response to ‘The Big Ambition’ survey from Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools across England, it has been decided to extend the closing date to Friday 19th January 2024, to allow even more children the chance to have their say.
Children and parents can complete the survey here in approximately 5-10 minutes:
Alternatively, this flyer contains a link to the survey for parents and children to complete at home.
‘The Big Ambition’ provides a much needed opportunity for the children of England to tell policy makers what is important to them ahead of the General Election.
Let’s make sure that the children and young people of Barnsley are represented in the results.
Thank you again and Merry Christmas!
Very best,
Dame Rachel De Souza
Children’s Commissioner for England
Correspondence 6th December
Y4-Y6 Ellis Christmas Information
Dear Y4-Y6 Parent/Carer,
As Christmas comes upon us there will be lots of events happening in school, so we thought it would be useful to send you a reminder of some of the key dates and information that was sent out in our recent newsletter.
PTFA Christmas Discos – Wednesday 13th December Y1-3 5-6pm / Y4-6 6:30-7:30pm
Tickets are for sale on ParentPay priced at £3.50 each until Tuesday 12th December. This includes a drink, crisps and a small bag of sweets. A list of attendees will be handed to the PTFA and your child’s name will be ticked off as they enter school.
If your child is arriving unaccompanied, please remind them to register with a member of staff/PTFA when entering school. Parents do not need to stay with their children.
Children must arrive at the disco no earlier than 5 minutes before the start time.
Please leave a contact telephone number on the notes section when you pay for your tickets.
Children will not be allowed to leave school without an adult. Please collect them from the main office at 7:30pm.
Hemingfield Action Group (HAG) Christmas Concert – Friday 15th December time TBC
Mrs Edwards is currently recruiting children to be part of a choir for the Hemingfield Action Group Carol Concert on Friday the 15th December, exact times to be confirmed. As we have a limited amount of time, we will be rehearsing some lunch times between now and the concert.
On the evening of the concert, children will need to stay with their parent/guardian until it is our turn to sing. If they could wear Christmas jumpers that would be great, however they are not compulsory.
Christmas Party Day – Thursday 21st December
Children are welcome to come in their party clothes but please be mindful of outdoor play.
Party food costs £2.30 and is ordered and paid for using the lunch option on ParentPay. Party food includes all nursery children. There is no alternative food on either day, therefore, if you do not wish to order school lunch, please send your child to school with a packed lunch.
Please order your child’s food as soon as possible, this helps with numbers for the kitchen.
Christingle Service – Friday 22nd December
Please join us for our school Christingle Service which will be held in the hall at 2pm on Friday 22nd December.
If you have any questions or would like any further information, please contact the office who will be more than happy to help you
We look forward to seeing you all in school over the next few weeks!
Many thanks for your continued support
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 6th December
Y1-Y3 Ellis Christmas Information
Dear Y1-Y3 Parent/Carer,
As Christmas comes upon us there will be lots of events happening in school, so we thought it would be useful to send you a reminder of some of the key dates and information that was sent out in our recent newsletter.
PTFA Christmas Discos – Wednesday 13th December Y1-3 5-6pm / Y4-6 6:30-7:30pm
Tickets are for sale on ParentPay priced at £3.50 each until Tuesday 12th December. This includes a drink, crisps and a small bag of sweets. A list of attendees will be handed to the PTFA and your child’s name will be ticked off as they enter school.
Please ensure you register your child with a member of staff/PTFA, and do not let them arrive unaccompanied. Parents do not need to stay with their children.
Children must leave after school at the usual time (3:15pm), and return for the disco no earlier than 5 minutes before the start time.
Please leave a contact telephone number on the notes section when you pay for your tickets.
Children will not be allowed to leave school without an adult. Please collect them from the main office at 6pm.
Hemingfield Action Group (HAG) Christmas Concert – Friday 15th December time TBC
I am currently recruiting children to be part of a choir for the Hemingfield Action Group Carol Concert on Friday the 15th December, exact times to be confirmed. As we have a limited amount of time, we will be rehearsing some lunch times between now and the concert.
On the evening of the concert, children will need to stay with their parent/guardian until it is our turn to sing. If they could wear Christmas jumpers that would be great, however they are not compulsory.
KS1 (Y1/2) Nativity – Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th December
Our 2023 nativity is called…..’The angel who nearly missed it all’. It is full of lively songs; a funny script and we know it is going to be amazing!
Tickets are now available to purchase on ParentPay and are priced at £2 each (child and adult).
Tickets are available on a first come first served basis, and will be on sale until Tuesday 12th December.
If you do not have ParentPay, please come to the office to pay for your tickets.
We will be allocating seat numbers therefore please let us know if you require any aisle seats. We will be sending tickets home with your child from Wednesday 13th December.
A raffle will be held on both nights (cash only please), and all money raised goes to improve our KS1 learning areas and classroom resources.
Christmas Party Day – Thursday 21st December
Children are welcome to come in their party clothes but please be mindful of outdoor play.
Party food costs £2.30 and is ordered and paid for using the lunch option on ParentPay (free of charge for F2, Y1 and Y2). Party food includes all nursery children. There is no alternative food on either day, therefore, if you do not wish to order school lunch, please send your child to school with a packed lunch.
Please order your child’s food as soon as possible, this helps with numbers for the kitchen.
Christingle Service – Friday 22nd December
Please join us for our school Christingle Service which will be held in the hall at 2pm on Friday 22nd December.
If you have any questions or would like any further information, please contact the office who will be more than happy to help you
We look forward to seeing you all in school over the next few weeks!
Many thanks for your continued support
Kay Dodd
The Ellis CE School
Correspondence 6th December
Y4 Barnados Charity Bake Sale
Dear Y4 Parent,
As we have come to the end of reading Street Child, we have been truly touched by our character Jim’s life experiences and how Doctor Barnardo changed his life and countless others.
We have discussed doing something to raise money for the charity Barnardo’s at Christmas, which is where the Doctor Barnardo in our book originates from.
We have had the idea of doing a bake sale in school to raise money for the charity. Members of our year 4 class will give up some of their break times or lunch times to sell items from the bake sale, and the money raised will be donated to Barnardo’s charity.
We have not yet confirmed a date, however it is likely to be next week (11th to 15th December). If you’re able to support this charity, and would like to send your child with some baked goods, (preferably store bought and nut free, to reduce allergy risks) please bring them in on Monday 11th December.
If you would like more information on the work that Barnardo’s do or would like to make a contribution then visit their site for more information:
Thank you,
Miss Bradbury and the Y4 Team
Correspondence 5th December
PlayStation and Xbox Parental Control Guidance
Dear Parents,
Our e-safety officer, Tim Pinto, has asked us to share the attached guidance for setting up parental controls for PlayStation and Xbox consoles.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
The Ellis CE School
Correspondence 5th December
Hemingfield Action Group Carol Concert – Friday 15th December
Dear Y1-Y6 Parent/Guardian,
I am currently recruiting children to be part of a choir for the Hemingfield Action Group Carol Concert on Friday the 15th December, exact times to be confirmed. As we have a limited amount of time, we will be rehearsing some lunch times between now and the concert.
On the evening of the concert, children will need to stay with their parent/guardian until it is our turn to sing. If they could wear Christmas jumpers that would be great, however they are not compulsory.
I look forward to seeing you all there and singing along!
Yours sincerely
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 5th December
Y4 Swimming – Final Lesson Friday 8th December
Dear Y4 Parent,
This email is to notify you that Friday 8th December is Y4’s last swimming lesson at Wath Leisure Centre, therefore they do not need to bring their swimming kit on Fridays (in Y4) after this date.
Since this is the final lesson, the instructors use this time to teach the children about water safety. As a requirement, they have asked that all children bring a set of pyjamas with them to the lesson.
All children will still need to wear their swimming costumes/shorts underneath this clothing whilst in the pool.
The set of pyjamas should follow this guidance:
The instructors have advised that if you do not have pyjamas that suit the criteria, then your child could wear their PE kit.
Please note that children should still come to school in their school uniform, and the pyjamas should be in their swimming bag with their swimming kit. We ask that children bring a plastic bag to put their wet pyjamas in afterwards.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you
Y4 Team
Correspondence 5th December
Santa Dash – Wednesday 6th December
Dear F1-Y6 Parent/Carer,
During tomorrow’s break time, I will be running a festive Santa Dash around the school grounds and forest school area.
I have been out and assessed the ground and although it is wet and muddy in some places, it is safe to run/walk on. If your child would like to participate in the Santa Dash they must be in wellies. Please ensure that they have these in school tomorrow.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 4th December
Y3/4 Wentworth Woodhouse Trip Lunch/Reminder – Thursday 7th December
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please see the email below regarding the Y3/4 trip to Wentworth Woodhouse on Thursday.
In advance of the trip, we would ask that you log onto ParentPay and let us know if your child would like a school meal or if they are bringing a packed lunch on the day. The children will return to school after the lunch service has started, and our kitchen staff will know to keep the meals booked to one side until the children return to school.
Thank you for your support.
Kay Dodd
Dear Parent/Carer,
I would like to take Year 3 and Year 4 to Wentworth Woodhouse on Thursday 7th December 2023 to participate in their ‘Tale as Old As Time’ event, as well as having a go at some Christmas and winter crafts.
The coach company we will be using is Globe. The coach will leave school at 9am and is expected to return to school by 12:15pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school.
The cost of the trip will be £9.10 per child. This is payable via Parent Pay straight away. Should not enough money be collected, we will unfortunately have to cancel the trip.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat as some of the morning may take place outdoors. Also, from personal experience, it can be a bit chilly inside the house!
Participation in this trip is dependent on good behaviour in school.
If you have not already done so, please give your consent and make payment via ParentPay as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any financial difficulties covering the cost of the trip, please contact the office at
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Art Lead
Correspondence 1st December
Family Advent Calendar
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please find attached an advent calendar with some activities to complete together in the run up to Christmas.
Thank you
Kay Dodd
The Ellis CE School
Correspondence 1st December
Y3/4 Wentworth Woodhouse Trip Reminder – Thursday 7th December
Dear Parent/Carer,
I would like to take Year 3 and Year 4 to Wentworth Woodhouse on Thursday 7th December 2023 to participate in their ‘Tale as Old As Time’ event, as well as having a go at some Christmas and winter crafts.
The coach company we will be using is Globe. The coach will leave school at 9am and is expected to return to school by 12:15pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school.
The cost of the trip will be £9.10 per child. This is payable via Parent Pay straight away. Should not enough money be collected, we will unfortunately have to cancel the trip.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat as some of the morning may take place outdoors. Also, from personal experience, it can be a bit chilly inside the house!
Participation in this trip is dependent on good behaviour in school.
If you have not already done so, please give your consent and make payment via ParentPay as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any financial difficulties covering the cost of the trip, please contact the office at
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Art Lead
Correspondence 1st December
Y1 Homework
Having had a discussion with Mrs Edwards, we have decided that for Y1 maths I will set a maths activity on Seesaw as well as the phonic video. If I feel it will help, I will give an example of what we have done or attach a short video. It may be a written activity or a counting activity (such as counting 2s), and it will always link to the work we have completed in class. I will also ensure there are clear instructions.
We will continue to monitor homework and I would appreciate any feedback to ensure that I get it right for your children.
Kind regards
Charlotte Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
The Ellis C E Primary School
Correspondence 1st December
Y6 Crucial Crew Reminder and Consent – Monday 4th December
Good morning,
As part of the year 6 curriculum, we are taking the children to Crucial Crew, an initiative run by South Yorkshire Police and Fire services, on Monday 4th December 2023. The visit leader on the trip will be Mrs Brinkley.
The coach company we will be using is Globe. Please ensure your child is in school for registration at 8:20am. The coach will leave school at 8:30am prompt and is expected to return to school by 3.15pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken. A further tablet for the return journey can be brought into school in a named envelope.
This trip will be fully funded by school as it is designed to help children to develop an understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe in a variety of scenarios.
A packed lunch will be required and can be provided by school for children who are entitled to Scheme of Aid. Please contact the office to order this.
If you have not already done so, please log onto Parent Pay to give your consent for the trip. If we do not have consent, your child will be unable to go on the trip.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Correspondence 30th November
Y2 Homework and Spellings
Dear Y2 Parents,
Unfortunately, as Miss Hudson has been absent with illness this week, there will not be any homework or new spellings.
Thank you.
Correspondence 30th November
Nursery Information
Dear Nursery Parents,
Christmas jumper & Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 6th December
Please send your child to school in their Christmas jumper on this day.
For full time children only- Christmas dinner is available to order through ParentPay. There is no alternative on this day, therefore, if a school lunch is not ordered, a packed lunch will be needed.
Library Session – Thursday 7th December
Please bring your child into the school hall using the main entrance, as you have done so for previous sessions. Our library session will run from 8:15-8:45am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day.
Please note that this will be our last Library Session before Christmas. Our Library Sessions will resume in the New Year on Thursday 11th January 2024.
Early Years Coffee Morning – Friday 8th December
Please remember that you are all invited to our FS Coffee Morning. It will be held in our school, next Friday 8th December. There will be lots of festive refreshments and the children have been busy making gifts for you to buy. We have also been practising lots of lovely Christmas songs so we look forward to seeing you there.
Please make sure that you also send your child to school in their Christmas jumper on the day of the coffee morning.
Christmas Party Day – Thursday 21st December
Children can arrive in school and wear their party clothes all day, however, please be mindful of outdoor playtimes.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Nursery Team
Correspondence 30th November
Y6 Leavers Hoodies
Dear Y6 Parents,
We will shortly be organising Y6 leavers’ hoodies with Vortex, our school uniform supplier.
For GDPR purposes, I now need to inform you that every child’s Christian name will be on the reverse of the hoody. If you do not give consent for your child’s name to appear, please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 30th November
Early Years Library Session – Thursday 7th December
Dear FS Parents/Carers,
A reminder that our next Early Years Library Session is Thursday 7th December in the school hall.
Please bring your child into the school hall using the main entrance, as you have done so for previous sessions. Our library session will run from 8:15-8:45am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day.
Please note that this will be our last Library Session before Christmas. Our Library Sessions will resume in the New Year on Thursday 11th January 2024.
If you have any questions regarding our Early Years Library then please see your child’s class teacher.
We hope to see you there.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 30th November
Reception (F2) Information
Dear Reception Parents,
As Christmas comes upon us there will be lots of events happening in school, so we thought it would be useful to send you a reminder of some of the key dates and information that was sent out in our recent newsletter.
Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 6th December
Please send your child to school in their Christmas jumper on this day. If you would like your child to have a school Christmas dinner, this needs to be ordered as soon as you can to help our school cook make the necessary catering arrangements. There is no alternative option on this day, therefore a packed lunch will need to be brought from home if a school lunch is not ordered.
Library Session – Thursday 7th December
Please bring your child into the school hall using the main entrance, as you have done so for previous sessions. Our library session will run from 8:15-8:45am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day.
Please note that this will be our last Library Session before Christmas. Our Library Sessions will resume in the New Year on Thursday 11th January 2024.
If you have any questions regarding our library then please speak to me during the session.
Early Years Coffee Morning – Friday 8th December
Please remember that you are all invited to our FS Coffee Morning. It will be held in our school, next Friday 8th December. There will be lots of festive refreshments and the children have been busy making gifts for you to buy. We have also been practising lots of lovely Christmas songs so we look forward to seeing you there.
Please make sure that you also send your child to school in their Christmas jumper on the day of the coffee morning.
Christmas Party Day – Thursday 21st December
Children can arrive in school and wear their party clothes all day, however, please be mindful of outdoor playtime.
Christingle Service – Friday 22nd December
Please join us for our school Christingle Service which will be held in the hall at 2pm on Friday 22nd December.
If you have any questions or would like any further information, please see a member of our team who will be more than happy to help you.
We look forward to seeing you all in school over the next few weeks!
Many thanks for your continued support,
The F2 Team
Correspondence 30th November
Nintendo Switch Parental Control Guidance
Dear Parents,
Our e-safety officer, Tim Pinto, has asked us to share the attached information regarding setting up parental controls on Nintendo Switches.
Kind Regards,
Tim Pinto BA(Hons) MA PGCE
Correspondence 28th November
Nursery Information
Dear Parents,
As many parents are asking for a class list to help their child write their Christmas cards to friends, a class list has been placed in your child’s red folder will come home on Wednesday.
Please remember to send your child to nursery in their Christmas jumper on Wednesday 6th December (Christmas dinner & jumper day) and also for the Foundation Stage coffee morning (Friday 8th December).
Children can also dress in party clothes for the Christmas party on Thursday 21st December.
Thank you
The Nursery Team
Correspondence 28th November
Santa Dash – Wednesday 6th December
Dear Parents,
On Wednesday 6th December, in addition to Christmas jumper and dinner day, we will be running our first ever Santa Dash!
All children from Nursery-Year 6 will be invited to take part, running a course around the school grounds, within school time, dressed in their Christmas clothes and of course Santa hats if they have them!
This event is free, non-competitive and just for fun, hopefully creating some happy, lasting memories for the children. They will not need to change for the event, however, it will be beneficial if they have appropriate trainers to run in.
Any children can opt out if they do not wish to take part.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 28th November
Christmas Club for Free School Meal Children – Thursday 4th and Friday 5th January
Dear Parents,
We have been asked to share the following Christmas Club information with parents of children on free school meals.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Christmas Club
This Christmas, Mid Yorkshire Community Foundation are running the Healthy Holidays program at Greenfields Primary School for children who are on free school meals.
The club will be running on Thursday 4th of January and Friday the 5th of January, 10am – 2pm for children aged 5-12. Both days will have a mixture of different sports, dance, team building games, competitions and quizzes. Every child will also receive a free meal and snacks.
Each day must be booked separately using the links below:
Thursday 4th January
Friday 5th January
If you have any questions, please add this contact number 07549 680740 to WhatsApp and we will be happy to help.
Luke Ogden
Sports Development
Mid Yorkshire Community Foundation | Total Sporting Solutions
M:07460 305678
Correspondence 27th November
Year 4-6 PTFA Christmas Disco – Wednesday 13th December 6:30-7:30pm
Dear Y4-6 Parent/Carer,
Our PTFA Christmas discos will be on Wednesday 13th December, 5-6pm for Y1-3 and 6:30-7:30pm for Y4-6.
Tickets are now for sale on ParentPay priced at £3.50 each. This includes a drink, crisps and a small bag of sweets. A list of attendees will be handed to the PTFA and your child’s name will be ticked off as they enter school.
If your child is arriving unaccompanied, please remind them to register with a member of staff/PTFA when entering school. Parents do not need to stay with their children.
Children must arrive at the disco no earlier than 5 minutes before the start time.
Please leave a contact telephone number on the notes section when you pay for your tickets.
Children will not be allowed to leave school without an adult. Please collect them from the main office at 7:30pm.
Thank you
Correspondence 27th November
Year 1-3 PTFA Christmas Disco – Wednesday 13th December 5-6pm
Dear Y1-3 Parent/Carer,
Our PTFA Christmas discos will be on Wednesday 13th December, 5-6pm for Y1-3 and 6:30-7:30pm for Y4-6.
Tickets are now for sale on ParentPay priced at £3.50 each. This includes a drink, crisps and a small bag of sweets. A list of attendees will be handed to the PTFA and your child’s name will be ticked off as they enter school.
Please ensure you register your child with a member of staff/PTFA, and do not let them arrive unaccompanied. Parents do not need to stay with their children.
Children must leave after school at the usual time (3:15pm), and return for the disco no earlier than 5 minutes before the start time.
Please leave a contact telephone number on the notes section when you pay for your tickets.
Children will not be allowed to leave school without an adult. Please collect them from the main office at 6pm.
Thank you
Correspondence 24th November
Y1 Classroom Secrets Kids Homework Information
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your patience regarding our homework on the new website ‘Classroom Secrets Kids’, which we as a school have been trialling.
I have received feedback that some children are having difficulty with the questions and feel that the instructions are not as clear as they would like. It is always difficult when using website links (especially new ones) as I only see the teacher version (and of course have been in class with the children all week so know what we have covered and how we have done it).
As with any new thing we roll out at The Ellis, we will always listen to parental feedback and appreciate this (as we want to do the best for our children) and will reflect on it. I will look to see if there are any videos available on the website I can send to accompany the activity over the weekend, and will also talk it over with Mrs Edwards when she is in school on Monday.
I will then email you with the way forwards regarding maths homework in preparation for next Friday. For this week, please could you practise numbers which make 10 with your child as this is a key thing they need for Y1.
0 +10 = 10
1 + 9 =10
2 + 8 = 10
3 + 7 = 10
4 + 6 = 10
5 + 5 = 10
I have had positive feedback about the Ruth Miskin videos on Seesaw so will continue with these (there is one on for this week).
Thank you for your patience. We want to get it right for our children and want to work together to ensure what we are sending is user friendly and accessible.
Charlotte Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
Correspondence 23rd November
School Meals Supervisory Assistant Vacancy at The Ellis
Dear Parents,
We currently have a vacancy for a School Meals Supervisory Assistant. Please feel free to share this with family and friends who may be interested.
Please click on the following link to view the vacancy online.
Vacancy Title: School Meals Supervisory Assistant | Grade 1 Point 2 – £11.59 per hour |The Ellis C of E Primary School
Link: View the vacancy online
Correspondence 21st November
Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day – Wednesday 6th December
Dear Parent/Carer,
On Wednesday 6th December, we will be having our combined Christmas Dinner (see menu attached) and Christmas Jumper Day. Please order your child’s Christmas dinner online via ParentPay as soon as possible to help with numbers. There is no charge to children in F2, Y1 or Y2, as lunches are free under the Government scheme, however, if it takes you to the payment option, this should be zero.
Full time nursery children are also invited to wear their Christmas jumpers and order a Christmas lunch. Payment is paid by ParentPay and costs £2.30. Part time nursery children are welcome to wear their Christmas jumpers that day.
If you have any questions, or need any help with ParentPay, please email
Thank you
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 21st November
E-Safety Office Advice – Protecting Yourself Online
Dear Parent/Carer,
With Black Friday coming up at the end of the week, please find attached a leaflet with advice on how to protect yourself online.
Many thanks
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 21st November
Y4 Maths Homework
Dear Y4 Parent/Carer,
On Friday, your child was sent home with a CPG Times Tables 10 Minute Weekly Workout book for our Maths Homework. We used these same booklets last year and they had a great impact on children’s times tables as it allowed them to access a written form of multiplication practice.
We ask that they complete a workout each week and bring the booklet in on Friday to mark together in class at the start of our Times Tables focused lessons.
We have completed Workout 1 together and the children need to complete Workout 2 onward (but only once a week). Children will be reminded in class which workout they should complete, both verbally and visually.
Thank you
Miss Bradbury and the Y4 Team
Correspondence 21st November
FS Library Session Reminder – Thursday 23rd November
Dear FS Parent/Carer,
A reminder that our Early Years Library Session is Thursday 23rd November in the school hall.
Please bring your child into the school hall via the main entrance, as you have done for previous sessions. Our library session will run from 8:15-8:45am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day.
If you have any questions regarding our next library session, please see your child’s class teacher.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 20th November
Breakfast Club Drop Off
Dear Parent/Carer,
If your child attends breakfast club, please wait with them until they are inside school. We have had instances where children have been dropped off and left unsupervised.
Please drive carefully when dropping off your children, including turning around at the school gates.
Thank you for your understanding.
Correspondence 20th November
Y3/4 Wentworth Woodhouse Trip – Thursday 7th December
Dear Parent/Carer,
I would like to take Year 3 and Year 4 to Wentworth Woodhouse on Thursday 7th December 2023 to participate in their ‘Tale As Old As Time’ event, as well as having a go at some Christmas and winter crafts.
The coach company we will be using is Globe. The coach will leave school at 9am and is expected to return to school by 12:15pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school.
The cost of the trip will be £9.10 per child. This is payable via Parent Pay straight away. Should not enough money be collected, we will unfortunately have to cancel the trip. If you are experiencing any financial difficulties covering the cost of the trip, please contact Mrs Edwards.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat as some of the morning may take place outdoors. Also, from personal experience, it can be a bit chilly inside the house!
Participation in this trip is dependent on good behaviour in school. Please give your consent and payment via ParentPay as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Art Lead
Correspondence 20th November
Y6 Crucial Crew – Monday 4th December
Dear Parent/Carer,
As part of the year 6 curriculum, we are taking the children to Crucial Crew, an initiative run by South Yorkshire Police and Fire services, on Monday 4th December 2023.The visit leader on the trip will be Mrs Brinkley.
The coach company we will be using is Globe. The coach will leave school at 8:30am prompt and is expected to return to school by 3.15pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken. A further tablet for the return journey can be brought into school in a named envelope.
This trip will be fully funded by school as it is designed to help children to develop an understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe in a variety of scenarios.
A packed lunch will be required and can be provided by school for children who are entitled to Scheme of Aid. Please contact the office to order this.
Please log onto Parent Pay to give your consent for the trip.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Correspondence 20th November
Y1/2 Craft Club Cancellation – Wednesday 22nd November
Good afternoon,
This week’s Craft Club (Wednesday 22nd November) is cancelled due to staff training.
Thank you for your understanding.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 20th November
Easypeasy App
Encouraging families to download the EasyPeasy app
Dear Foundation Stage Parents,
As part of the work to transform our Family Centres into Family Hubs, the Barnsley Early Years Consultants are supporting families digitally, as well as in person with resources around the Home Learning Environment through the easypeasy app. This is for every Barnsley family with a child under 5 and it offers ideas for activities, from language development to bedtime routines. Simply download the app, share some details, and get creative ideas.
Please see the attached poster with a QR code that will take you straight to the app. We will also be displaying these posters around school to remind you about this important learning support resource.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Mr Grayhurst, Mrs Pollard & The Early Years Team
Correspondence 16th November
SEND Surveys to complete and Coffee Afternoon – Friday 15th December
Dear Parents and Carers,
At The Ellis, we are striving to ‘Be the best we can be’ for your children and would love to gather some feedback on the experiences of children with SEND and their families, so that we can continue to evaluate and improve the support we offer. To help us do this, please could you complete this survey-
I’d also like to invite you to a festive gathering for families of pupils with SEND on the 15th of December at 2:30pm. There will be minced pies, hot drinks and a chance to chat about your children and the ways staff at The Ellis offer support.
If you have not yet had chance to contribute to our survey about our SEND coffee meetings, then please do answer this short set of questions about what you would like going forward-
Many thanks,
Beth Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
The Ellis CE Primary School
Correspondence 16th November
#easyfundraising – Please sign up to support The Ellis
Dear Parents,
Please see the attached information explaining how you can support our school to receive free donations. It only takes a few minutes to register and will make a huge difference to our school.
#easyfundraising – Sign up to support The Ellis
Thank you
Correspondence 15th November
Foundation Stage Homework
Dear Parents,
A quick email to inform you that our FS2 homework will be sent home tomorrow (Friday), instead of today (Thursday).
Apologies for this.
The FS2 Team
Correspondence 15th November
Children In Need Reminder – Friday 17th November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Friday 17th November is Children in Need. Children are welcome to come to school wearing spots or pyjamas instead of school uniform. If you haven’t yet done so and would like to make a donation (suggested £1) please use the following link. We will not be accepting cash in school.
Thank you for your support.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 14th November
Dodgeball Event – Wednesday 22nd November
Dear Parents,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Y4 Dodgeball event at Horizon college on Wednesday 22nd November.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, at 12:15pm.
Children will need to be in full PE kit but can bring tracksuits to travel in. They will need inhalers if they require them and their water bottle with their name on.
Please note if your child has recently had their ears pierced and cannot take them out themselves, then they will be unable to take part in the event and will remain in school.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 15th November
KS1 Nativity Tickets – Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th December
Dear Parent/Carer,
Our 2023 nativity is called…..’The angel who nearly missed it all’. It is full of lively songs; a funny script and we know it is going to be amazing!
Tickets are now available to purchase on ParentPay and are priced at £2 each (child and adult).
Tickets are available on a first come first served basis, and will be on sale until Tuesday 12th December.
If you do not have ParentPay, please come to the office to pay for your tickets.
We will be allocating seat numbers therefore please let us know if you require any aisle seats.
We will be sending tickets home with your child from Wednesday 13th December.
A raffle will be held on both nights (cash only please), and all money raised goes to improve our KS1 learning areas and classroom resources.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 14th November
Y3/4 Benchball Event – Friday 1st December
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Y3/4 Benchball event on Friday 1st December.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. There is no requirement for transport, as the event is being held at The Ellis.
Children will be given a school PE shirt and will require their PE shorts, trainers and their water bottle. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need this to be in school.
Please note if your child has recently had their ears pierced and cannot take them out themselves, then they will be unable to take part in the event.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 14th November
Y6 SEND Bowling Event – Wednesday 22nd November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Panathlon are a national charity for SEND children, and we are delighted to confirm the charity has secured a free bowling event for school at Barnsley Superbowl. The event will be fun and very inclusive and engaging for the children.
Your child has been selected to attend the event which will be on Wednesday 22nd November between 10:00-12:00. Children will leave school and travel by train to Barnsley Interchange, where they will then walk to the venue. There will be 2 adults from school accompanying the children.
This event will be completely free to the children and will hopefully provide them with positive memories from the day. Your child requires no money for the event.
Your child will need to be in full school uniform and a warm coat. They will also need to have a packed lunch and water bottle, as they will have their lunch before returning to school.
If you would prefer your child not to participate in this event, please email to allow us time to find another child to fill the place. Unfortunately, no parents can spectate at this event.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 13th November
SIAMS School Inspection – Thursday 16th November
Dear Parents,
Please see my earlier email below regarding our forthcoming SIAMS inspection. If you would like to speak to the inspector, the drop in session will now take place at 8:55-9:15am on Thursday 16th November.
Kind Regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 10th November
SIAMS School Inspection – Thursday 16th November
Dear Parents,
Please see the attached letter regarding our forthcoming SIAMS inspection. If you would like to speak to the inspector, we are providing a drop in session at 8:45-9:15am on the day of inspection.
If you cannot make this time slot, but would like to email any comments for us to pass on then please do so.
Thank you to those of you who completed our parent survey during parents evening. If you did not, and would like to complete it prior to our visit, please see the link below
Kind Regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 10th November
Y1 Homework Information
Dear Parents and Carers,
Now our children are settled into Y1, we would like to introduce two short homework activities for your child to complete weekly. These will not take very long and are intended to enable your child to practise some of the things they have been doing at school in reading and maths, and for you to see what your child is currently learning. Below is an explanation of the two activities.
Maths – A short maths activity will be set using the online website Classroom Secrets Kids. This can be accessed via any online device and your child’s login is stuck inside their reading diary. The website is The activity will appear on their homepage for one week before it is removed and a new activity is set.
Phonics video – A video will be posted onto Seesaw (as it was in FS2), which enables your child to practise one of the sounds they have been introduced to that week. The new Seesaw logins are stuck in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please practise the sound with the video so that your child gains confidence recognising and reading the sound in isolation and in words.
The activities will be set on a Friday and we ask that they are completed by the following Thursday in time for the new activity. We hope that these homework tasks will be purposeful and help you to see what your child has been learning at school that week.
If you have any questions or problems, please do speak to Mrs Trotter.
Thank you for your support in this matter.
Kind Regards
Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 10th November
EYFS Nursery Rhyme Week week commencing 13th November 2023
Dear EYFS Parents,
World Nursery Rhyme Week is fast approaching, and we are delighted to confirm we will be taking part. The initiative, launched in 2013, promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development and education, with a particular focus on how nursery rhymes boost early language and literacy skills.
We have a number of activities planned throughout the week, so do please keep an eye on our class Twitter pages to see what your children are learning.
Singing nursery rhymes is a wonderful activity you can also enjoy doing together at home. You can access all of the free resources at home by registering at
We can’t wait to celebrate a wonderful week of rhyming with your children.
Best wishes and kind regards,
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 9th November
Anti Bullying Week and Children In Need
Dear Parent/Carer,
Anti-Bullying Week (week commencing Monday 13th November)
Come to school wearing odd socks on Monday 13th November to celebrate what makes us all unique! (It is also fine to wear matching socks if your child prefers).
Children In Need
A reminder that Friday 17th November is Children in Need. Children are welcome to come to school wearing spots or pyjamas, instead of school uniform.
If you would like to make a donation, however small, please do so using the following link:
We will not be accepting cash in school.
Thank you for your support.
Kind Regards
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 8th November
Remembrance Day Choir – Sunday 12th November
Dear Parent,
Your child has requested to be part of a choir for the Remembrance Service at St Mary’s Church, Wombwell, on Sunday 12th November.
Could I please ask you to confirm that you (or another adult family member) are able to stay with your child for the duration of the service.
The service in Church will start at 10am. The children will need to meet me at 9:45am to register and to be in position to sing. We will finish the Service by 10:50am, at which point they will need to return to their families. We will then go outside to the Cenotaph for the 2 minute silence and wreath laying.
There will be tea and coffee served in Church after everything has finished.
There is no clothing requirement, however, it would be lovely if the children had a poppy to wear.
Kind Regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 8th November
Barnsley Rotary Club Art Competition
Dear Parents and Carers,
Your child has recently created a piece of art work in class which I have entered into a competition, being run by Barnsley Rotary Club. I have not yet been notified of any winners as the official closing date was today, however, I wanted to make you aware that ALL the work submitted will be on public display at Barnsley Metrodome on Friday 17th November (4-7 pm) and Saturday 18th November (10-5pm).
If you have any questions or require any further information please get in touch.
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 8th November
Developing an All-Age Autism Strategy for Barnsley
Dear Parents,
Please see the attached for your information.
Developing an All-Age Autism Strategy for Barnsley
Specialist Advisory Teacher – SCI
Social Communication and Interaction Team
Correspondence 8th November
Y5/6 Cross Country Event – Friday 24th November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child will be attending a 2km Y5/6 cross country event at Kirk Balk Academy on Friday 24th November. The route will be marshalled so the children will know where to go around the simple route. The aim is to inspire participants to continue their physical activity journey.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish by 3pm. Your child will have lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring full PE kit (white PE tops/black shorts), suitable trainers for the event and their water bottle. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 8th November
Children in Need – Friday 17th November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Friday 17th November is Children in Need. Children are welcome to come to school wearing spots or pyjamas instead of school uniform. If you would like to make a donation (suggested £1) please use the following link. We will not be accepting cash in school.
Thank you for your support.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
The Ellis CE School
Correspondence 8th November
Age Uk Charity Donations – Friday 10th and Monday 13th November
Dear Parents,
A reminder that Age UK will be coming to school on Monday 13th November to collect any donations. Please see the original email below, donations need to be brought to the main office area.
Thank you
Kay Dodd
Dear Parents,
Age UK, Barnsley, are currently really struggling for pre-loved items to sell through their charity shops. This is due to the amount of donations being severely reduced since covid.
As Monday 13th November is World Kindness Day, we will be working in conjunction with Age UK to support their charity. If you have any items you would like to donate, please drop them in to school, either anytime on Friday 10th November, or on Monday 13th November before 9am ONLY and one of their vans will come and collect everything that morning.
We will be unable to accept donations after this date, however, Age UK will accept any donations such as clothing, homewares, toys, books etc. with 100% of the sale proceeds going to help older people in the Barnsley boroughs.
Kind regards
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 8th November
Annual Flu Immunisation Programme – Reception to Y6 – Thursday 23rd November
A reminder that the Immunisation Team will be coming into school on Thursday 23rd November, to offer annual flu vaccinations. If you have not given consent yet for your child to receive this, please do so using the link below:
Your unique code for The Ellis CE Primary School is BN106638
Thank you
Kay Dodd
Dear Parents (Reception-Y6),
The seasonal flu vaccine protects children, and those around them, from catching flu, which is a very unpleasant illness and can lead to serious complications, such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
On Thursday 23rd November, the immunisation team will be coming into school to offer annual flu vaccinations to all children from Reception upwards. These vaccinations are given as a nasal spray.
The poster attached contains all the information needed to give permission for your child to receive the immunisation. If you prefer, there is a list attached of clinic dates which you are more than welcome to attend. This may be because:
If you experience any problems, please contact the team on
Thank you.
Correspondence 7th November
Y5/6 Football Finals – Friday 24th November
Dear Parent,
A few weeks ago, your child was part of the boys’ football team that came runners up in the district finals. As a result of this, we have been allocated a place in the Barnsley Regional Finals.
The event is Friday 24th November at Barnsley College Honeywell Site (also known as Honeywell Sports Village), S75 1BP and will run 12:30-3:30pm.
Please could you let school know if you are able to accompany your child to the event. If you are unable to accompany your child, please let school know if you are unhappy for them to sort alternative travel arrangements for your child, this may result in them being unable to attend the event.
Children will have their dinner before leaving for the venue at 11:45am. If you are transporting your child, please arrive at school shortly before 12pm. Your child can return home with you after the event.
The event will be played on Astro turf and your child will need suitable footwear, shin pads, socks and warm clothes to wear when spectating. Your child will be given a school football kit. There will be no cost for the event.
This is a fantastic achievement for your child and the school to get to this stage in the competition, and if successful there is the opportunity to progress to the county finals.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 7th November
Foundation Stage Reading Workshop – Tuesday 14th November
Dear Parent,
We will be running a free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) on Tuesday 14th November at 4.30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop will focus on ‘Reading in the Early Years’ and will offer you a valuable insight into how to support your child’s learning and development whilst they are in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Refreshments will be available free of charge.
If you would like to attend, please inform your child’s class teacher. Unfortunately, children are unable to attend this event.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs T Pollard & Mr D Grayhurst
Correspondence 6th November
FS Library Session Reminder – Thursday 9th November
Dear FS Parent/Carer,
A reminder that our Early Years Library Session is Thursday 9th November in the school hall.
Please bring your child into the school hall via the main entrance, as you have done for previous sessions. Our library session will run from 8:15-8:45am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day.
If you have any questions regarding our next library session, please see your child’s class teacher.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 26th October
Whirlow Residential – July 2024
Dear Parents,
Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response to our Year 2 residential to Whirlow Farm next year, I can now inform you that 29 children are going, which is very exciting news! Now we have these numbers, I can give you some more information. We will take the 3 groups of children on the following dates:-
Group 1: Monday 1st July – Wednesday 3rd July 2024
Group 2: Wednesday 3rd July – Fri 5th July 2024 (they will swap at lunchtime with group 1).
Group 3: Monday 8th July – Wednesday 10th July 2024
When your child is not on their residential trip, they should attend school as normal. Two members of staff will stay with each group of residential children, and other staff members will teach the children who are at school.
The cost of the trip will be £102 which includes 2 nights’ accommodation, return travel, food and all activities whilst we are there. We must inform you at this stage that the cost is non-refundable. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer a discounted price if your child does not sleep over night as the groups for both daytime activities and evening accommodation are based on a maximum of 12 children and as we have 29 going, we are having to take 3 groups.
We ask that payments are made via Parent Pay. The total amount will appear on your child’s page and parents are then able to pay off small amounts at a time (the total amount left will decrease as payments are made) or should you wish to, you can pay the full amount in one go.
We ask that all parents meet the following payment deadlines as we have to pay Whirlow Farm in advance. Should you wish to pay the balance before these dates that is fine.
First payment of £32 to be paid by 27.11.23
Second payment of £35 to be paid by 19.02.24
Final payment of £35 to be paid by 20.05.24
Parents are invited to a meeting on 21st May 2024 at 5pm to discuss what your child will need to bring and to give you more information. Should you have any questions prior to this time, please do not hesitate to pop in and see Mrs Trotter.
Kind Regards,
Mrs C Trotter (Year 1 teacher and KS1 Leader)
Correspondence 26th October
Secondary School Application Reminder
Dear Parent of Y6 child,
According to our records you haven’t yet submitted an application for a secondary school place for your child.
The closing date for applications is 31 October 2023, although applications received up to and including 30 November 2023 will be considered as on time.
If you have applied, but you don’t live in Barnsley, please let us know as we don’t have access to applications submitted to other authorities.
We strongly recommend that you apply for a school place online because you will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received. If you don’t receive an email you MUST contact the Admissions Department at Barnsley Council on 01226 773677.
Should you have any queries, or require any support completing your application, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.
Thank you
Correspondence 26th October
Read for Good Sponsored Readathon
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am excited to announce that we will be running a Read for Good sponsored Readathon throughout November this year.
Your child will be bringing home their sponsor card on Friday, any small donations will be gratefully received but our main aim is to encourage a life-long love of reading.
Please see the attached letter for more information. Readathon Letter
Please do not hesitate to contact school if you have any questions.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Miss A Saunders
Correspondence 25th October
New After School Clubs
Dear Parents,
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
All clubs run straight after school until 4:15pm. Scotty’s Heroes finishes at 4:30pm.
If your child will not be attending the club one week, please inform us to avoid any confusion and also so we can make sure they do not get changed at the end of the school day. Thank you.
Y1/2 Multi-sports, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
If your child would like a place at this club, or if your child is already attending this club, and would like to continue, please email
Y5/6 Cross Country Running, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Only 12 places available. First come first served. Children will need clothing that can get mucky.
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
F2/Y1 Footy Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 12 places.
Y1/2 Craft Club, Free of charge with Mrs Willis
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Y3/4 Benchball/Dodgeball, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please note, this club WILL NOT be running on 16th November or 14th December due to prior commitments in the hall. If the weather is fine, multi-sports will be offered outside as an alternative on these days which children can decide to opt out of if they so wish.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
Correspondence 25th October
School Photographs – Thursday 26th October
Dear Parents/Carers,
A reminder that the photographer is coming into school tomorrow (Thursday) to take the children’s individual photographs. Please see the attached reminder flyer.
Brothers and sisters who attend school and either nursery session will also be photographed together for a sibling photograph. This will be organised in school.
If you have a pre-school baby or toddler that you would like to bring for a family photograph, please come to the school hall at 8:15am. You are, of course, under no obligation to purchase any of the photographs if you do not wish to do so.
Thank you
Correspondence 25th October
FS Library Session Reminder – Wednesday 25th October
Dear FS Parent/Carer,
A reminder that our Early Years Library Session is tomorrow morning in the school hall.
Please bring your child into the school hall via the main entrance, as you have done for previous sessions. Our library session will run from 8:15-8:45am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please ensure that your child’s book is returned to school before 26th October.
If you have any questions regarding our next library session, please see your child’s class teacher.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 24th October
Y1/2 Cross Country Event – Friday 10th November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has shown an interest in attending a 2km Y1/2 cross country event at Birdwell Primary School on Friday 10th November. The route will be marshalled so the children will know where to go around the simple route. The aim is to inspire participants to continue their physical activity journey.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish by 3pm. Your child will have lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring full PE kit (white PE tops/black shorts), suitable trainers for the event and their water bottle. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 24th October
Y3/4 Cross Country Event – Friday 17th November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has shown an interest in attending a 2km Y3/4 cross country event at Birdwell Primary School on Friday 17th November. The route will be marshalled so the children will know where to go around the simple route. The aim is to inspire participants to continue their physical activity journey.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish by 3pm. Your child will have lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring full PE kit (white PE tops/black shorts), suitable trainers for the event and their water bottle. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 24th October
Football Tournament – Tuesday 7th November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Netherwood Academy on Tuesday 7th November. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm depending on how well the school perform! They will have lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Your child will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes and a waterproof coat for when they are spectating, and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 23rd October
Y3/4 Hockey Competition Event – Friday 27th October
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 3/4 Hockey Competition event at Springwood School on Friday 27th October.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm depending on how well the school perform! Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are able to spectate on this occasion, however children will need to return to school via the minibus before they can be collected.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 23rd October
Tag Rugby Finals Event – Wednesday 25th October 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
Due to the success at the Year 5/6 Tag Rugby event, your child has been selected to represent The Ellis at the Tag Rugby Finals. The finals will be held on Wednesday 25th October at the Dodworth Miners Rugby Club, Dodworth, S75 3RF.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:15pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating. If your child owns a pair of football boots it would be advisable to bring these along in case the event is held on grass.
Parents are invited to spectate at this event and refreshments will be available to purchase.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 20th October
Fundraising For School
Dear Parents,
We understand that the current cost of living crisis is affecting everyone’s household budgets, as well as school budgets, so we have registered with ‘easyfundraising’ to try and raise some funds for school without families having to contribute personally.
Please see the attached for information on how it works.
Joanne Rodgers
Business Manager
Correspondence 19th October
FS Library Session Confirmation – Wednesday 25th October
Dear FS Parents/Carers,
Due to the school photographers needing the hall next Thursday (26th October), our next library session will be brought forward to Wednesday 25th October.
Please bring your children into the school hall via the main entrance, as you have done for previous sessions. Our library session will run from 8:15-8:45am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please ensure that your child’s book is returned to school before 26th October.
If you have any questions regarding our next library session, then please see your child’s class teacher.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Kind regards,
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 19th October
AGE UK Charity Donations – Friday 10th and Monday 13th November
Dear Parents,
Age UK, Barnsley, are currently really struggling for pre-loved items to sell through their charity shops. This is due to the amount of donations being severely reduced since covid.
As Monday 13th November is World Kindness Day, we will be working in conjunction with Age UK to support their charity. If you have any items you would like to donate, please drop them in to school, either anytime on Friday 10th November, or on Monday 13th November before 9am ONLY and one of their vans will come and collect everything that morning.
We will be unable to accept donations after this date, however, Age UK will accept any donations such as clothing, homewares, toys, books etc. with 100% of the sale proceeds going to help older people in the Barnsley boroughs.
Kind regards
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 18th October
School Photographs
Dear Parents,
Photographers will be coming into school on Thursday 26th October to take the children’s individual photographs.
Brothers and sisters who attend school and either nursery session will also be photographed together for a sibling photograph and this will be organised in school.
If you have a pre-school baby or toddler that you would like to bring for a family photograph please come to the school hall at 8:15am. You are, of course, under no obligation to purchase any of the photographs if you do not wish to do so.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 17th October
Y4 Mirodo English Task
Dear Y4 Parent/Carer,
It was lovely to meet some of you at parents evening last week, and I look forward to meeting more of you next week.
This email is just to remind you about the Mirodo Tasks that are being set each week.
All children have their logins stuck in the front of their reading diaries – if it is missing then please let us know.
Each week, on a Thursday, your child will be set a Mirodo English task that they need to complete. Each task comes with a short video, which your child should watch independently or with you, and 10 questions to complete. It should take no more than 5-10 minutes.
The task has to be completed digitally and can be accessed through a device that connects to the internet, such as a mobile, iPad or laptop/computer.
If your child does not have access to a device at home to complete the task, then please make sure that you have alerted myself or Miss Turton so that we can make arrangements in school.
Mirodo practise can be accessed so that children can explore and practise more skills if they need to.
Thank you
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 17th October
Christmas Card Competition
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please find below details of a Christmas Card competition organised and judged by our local MP Stephanie Peacock.
Entries need to be handed to your child’s teacher no later than Wednesday 25th October.
Thank you
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
It is that time of year again when I invite pupils across Barnsley East to take part in my annual competition to design my official Christmas card. Every year the competition shows the creativity and talent of young people in the area.
I would be delighted if the pupils at your school took part in this year’s competition. The card, made with the winning design, will be sent to local businesses, civic leaders, voluntary groups and politicians across Barnsley and Westminster.
Winners from each school will be chosen and be named the ‘school winner’. Winners from each participating school will then be shortlisted, and the final design will then be chosen to be my Christmas card design. However, all the school winners will have their design included within the card, along with their name and school.
In December, the winner and runners up from the schools will be awarded prizes and certificates.
Designs should be submitted on white A4 paper, preferably landscape. To avoid any potential confusion, please could the artist’s full first name, the first initial of their surname, class, year group and the name of their school be clearly written on the back of their design.
I look forward to receiving your designs.
Yours sincerely
Stephanie Peacock MP
Correspondence 16th October
Y5/6 Netball Event – Friday 20th October
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 netball event at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 20th October.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm depending on how well the school perform! Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm, waterproof clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 16th October
Y1-6 Harvest Festival, St Mary’s Church – Wednesday 18th October
Dear Y1 – Y6 Parents,
Our Harvest festival this year will be at St Mary’s Church on Wednesday 18th October.
Years 1-6 will be walking from school promptly at 9am and parents are welcome to meet us at St Mary’s for a 10am start. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis, however, the children will be sitting in the main pews directly in front of the altar, so please leave these free. Children will need to stay with their class throughout the service and will share some harvest poetry or art.
At the end of the service, we will walk the children back to school in plenty of time for their lunch.
Kindly bring any donations of tinned/packet food with you as these will be donated to Wombwell food bank via St Mary’s.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 16th October
Important Information – Secondary School Applications
Dear Y6 Parent,
You will have received an envelope at the beginning of September containing information about how to apply for a Secondary school place for your child in September 2024.
We strongly recommend that you apply for a school place online because you will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received. If you do not receive an email, you MUST contact the Admissions Department at Barnsley Council on 01226 773677.
If you do not live in Barnsley you should apply to the authority where you pay your council tax to. If this is the case, please can you email the school office to tell us that you have submitted your application so that we don’t send you any further reminders.
The closing date for applications is 31st October 2023 although applications received up to and including 30th November 2023 will be considered as on time.
Should you have any queries, or require any support completing your application, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.
Thank you
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 12th October
Y4 Movie Information
Dear Y4 Parents,
As part of our History and English learning, we have been exploring what life was like for children living during the Victorian Period.
Our History and English lessons have given children a fascinating insight into this topic and they are really enjoying it!
As we come towards the end of our half term, we would love to watch the musical, Oliver! (1968) in class. This is the movie information:
‘In this award-winning adaptation of the Broadway musical based on the Charles Dickens novel, 9-year-old orphan Oliver Twist (Mark Lester) falls in with a group of street-urchin pickpockets led by the Artful Dodger (Jack Wild) and masterminded by the criminal Fagin (Ron Moody). When Oliver’s intended mark, Mr. Brownlow (Joseph O’Conor), takes pity on the lad and offers him a home, Fagin’s henchman, Bill Sikes (Oliver Reed) plots to kidnap the boy to keep him from talking.’
We will be watching the movie through Amazon Prime where it has a U-Rating which means that it is suitable for all viewers.
We would like parents to be aware that children have been exploring how life for a child living in the Victorian Period was not a pleasant one and the movie reflects this well.
If you would prefer that your child did not watch this movie, please let us know so that we can find an alternative activity for them to do.
Thank you,
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 12th October
FS Library Session Confirmation
Dear FS Parents/Carers,
Due to our EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) Harvest coffee morning next Thursday (19th October), our next library session will be held on Thursday 26th October.
Please bring your children into the school hall via the main entrance, as you have done for previous sessions. Our library session will run from 8:15-8:45am. Please remember to bring your child’s current book to return to our library on that day. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please ensure that your child’s book is returned to school before 26th October.
If you have any questions regarding our next library session, then please see your child’s class teacher.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Kind regards,
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 12th October
Lexplore Reading Assessments
Dear Parents, (Y1-Y6)
We have recently purchased an innovative piece of technology which will help us carry out more detailed reading assessments of your children.
Lexplore requires the children to be tested using an eye tracker that reads the pupil’s eye movements. The technique of analysing eye movements during reading to measure reading ability was initiated by a research project in reading development that began in the 1980s and has since been further developed at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
The digital assessment is both simple and fun for the pupils. It only takes a few minutes for a pupil to complete the assessment, which begins with the pupil following a dot moving around on the screen. This is done to calibrate the screen with the eye movements. This is followed by a test where the pupil names letters, and after that, they read two short passages with a few reading comprehension questions. That’s it.
The analysis of the eye movements is done using artificial intelligence, AI, and is completely objective. With the help of this, pupils can receive interventions at exactly the right level to help them find the joy in reading.
You can read more and watch a video about how the assessment is done on
If you would prefer you child NOT to be assessed using Lexplore, please email the office before Monday 16th October.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 12th October
Trinity Academy St Edward’s Fair Banding mop-up session – Tuesday 7th November 5pm
Fair Banding Assessment – Mop-up session letter
Dear Y6 Parents,
We have been asked to forward the attached communication to our current Year 6 parents.
It relates to the ‘fair banding mop-up session’ that Trinity Academy St Edward’s are holding on 7th November at 5pm, and is for any parents/carers who missed the deadline in September, or whose child could not attend in primary, or at the assessment session on Saturday 7th October 2023.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 12th October
SEND Coffee Afternoon Survey
Dear Parents and Carers,
During this half term’s SEND coffee afternoon, we discussed exploring what would be the most helpful use of our time together, and how to make sure that all parents and carers who want to, have the opportunity to join us.
I’ve put together this survey so that we can gather your views .
I would be really grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill it in.
Many thanks,
Mrs Wise
SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher
Correspondence 11th October
Foundation Stage Coffee Morning – Thursday 19th October
Dear Parents,
We will be holding our Harvest coffee morning on Thursday 19th October, 9-10:30am to which all family members are invited.
If you would like to attend, please make your way into the school hall via the main school entrance after you have dropped your child off in class.
Doors will open at approximately 9am.This will give you ample opportunity to get your tea, coffee and cakes and purchase the gifts your child has made in class before the children come in to sing (approximately 9:30am). Raffle tickets will also be on sale.
The children will be brought into the hall by staff at approximately 9:30am to sing some songs on stage. You will be able to video and take photographs of your child but please remember not to upload any to social media if they contain images of other children.
Nursery children can be picked up from outside nursery after the event if parents wish, however, nursery is still open as usual.
F2 children will remain in school for the remainder of the day.
All proceeds from this coffee morning will be spent purchasing new equipment to enhance our learning environment.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards,
The Early Years Foundation Stage Team
Correspondence 11th October
Neli Letter
Dear F2 Parents,
We have attached a letter about our NELI Programme. This contains information about the Language Screen Assessment which we will use to screen all the children in class.
Kind regards
Mr D Grayhurst
Early Years Leader
Correspondence 11th October
Bishop’s Badge Competition Celebration Event – Thursday 2nd November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Before the Summer break, your child took part in a competition to create a badge for Bishop Sophie. Over 700 children from schools within the diocese took part, and we are delighted to let you know that your child is one of the four children from The Ellis who have been awarded a special commendation.
You are invited to attend the celebration event with your child which will be taking place at Rotherham Minster on Thursday 2ndNovember, with doors opening at 6pm for refreshments. The celebration will run from 6:30-7:30pm.
I have attached a PDF invitation and please ask that you reply using the link on the invitation. (
If you and your child are not able to attend, can you please indicate on the RSVP form where you would like your child’s certificate to be posted.
I hope you will be able to attend the event.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 11th October
F2/Y1 Phonics Workshop Reminder – Monday 16th October
Dear Parents,
We are holding a phonics workshop on Monday 16th October at 5pm in the hall.
During this session, we will explain how phonics is taught in school and the ways in which you can support your child effectively at home. You will also have the opportunity to see the resources we use in school on a daily basis and to ask any questions.
Please note that for any of our Y1 parents who may have attended the phonics workshop last year, this will be a refresher course, however, we encourage as many people as possible to attend.
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 6th October
Packed Lunch Safety Reminder
Dear Parent/Carer,
If grapes are included in your child’s packed lunch, please ensure they are cut in half lengthways to minimise the risk of choking.
Thank you
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 6th October
Tax Free Childcare Information and Link
Dear Parents, (children who currently attend breakfast club)
A couple of parents whose children attend breakfast club are receiving ‘tax free childcare’. This can be used to pay towards childcare at our school, such as breakfast club.
Please see the link below:
If you are eligible for Tax-Free Childcare, you will set up an online childcare account for your child and for every £8 you pay into this account, the government will pay in £2 to use to pay your provider.
You can get Tax-Free Childcare at the same time as 30 hours free childcare if you’re eligible for both.
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 5th October
Summer Reading Challenge Certificates
Dear Parent/Carer,
If your child took part in this year’s Summer Reading Challenge, please can they bring in their certificate for Friday 6th October. We would love to celebrate their reading achievements in our Gold Awards Assembly.
Abbey Saunders
Class Teacher/Reading Lead
Correspondence 4th October
Additional Parents’ Evening Date – Wednesday 25th October
Dear Parent,
We will have allocated a few more appointments on an additional date, Wednesday 25th October. If you have not yet booked a 10 minute slot to see your child’s teacher, please use the cloud system by following the link below.
If you have any problems logging on to the system, please contact Mrs Fiddes or Miss Dodd at who will be able to help you.
Kind Regards
Kay Dodd
Correspondence 4th October
Early Years Library Session Reminder – Thursday 5th October
Dear Parents,
A reminder that our Early Years Library Session (see email below) is tomorrow morning in the school hall. If you are unable to accompany your child, please do not worry, staff will ensure your child is able to choose a book, either at the session or on Friday morning. Thank you
Early Years Library Session
Our Early Years library session is changing. It will now be a ‘pop in pop out’ session where you can spend a short time choosing a book with your child.
The sessions will be in the school hall for all of our Early Years children and their families, every second Thursday, beginning on Thursday 21st September and we would love to see you there with your child.
This is how our library day will run:
If you have any questions regarding our new library sessions, please see your child’s class teacher.
Thank you
The Early Years Team.
Correspondence 3rd October
Y5/6 Tag Rugby Event – Tuesday 10th October
Dear Parent,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Y5/6 Tag Rugby event at Netherwood School on Tuesday 10th October.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating. If your child owns a pair of football boots it would be advisable to bring these along in case the event is held on grass.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead / Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 3rd October
Online Safety Parent Newsletter
Please see the attached Online Safety Parent Newsletter from the E-Safety Office.
E-Safety Parent Newsletter Oct 23
Kind Regards
The Ellis CE Primary School
Correspondence 3rd October
Parents’ Evenings
Dear Parent,
We will be holding our face to face parents’ evenings in the school hall Wednesday 11th October, Thursday 12th October and Wednesday 25th October.
To book your child’s appointment, please use the Cloud system by following the link below
If you have any problems logging on to the system, please contact Mrs Fiddes or Miss Dodd at who will be able to help you.
Correspondence 29th September
Y5 PGL Residential Trip Confirmation – 10th-12th April 2024
Dear Parents,
We are delighted to let you know we have now confirmed numbers for our Y5 residential trip next year to PGL Caythorpe Court, 10th-12th April 2024.
We have secured the trip at a discounted price, which is actually less than what we anticipated and the total cost, including transport will be £238 per person.
The initial deposit of £30 has already been paid, therefore, an outstanding amount of £208 has been placed onto ParentPay to be paid by 29/02/2024. This can be paid in instalments if you so wish.
For more information about this trip and the types of activities on offer please visit:
Please note participation in this trip will be dependent on consistent good behaviour in school.
Yours faithfully
Mrs E Edwards
Correspondence 29th September
Important Information including list of dates
Dear Parents,
Please find attached our list of important dates for the upcoming year. Thank you for your patience regarding this, we have been waiting for a few dates to be confirmed. As you will be aware, our school calendar is very full and there may be other dates that we add throughout the year. Important Dates
Please remember not to send your children to school with nuts, of any form, in their lunch box. This includes Nutella/Nutoka chocolate spread sandwiches, or chocolate bars with nuts, such as, Snickers, Kinder Bueno or Reese’s cups. We have children with nut allergies in school and this could cause a medical emergency.
In a couple of weeks we will have various events to celebrate our Harvest Festival. We hope to see as many of you as possible there.
This year, we will be participating in the Remembrance Service at St. Mary’s church. If your child would like to be involved in the choir and can attend the church service, please ask them to come and see me before Friday 6th October. KS1 and KS2 children are both welcome to participate.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 29th September
Autumn Foliage Request from F2
This email originated from outside the domain. Please treat any links and attachments with caution.
Dear Parents,
As part of our learning focus next week, we will be looking at Autumn. If you are able to, could you please help us by bringing in any Autumn things such as leaves, acorns, pine cones, conkers, twigs etc. for us to display on our ‘Autumn Table’.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Beevers
Correspondence 28th September
Year 5 Homework
Dear Y5 Parents,
Y5 are settling in to the new routines of a new class and new school year.
One of the new routines is home work set on SATS Companion, being completed each week. Your child is set an English and a Maths task on SATS Companion each Monday, to be completed by the following Monday. Each task is 10 questions long and may have a short video to support your child to recap the learning linked with the questions. Every child brought home a letter with log in details in the first week of term and have been supported to log in and explore the platform in school.
We are really pleased that many children are accessing their home work and completing the questions each week. We have noticed that some children are completing one task, but not the other, whilst some children have not accessed any question sets yet outside school.
As these SATs Companion tasks are not optional, we would like to support children who may be having access issues, or who have not completed the home work by Wednesday each week. This support will be given in school during Thursday lunchtimes.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about the home work being set, or if your child needs an additional copy of their log in details.
Many thanks,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 28th September
Netherwood Academy Open Evening – Wednesday 4th October
Dear Parents,
Please see the email invitation for Netherwood Academy open evening below.
Good morning,
I would just like to let you know that our open evening for your students will be held on Wednesday 4th October between 4.30pm and 6.30pm.
If you could you let your parents know, it would be greatly appreciated.
We look forward to meeting lots of your students and showing them some of the interesting activities going on around school.
Best wishes
E Currie (SEND Admin)
Correspondence 27th September
Foundation Stage Workshop – Tuesday 3rd October
Dear Parents,
We will be running a free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at 4:30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop will focus on ‘What to expect in the Early Years’ and will offer you a valuable insight into how to support your child’s learning and development whilst they are in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Refreshments will be available free of charge.
If you would like to attend, please inform your child’s class teacher. Unfortunately, children are unable to attend this event.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours sincerely
Mr D Grayhurst & Mrs T Pollard
Correspondence 27th September
Dear Parents,
If your child is taking place in Young Voices 2024, please find the link below which will enable you to access all the tracks, lyrics, dance videos etc.
When you click on the link, it will ask you to create a free account, then your child will have everything they need to start practising!
I am attending the Young Voices teachers’ workshop on Wednesday, then we will start rehearsing one lunchtime a week from the start of October until the concert in February.
I can’t wait to get started and hope your child is as excited as I am!
Here is the link:-
Kind regards
Charlotte Trotter
Correspondence 27th September
Year 2 Whirlow Farm Residential – July 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
As I am sure you are aware, we run an annual 2-night residential trip for our Y2 children to Whirlow Farm in Sheffield. We took 27 Y2’s last July and we had an absolutely brilliant time! (Feel free to visit our Y2 Twitter (now X) page where you will see all the tweets I posted whilst we were away, and it will give you an idea of the things we got up to! @TheEllisY2).
Our Y2 Whirlow residential is a wonderful experience and one which our current Y6 children talk about fondly from when they visited all those years ago!
Whirlow Farm is a very popular place for Key Stage 1 children to visit and they run residential trips for children all year round (although the summer term books up very early, as it is a lovely end of year experience). Their most popular age group is indeed Year 2 as it provides a welcoming, age-appropriate programme for children of this age. Many schools visit year after year and it becomes an annual favourite for Key Stage 1 children!
Whirlow Farm is a working farm with many animals, beautiful woodland and farm walks and space for children to play in the safety of enclosed gardens. It is set in acres of farmland, has a lovely play area and the views are spectacular! The farm staff are very experienced at working with primary school children and there is an onsite educational team who will work alongside the teachers and children during the day.
On the first day, the children will have the opportunity to take part in a farm tour where they will have the chance to meet lots of farm animals and to help out with the farm jobs (e.g. feeding the animals, grooming them and handling some of the smaller animals). On the second day, the school staff will walk the children to Forge Dam, approx. 1.2 miles away, which has a large duck pond, lovely play area, picnic spots, woodland area and stream, which we love paddling in (it is very shallow only coming up to ankle-level and staff are in the water with the children). In the evenings, we will do lots of activities with the children, depending on the weather, including playing games and sports, baking and playing board games and quizzes together. The children will also work together (alongside the school teaching staff) to prepare meals, make packed lunches and wash up! It really is a big team effort but an amazing opportunity for the children to develop their independence in a small, safe environment.
With regards to sleeping arrangements; the farm can cater for 12 children and 2 teachers at a time, which would mean that one group would visit whilst the others are at school, and on their return the other group would then visit. If we have more than 24 children, we will take smaller groups of approximately 10 and run three trips. (Any child who does not wish to take part in the residential will attend school as normal that week). The children will sleep in the converted hall or barn and the two teachers will have their own rooms, within the hall/barn, and will look after the children overnight.
As a parent myself with two children, I realise that it is hard to ever imagine that your own child will be ready for an overnight stay but this residential is a lovely way to let them experience an overnight stay with their friends and teachers they know well in a small, homely and calm environment. Having taught KS1 for many years now, it still staggers me how much the children grow up and change between the end of Year 1 and the end of Year 2. They really do grow in confidence, independence and resilience over the year. Having run this trip for many years now, I can say first-hand that the children gain so much from such an experience and that it provides them with lasting memories. I will be personally accompanying each group with another member of staff from school.
With regards cost, we are unable to give an exact figure until we know how many children will be going (as the accommodation is a set price regardless of whether it is at full capacity of 12 children or not). I envisage that it will not cost more than £120 based on previous years (and factoring in the significant increase in coach price this year) and may be slightly less depending on numbers. This will include 2 nights’ accommodation, food, return travel by minibus and all the activities children undertake whilst they are there. Payments can be spread throughout the year and once we have numbers, we will be able to send out a final price and a payment schedule.
As lots of schools are now starting to book residential visits for next year, we have provisionally booked the following dates for our visit, however I need to confirm these dates soon. If we have less than 24 children, then one of the dates will not be needed.
Mon 1st July – Wed 3rd July 2024 (first group)
Wed 3rd July – Fri 5th July 2024 (second group)
Mon 8th July – Wed 10th July 2024 (third group)
NB – group 1 will come home Wednesday lunchtime and will swap with group 2.
As we are only able to hold our provisional booking for a certain number of days, please can you reply to this email by Monday 2nd October 2023 confirming whether or not your child would like a place. When we have confirmed numbers, I will be able to confirm the exact price. I will then send out payment schedules and details of how to pay on Parent Pay.
Please note participation in this trip will be dependent on consistent good behaviour in school.
If you have any initial enquiries, please pop and see Mrs Trotter or email the office and I will answer any questions you might have. Alternatively, I am sure the current Y3 parents would be happy to speak to you about their experience of the residential.
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Y1 Teacher / KS1 Leader
Correspondence 26th September
Y3/4 Cross Country – Wednesday 27th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child is welcome to come into school wearing their PE kit (and warm clothes) tomorrow morning. Their uniform should be brought to school in a bag, to change into, when they return from the event.
Thank you
Miss Cook
Correspondence 26th September
Dear Parents and Carers,
We will be holding a SEND parents coffee afternoon at 2:30pm on Thursday 28th September, which will give you an opportunity to discuss how paperwork is used to support your child, raise any transition concerns and share with Mrs Wise, Mrs Gay and other parents of children with SEND your experiences of the first few weeks of the new term.
We understand that you may not be able to attend, but please feel free to ask to speak to Mrs Wise, Mrs Gay or your child’s class teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Many thanks
Mrs Wise
SENCO and Deputy Headteacher
The Ellis CE Primary School
Correspondence 25th September
Nursery Seesaw Logins
Dear Parents,
This week you will find the log-in details for Seesaw inside your child’s red folder. Please follow the simple instructions to activate the account. Although nursery do not often use Seesaw for home learning, it is a great way to share any photos of the activities you have been doing at home with us! We in nursery use Seesaw to share any documents or advice which we feel may be useful for our nursery parents.
If you have any questions regarding Seesaw, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Early Years Team.
Thank you
Mrs Pollard
Correspondence 25th September
Reception Home Learning Reminder
Dear Reception Parents/Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well. There appears to be some confusion over the Library and Red Home Learning Folders.
The Library Folder should just have the Library Book which your child has chosen. You need to keep this book and folder for two weeks. The next Library session is Thursday 5th October. Please bring this folder with the book inside to this session. Alternatively, please return the folder to school by 5th October if you are unable to attend.
Please read below for a reminder about the Library and Red Home Learning Folders.
EYFS Library Folder
The ‘Library Folder’ is to keep your child’s Library Book in, please bring it with you to every EYFS Library Session. Your child will also have a ‘Library Journal’ but this will be kept in your child’s red ‘Home-Learning Folder’ which will be sent home every Friday. There are some activity ideas that you can do with your child on the inside cover of the Library Journal, and you can encourage your child to draw pictures from the book or you can make notes on their responses to the story book. Please always keep your child’s Library Journal in their red folder as we would like this returning to school on a weekly basis (every Wednesday) so that staff can mark it. Please note the change of return day.
Red Home Learning Folder
Your child’s Home-Learning Folder will be sent home every Friday. This will contain your child’s Home-Learning Book and Library Journal. Please always keep these books in this folder and return to school on a weekly basis, every Friday, so that staff can read and mark them.
Seesaw Reminder
Please sign into Seesaw using the Seesaw login code. The sheet with the code is inside your child’s Home Learning Journal in their red Home Learning Folder. We have set some Read Write Inc. phonic activities for you to join in with.
If you have any further queries or questions please come and speak to a member of our team.
Kind regards
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Beevers
Correspondence 25th September
Dear Y6 Parents,
Please find attached leaflet from Astrea Academy Dearne, with details of their open evening on Thursday 5th October.
Kind Regards
The Ellis CE Primary School
Correspondence 25th September
Important Attendance and Punctuality Information
Dear All Parents,
Please take the time to read the attached attendance and punctuality letter which contains latest information and guidance on school times, absence and holidays. Attendance and Punctuality Letter 2023
Thank you
Mrs Gay
PSA / Attendance Officer
Correspondence 22nd September
Y4 Information
Dear Y4 Parents,
We have now stuck logins for the following websites/apps into the front of your child’s reading diary. If your child is missing a login slip, please let us know. These logins allow children to access learning from home and share their learning with you.
Mirodo Homework Support
Your child has been registered to Mirodo – an online tool to help with English and Maths. We have had the opportunity to practise Mirodo in class and check that all children’s logins are working.
Children will be assigned an English homework task each week, on Thursday, which will need to be completed within a week.
We will discuss this in class on Monday, with the intention of setting the first task the following Thursday. Mirodo can be used for practising English and Maths outside of the task being set. Children can work independently, or with your support where needed.
Most tasks will have a video attached which you should watch before completing the task.
Times Tables Support
In Year 4, your child will undertake a statutory times tables check to get a better understanding of their knowledge and fluency. The check takes place in June and there is more information about the Multiplication Tables Check in the attached PDF. The PDF is dated 2023 but the information is still relevant.
Information for Parents Multiplication Tables Check
It is important that your child spends time practising their times tables so that they are ready for the check.
We encourage children to practise their times tables on: (no account required)
TTRS (account required)
Topmarks (no account required)
If you have any issues with any logins, then please let us know so that we can get them sorted as soon as possible.
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 22nd September
Science Ambassador Training – Wednesday 27th September
Dear Parents,
Your child has volunteered to train as a Science Ambassador for The Ellis. The training will take place at Jump Primary School on Wednesday 27th September and the children will be accompanied by Mr Webster.
On this day, the children will need to bring a packed lunch and water bottle, along with appropriate clothing for the weather, as they will be walking to Jump.
The day will end at 2:30pm, to allow the pupils time to make their way back to school for normal school collection time. We have chosen four Y5 pupils to be trained, and they will be Ambassadors for 2 full years. They will receive a lab coat (which needs to remain in school) and a box of equipment so they can share their enthusiasm for science via assemblies and class demonstrations.
Please could you let me know if you DO NOT consent for your child to be part of this.
If you do consent, you need not do anything, as the walk is covered by our local walks consent form, however, please update us if there is any information you feel we need to know, or contact numbers have changed.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 21st September
Family Hubs and Start for Life Services
Dear Parents,
We have been asked to share the following information.
Family Hubs and Start for Life services offer information, help and support to families from conception until age 19, or 25 for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. As part of the development of our Family Hubs services in Barnsley, we’re asking for views on how we propose to deliver Family Hubs services in our communities.
The proposed model will provide more services and support for families across Barnsley, with families accessing support, face-to-face in a Family Hub, in the community or by going online – read more about our proposals in our online consultation document, or visit your nearest family ‘I Know I Can’ Centre or Library to view paper copies of our proposals.
Comments and feedback can be provided by:
Please only use one method of reply to avoid duplication.
Comments must be received by 5pm on Saturday 23 September 2023. Please can you share this information across your networks and with families encouraging them to share their views on our proposed offer.
Thank you
Correspondence 20th September
Birth Certificate Confirmation
Dear Parent,
I hope your child has settled in well and is enjoying life here at The Ellis.
To finalise our admission procedures, we need to see your child’s birth certificate to check their date of birth. This is standard procedure and there are no concerns regarding your child. It is simply an exercise that has to be completed upon admission.
Would it be possible please to pop to the office with your child’s birth certificate to allow staff to note down the date of birth of your child? There is no need for a photocopy to be taken.
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 20th September
Early Years Library Session Reminder Thursday 21st September
Dear Parents,
A reminder that our Early Years Library Session (see email below) will be starting tomorrow in the school hall. If you are unable to accompany your child, please do not worry, staff will ensure your child is able to choose a book, either at the session or on Friday morning. Thank you
Early Years Library Session
Our Early Years library session is changing. It will now be a ‘pop in pop out’ session where you can spend a short time choosing a book with your child.
The sessions will be in the school hall for all of our Early Years children and their families, every second Thursday, beginning on Thursday 21st September and we would love to see you there with your child.
This is how our library day will run:
If you have any questions regarding our new library sessions, please see your child’s class teacher.
Thank you
The Early Years Team.
Correspondence 19th September
Y6 Ramp Up Session – after school Wednesday 27th September
Dear Y6 Parent,
A reminder that RampUp are coming into school to deliver a FREE bike and scooter session on Wednesday 27th September from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. If your child wishes to take part in the session, and you have not already done so, please sign them up using the link below.
On-the-day registrations may not be possible and unregistered attendees may not be able to take part in the session. If the child has attended one of the community RampUp sessions held across Barnsley this summer, they should already be registered for RampUp sessions, and do not have to register on Upshot a second time.
If your child usually attends Scotty’s Heroes on this day, they can choose which club to attend.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th September
Y1/2 Football Tournament – Friday 6th October
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 6th October. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm depending on how well the school perform!
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes and a waterproof coat for when they are spectating, and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential.
Parents are welcome to spectate on this occasion, however, decisions made by the referee must be respected.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th September
Y3/4 Football Tournament – Friday 29th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Jump Primary School on Friday 29th September. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm depending on how well the school perform!
If the weather is fine the children will walk to the event, however, in the event of adverse weather, Mrs Fiddes and Mrs Connelly are insured to transport the children in their cars.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes and a waterproof coat for when they are spectating, and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential.
Parents are able to spectate on this occasion, however, decisions made by the referee must be respected. If you are spectating and wish to take your child straight home afterwards, please let us know and we will ensure that all of their belongings are taken up to Jump school with them. If you are taking someone else’s child home, the child’s parent must notify the office of this.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 18th September
Important Information – Earrings during PE
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please see the attached jewellery policy for information. Jewellery Policy Apr20-Apr24
As you will be aware from our website and school policy, we follow the Barnsley Council and AFPE guidance on the wearing of jewellery for PE. Children should not wear earrings or jewellery in P.E. lessons, this includes Fitbits and step trackers. Children should remove their own earrings, and store them safely, or parents should remove them at the start of the school day. Staff cannot remove earrings for children.
If your child cannot take their earrings out due to the healing process, then a short-term solution of wearing plastic retainer earrings is allowed, however, we do not advocate this and it is totally at the discretion of the parent as these retainer earrings may not be sterile. These earrings need to be completely flat to the child’s ear, and completely cover the spike at the back.
We have a small amount of retainer earrings in school if you would like to collect a pair from the school office for your child to wear. We will not hand these out to children.
If your child does not have appropriate retainers, or cannot remove their earrings, they will unable to take part in PE and after school clubs.
To avoid missing PE, children should ideally have their ears pierced at the beginning of the Summer.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
PE Subject Leader
Correspondence 18th September
Y3/4 Cross Country – Wednesday 27th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has shown an interest in attending a 2km KS2 cross country event at Horizon School on Wednesday 27th September. The route will be marshalled so the children will know where to go around the simple route. The aim is to inspire participants to continue their physical activity journey.
The event will start at 9:30am and should finish by 11:30am. Your child will have their lunch when they return to school. Children will travel to the event by coach.
Children will need to bring full PE kit (white PE tops/black shorts), suitable trainers for the event and their water bottle. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 18th September
Y3 Kick Rounders Event – Thursday 21st September
Dear Parents,
Your child’s class has been selected to represent the school in a Y3 Kick Rounders event at Horizon college on Thursday 21st September.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, at 12:15pm.
Children will need to be in full PE kit but can bring tracksuits to travel in. They will need inhalers if they require them and their water bottle with their name on.
Please note if your child has recently had their ears pierced and cannot take them out themselves, then they will be unable to take part in the event and will remain in school.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 18th September
Y5 Ramp Up Opportunity
Dear Y6 Parents,
An exciting opportunity has arisen for our Year 6 children. On Wednesday 27th September, RampUp will be coming back into school to deliver a FREE bike and scooter session. The session will take place on the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) during the afternoon. If your child usually attends Scotty’s Heroes on this night then they can choose which club to attend.
RampUp were delivering sessions in parks over the summer holidays, however, if you have not seen a session before, it is an exciting cycle / scooter session that develops and inspires young people to develop their bike and scooter confidence. Children will find this useful for travelling actively to school and in their own time.
RampUp sessions are delivered by BMBC Sport and Active Recreation instructors who are qualified to deliver fun and engaging sessions in school settings. The instructors’ years of experience means they can also give some top tips to help young riders / scooters get the most out of the sessions. All instructors are employed by Barnsley Metropolitan Council and are DBS checked.
Your child will NOT need to bring their own bike, scooter or helmet as these are all provided. They will, however, need to dress appropriately for the activity and the weather. Therefore, they will require a waterproof coat, water bottle and trainers.
If your child wishes to take part, then an adult MUST have signed them up prior to the event using the link below or the QR code on the poster. All riders attending an after-school session must register on Upshot (the portal BMBC use to register riders) prior to the session. The child’s responsible adult must complete the registration. On-the-day registrations may not be possible and unregistered attendees may not be able to take part in the session. If the child has attended one of the community RampUp sessions held across Barnsley this summer, they should already be registered for RampUp sessions and do not have to register on Upshot a second time.
Parents can spectate at the event.
If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Correspondence 18th September
Y5 Ramp Up Opportunity
Dear Y5 Parents,
An exciting opportunity has arisen for our Year 5 children. On Wednesday 27th September, RampUp will be coming back into school to deliver a FREE bike and scooter session. The session will take place on the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) during the afternoon.
RampUp were delivering sessions in parks over the summer holidays, however, if you have not seen a session before, it is an exciting cycle / scooter session that develops and inspires young people to develop their bike and scooter confidence. Children will find this useful for travelling actively to school and in their own time.
RampUp sessions are delivered by BMBC Sport and Active Recreation instructors who are qualified to deliver fun and engaging sessions in school settings. The instructors’ years of experience means they can also give some top tips to help young riders / scooters get the most out of the sessions. All instructors are employed by Barnsley Metropolitan Council and are DBS checked.
Your child will NOT need to bring their own bike, scooter or helmet as these are all provided. They will, however, need to dress appropriately for the activity and the weather. Therefore, they will require a waterproof coat, water bottle and trainers.
If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Correspondence 14th September
Early Years Information
Dear Early Years Parents,
Reception Baseline Assessment
The Reception Baseline Assessment is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your Reception child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematical skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child’s age will be familiar with. It became statutory for all schools from September 2021.
Please see the attached document for more information. Information for Parents Reception Baseline Assessment 2023
Early Years Library Session
Our Early Years library session is changing. It will now be a ‘pop in pop out’ session where you can spend a short time choosing a book with your child.
The sessions will be in the school hall for all of our Early Years children and their families, every second Thursday, beginning on Thursday 21st September and we would love to see you there with your child.
This is how our library day will run:
If you have any questions regarding our new library sessions, please see your child’s class teacher.
Thank you
The Early Years Team.
Correspondence 14th September
Sing with Barnsley Youth Choir 2023-24
Dear Parents,
Barnsley Youth Choir are auditioning for 2023-24. Auditions are free of charge.
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 13th September
F2/Y1 Phonics Parent Workshop
Dear Parents,
We are holding a phonics workshop on Monday 16th October, 5pm in the hall.
During this session, we will explain how phonics is taught in school and the ways in which you can support your child effectively at home. You will also have the opportunity to see the resources we use in school on a daily basis and to ask any questions.
Please note that for any of our Y1 parents who may have attended the phonics workshop last year, this will be a refresher course, however, we encourage as many people as possible to attend.
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 13th September
Annual Flu Immunisation Programme – Reception to Y6 – Thursday 23rd November
Dear Parents (Reception-Y6), Flu Clinics Flyer 2023 QR Code Poster
The seasonal flu vaccine protects children, and those around them, from catching flu, which is a very unpleasant illness and can lead to serious complications, such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
On Thursday 23rd November, the immunisation team will be coming into school to offer annual flu vaccinations to all children from Reception upwards. These vaccinations are given as a nasal spray.
The poster attached contains all the information needed to give permission for your child to receive the immunisation. If you prefer, there is a list attached of clinic dates which you are more than welcome to attend. This may be because:
If you experience any problems, please contact the team on
Thank you.
Correspondence 13th September
Important Allergy Information
Dear F1 Parents,
We have had a confirmed nut allergy in class and would kindly ask that your child does not bring any nut products into school, including Nutella or similar brands.
Kind regards
The Nursery Team
Correspondence 12th September
KS2 Girls Football Tournament – Friday 22nd September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 22nd September. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm depending on how well the school perform!
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential.
Parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Correspondence 12th September
Y5/6 Football Tournament – Friday 15th September
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 15th September. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm depending on how well the school perform!
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. Shin pads are recommended but not essential.
Parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Correspondence 11th September
Y2 Nottingham Castle Trip – Wednesday 20th September
Dear Parents,
As we are reading ‘Jim and the Beanstalk’ in our English topic this half term, we are delighted to inform you of our upcoming trip to Nottingham Castle on Wednesday 20th September, which has kindly been gifted to Year 2. This is very exciting as it will involve a tour of David’s Dungeons, the museum and the galleries.
The coach company we will be using is Globe Holidays. The coach will leave school at 9:15am and is expected to return to school by 3:30pm. Children will need to be at school for no later than 8:10am for registration. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school.
We have also been fortunate in securing a transport grant from The Ernest Cook Trust to enhance our outdoor learning.
Therefore, the reduced cost for the coach is only £7 per pupil. Payment will be made via Parent Pay. If you are experiencing any financial difficulties covering the cost of the trip, please contact Mrs Edwards.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and an appropriate coat. A packed lunch will be required and can be provided by school for children who are entitled to Scheme of Aid. Please let us know if your child requires a school packed lunch prior to the trip.
There is a gift shop on site and the children can bring a small amount of money if they wish, in a named envelope.
Participation in this trip is dependent on good behaviour in school. Please give your consent via ParentPay.
I am looking forward to spending a fun day out with the children. Let’s hope for good weather!
Miss Hudson
Y2 Teacher
Correspondence 11th September
SEND Information and Coffee Afternoon
Dear Parents and Carers,
To support transition into new year groups, your child’s current SSP (School Support Plan) will be in place during the first part of this half term. These are working documents that teachers use to support your child to meet their personalised, small step targets (new transitional targets have been set to support your child) as they move to a new class. If you have any questions or concerns about these interim plans, or how your child is settling into the new school year then please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
If your child has an EHC Plan, their teacher will continue setting small step targets from this, and recording them on an EHCP monitoring document until it is time for their next annual review.
If your child has a one page profile to support reasonable adjustments and understanding of their needs, then this will continue in their new class and will be updated with any new information whenever necessary.
You will be invited to parents’ evening in the week commencing 9th October 2023 to give you an initial opportunity to speak with your child’s class teacher. There will then be a further SEND review meeting the week commencing 23rd October 2023 when you will have the opportunity to work with your child’s class teacher to review the current plan and work together to set new targets for the coming year.
If you have any questions about this process or any concerns about your child that you wish to share, please feel free to speak to a member of staff.
We will be holding a SEND parents coffee afternoon at 2:30pm on Thursday 28th September, which will give you an opportunity to discuss how paperwork is used to support your child, raise any transition concerns and share with Mrs Wise, Mrs Gay and other parents of children with SEND your experiences of the first few weeks of the new term.
Many thanks
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 8th September
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
What an amazing first week back we have had! The children have been fantastic and have shown such resilience in the heat- we are all so proud of them. It has been fantastic seeing them return to school ready to learn and ready to embrace the challenges the new school year brings. As always, thank you for your ongoing support with this.
Please see below a few notices that will help our school ‘be the best it can be’.
Important Dates List
Please keep your eyes out for a list of key dates for this year. It will be in your inboxes by Wednesday.
Class Newsletters
Each class will be emailing a newsletter on Monday with key information about the curriculum for your child. If you would like to keep up to date with what is happening in class, please ensure you are following the class X (formerly known as Twitter) account as this is where staff regularly post updates. The school Facebook (The Ellis CE Primary School) and X account (@theellisprimary) are where key announcements will be made such as, special event information or emergency notices for example, closures due to snow etc.
Please note, the messaging services on our social media accounts are not always reliable. The best way to contact school is via email at
Please ensure your child’s uniform and outdoor clothing are named. We have already had a few ‘lost’ items which have been difficult to reunite with their owners. Please also ensure you child has access to clothing in school that is suitable for all weather types. Indoor shoes are required from Year 1 upwards and again, should be named. For further information regarding our uniform policy please see our website.
If the heatwave continues, please ensure sun cream is applied before school and not brought in children’s bags, particularly for our nursery children.
Car Park
Please avoid coming into the car park/turning circle for breakfast club or school drop offs unless there is a requirement to use the disabled parking bays. The scaffolding has left us with limited space for staff to park and unload, and additional vehicles, including deliveries and parent cars, are adding to the congestion.
Parent Voice Surveys
Throughout the year we will be using Google Forms to gather your thoughts and views. This is vital for us to improve school and we really appreciate your interaction with this. If you would like to get in touch in a different way to give us feedback, please email
Volunteer opportunities
There are a couple of building/grounds projects we would like to undertake this year and we will be looking for volunteers to help us, either with fundraising and/or help with the manual labour that may be involved to complete the works. More details will be released as the year progresses but if you would like to help and have skills or connections with a particular trade, please get in touch.
Young Voices
The deadline for Young Voices forms to be returned is Friday 22nd September. You are welcome to send in cash or a cheque.
The Young Voices myclassmate website will go live sometime next week. We will send an email with the details you need to be able to log in to access the tracks. If any child is extra eager and can’t wait until next week, the tracks for Young Voices 2023 are available on Spotify now!
PGL-Y5 only
If you have not yet paid the deposit for your child to attend our residential trip to PGL in April next year, please ensure you do so by Friday 15th September. Please note, after this date, final numbers will be confirmed.
If your child will be starting swimming lessons on Friday 15th September, please remember they will need to bring their kit, including a swimming cap, to school.
I am extremely grateful for the support you give our school and know that together, we will continue to be the best we can be!
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 7th September
Y6 Information from Trinity Academy St Edwards
Dear Y6 Parents,
Please see the attached letter from Trinity Academy St Edwards.
This is to remind parents of the requirement to register children for the Fair Banding Assessment should you wish your child to attend in September 2024.
Trinity Academy St Edward’s Registration Reminder
Many thanks
Correspondence 6th September
Y5 Real History Alive Tudor Workshop and Interactive Show – Wednesday 13th September
Dear Y5 Parents,
The year 5 children have settled in well, are reading for learning and we already have some exciting activities planned in.
We are pleased to let you know that, as part of our History learning about The Tudors, we have arranged for a workshop run by ‘Real History Alive’ to bring our learning to life and to give the children an interactive experience which they will enjoy and remember. Our visitors will be coming into school on the 13th of September to share an interactive show followed by hands on workshops about Tudor Fashion and Dance and all about Crime and Punishment.
We are asking for donations of £8.65 per pupil for us to be able to offer this valuable experience. Payments can be made on ParentPay straightaway. Please be aware that without sufficient donations the event will not be able to go ahead.
Many thanks for your continued support and we can’t wait to start this interesting topic with the children in September.
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 5th September
New After School Clubs
Dear Parents,
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
All clubs run straight after school until 4:15pm.
Please note – Scotty’s Heroes is the only club running this week – all other clubs will commence from Monday 11th September.
If your child will not be attending the club one week, please inform us to avoid any confusion and also so we can make sure they do not get changed at the end of the school day. Thank you.
Y1/2 Multi-skills, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Y5/6 Tag Rugby, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
F2/Y1 Footy Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 12 places.
Y1/2 Lego Club, Free of charge with Mrs Willis
Please email if your child would like a place at this club.
Y3/4/5 Football, Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
As football is running outside, the club will still go ahead on Ellis Church days.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places have been booked directly for this half term. If your child is interested in joining then there may be a few places available. Please contact Scotty on 07835 949404.
Correspondence 4th September
Ellis Information – Important Notices
Good afternoon,
We hope you have had a lovely summer break and are excited for the new school year!
A couple of notices before we welcome your children in the morning:
As you may be aware, we are currently having substantial repairs completed on the school roof which is due to be completed in approximately 3 weeks. Due to this, we currently have scaffolding surrounding the perimeter of the building which narrows our pathways. This poses us a few problems in terms of access.
KS1 (years 1 and 2)
In the morning, your child should line up in the playground at 8.45am, and the class teachers will collect their children.
As a precautionary measure, at home time (3.15pm), rather than lining up outside the classrooms which would be under the scaffolding, could we ask that you line up on the playground where the children will be brought out to the playground. We ask for your patience when collecting, as we need to make sure it is safe. Please can you wait in line to collect your child until the class teacher calls you. This may take a while initially, but will speed up as the staff get to know family members.
KS2 (years 3 to 6)
Your child can line up and wait in the designated areas that we have used previously as the scaffolding does not impact them.
At the end of the day, please collect your child from the following places:
Y3- congregate outside the main office near the disabled car parking spaces
Y4- assemble near the entrance to the staff car park
Y5- wait near the brick wall opposite the staff car park
Y6- As Y5.
We are currently working on resolving our milk supplier issue. This will be available within the next couple of weeks. We will send an email to update you as soon as we have more information. Thank you for your patience with this matter.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 18th July
Barnsley Museums Holiday Activities
Dear Parents,
Fusion partner Barnsley Museums have a jam packed programme of family friendly events and activities this summer across their sites, many of which are free. Please see the attached flyer for lots of great activities taking place. BMBC Museums Summer 2023 flyer
Thank you
Correspondence 18th July
Fit and Fed Holiday Activity Programme
Dear Parents,
During the upcoming summer holidays, Reds in the Community are proud to be a part of the Healthy Holidays Activity Programme. Their programme is open and accessible to those who receive FREE SCHOOL MEALS.
Please see the attached ‘Fit and Fed’ Digital flyer for your use.
Thank you
Correspondence 18th July
Vortex School Uniform Shop Holiday Opening Days and Times
Correspondence 18th July
Compass B E-Safety Awareness Information
Dear Parents,
Keeping my child safe on TikTok
Parents and Carers Resource Sheet
Keeping my child safe on SnapChat
As the Summer break approaches, it is a possibility children and young people may spend an increased amount of time online, connecting with others and exploring the internet. Compass Be would like to share the attached resources for young people and families, to support a more safe and positive experience online.
They hope to make children and young people aware of safe websites to visit and should they feel a negativity, to know how to report anything they feel uncomfortable about online.
Thank you.
Correspondence 18th July
Y3 Scotty’s Heroes After School Club
Dear Parents,
Now your child is moving in to Y3, they have the opportunity to join Scotty’s Heroes after school club.
Scotty’s Heroes promotes team building and outdoor adventurous activities.
If your child is interested in attending, or you would like more information, please see the attached flyer with Scotty’s details.
All communication and payment for the club is through Scott and NOT school.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Correspondence 18th July
Y5 PGL Residential Trip – April 2024
Dear Parents,
We would like to let you know we have provisionally booked our Y5 residential trip for next year, at PGL Caythorpe Court, for 10th-12th April 2024.
We have been offered the trip at a discounted price of approximately £259 (depending on the number of children going). This is highly competitive and much cheaper than other residentials, such as Robinwood at Todmorden where the average cost, including transport, would work out to be around £295 per child.
As soon as I have exact numbers, I will be able to give an exact cost based on the number of children going, however, I don’t envisage it going over £275 per child unless there isn’t a lot of demand for the trip. If there are less than 14 children, unfortunately the trip will not be able to go ahead.
To secure the heavily discounted price, an initial deposit of £30 will be due by mid September – without this, your child will not be booked a place. Further payments will be due in the Autumn and Spring terms. As always, there will be the option to pay small, regular amounts if you prefer to spread the cost of the visit.
The initial deposit of £30 has already been placed onto ParentPay, in five instalments of £6 each. If you would like to make an immediate payment of £6 (or more, if you prefer), we will then take this as confirmation of your child’s attendance and send reminders when each payment is due.
For more information about this trip and the types of activities on offer please visit:
Please note participation in this trip will be dependent on consistent good behaviour in school.
Yours faithfully
Mrs E Edwards
Correspondence 14th July
Y6 Information
Dear Y6 parents,
T-Shirt Signing
Please send your child with a t-shirt to sign and any special pens which they would like to use on Monday 17th July 2023. Children must bring a separate t-shirt from the one they are wearing.
Correspondence 14th July
Foundation Stage Sports Day
Dear All,
We would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents, staff and volunteers who supported our Early Years Sports Day this morning. Although the weather was against us, the children had a thoroughly enjoyable time participating in the various sporting events.
A big thank you to our PTFA for organising refreshments and our Y5 and Y6 volunteers for all their help in running this event.
Many thanks,
From the Early Years Team
Correspondence 13th July
Y5 Magazine/Newspaper Request
Request for old magazines and newspapers.
In September our Art topic will be Photography. The children will be developing their existing skills and learning about composition, photography artists and capturing and presenting images in new ways.
Our first lesson looks at photomontage, so with this in mind, could I please ask you to save any old magazines/newspapers etc. over the summer and send them into school when we return after the holidays.
I hope you have a fantastic summer break and look forward to seeing both you and your children in September.
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 13th July
Hemingfield Colliery Walk – Tuesday 18th July
Dear Parents,
On Tuesday 18th July, Y2-Y5 children will be walking to Hemingfield Colliery to see the site which inspired their recent art work.
Please can children come to school with appropriate footwear and outdoor clothing depending on the weather. The walk there and back will last approximately one and a half hours.
Permission has been given via the extra-curricular form, therefore no additional consent is required.
Mrs Brinkley
HLTA / Art Lead
Correspondence 13th July
Nursery and Reception Information
Dear Parents,
Sports Day Refreshments
The PTFA will be selling refreshments at our sports day tomorrow (14th July), please bring some loose change.
Hot Dog and Ice-Cream Day
Next Wednesday (19th July), we will be having our annual hot dog and Ice cream day! Children will be eating at 10.30ish so full time children will still need a lunch/ packed lunch.
Toy Day
Also, on Thursday (20th July), children are allowed to bring 1 toy into class to share with their friends before we finish for the Summer holidays (no breakables or special toys please).
Thank you
Mrs. Pollard & Mr. Grayhurst
Correspondence 13th July
Y1 Walk to Elsecar Park – Monday 17th July
Dear Parents,
We are so incredibly proud of all the hard work our Y1 children have put into their learning this year and for their very mature attitude to the change of teacher in January and how they coped when Mrs Trotter was on jury duty and away on residential. They really are shining superstars!
As an end of year treat, we would like to walk the Y1 children to Elsecar Park on Monday 17th July to enjoy a day out with their friends. The children will be accompanied by staff from school and will be back in time for our usual 3:15pm home time.
Whilst we are there we will enjoy a walk round the park, play in the sand pit, time in the playground, fun PE games on the grassed area and there will be the opportunity for your child to purchase an ice cream or ice lolly. Please send £3 in a named envelope for them to buy one. They will need to wear school uniform, comfortable shoes and have a raincoat, sun hat and sun cream applied before school (that way we are prepared for every type of weather!)
Your child will require a packed lunch from home as we will enjoy a picnic at the park together. As Y1 children are entitled to a free school dinner under the Government Scheme, if you would like a packed lunch making (ham, cheese or tuna sandwiches are the three options), please email Mrs Fiddes with your order by the end of Friday 14th July. Unfortunately, we will only be able to provide a school packed lunch for children who have pre-ordered.
The visit is covered by the local walks consent form; therefore, no separate consent is needed.
I know we will have a great day and it will be a lovely end of year treat!
Kind regards,
Charlotte Trotter
Correspondence 13th July
Free School Meals Information
Dear All Parents,
Please don’t assume that you will not qualify for free school meals. The attached flyer lists the criteria and explains how to apply if you think you might qualify. Free school meals Leaflet
Please apply even if your child is currently in nursery, or receives universal free school meals in F2, Y1 or Y2 as there are other benefits, both for your family and our school
Thank you
Correspondence 13th July
Y6 Enterprise Week Bowling and Cinema Trip Consent
Dear Y6 Parents,
For our enterprise week treat the children have collectively raised enough money for them to have a bowling party, including an ‘adult sized’ meal and then go to the cinema afterwards to see: Ruby Gillman; Teenage Kraken.
We have tried to arrange it so that we are back as close to the end of the school day tomorrow as possible, therefore, the children will be walking to Wombwell train station and catching the 9:25am train to Barnsley and returning back to school on the 3pm train and walking back to school.
Mrs Fiddes has put the consent forms on ParentPay.
We appreciate this is a very short turn around but fits in nicely with our transition in school tomorrow.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 12th July
Responsible use of technology
Dear Y3 Parents,
The Ellis Primary School is committed to keeping our children safe and to promoting the safe, responsible use of technologies.
In recent weeks, we have had a few incidents where children in our Year 3 class have copied behaviours and language they have seen from video games and apps, such as YouTube and Tik Tok outside of school. Fortnite has an age rating of 12. Tik Tok has an age rating of 13, however we know many children in class are accessing these daily. As such, we feel it is our responsibility to remind parents of the PEGI ratings system.
We understand children enjoy playing games, however, there are some risks involved. The two main areas of concern are:
Y3 children are not yet mature enough to understand what they are viewing and often come to school and chat about it with friends, copying the language/ actions they have been exposed to.
Please be aware of this as we move towards the summer holidays when we’re sure children will be using their electronics more frequently.
Kind regards,
The Y3 Team
Correspondence 11th July
Y3 Amazelabs Treat – Thursday 20th July
Dear Parents,
We’re delighted to inform you that a parent has kindly donated an amazing experience for the children as an end of term treat.
Amazelabs will be coming into school on Thursday 20th July, between 9am and 12pm, to deliver an interactive science morning for the children.
Amazelabs put a fun and creative take on all things STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) with the aim of providing engaging opportunities to people.
We’re sure the children will love this event and it is a fantastic way to end the school year.
There will be no charge for the event.
Kind regards,
Year 3 Team
Correspondence 11th July
Swimming Gala – Friday 14th July
Dear Parent,
On Friday 14th July your child has been selected to take part in a Swimming Gala held at Hoyland Sports Centre.
The event will consist of races and finals. You child will have a minimum of 1 race against other schools in our sport’s cluster.
The event will begin at 9:30am and be finished in time for the children to return to school for their lunch. Children will leave school just after 9am and travel to and from the venue in staff cars.
Children can come to school with their costumes underneath their uniform to speed up getting changed. Children will need water bottles and towels and a bag to store their wet clothes.
There will be no cost for this event. Unfortunately parents are unable to spectate.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Correspondence 10th July
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Here are a few reminders for the events taking place in the last couple of weeks in this last academic year.
Singing Assembly Y1-Y6
We would like to welcome you to our ‘Celebration of Music’ assembly on Friday 14th July at 2:15pm. Children will be performing a range of songs from the music curriculum and also some of the pieces from events throughout the year, such as Young Voices.
Seating is on a first come first served basis.
School is Out Menu
On Tuesday 18th July our school meals service are serving a picnic style lunch. Please see the attached menu and order in the usual way. We are hoping, if the weather is kind to us, to all eat outside on this day.
Ellis Endeavours (Merits)
Our Endeavours assembly will be on Tuesday 18th July at 2pm. Families of the children receiving awards will be contacted individually. This year our awards are for: perseverance, courage, friendship and responsibility.
Non-uniform Day
On Wednesday 19th July all children are invited to attend school in non-uniform of their choice, but no football kits please. This is their reward for earning dojos this half term. We are not asking for donations.
Y6 Leavers’ Assembly
This year our leavers’ assembly will be on the 20th July at 1:15pm. Don’t forget to bring your tissues as it is always rather emotional!
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 10th July
Transition Information
Dear Parents,
I am just writing to clarify a few details for the transition days this week. I hope this information will answer any queries you may have, but please do ask if you have any further questions.
Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th July
These are our whole school transition days.
Please see previous emails from Mr Grayhurst. A friendly reminder, FS2 start their day at 8:50am.
Both mornings, please can children line up at 8:45am. Class teachers will be outside to help you know where to stand.
As the children will be spending the full days in their new class, we would like to encourage them to use the cloakrooms as they will in September. Please ensure any items of clothing are clearly labelled as the pegs won’t be named. The children will have already taken their pumps to their new classroom. Please don’t forget to send them with their water bottles.
The children will spend the whole day getting to know their new classroom and staff in order to feel fully prepared for September.
Please order your child’s lunch online via ParentPay, or send your child with a packed lunch.
Don’t forget to order milk online for your child over the summer holidays, from School Milk.
At the end of the day, please collect your child from the following places:
FS1- Please collect from the nursery door at 3:30pm
FS2- Collect from the classroom door at 3:20pm
Y1- line up by the brown fence opposite the Y1 classroom
Y2- line up by the multi-purpose room window
Y3- congregate outside the main office near the disabled car parking spaces
Y4- assemble near the entrance to the staff car park
Y5- wait near the brick wall opposite the staff car park
Y6- As Y5. Phones will be brought to this area by a member of staff.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely summer break and thank you for supporting school this year.
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 10th July
F2 to Y1 Transition Information
Dear Parents,
I am just writing to clarify a few details for the transition days this week. I hope this information will answer any queries you may have, but please do ask if you have any further questions.
This week, your child will spend 2 ½ days in Y1, getting to know their new classroom, staff and starting to become more familiar with a few of the Y1 routines. We understand that transition can seem a little daunting for some children, but please be reassured we will do everything we can to help your child feel settled and answer any questions they may have, which will hopefully enable them to feel more confident about starting Y1 in September. I am very excited to get to know all the children and parents in FS2 and to help them continue their learning journey at The Ellis.
In September, the start and end times change very slightly for our Y1 children as they come in line with the rest of the school. We will begin school at 8:45am and home time will be 3:15pm. We have, however, decided to keep the timings for transition this week as they are now (8:50am – 3:20pm), we are aware that some children are collected by childminders and other family members and do not want to alter the times before the summer holidays. Please note the slightly earlier times which will start in September.
Tuesday 11th July – Your child will spend the morning in FS2 with Mr Grayhurst as normal. After lunch, they will spend the afternoon in Y1 with Mrs Trotter. They will be dismissed from FS2 cloakroom door as normal at 3:20pm.
Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th July – These are our whole school transition days. Please can children line up in the playground (outside the Multipurpose Room window) at 8:50am. Mrs Trotter will ensure she is outside to help you know where to stand. The other classes will be going in at 8:45am, however, we will go in at 8:50am when it is a little quieter and less busy for our younger children.
The children will spend the day with Mrs Trotter and Mrs Freeman, getting to know their new classroom and staff. Please collect your child from the Y1 cloakroom door at 3:20pm. We ask that our Y1 parents line up along the brown fence, opposite the Y1 classroom (please note our Y2 parents will be lining up outside the Y2 window). I apologise, to begin with, I will be a little slow letting the children out, but as I am sure you can all imagine, there are a lot of new faces to learn and safety is paramount. I promise I will get faster!
Please order your child’s lunch online via ParentPay, or send your child with a packed lunch. I will have a list of children who have milk, and a fruit snack continues to be free until the end of Y2.
From September, your child will require a pair of indoor pumps which they will keep in school. They will also need an indoor and outdoor PE kit, but these will not be required on transition days.
I have asked Mr Grayhurst to pop the power point slides from our parents’ meeting last week onto Seesaw, which outline ‘Life in Y1’. If at any point, you would like anything clarifying or have any questions regarding Y1, please do not hesitate to ask.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely summer break and I very much look forward to getting to know the families of our new Y1 children in September.
Kind regards,
Charlotte Trotter
Correspondence 10th July
Young Voices – Friday 9th February 2024
Dear Parent/Carer (Current Y2-Y5)
It is that time of year again when I get very excited! I have just received the date for our 2023 Young Voice event! With this in mind, we would like to offer the children in Key Stage 2 (Y3 – Y6) the opportunity to take part in “Young Voices” which is a concert for primary school children. It involves over 1 million children all over the country and is quite simply – awesome! Our school has been part of it for the past 13 years and it is an event which children in Year 6 often refer to as one of their lasting memories from their time at The Ellis.
The concert we will be taking part in is at Sheffield Arena on Friday 9th February 2024 at 7:00pm. (Please note that this is the last Friday before we close for one week’s holiday). Before then there is a lot to do! We will practise the songs and the dance moves one lunchtime each week from October onwards and will send lyrics home for the children and login details so that they can start practising the songs and dances over the summer break.
There is no cost for your child to take part in Young Voices. The children will be transported to and from the concert by coach which will be funded by school. On the day of the concert, children will take part in an afternoon rehearsal at the arena and will be required to bring a packed tea. Staff will then bring the children back to school after the concert. (A letter with further details outlining all the arrangements will be sent out nearer the time).
You will be able to buy tickets for the concert (they are £23 each, the price is set by Young Voices, not school). The children need either a plain white T-shirt or a ‘Young Voices’ T-shirt (they are £15 for a t-shirt bundle.). Once we have received permission via email, we will send out order forms for tickets and t-shirts. Please note, there is no obligation to buy either of these. Tickets ordered through school will be allocated seats together; however, parents are welcome to purchase tickets directly from the arena right up until the concert date (although these will not necessarily be near parents from our school and cost more than ordering through school). I like to pre-warn about the ticket price as when they do go on sale straight after the summer holidays we have to order quickly so that they don’t sell out, so I end up asking for full payment of tickets with only a couple of weeks’ notice, hence I am giving everyone plenty of advanced warning!
You can find out more on the website where there is a dedicated Parents section.
Final choir numbers are needed before 30th September so if you would like your child to take part please respond as soon as possible, before we break up for the summer. We have 64 places available this year as we have booked a 70 seater coach. Please could everybody respond via email to Mrs Fiddes by Friday 14th July to ensure places are allocated fairly and names are kept on a list in one place.
Before replying, we ask that you speak to your child and explain that they are making a commitment to attend one lunchtime practise every week from October up until the concert date. We have sometimes ended up with a waiting list of children who desperately want to do Young Voices and then have other children who have been given a place, but a few weeks later drop out, as they do not want to miss their lunchtime playtime. We welcome everyone, but do ask that you check that your child genuinely wants to be involved in Young Voices and will show this by turning up once a week to a lunchtime rehearsal willingly.
Thank you and we look forward to starting rehearsals in October.
We will send out a confirmation letter on Friday 14th July, at the end of school, with a link to the words and music tracks so the children can start learning them over the summer holidays!
Yours sincerely
Mrs C Trotter (KS1 lead and music co-ordinator)
Correspondence 7th July
Archie Final Challenge – Monday 17th July
Dear Y5 Parents,
For our final Archie challenge, we will be selling refreshments during morning playtime on Monday 17th July. Most of our children have let me know what they are bringing to sell. We have a wide selection of treats including ice-pops, homemade cake and bought mini-rolls to name but a few.
As a class we have made the decision to donate all of our proceeds to Cancer Research UK as it is a charity which has sadly touched the lives of quite a few of our children, their families and our staff.
If your child has not yet had a conversation with you, could you please let me know what your child will be bringing on the day.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Brinkley
Correspondence 7th July
Carrier Bag Request
Dear All Parents,
We are so proud of all the learning your children have done this year.
We are starting to get ready for them to bring their books home to share with you. Please send a large named carrier bag with your child next week, so we can begin to organise their books and folders.
Many thanks
Correspondence 7th July
School Calendar 2023-24
Dear Parents,
Please find attached our calendar for next year, complete with inset days. Calendar 2023-2024 with inset days
Thank you
Hayley Fiddes
Correspondence 6th July
Y6 Sleepover
On Monday 17th July, children can return to school at 7:15pm for a sleepover. Children will set their beds up in the hall before going outside to enjoy some activities on the field/ in the forest area. After that, we will be settling down to enjoy a film and a ‘midnight feast’. Myself (Mrs Edwards), Mrs Wise, Mrs Wood and Mrs Connelly will be the adults at the event.
Children will need the following:
Breakfast will be provided, however, we will not be providing food in the evening.
If your child requires a packed lunch for Tuesday, this will need to be dropped off on Tuesday morning, or if brought on the Monday, the items will need to be non-perishable overnight whilst stored in the fridge.
No phones or electronics please.
Thank you
Mrs E
Correspondence 6th July
F2 Library Books
Dear F2 Parents,
Please make sure that you send your child’s library book and folder back to school tomorrow (Friday), so that we can check that we have all our books ready for the start of the new academic year.
Mrs Trotter will give you more information about reading books at the start of your child’s first half term in Y1.
Many thanks for all your support this year, it has been very much appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you all at our Coffee Morning tomorrow (Friday 7th July)!
Kind regards,
Mr Grayhurst
Correspondence 5th July
Barnsley Museums Family Holiday Activities
Dear Parents,
Barnsley Museums are offering a range of family holiday activities across their museums this summer. The majority of these are free and their sites are all free to enter.
Please see the attached flyer for more details. BMBC Museums Summer 2023 flyer
Thank you
Correspondence 5th July
Sport at The Ellis
Dear All Parents,
I am pleased to update you on Sport at The Ellis over the past year. Please see the attached newsletter. Sport Newsletter 2023
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Y3 Teacher / Wider Curriculum Lead
Correspondence 5th July
Y5 Local walk to the Park – Tuesday 11th July
Dear Y5 Parents,
On Tuesday the 11th of July, Y5 will be walking to the local Recreation space to enjoy a morning of play and sport together (weather permitting).
Permission for the trip is covered in our local walks consent.
Please can you ensure your child has appropriate clothing and footwear for the trip.
Many thanks,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 3rd July
Y4 PE Lesson Tomorrow (Wednesday)
Dear Y4 Parents,
As it rained on Monday afternoon, the Y4 children unfortunately missed out on their outdoor PE lesson with Mrs Beever.
The children have made great progress with their rounders skills and were looking forward to playing a proper game.
To make up for this, the Y4s will have an outdoor PE lesson tomorrow morning (weather permitting).
Please send your child with their PE kit tomorrow so that they can complete their final game of rounders before Sports Day on Monday (which they will also miss their PE lesson for).
Thank you for your understanding,
Miss Bradbury and Mrs Beever
Correspondence 3rd July
Y4 DT Project
Dear Y4 Parents,
As part of our final DT project, we have been looking at electrical circuits and the design features of a torch. Last Friday, we began designing our torches with the intention of constructing them on Friday 7th July.
If your child would like to bring a recycled product to use to assemble their torch, that would be great. It would act as the casing to keep their electrical circuit safe and dry. Some examples might include:
Plastic water bottles – 50cl minimum (not cans)
Pringles lids for the lens (the children should know what this is)
Your child will be able to take their torches home but this will not include the electrical circuit as this will need to remain in school. The children will trial and evaluate their products in school.
If your child cannot bring any materials in then we can provide this but if they can recycle an unused water bottle that would be great.
Thank you,
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 3rd July
Y5 Homework
Dear Y5 Parents,
Thank you for supporting your children to read regularly, complete their homework books and practise their spellings this year. The children have worked incredibly hard at home and at school and we are very proud of them.
This week’s spelling lists are the last that will be sent for this school year.
The CPG homework books have plenty of workouts left, if you would like your children to complete them to support practising skills.
Reading is a key skill and we’d like to encourage you to keep reading regularly with your children. There is the Summer reading challenge, which is designed to support this over the Summer.
Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars continue to be great ways to practise key skills- please support your children to use these over the next few weeks and into the school holidays. If you have any missing log ins then please let us know.
Many thanks,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence 3rd July
Foundation Stage Coffee Morning – Friday 7th July
Foundation Stage Summer Coffee Morning Confirmation
Dear Parents,
We would like to confirm that we will definitely be holding our Summer coffee morning on Friday 7th July, 9-10:30am to which all family members are invited.
If you would like to attend, please make your way into the school hall via the main school entrance after you have dropped your child off. (See Nursery Information in bold below).
Doors will open at approximately 9am. This will give you ample opportunity to get your tea, coffee and cakes and purchase the gifts your child has made in class before the children come in to sing (approximately 9:30am). Raffle tickets will also be on sale.
The children will be brought into the hall by staff at approximately 9:30am to sing some songs on stage. You will be able to video and take photographs of your child but please remember not to upload any to social media if they contain images of other children.
As Nursery will be closed due to Industrial Action on Friday, we would like to remind you that all F1 children and their families are still invited to our coffee morning as usual. Please bring your F1 child to the school library at 9am where Mrs. Kelly will register them and take them into the reception classroom to join Mr. Grayhurst’s class.
After the coffee morning, nursery children will need to be collected straight away from Mr. Grayhurst’s class. Please wait outside at the usual pick-up point and a member of staff will send your child out to you.
F2 children will remain in school for the remainder of the day as usual.
All proceeds from this coffee morning will be spent purchasing new equipment to enhance our learning environment.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
We look forward to seeing you there,
Foundation Stage Team
Correspondence 30th June
Summer Reading Challenge 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,
Earlier this week, a local librarian came into school to talk to our pupils about the Summer Reading Challenge 2023.
Children can join the Summer Reading Challenge at their local library and take part in person. The Challenge will launch in libraries in England and Wales on Saturday 8 July 2023.
Alternatively, children can take part in the Challenge online by signing up using the following link: . Please note, the in-person and online challenges are separate. Physical incentives like medals and certificates are only available via the library, for those taking part in the in-person challenge.
To take part through the library:
Children who reach their Summer reading total will also be entered into a special Ellis raffle prize draw; our winners will be able to choose a free book from our very own book shop! We will also hold a special assembly in the new academic year where children can be celebrated for their reading achievements over summer.
Please do not hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions.
Happy Reading!
Miss A Saunders
Class Teacher/English Lead
Correspondence 30th June
Reading Inspiration for Y2
Dear Y2 Parents,
Y2 have just finished our final book for the year ‘Mr Penguin and the Lost Treasure’ and the children have absolutely loved it.
The children were desperate to find out if there are other books in the series – which there are. If you are looking for a good Summer read to keep your child engaged in reading over the Summer, we can recommend the others books in the series (please see the attached images). They are reasonably priced at roughly £6 for a good meaty book. We appreciate that there is a current cost of living crisis so please do not feel that you have to buy these books. We also suspect that the local libraries may have copies.
Happy Summer reading!
Kind regards,
Miss Saunders and Miss Hudson
Correspondence 29th June
Fantasy and Fable Cultural Event – Saturday 8th July
Dear All Parents,
On the 8th July, Sheffield Philharmonic orchestra, along with artist James Mayhew, will be putting on a performance at the Elsecar Heritage Centre, at 2pm and 4pm.
This is part of Barnsley’s ‘Festival of Joy’ and as a result of my involvement in the Fusion Partnership, we can offer children’s tickets at a reduced price of £2.
Please enter the code ELLIS at the checkout. A flyer is attached for further details. Fantasy and Fables
Mrs Brinkley
HLTA / Art Lead
Correspondence 29th June
Nursery Library Information
Dear Nursery Parents,
This week will be our last library session.
Please make sure you send your child’s folder and library book back to nursery next week so we can either send your child’s folder on to their new class or, if your child is staying in nursery, we can prepare for the new way we will be running library sessions in September (more information on this will follow in the new term).
Thank you
Mrs. Pollard.
Correspondence 29th June
Playground Challenge Thank You
Dear Parents,
I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came and took part, or who donated money to, our Soccer Aid Playground Challenge for UNICEF last Wednesday.
Everyone had a fantastic day and we raised £348! This is £80 more than last year, and this money will be doubled by the Government too. An amazing achievement.
I am looking forward to next year’s challenge.
Mrs Beever
Correspondence 29th June
School’s out for Summer Menu Flyer – Tuesday 18th July
Dear Parents,
Please find attached a flyer with details of our ‘School’s out for Summer’ menu on the 18th July. This is ordered the usual way, either in class or from home on ParentPay. Schools out for summer menu
Thank you
Correspondence 28th June
Y6 Sex and Relationships Curriculum – Monday 17th July
Dear Y6 Parents,
We would like to inform you that we will be delivering the ‘Growing and Changing unit’ of the sex and relationships curriculum on Monday 17th July. We will be covering relationships, the male and female reproductive system conception and pregnancy . If you do not want your child to take part in this lesson please let me know so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Kind regards,
Mrs E Edwards
Correspondence 28th June
Industrial Action – Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July
Dear Parents,
Due to ongoing industrial action, I would like to give you notice that only our F1 class (Nursery) will be closed on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July. All other classes will remain open as usual.
We are anticipating further industrial action in the new academic year, which may involve other teaching unions. We will try and give you as much notice as possible once the ballots have been finalised and the outcome shared with school, however, staff do not have to notify me of their intention to strike. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Please see the statement from Mrs Pollard below:
As you are no doubt aware, as a member of the NEU (National Education Union) I have been involved in undertaking industrial action. As a consequence of this, nursery has been forced to close and your children have missed valuable teaching sessions. I am writing to you to clarify my position with regard to this matter. As a teacher at The Ellis School for the past 20 years, I have always tried to uphold the highest standards for all children, sadly, state education is experiencing significant under funding which is impacting on staffing levels, resources and training. My reason to strike is not for personal gain, but to make a stand against the current situation to ensure that your child has access to the opportunities they deserve, so that they can achieve their full potential. I would like to thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.
Coffee Morning
Nursery will be closed on Friday 7th July for all nursery children. However, as this is our last coffee morning of the academic year, we would like to invite the nursery children to come and join our reception children on stage as usual. Therefore, please bring your child to the school library at 9am where Mrs. Kelly will register them and take them into the reception classroom to join Mr. Grayhurst’s class.
Parents, grand-parents and carers are invited into the hall for refreshments as usual and the children will come to sing at approximately 9:30am.
After the coffee morning, nursery children will need to be collected straight away from Mr. Grayhurst’s class (please wait outside at the usual pick-up point and a member of staff will send your child out to you)
If your child will not be attending the coffee morning, please notify a member of staff.
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 27th June
Y4 IT Topic Information
Dear Y4 Parents,
As part of our current IT topic, we have been looking at different ways of editing images including cropping, rotating, changing the brightness etc. The next part of our lesson is where we will be creating our own compositions with a variety of small objects then planning how we are going to edit them to infer feelings and emotions.
Children can bring in ONE object from home to include in their composition, although it is not necessary for them to do so.
Please make sure that if your child brings an item it must be:
If your child chooses to bring an object it is their responsibility to take care of it and it is not to be taken out during social times as it is purely for the purpose of the IT lesson.
If your child would like to bring an object, they must bring it for Wednesday 28th June.
Thank you,
Y4 Team
Correspondence 27th June
County Cricket Finals – Monday 3rd July
Dear Parent,
As a result of winning the District Cricket finals, your child’s team has progressed to the county finals, which is a fantastic achievement! These will be held at Hunslet Nelson Cricket Club, the full address is below, on Monday 3rd July.
The format will be, group stages in the morning, followed by a knockout stage in the afternoon, with all schools participating in a minimum of 3 games each. This will then progress to later rounds leading up to a final to determine a winner. Please note that registration is from 9:00am with play beginning at 9:30am and the finish time will be approximately 3:00pm. Children and adults will need a packed lunch on the day, along with water bottles and PE kits. They will need appropriate warm clothing for when they are spectating.
Information on the venue is below:
We would love for you to be able to come and support your child, however, as it is short notice and we have the girls and boys team who have progressed, we have organised a bus to take the children. Parents are welcome to meet at the event. I understand this is short notice and may be disappointing for parents who work and who would have come to watch, however, I only received confirmation of the event yesterday.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Correspondence 23rd June
Y1 Information
Dear Parents,
As some of you may be aware, over the next two weeks, our current Y2 children are going away to Whirlow Farm on their residential. This was all booked and staffing sorted back in September, when I was the Y2 teacher. At this time, we were unaware of the staffing changes which would then occur in January. I am therefore writing to let you know that I will not be in school Mon – Wed next week, or for the following week, as I am leading the residential trip and will be away with our Y2 children.
We have looked very carefully at who will cover our Y1 class during my absence and this will be split between Miss Hudson and Mrs Freeman. I have planned all the lessons and prepared everything to ensure that the Y1 children continue their amazing learning journey and I know they will continue to work as hard as they do for me. They are wonderful children and I will miss them very much but can’t wait to see what they have been doing when I return.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter. The exciting news is that I have just booked for Whirlow 2024 meaning that this time next year, it will be your children who will have the opportunity to take part in a residential and to make memories which will last them a life time.
Kind regards
Charlotte Trotter
Correspondence 23rd June
Y2 Whirlow Information
Dear Parents,
Well, here we are, less than a week until group one goes to Whirlow! Here are a few final reminders which will help the residential go smoothly.
Please remember to pack:
Please ensure on the day your child returns to school, you either pre-order their dinner online or send in a packed lunch so that when they return tired and hungry there is a lunch ready for them!
On the morning that your child goes to Whirlow, please bring them to the main entrance outside the office where it is less busy than the playground. Mrs Trotter will be there waiting on the Monday morning groups (26th June and 3rd July) and Mrs Gay will be there for the Wednesday group (5th July).
If you are collecting your child early on their return day, please come to the main entrance anytime after 1.15pm.
All that is left to say is, have a great weekend and I can’t wait to get Whirlow 2023 started in only four sleeps!
Kind regards
Correspondence 26th June
Y2 Spellings
Dear Parent,
As our Y2 children will be enjoying their time at Whirlow Farm over the next couple of weeks, we have not issued any new spellings.
Spellings will still be available on Spelling Shed for those children who enjoy accessing the app at home.
We know that our Y2 children will have a fantastic time at Whirlow and are looking forward to hearing all about it when they return.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Y2 Team
Correspondence 23rd June
Aurin Girls Choir Workshop Opportunity – Friday 30th June
Dear Parents,
On Friday 30th June, the world-famous Aurin Girls Choir from Hungary are coming to Emmanuel Church, Barnsley, to take part in a series of workshops and performances.
The Aurin Choir are based at the Kodaly School in Kecskemet, possibly the most famous music school in the world, and bring with them not only singing of an exceptional quality, but also a specific method of how to teach music that is used throughout the world.
We have managed to secure a workshop for our children and, as places are limited, we have decided to offer these to last year’s Young Voices choir, on a first come first served basis.
Please could you confirm if you give consent for your child to participate by Monday 26th June. Our workshop will begin at 9:30 and be finished by 10:30.
We are asking for contributions of £3 to help cover the cost of the coach. If you would like your child to attend, please pay the £3 on ParentPay to secure your child’s place.
Kind regards
Emily Edwards
Correspondence 19th June
Y6 Enterprise Week
Dear Parents,
Our Y6 children are holding an enterprise week this half term. This is a learning opportunity where the children create and run a business in small groups or independently. One of the key aims of the project is to help children handle real life situations and problem solving, such as budgeting and making decisions around money.
Pupils will be selling their products at lunchtimes next week and also after school on Monday, Thursday and Friday. The stalls will close at 3:40pm.
To recognise the hard work of the children, the profits they make will be spent on an exciting end of year treat as a way of celebrating their time at The Ellis.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 19th June
Orienteering Finals – Tuesday 27th June
Dear Parent / Carer,
Due to the fantastic success of your child’s team at the orienteering event back in May, I am pleased to tell you they have progressed through to the KS2 orienteering county finals which will be held at Clifton Park, Rotherham on Tuesday 27th June. Your child’s team came in the top 3 places for their age range against many schools in Barnsley, which is a fantastic achievement.
The successful children across Key Stage 2 will travel all together via Wyatt’s Coaches and will leave school at 9am and return by 2:30pm. Your child will require a packed lunch to have in the park.
The Year 3/4 event will be held in the morning and the Year 5/6 event in the afternoon.
Unfortunately, parents are not allowed to attend the event.
Your child will be given a sports top but will still need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held outdoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th June
Glow Disco – Thursday 22nd June
Dear Parent,
Your child has been selected to attend a PE Glow Disco at Springwood School on Thursday 22nd June. The event is the first of its kind and will be inclusive to all children. There will be a ‘coach’ booked to deliver the event which will include lots of music and glow sticks! The selected Year 5 children will be expected to support and chaperone the younger children at the event.
The event will start at 1:30pm and finish for 3pm and your child will have their lunch before leaving for the event.
Children will need to bring full PE kit (white PE tops/black shorts), suitable trainers for the event and their water bottle.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th June
Cricket Competition – Friday 23rd June 2023
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 cricket competition on Friday 16th June at Rockingham Cricket Ground (Hoyland Common).
The competition will begin at 9am and is set to end at 2:30pm depending on how well the children do.
We would love you to come and support your child. Please let Mrs Fiddes know if you can provide transport or if you are unable to transport your child so we can ensure everyone can get there. We would like all children and parents to meet at school at 8:30am so we can ensure everyone has transport to the event.
Children and adults will need a packed lunch on the day along with water bottles and PE kits. Tracksuit bottoms can be worn. The children will be given a school shirt when they get there and will need warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th June
Y6 Enterprise Project
Dear Parents,
Your child may have already mentioned that as part of their learning we are holding an enterprise week this half term. This is an ‘IKIC style’ learning opportunity where the children create and run a business in small groups or independently. There are several prizes and awards on offer to recognise the hard work of the children and the profits we make will be used to pay for an experience before the end of the school year.
I have already introduced the project to the children and they have decided their business ideas and ordered their raw materials. I know some children have already started making their products, however, next week is our official enterprise week so please do not panic if you weren’t aware of this yet. Pupils will be selling at lunchtimes and have the option to sell after school on Monday, Thursday and Friday- stalls will close at 3:40pm.
The children can choose to run their business outside of school if they wish, however, there will be many selling opportunities next week in school so this is not a requirement of the project.
To get the businesses started, school has offered each team an investment of £20. If you have already bought materials/ingredients you must ensure your child keeps a record of what has been spent so that it can be paid back from any earnings. It is not compulsory for parents to contribute, so please don’t worry if you can’t. One of the key aims of the project is to help children handle real life situations and problem solving, such as budgeting and making decisions around money.
The last time we did IKIC, we had some very successful teams and we raised a significant amount of money for the class to spend on making some amazing end of Y6 memories. I will be in touch again once I know what the celebratory event will be.
If, at any time during the project, you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to pop in and see me or email school.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 19th June
FS2 Transition to Y1 Meeting – Thursday 29th June 5pm
Dear Parents,
We are aware that the weeks until the end of the academic year seem to be going quickly and that your child will be moving into Key Stage 1 in September.
We are very excited to welcome them into Y1 and to help them continue on their learning journey at The Ellis. In order to aid a smooth transition from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1, we would like to welcome parents to a short meeting Thursday 29th June, 5pm in the Y1 classroom. This is an opportunity for staff to show you the classroom and to talk through KS1 routines. It is also a chance to ask any questions you may have. If you are unable to make the meeting, a letter outlining the contents of the meeting will be given to your child to bring home.
We look forward to getting to know our new children and parents and helping them to settle into their new class.
Kind regards
The Year 1 Team
Correspondence 19th June
Y5 Puberty Curriculum
Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you that we will be delivering the part of the curriculum that explores Puberty on Thursday 29th July. We will be covering some aspects of relationships and puberty (including hygiene).
If you do not want your child to take part in this lesson please let me know so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 16th June
Foundation Stage Sports Day – Friday 14th July
Dear Parents,
We hope that you are okay and you are keeping well.
Our Foundation Stage Sports day will be held on Friday 14th July at 9.15am until approximately 10.15am. Children will need to come to nursery or school at the usual time.
Parents can they then make their way up to the school field and the children will follow after register. Children will need to wear shorts, t/shirt and trainers- please send them to school in them instead of their uniform. They will need sun cream on if it is warm, a sunhat and a water bottle.
During the sports day you are welcome to take photos but do not post any photo of another child on any social media site.
After the event all our Early Years children will be taken back to their classes. If you would like to collect your child from Nursery at this time please wait at the nursery gates and a member of the team will send them to you after another register has been taken. Nursery will be open as usual if you would like your child to stay for the duration of their usual session.
Please note that the day will commence for all our Reception children so please pick them up at the end of the day at usual time of 3.20pm.
If you have any further queries then please do not hesitate to come and speak to a member of the Early Years Team.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr D Grayhurst and Mrs T Pollard
Correspondence 16th June
Reception Transition Date – Tuesday 11th July
Dear Parents/Carers,
Following on from my previous email regarding starting school, we would like to invite you for an afternoon visit to school on Tuesday 11th July from 1pm-3pm. This will be in addition to your child’s full day transition visits on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th July.
On the day of the visit, please bring your child to the main entrance at 1pm where you will be greeted by our school secretary Mrs Fiddes who will bring you round to our F2 classroom. You will be able to stay with your child until 1:45pm, during which time you will have the opportunity to see our learning environment as well as meeting both myself and our F2 Teaching Assistant Mrs Beevers. You will also have the chance to ask any questions and share any key information that we may need to know about your child.
By 1:45pm we hope that you feel happy enough to leave your child for a short period of time so that they can meet and play with some children from our school Nursery who will also be moving in to F2 in September. To avoid the home-time rush at the end of the school day, please arrive back at 3pm to collect your child at the main entrance. Both myself and Mrs Beevers will be there to greet you.
We hope that you are able to join us and we are looking forward to meeting you.
Kind regards,
Mr D Grayhurst
EYFS Teacher
Correspondence 14th June
A lovely outing with Mrs Brinkley
Dear Parent/ Carer,
Visit to The Cooper Gallery
An amazing opportunity has arisen for me to take two children to the Cooper Gallery in Barnsley on the 22nd June, to assist the Exhibition Officer prepare the immersive space for an upcoming exhibition which the children have entered. We will be helping to prepare the space and also getting an insight into roles within the cultural sector.
We will travel to Barnsley by train and will leave and return within the normal times of the school day. Upon leaving the Cooper Gallery, we will be going to the Experience Barnsley Museum to have a look around and then I thought we might have a treat and go for a well-deserved ice-cream!
There is no cost for the trip, the travel will be covered by school and the ice-creams are a little treat from me.
If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat/sunscreen.
Please give your consent via ParentPay.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Art Lead
Correspondence 14th June
Y4 Information
Dear Y4 Parents,
As the weather is getting warmer, it is essential that all children bring a change of clothes for PE. As outlined in our newsletter, our PE days are Monday and Thursday. We advise that children bring their PE kit on a Monday, leave it in school then take it home every Friday to be washed.
Your child’s PE kit should include:
A white t-shirt
Shorts or joggers
Pair of trainers (not boots or pumps)
Due to the hot weather, we are also encouraging children to wear a sun hat during the outdoor PE days and take their water bottle with them.
If you have any questions regarding PE kits, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence 12th June
Nursery Father’s Day Gift
Dear Nursery Parents,
Please check in your child’s library folder for father’s day cards and gift.
Thank you
Correspondence 9th June
3 Fun Days!
Dear Parent/Carer,
Whilst the rest of our Y5 children are at Kingswood on their residential visit, I have planned an enjoyable three days of activities for the children who are not going. Please see the attached itinerary. 3 fun days!
Mrs Brinkley
Correspondence 9th June
Cricket Event – Wednesday 14th June
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 3/4 cricket competition on Wednesday 14th June at Shaw Lane.
The competition will begin at 9:15am with the finishing time depending on how well the team does, but no later than 2:45pm.
We would love you to come and support your child. Please let Mrs Fiddes know if you can provide transport or if you are unable to transport your child so we can ensure everyone can get there. We would like all children and parents to meet at school at 8:30am so we can ensure everyone has transport to the event.
Children and adults will need a packed lunch on the day along with water bottles and PE kits. Tracksuit bottoms can be worn. The children will be given a school shirt when they get there and will need warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 9th June
Ramp Up Taster Event – Friday 16th June
Dear Y6 Parents,
We have been offered a free bike and scooter taster event called Ramp Up, which will be run by Barnsley Council. This will take place between 9:30am-10:30am on Friday 16th June for your child’s class.
Ramp Up is an exciting session that will inspire and teach pupils riding skills, as well as developing their bike and scooting skills beyond the school playground. A variety of ramps will be brought into school and the children can experience riding them on bikes and scooters.
Children DO NOT need to bring their own bikes to school. The facilitators provide bikes, scooters, ramps and helmets. Half of the class will be on bikes and half will be on scooters, with the children swapping over half way through the session. If children are not confident riders, they can stay on the scooters.
I am aware that this clashes with a cricket competition, however, we were given a slot that we were unable to change and unfortunately on this occasion the cricketers will have to miss this event. I am sure though that they will get to enjoy many more before the term is over.
If your child would prefer to take part in the scooter event, please let me know as soon as possible so I can fill their place in the cricket team.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 9th June
Cricket Event – Friday 16th June
Dear Parent, (Seth, Lucas, Thomas, Levi, Noah, Jenson, Isaac W and Joe)
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 cricket competition on Friday 16th June at Rockingham Cricket Ground (Hoyland Common)
The competition will begin at 9am and is set to end at 2:30pm depending on how well the children do.
We would love you to come and support your child. Please let Mrs Fiddes know if you can provide transport or if you are unable to transport your child so we can ensure everyone can get there. We would like all children and parents to meet at school at 8:30am so we can ensure everyone has transport to the event.
Children and adults will need a packed lunch on the day along with water bottles and PE kits. Tracksuit bottoms can be worn. The children will be given a school shirt when they get there and will need warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 9th June
Soccer Aid for Unicef Playground Challenge – Wednesday 21st June
Dear Parents/Carers,
We’re really excited to be getting involved with Soccer Aid for Unicef 2023 with our very own Playground Challenge! This is a great opportunity to get the whole school together, and for our pupils to learn about and raise money for children around the world whose lives have been disrupted by disease, hunger and poverty to gain vital playground equipment.
What are we doing?
To raise money, on Wednesday 21st June in return for a £1.50 donation the children can dress up in their favourite football kit or sportswear and will take part in the Playground Challenge sometime during the school day and afterwards receive a bun and a refreshment once completed.
To give me some ideas for the course children can design their own obstacle course and send or give their completed designs to me by Friday 16th June.
Parents/Carers can also take part in the Challenge on Wednesday before and after school for only a £1 donation. Just walk round to the MUGA and have a go with all your family. Can you complete the course?
How can you help?
Every £1 our school raises during the Playground Challenge will be doubled by the UK government – up to £3m, making double the difference to children’s lives.
Last year we raised £268 for this worthy cause. I would really like us to try and beat it this year if we can.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions and to find out more about Soccer Aid for Unicef, visit
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Beever
The Ellis CE Primary School
Correspondence 7th June
Kingswood Information
Dear Parents,
As promised here is a summary of what was discussed in the Kingswood meeting on May 23rd 2023:
Luggage- Please try and limit this to one bag/suitcase that your child can carry. They also need to bring a sleeping bag and pillow. Please ensure all items are clearly labelled. Only send clothes/items that you are happy to get dirty.
Packed lunch- Food is provided throughout our stay at Kingswood, however, your child will need to order a packed lunch from Kingswood (via Mrs E) for Wednesday.
Sweets- On the first night we have a small ‘midnight’ feast so if your child would like to bring a few sweets or biscuits to enjoy, that’s absolutely fine. Please ensure you don’t send anything with nuts as Kingswood is a nut-free site. I would also like to request that you don’t send any energy drinks such as Red Bull or Powerade.
Money- I’m unsure but believe there is a small shop on site which sells a range of souvenirs e.g. pencils, rubbers, water bottles. Could I request that you send no more than £10 please and make sure it is in a clearly marked purse/wallet/envelope. Children will be responsible for whatever they purchase.
Electrical items- No electrical items are allowed at Kingswood for safety. This includes hair dryers and straighteners. It also includes iPods, digital cameras, phones and other electronic gaming devices.
Cameras- Our team will be taking photographs of the activities and will send permission requests so that we can share these with you. We will also be posting some of the photos straight to Twitter and Facebook so that you can see what your child is achieving during our visit.
Medicine- Please ensure any medicines, along with a letter of consent, are given to me before we travel. If your child needs travel sickness pills for the return journey, please send them in an envelope that is clearly labelled. If your child needs a care plan, please see me on Monday or Tuesday to go through it if you haven’t already.
What to bring- Please click on the link below for the Kingswood packing list. This year we do not have any water activities or the disco.
Consents-These were sent home yesterday. Please return them immediately and ensure they have accurate contact and medical information on them. If consents are not returned your child will not be able to travel. The deadline is the 12th of June.
If you have any other questions about the trip please don’t hesitate to pop in and see me or give me a call.
Kind regards
E J Edwards
Mrs Emily Edwards
Correspondence 31st May
F2 New Starter Letters September 2023
Dear Parent/Carers,
We are delighted that your child has been offered a place at our school for September 2023 and we are very much looking forward to working with you. With this in mind, we are currently making plans to offer transition visits for all our children before the Summer holidays so that they can meet both Mr Grayhurst, the class teacher and Mrs Beevers the teaching assistant.
Your child will have two full transition visits on Wednesday 12th July and Thursday 13th July. On this day your child will need to come straight to their new classroom using the F2 entrance door which can be located at the top of the path from School Street. Mr Grayhurst will be waiting to greet the children and take them inside. The drop off time is 8:50am and the pick-up time at the end of the day is 3:20pm. Your child will also have the option of staying for a school meal on both of these days and we encourage you to take this up as school meals are free until your child turns 7 years of age. You will need to let us know your child’s meal order for each of these days by contacting Mrs Fiddes in the office directly via email on or via telephone on the number at the top of this letter.
The menu choices are:
Roast chicken with Yorkshire pudding, mashed potato, cauliflower, green beans and gravy.
Quorn fillet with Yorkshire pudding, mashed potato, cauliflower, green beans and gravy. (V)
Jacket potato with a choice of hot and cold fillings (beans, cheese or tuna).
Arctic roll, fruit or yoghurt.
All day breakfast with a hash brown, baked beans and mushrooms
BcMuffin (Vegetarian sausage, hash brown, mushrooms and egg)
Jacket potato with a choice of hot and cold fillings (beans, cheese or tuna)
Chocolate and pear sponge, fruit or yoghurt.
Your child is welcome to bring a packed lunch instead of ordering a school meal, please let Mrs Fiddes know if this is the case.
Children will be accompanied by their teachers into the school hall to have their lunch and will stay with them for the first few weeks to help them to settle.
You will also be able to attend a new Parent’s Meeting in school on Monday 3rd July at 5pm. This will be hosted by Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Beevers. This meeting will consist of a short presentation about key information about the ‘Reception Year’ including daily routines, the provision we have on offer and our Early Years Curriculum.
We will also offer an afternoon session on Tuesday 11th July where our new children, who are currently at a different nursery Setting, can visit with their parents; details about this afternoon visit will be sent out in a separate letter after the Spring Bank Half Term. We will also offer further transition days for all children at the start of the new academic year to help them settle in to school after the long Summer holiday. Our plan of action is as follows:
A few additional pieces of information
If you are unfamiliar with our online payment system, ParentPay, you will be issued with a username and a password once your child has started. This will enable you to access your child’s own personal account in order to pay for trips etc. Menus are uploaded onto ParentPay for you to look at and help your child choose their lunch each week.
School Uniform
If you wish to purchase school uniform with our school logo on, this can be ordered online from Vortex, at Stairfoot.
Indoor shoes are not required in Early Years as the children wear wellies for outdoor play all year round. During the Summer months a pair of trainers may be needed for outdoor PE. PE kit consists of black shorts and a white t-shirt. ALL items should be labelled. ‘Stikins’ sell stickers which can be stuck onto lunch boxes and water bottles as well as clothing and require no sewing or ironing and are fully washable and dishwasher proof.
The children will need a book bag which can be ordered from Vortex, or they are welcome to choose their own from elsewhere if preferred. This also applies with school uniform.
If your child has been unwell and requires medicine when they are well enough to return to school, we are insured to administer antibiotics if they have been prescribed to be given four times a day only. Please complete a form at the office.
School Milk UK is the provider of school milk at our school. The process of ordering and paying for your child’s milk is quick and easy and you can pay for each term (3 times a year) or for the full academic year September – July. If you would like your child to enjoy milk at school as a snack, you can register on-line at Once you have registered, there is no need to register again. Please note that you should only register if you need to pay for your child’s milk. If you are in receipt of benefits, please speak to the school office as milk may be free for your child and school will also receive extra funding.
Milk is free until the beginning of the term in which your child turns five. Please see below for a list of dates:
Autumn 05.09.23 to 22.12.23 If your child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for all three terms.
Spring 08.01.24 to 22.03.24 If your child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for Spring & Summer terms.
Summer 08.04.24 to 19.07.24 If your child’s 5th birthday is within these dates you should pay for the Summer term.
If your child’s 5th birthday is after the 19th July 2024, then milk is free for the entire school year.
Fruit is provided free for your child to enjoy as a mid-morning snack. Please send your child into school with a named water bottle with fresh water in every day.
Our jewellery policy is that children are allowed to wear a watch and one pair of single stud earrings through the earlobe only. No other piercings are permissible. Pupils are asked to remove all of their jewellery for PE. If your child is unable to remove their jewellery by themselves, please do not send them into school on PE days with earrings in.
We look forward to meeting you very soon. In the meantime, we have provided you with a copy of our ‘Welcome to F2’ booklet that provides you with an overview of key information about F2. However, if you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate contacting school and we will be happy to help in any way that we can.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr D Grayhurst & Mrs C Beevers
Correspondence 26th May
Cricket Flyers
Dear Parents, we have been asked to promote the attached email and flyers. Thank you.
Is your child interested in cricket? dynamos poster (8-11 year olds) Allstars Cricket poster (5-8year olds)
Find their nearest All Stars (5-8 year olds) or Dynamos (8-11 year olds) Cricket Centre by following the link below;
Many thanks
Correspondence 19th May
KS2 Orienteering Event – Wednesday 24th May
Dear Parent / Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a KS2 orienteering event at Horizon Academy on Wednesday 24th May 2023. The event will start at 1pm and will finish for 3pm. Children should arrive back at school around 3:20pm.
Your child will have their lunch before leaving for the venue at 12:15pm.
Children will travel to and from the venue via Wyatts Coaches. Unfortunately, parents are not allowed to attend the event.
Your child will be given a sports top but will still need to bring suitable trainers, their PE kit, a drink of water, a bag for their belongings and suitable clothing to wear when not participating. The event will be held outdoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th May
Well Done Y2
Dear Parents,
We would just like to take this opportunity to celebrate our Y2 children who have worked incredibly hard these past couple of weeks on their KS1 SATs Papers. We are immensely proud of how the children have tackled the test papers (at such a young age), they have all demonstrated resilience and we know that they couldn’t have worked any harder.
As a special treat, today Y2 have enjoyed cookies and stories in our very own Forest School. The children have also enjoyed an ice lolly and some golden time this afternoon. We’re sure you will agree that they all deserve a gold award this week, so the team have also awarded each child with a very well deserved special gold award today.
The results form part of the teacher assessment and will be shared with you on reports.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
The Y2 Team
Correspondence 19th May
Digital Skills Drop in, Hoyland Library – Wednesday 24th May
Dear Parents,
Hoyland library are having a drop in session next Wednesday 24th May, 9.45am to 12.30pm for parents (and anyone over the age of 19) who would like to improve their digital skills. If the session is enjoyed you will be able to progress to a longer digital skills course. A range of topics are covered including keeping yourselves and children safe online.
Thank you
Caroline Oxley
Curriculum Information and Support Officer
Adult Skills and Community Learning
Directorate: Growth & Sustainability
Barnsley MBC
Correspondence Friday 19th May
Cannon Hall Art Project Visit – Thursday 8th June 2023
Dear Y3 Parent/Carer,
Visit to Cannon Hall – Art Project
I would like to take Year 3 to Cannon Hall on Thursday 8th June 2023 to participate in an art workshop activity as part of the Guardians of Bird Island project.
The coach company we will be using is Oakleaf Travel. The coach will leave school at 9:30am and is expected to return to school by 3:00pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken before school.
There will be no cost for the trip as funding has been provided by Arts Council England.
Please ensure school uniform is worn on the day with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat as the majority of the day will take place outdoors. A packed lunch will be required and can be provided by school for children who are entitled to Scheme of Aid. Please let us know if your child requires a school packed lunch prior to the trip.
Participation in this trip is dependent on good behaviour in school. Please give your consent via ParentPay.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brinkley
Art Lead
Correspondence 19th May
Cricket Competition – Friday 26th May
Dear Parent,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 5/6 cricket competition on Friday 26th May at Woolley Cricket Club. (Full address: Woolley Cricket Club, Woolley Colliery Road, Darton S75 5RY.)
The competition will begin at 10am and is set to end by 3pm depending on how well the children do. Children will need to leave school at 9:15am.
We would love for you to be able to come and support your child. Please let Mrs Fiddes know if you can provide transport or if you are unable to transport your child so we can ensure everyone can get there.
Children and adults will need a packed lunch on the day along with water bottles and PE kits. Tracksuit bottoms can be worn. The children will be given a school shirt when they get there and will need warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Correspondence 18th May
Cricket Competition – Thursday 25th May
Dear Parent,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 3/4 cricket competition on Thursday 25th May at Woolley Cricket Club. (Full address: Woolley Cricket Club, Woolley Colliery Road, Darton S75 5RY.)
The competition will begin at 10am and is set to end by 3pm depending on how well the children do. Children will need to leave school at 9:15am.
We would love for you to be able to come and support your child. Please let Mrs Fiddes know if you can provide transport or if you are unable to transport your child so we can ensure everyone can get there.
Children and adults will need a packed lunch on the day along with water bottles and PE kits. Tracksuit bottoms can be worn. The children will be given a school shirt when they get there and will need warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 16th May
SEND Survey
Good Afternoon
We are sending out a survey to ask if we should have an agreed plan in Barnsley for how we work together with parents, carers and children and young people with SEND, how this would work best for you and how we can make sure as many people as possible are aware of what’s happening and how to get involved.
Here is the short survey that we are using to collect initial views and ideas about how we should move forward. Could you please share with your networks including young people, parents and carers.
We really value your views, thank you for your time.
Many thanks
Service Director Education, Early Start and Prevention
Children’s Services Directorate
Barnsley Council
Correspondence Friday 5th May
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
A couple of polite reminders
Dogs on Premises – Dogs are not allowed on school premises please, whether big or small or carried in arms.
Staff Car Park – The staff car park is not to be used during drop off and pick up times, to keep our children safe. Thank you.
Summer 2023 Reading Challenge
This challenge:
Children sign up through their local library and receive a collector folder. They then set a reading goal and borrow books of their choice during the Summer, collecting special stickers and incentives. The library staff and volunteers will help children to discover new books that suit their interests and reading level and run a programme of free themed activities in the library. Children who complete the challenge are presented with a certificate and a medal.
National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) – Wednesday 17th May
NCMP measures the height and weight of children in reception class (4 to 5 years) and year 6 (10 to 11 years). NCMP was set up in line with the Government’s strategy to tackle obesity. The programme provides surveillance data and can be used to support public health initiatives. Local data can also be used to inform the planning and delivery of services for children. The programme is recognised internationally as a world-class source of public health intelligence and holds UK National Statistics status.
All children will be measured in private.
Group Photographs
On Friday 19th May the photographer will be coming to take group class photographs. As the background they use is usually white, it might be wise to send your child to school wearing their red cardigans or jumpers, however, Y6 are welcome to wear their leavers’ hoodies.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence Friday 5th May
Dear Parents,
Now that the SATs are over, I feel that I need to write to you to let you know how immensely proud I am of your child. I can categorically say that all of the children have done their absolute best, which is all I asked of them. Their attitude to the tests has been exemplary and they used them as an opportunity to ‘show off’ their knowledge and understanding rather than worry too much.
The papers varied in difficulty, I’m sure you will have seen comments about them on various news outlets and over social media (particularly the reading paper) however, the children tackled them with confidence and came out of them feeling relatively happy.
The results will be available to school in July, but if I’m being perfectly honest, they won’t tell us anything we don’t already know. The UKS2 Team feel privileged to have taught your child this year and have got to know them really well. We know that some of them are gifted dancers, some like to draw and paint, some are outstanding musicians or are talented at a specific sport and, as you know, the tests don’t show this. If your child doesn’t get the score they were hoping for in July, please remind them that they are still amazing and should be very proud of themselves for the work they have done throughout their time at The Ellis.
I would like to say a really big thank you, to you and your family, for supporting school during the SATs process. As a school we have tried to make the process quite relaxed and have been very mindful not to put too much pressure on children whilst also preparing them fully for the tests. I hope we got the balance correct during this time.
Staffing Changes
Unfortunately, Mr Wolff is having an operation and will therefore be absent for approximately 6 weeks from Tuesday. We have arranged for an experienced Y6 teacher, with Headteacher experience to cover until Mr Wolff returns. Mrs Wood and Mrs Connelly will continue to support the class.
We haven’t previously shared this information with the children to ensure they were settled during their SATs and feel that now is the appropriate time to share this. Mr Wolff will have shared this with your child today.
We wish Mr Wolff a speedy recovery and will ensure that the children create lasting memories of their time at The Ellis with a few fun activities and trips coming up in the last half term.
Thank you again for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence Friday 5th May
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Wow, what a fabulous day. It has been fantastic to see so many of you joining in with our Coronation celebrations and supporting our wonderful PTFA. The winning raffle ticket for the Wigfield farm voucher is white 191-195 and the lucky winner of the hamper is white 56-60. Please bring your tickets to the office to collect your prize.
For those of you who chose to paint a rock, just a quick reminder that the paints we used are washable and will therefore not be weatherproof. If you would like to preserve your child’s creation, I suggest coating it with varnish.
We hope you have a wonderful bank holiday weekend.
God save the King!
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence Friday 5th May
Foundation Stage Mud Kitchen Accessories Request
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you are all keeping well. As part of our ongoing plans to improve our outdoor learning environment we are currently in the process of enhancing our mud-kitchen. We would like to put out a polite request for a spare kettle barbecue and microwave that we could use as props for our mud-kitchen please. As we only need one of each could you please contact school directly if you are able to kindly donate one to us.
We would also be grateful for any metal utensils such as ladles, tongues, large spoons, fish slices etc. that you could donate to us please.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Kind regards,
Mr Grayhurst, Mrs Pollard and all of the EYFS Team
Correspondence Friday 5th May
Y6 SATs Breakfast
Dear Y6 Parents,
As you will be aware, next week is SATs week for our Y6 children. We will be offering a light breakfast, which the children have already ordered, on the day of the tests to help children relax before they sit the papers.
On Tuesday-Friday, year six children will be able to come in (through the Y6 cloakroom) from 8:10am. We will stop serving breakfast at 8:40am in order to set up the furniture in the hall.
Please note: this is not intended to replace breakfast club – children are welcome to come for their piece of toast/pain au chocolate after they have been for their actual breakfast.
Kind regards
UKS2 Team
Correspondence Wednesday 3rd May
Y5 Science
Dear Y5 Parents,
Next week in Science, we will be learning about the life cycle of mammals, including humans. This means that we will be discussing how sperm and ovum are needed to make a baby and we will be using scientific language to discuss how humans are reproduced.
This is a key part of the Y5 science curriculum which the children will be supported to understand. This email is to support you as parents to feel prepared for any questions or conversations that might arise and to provide you with the opportunity to ask any questions about the content of the lesson.
Many thanks,
Mrs Wise
Correspondence Monday 2nd May
Tennis Opportunity
Dear Parents,
Barnsley Lawn Tennis Club are running girls only 6 week introduction to tennis courses, sponsored by Prime Video. The courses are on a Wednesday evening 5-6pm for ages 4-9 years and Saturday 11-12noon for ages 10+.
The course includes:
6 Weeks of coaching
Free Racket and balls
All for £35
This is a rolling six week course.
To book on please follow the links below:
Wednesday 5-6pm:
Saturday 11-12noon:
If you have any questions please email Head Coach, Alice on
Miss Cook
Correspondence Monday 2nd May
Y5/6 Cross Country Event – Friday 12th May
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child’s class has been selected to represent the school in a 2km KS2 cross country event at Netherwood Academy on Friday 12th May. The route will be marshalled so the children will know where to go around the simple route. The aim is to inspire participants to continue their physical activity journey.
The event will start at 9:30am and should finish by 11:30am. Your child will have their lunch when they return to school.
Children will need to bring full PE kit (white PE tops/black shorts), suitable trainers for the event and their water bottle. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 28th April
Y4 Multiplication Tables Check Information
Dear Y4 Parents,
As we enter the last term of Y4, the statutory Y4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is just around the corner. Your child was sent home with a letter last term which was addressed to parents outlining any information you might need to know about how the MTC works and what is it used for. I have attached a copy of the letter as a PDF document in case it has been misplaced or lost. Multiplication Tables Check Information for Parents
The school has enrolled in an ‘Unofficial MTC’ practise event which will run from the 24th April to the 12th May and will be undertaken in school. This event is run by Times Tables Rock Stars, however, children will not be able to access this event at home.
What benefit will this practise test have for my child?
In class, we already take part in practise times tables checks which are in a similar format to this event but they are not conducted through Times Tables Rock Stars. This Unofficial MTC practise event will allow all the children to experience how the test will be conducted later on in June. Furthermore, the practise event allows your child to choose the device that they would like to use when they complete the official MTC in June. They will have a choice between an iPad and a keyboarded computer. If your child may require accessibility arrangements then please speak to Mrs Edwards. This practise test will allow us to identify any children who may require additional support for the official MTC in June.
How will my child be able to decide between which device they would like to use?
The plan is for each child to have 2 attempts at this practise event. The first will be using an iPad and the second will be using a keyboarded computer. Once they have completed both attempts, then they can make the decision about their preferred device of choice for the official MTC in June.
How can I help my child prepare for this practise event and the official MTC?
As part of usual practice, we ask that you continue to practise times tables with your child. The children have access to a variety of online times tables practise which we do access in class. The ones that we access are:
If you have any questions about this event then please feel free to contact us via email or during transition time at the start or end of the day.
Thank you for your continued support into your child’s learning,
The Y4 Team
Correspondence 28th April
King’s Coronation Craft Activities – Friday, 5th May
Dear Parents,
On Friday 5th May, in addition to wearing red, white and blue to celebrate the King’s Coronation, we are inviting parents/carers to join us for a craft session in the hall with your children.
The timings are as follows, there is no need to sign up and all of the activities will be the same for each class (e.g. pebble painting, crown making and other general Coronation activities).
F1 8:45-9:15am (Even if you are unable to stay with your child, please go straight to the school hall where the nursery staff will be waiting.)
F2 9:20-9:50am
Y1 9:55-10:25am
Y4 10:30-11am
Y3 11:10-11:40am
Y2 1-1:30pm
Y5 1:40-2:10pm
Y6 2:20-2:50pm
If you have siblings in various classes, you can attend both sessions separately, or you are able to select just one session which all of your children can join together for. If you are unable to attend, please don’t worry, your child will still access their slot with their teaching team.
Our intention is to offer refreshments alongside the activity, however, in order to do that we need to request donations of cakes please. If you would like to donate, please could you drop them off on Thursday or bring them on Friday, but at the start of the school day.
Our PTFA will also be holding a raffle and a ‘Name the Bear’ competition to raise money for school. Tickets will be £1. The raffle will be drawn at the end of the school day ready for the prizes to be sent home the same day.
We hope you can join us for this fun filled activity. If you are unable to join us and would like your child to purchase tickets and/or refreshments please send them in to school with some money in a named envelope.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence Friday 28th April
Y5 Forest School Session – Tuesday 9th May
Dear Y5 Parents,
On Tuesday, Y5 will be having a Forest School session run by Mr Webster.
Please can your children come to school dressed for a morning in the forest (old clothes, wellies, waterproof coat or a hat and sun cream- depending on the weather) and bring their uniforms to change into afterwards.
Many thanks,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence Friday 28th April
SEND Coffee Afternoon – Tuesday 13th June 2:30pm
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to invite you to join us for our Summer term coffee afternoon on Tuesday 13th of June at 2:30pm.
We will meet for tea, coffee and biscuits, have a chance to touch base and discuss your child’s experiences in school, share some Thrive information and answer any questions.
We will be joined for the meeting by members of the SEND Participation team from the Barnsley Inclusion Service. They will share information about available services outside school and ways you can become involved with the shaping of services and decisions across SEND in Barnsley.
Please remember that if you need any support or have any questions then your child’s class teacher, Mrs Gay (our Parent Support Advisor) or myself are happy to help.
Best wishes,
Mrs Wise
Correspondence Thursday 27th April
St. Mary’s Church, Wombwell Street Party – Monday 8th May
Dear Parents,
St. Mary’s Church, Wombwell are having a ‘Street party’ on the church drive, on the 8th May 12-2pm.
There will be a tombola, buffet food, a teddy bear parachute and other activities.
Everyone is welcome, please see the attached flyer for more details.
Correspondence Wednesday 26th April
Y3/4 Handball Event – Friday 28th April
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your Y3/4 child has been selected to represent the school in a handball event at Kirk Balk Academy on Friday 28th April.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm depending on how well the school perform! Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus with Beewise.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm, waterproof clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence Wednesday 26th April
Barnsley Coronation Activity Pack
Dear Parents,
Barnsley Council have developed an activity pack full of Coronation information, themed crafts, puzzles, quizzes and recipes.
The pack is to be launched today and is now live on their website for you to access at or it can be downloaded directly from here:
Thank you
Correspondence Tuesday 25th April
Y5 SATs Companion
Dear Y5 Parents,
What is SATs Companion?
We have sent home a letter today about a website called SATs Companion, which is an online learning platform for English, Maths and Science. We are planning to use this for the rest of the Summer Term for children to practise learning outside of school in addition to their homework.
How will this support my child’s learning?
The website allows teachers to set children specific tasks around different topics on the 3 core subjects; English, Maths and Science although it will be predominantly used for English (including Reading Comprehension) and Maths.
Some tasks are equipped with explanation videos to help guide your child on how to work through a task. Each task is limited to 10 questions.
Children can access any topic from the core subjects to practise independently without it being set by their teacher.
How can my child login and use the site?
Each child has their own login, which is attached to the letter today. The website address is also listed on the letter. If your child loses their log in please let us know so we can replace it.
Will it be used in school as well?
Yes, we are planning how we could use SATs Companion in some lessons but it will not be used all lessons. The children have accessed SATs Companion in school so they are familiar with how the website is laid out and how to access the learning.
If you have any questions or you are struggling to access the site then please feel free to reach out via email or during transition time at the start or end of the day.
Thank you for your continued dedication in your children’s learning,
The Y5 Team
Correspondence Tuesday 25th April
Y3 Mirodo Online Learning
Dear Y3 Parents,
What is Mirodo?
We have sent home a letter today about a website called Mirodo which is an online learning platform for English, Maths and Science. We are planning to use this for the rest of the Summer Term for children to practise learning outside of school.
How will this support my child’s learning?
The website allows teachers to set children specific tasks around different topics on the 3 core subjects; English, Maths and Science although it will be predominantly used for English (including Reading Comprehension) and Maths.
Some tasks are equipped with explanation videos to help guide your child on how to work through a task. Each task is limited to 10 questions.
Children can access any topic from the core subjects to practise independently without it being set by their teacher.
Reading Comprehension
During parents’ evening, some parents questioned how they could best support their child’s reading comprehension and reading skills. In the English section of the website, there is an area dedicated to Reading and Reading Skills which covers all of the things we discuss in our VIPERS lessons. There are videos that explain what the skills entail and how to apply it to reading.
How can my child login and use the site?
Each child has their own login, which is attached to the letter and there is a copy in the front of their reading diary. The website address is also listed on both of these copies.
Will it be used in school as well?
Yes, we are planning how we could use Mirodo in some lessons but it will not be used all lessons. The children have accessed Mirodo in school so they are familiar with how the website is laid out and how to access the learning.
If you have any questions or you are struggling to access the site then please feel free to reach out via email or during transition time at the start or end of the day.
Thank you for your continued dedication in your children’s learning,
Miss Cook / Miss Beresford
Correspondence Monday 24th April
EYFS Mini Beast Workshop – Friday 26th May
Dear Parents/Carers of EYFS Children,
We are pleased to let you know that, as part of our EYFS Topic learning about ‘Mini-beasts’, we have arranged for a workshop run by Michala from Lion Learners, to bring our learning to life and to give the children an interactive experience which they will enjoy and remember. Our visitor will be coming into school on the Friday 26th of May to run a hands on workshop where the children will be able to explore a variety of exciting animals and insects. This company is highly recommended and has received very positive feedback from local schools who have recently accessed the workshop.
We are asking for donations of £3.50 per pupil for us to be able to offer this valuable experience. Payments can be made on ParentPay straightaway, which you are welcome to do by instalments. Please be aware that without sufficient donations this event will not be able to go ahead.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Pollard
Correspondence Friday 21st April
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter.
The King’s Coronation
As you are aware, the King’s Coronation is taking place on Saturday 6th May and we have been allocated an extra bank holiday on Monday 8th May. We feel this is an important historical event to celebrate, therefore, we have partnered with the PTFA to run an event on Friday 5th May. On this day, children are invited to wear red, white and blue, and we will be running craft workshops with parents and pupils throughout the day. More information on timings will follow shortly.
Y6 SATs Week
Y6 SATs will take place the week beginning Tuesday 9th May. Please note, due to the King’s Coronation there is a paper on Friday 12th May. Please let me know as soon as possible if your child has a scheduled absence.
Y2 SATs will take place between Tuesday 9th May and Friday 19th May. Similarly, let me know as soon as possible if your child has a scheduled absence.
Group Photographs
Just a reminder that class group photographs will take place on Friday 19th May.
Residential Meetings
We have two residentials this term, one for our Y2 children (Whirlow) and one for our Y5 children (Kingswood). In order to ensure you have the correct information before we travel, we would like to invite you to a meeting regarding arrangements.
Whirlow – Monday 22nd May at 5pm
Kingswood – Tuesday 23rd May at 5pm
For those of you who would like to start organising, please see the link below for a Kingswood packing list.
Sports Day
Foundation Stage Sports Day will be held on Friday 14th July, 9:30am-11am.
Key Stage 1 and 2 Sports Day is to be held on Monday 10th July, dependant on the weather. Timings to follow.
Our PTFA will kindly be selling their usual refreshments.
Railway Children
A reminder that we now have Railway children who are offering wrap around care. Please see their website for more details or contact Jenny on 07765 255449.
Y4 Pottery After School Club
Mrs Brinkley has organised a pottery painting event, with ‘Les Cadeaux’ for Y4 children after school on Monday 22nd May, 3:20-4:20pm.
Children can choose to paint either a heart shaped coaster, a heart shaped plant pot or a hanging kite (images and prices are attached).
The items will need to be paid for in advance, in cash. Images and Prices
As there are only 12 places available, places are on a first come first served basis and names will be only be put down once the cash has been received. If there is a lot of interest, a second session will be run.
Friday Afternoon Nursery Sessions
A reminder for our full time nursery parents that we are open Friday afternoons. For just £15, your child can now stay for the full day on Friday. This is a perfect way to prepare your child for a full week in school, especially for our children who are ready to move into Mr Grayhurst’s class in September. Just let a member of staff know if you would like your child to take one of these places.
General Reminders
Hot weather- As the weather is improving, please remember to send your child to school with an all-day sun cream applied. We advise they have a hat and a water bottle in school every day.
Footwear- Our field is still rather muddy so please ensure your child has indoor footwear to allow them to access it at break and lunchtimes.
Hair and jewellery- please ensure long hair is tied up and our jewellery policy is adhered to, only a small pair of stud earrings and a watch are permitted (no smart watches please).
Uniform swap shop- you can request uniform items at any point, however, items will be available to look through during sports day and at the Coronation event. If you have any items to donate, we would be grateful for them.
The Summer term is always a busy one but it is full of amazing activities that we hope your children will enjoy.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence Friday 21st April
Y4 Mirodo Online Learning
What is Mirodo?
We have sent home a letter about a website called Mirodo which is an online learning platform for English, Maths and Science. We are planning to use this for the rest of the Summer Term for children to practise learning outside of school.
How will this support my child’s learning?
The website allows teachers to set children specific tasks around different topics on the 3 core subjects; English, Maths and Science although it will be predominantly used for English (including Reading Comprehension) and Maths.
Some tasks are equipped with explanation videos to help guide your child on how to work through a task. Each task is limited to 10 questions.
Children can access any topic from the core subjects to practise independently without it being set by their teacher.
Reading Comprehension
During parents’ evening, some parents questioned how they could best support their child’s reading comprehension and reading skills. In the English section of the website, there is an area dedicated to Reading and Reading Skills which covers all of the things we discuss in our VIPERS lessons. There are videos that explain what the skills entail and how to apply it to reading.
How can my child login and use the site?
Each child has their own login, which is attached to the letter and there is a copy in the front of their reading diary. The website address is also listed on both of these copies.
Will it be used in school as well?
Yes, we are planning how we could use Mirodo in some lessons but it will not be used all lessons. The children have accessed Mirodo in school so they are familiar with how the website is laid out and how to access the learning.
If you have any questions or you are struggling to access the site then please feel free to reach out via email or during transition time at the start or end of the day.
Thank you for your continued dedication in your children’s learning,
Miss Bradbury
Correspondence Thursday 20th April
Y5 Summer Workouts
Dear Y5 Parents,
For Summer term, I would like the children to work through the Summer workouts in their homework books.
If they would like to use the remaining Spring workouts for extra learning then that would be great.
Summer workout 1 will be due next Thursday.
Many thanks,
Mrs Wise
Correspondence Thursday 20th April
Upcoming Industrial Action and Polling Day
Dear Parents,
Due to ongoing industrial action, I would like to give you notice that our F1 class (Nursery) will be closed on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May.
All other classes will remain open as usual.
I will keep you updated if anything changes.
Just a reminder that on Thursday 4th May, Nursery is also closed due to the building being used as a polling station.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence Wednesday 19th April
Ellis Church – Thursday 20th April
Everyone is welcome to our Ellis Church tomorrow, Thursday, 20th April, held in the school hall straight after school.
Correspondence 31st March
Important Y1 Information
Dear Y1 Parents,
Important Information
Unfortunately, Mrs Trotter has been called for two weeks compulsory jury service after the Easter holidays. This is due to start on Tuesday 18th April, however, we have arranged for Mrs Trotter and our supply teacher, Miss Wigfield, to have time on Monday to plan together to aid a smooth transition.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter , please get in touch.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
DT (Design and Technology)
Next half term, our DT topic is all about designing and making a smoothie. Over the coming weeks, we will be trying different fruits and vegetables, before ending the unit making a smoothie.
If your child has allergies or intolerances to any fruit or vegetables, or potential other smoothie ingredients i.e. milk, yoghurt, or fruit juice, please could you email Mrs Trotter ( over the Easter holidays so that we can fully prepare for the lessons when we return. As always, whilst we encourage children to try things in school, we never insist they taste food. Thank you for your help in this matter. If we do not hear anything from you, we will assume your child wishes to partake in this activity.
Mrs Trotter and Miss Wigfield
Correspondence 31st March
Easter Family Activities, St. Mary’s Church, Wombwell
Dear Parents,
Please see the attached flyers for more details on the following Easter family activities being held at St. Mary’s Church, Wombwell.
Good Friday
Everyone is welcome to join in with the ‘Messy Easter’ activities on Friday 7th April, 9:30am, at St Mary’s Church, Wombwell.
Easter Sunday
On Sunday 10th April, St. Mary’s Church are holding their Family Communion Service at 10am starting with breakfast at 9:15am and ending with an Easter egg hunt around the church.
Thank you
Correspondence 27th March
Y5/6 Netball Taster
Dear Y5/6 Parents,
Please see the attached flyer for information on a netball taster event. Netball Taster
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Correspondence 27th March
Pottery Painting Event – Monday 24th April
Dear Y5/6 Parents,
The pottery event on the 17th April (please refer to the email below) is now full.
There are however, a few spaces left on the next date, Monday 24th April. Places again are on a first come first served basis, please bring the cash in as soon as possible for your child to receive a place.
Dear Y5/6 Parents,
I have organised a pottery painting event, with ‘Les Cadeaux’ for our children after school on Monday 17th April 3:20-4:20pm.
Your child can choose to paint either a heart shaped coaster, a heart shaped plant pot or a hanging kite (images and prices are attached). Images and Prices
There are only 12 places available, however, if there is a lot of demand, I am hoping to make it a regular event to give everyone an opportunity.
The items will need to be paid for in advance, in cash.
Places are on a first come first served basis and names will be only be put down once the cash has been received.
Many thanks,
Maggi Brinkley
Art Lead
Correspondence 27th March
Y5 Information
Dear Y5 Parents,
After the holidays we are doing food technology and our end product will be a tasty bolognese sauce. We will also be designing our own jar labels, sampling existing products which are on the market and researching the nutritional values of our own product.
With this in mind, could you please save a glass jar (pasta sauce/ cooking sauce size) and send it into school with your child.
If your child has any allergies which school are currently unaware of could you please let us know.
Your child’s next ARCHIE task is to help to make a meal at home. This can be something simple like toast or a sandwich or, they could help you to make dinner.
This task will be counted towards their award along with their helping at home task which most of the children have completed. If your child has not already completed the first task, the holidays would be an ideal opportunity for them to do so.
Can you please help your child to post their photos on Seesaw. If you are struggling to access this at home, please let us know and we can help with this.
Kind regards
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
Correspondence 23rd March
Wraparound Care at The Ellis
Dear Parents,
Please see the attached letter confirming we will be opening at The Ellis on Monday 17th March 2023. Opening Letter for Hemingfield
Kind Regards
Jenny Spratt
Business, Administrative and Financial Manager
0-2 Temporary Area Supervisor (Elsecar)
Railway Children Day Care Ltd
Building 13
Elsecar Heritage Centre
Wath Road
S74 8HJ
Tel: 01226 744440
New Parent / Carer Facebook Group:
Correspondence 23rd March
Easter Activities – St George’s Church, Jump, Sunday 26th March
Dear Parents,
Everyone is welcome to join in with the ‘Messy Easter’ activities on Sunday 26th March, 4pm, at St George’s Church, Jump. Please see the attached for more information. Messy Easter
Thank you
Correspondence 23rd March
Local Easter Activities
Dear Parents,
Scotty’s Heroes
Scotty’s Heroes will be running a holiday club in the Easter half term, please see the attached flyer for more details.
Barnsley Museums Easter Fun Family Activities
Barnsley Museums are offering a range of fun family activities over the Easter holidays, the majority of which are free and entry to all of their sites is free of charge, providing warm spaces for families during the cost of living crisis. Please see the attached flyer for further details.
Also attached is a poster about Barnsley Libraries Biblio Beats Festival, celebrating all things musical from April to June 2023.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 23rd March
Toy Day – Friday 31st March
Dear F1 and F2 Parents, (Nursery and Reception)
We will be having a ‘Toy Day’ in class next Friday, the last day of school.
No electronics please, something easy for the children to share and something that isn’t too precious if anything drastic happens to it!
Many thanks
Mrs Pollard and Mr Grayhurst
Correspondence 20th March
Y3/4 Orienteering Event – Friday 31st March
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your Y3/4 child has been selected to represent the school in an orienteering event at The Ellis Primary School on Friday 31st March.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 2:45pm. Your child will have their lunch before taking part in the event. This event is part of our Primary Sports Cluster events against other schools in the local area.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm, waterproof clothes.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 20th March
Y5/6 Teambuilding Event – Friday 24th March
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your Y5/6 child has been selected to represent the school in a team building event at The Ellis Primary School on Friday 24th March.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 2:45pm. Your child will have their lunch before taking part in the event. This event is part of our Primary Sports Cluster events against other schools in the local area.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm, waterproof clothes.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 17th March
Important Ellis Information – Sickness Outbreak
Dear Parents,
You may be aware that we currently have a sickness bug in school. Due to the numbers affected, I have informed our local branch of Public Health England and they have advised that we continue to follow the guidance that we already have in place, which involves the 48 hour exclusion period from the last episode of sickness or diarrhoea, increased washing of hands and regular sanitisation of high touch surfaces. We have also removed all messy play activities such as sand, water and play dough and will replace these with new once the outbreak has cleared. We are hoping these measures will limit the spread, however, we will regularly review and follow any further advice given to us. Public Health England did say that they have numerous cases like this in schools at the moment and they are also monitoring the situation.
If you have any information that may be useful, such as any commonalities like birthday parties or events that the children have attended, it would be useful to know so I can pass this on to Public Health if required.
I wish everybody who is, or has been, affected a very speedy recovery and we hope to be back to normal soon. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 17th March
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Book Shop
Please find attached a link to our survey about our school book shop. We would really appreciate you taking your time to complete this so that we can make the book shop the best it can be.
Please can this be completed by the end of next week (Friday 24th March).
Thank you for your help.
The Book Shop Crew
Nursery and F2 Field
Over the past few years we have been working hard to develop our outdoor field area and a lot of money has been spent purchasing quality resources and equipment for our children to access throughout the day. Unfortunately, we have noticed that children within our school are using our equipment before school begins and at the end of the day, which has resulted in the equipment being damaged and left in an untidy state. This also includes the large balancing and climbing equipment. We would be grateful if children are kept away from the Early Years field each morning and after school.
Thank you for your co-operation and support in this matter.
The Early Years Team
Correspondence 15th March
ParentPay and Financial Year End
Dear Parents and Staff,
If you have any outstanding debts on ParentPay and are able to clear them, we would be extremely grateful as this will help with our end of year financial close down.
As a reminder, no accounts should ever be in debt and monthly payments should be paid in advance.
Thank you
Correspondence 15th March
Y5 Bikeability
Dear Y5 Parents,
Many pupils have not returned their bikeability consent forms.
If this is due to their bike not being road worthy, a parent has kindly volunteered to take a look at any bikes that you feel may need a bit of maintenance work on. If this is the case, please let Mrs Fiddes know and she will pass the information on to the parent volunteer.
I have attached another consent form if your original one has gone astray. If a paper copy is required, please contact the office for one to be sent home. Bike Check Notes for Parents Parent info with consent forms
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Correspondence 15th March 2023
Totally Runable Easter Holiday Club
Dear Parents,
Please see the attached flyer and email below from Totally Runable. Thank you. Totally Runable Easter Flyer 2023
During the Easter holidays, Totally Runable are running a free Easter holiday club for girls aged 7-11. Our clubs focus on providing a friendly, fun and welcoming environment, which allows girls to be active, increase their confidence, learn lots and make lots of amazing memories.
Our holiday club is part of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme 2023, funded by Barnsley Council, with an aim to provide all children eligible for means tested free school meals, with free activities and a lunch during the school holidays. This is now also available to girls who do not receive free school meals, but who you feel would benefit from the club.
I have attached a PDF of our promotional leaflet.
Parents can book their age 7-11 girl’s place through following the link below, searching for Totally Runable:
Parents will need to book their children individually for each day. The links below are for each day the holiday club is running:
Monday 3rd April
Tuesday 4th April
Wednesday 5th April
Thursday 6th April
Tuesday 11th April
Wednesday 12th April
Thursday 13th April
Friday 14th April
Team Totally Runable
Correspondence 14th March 2023
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Ellis Church
Everyone is welcome to our Ellis Church on Thursday 16th March, held in the school hall straight after school.
Red Nose Day
Comic Relief is this Friday (17th March). We are inviting children to wear red, or if they have a red nose t-shirt, they are welcome to wear that. Please do not feel you have to go out and buy anything new. If your child has a red nose and would like to bring it school, please ensure it has their name on it.
If you would like to make a donation, please visit the Comic Relief website, we will not be collecting any money in school.
A quick reminder that Nursery will be closed on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March this week due to industrial action. The rest of school will be open as normal.
Infectious Diseases
We have had reports of worms and nits in school in several classes. Please check your children thoroughly and treat appropriately to prevent further spread.
Swap Shop
All our swap shop uniform and lost property will be available to look through in the library on Wednesday 22nd March during our Parents’ Evening. Please note, you do not have to bring anything to swap.
Book Shop
On Thursday, our book shop volunteers will be sending a link to a short survey regarding the book shop opening times. We would be grateful if you could complete this, as feedback will help the children run their business more effectively.
PTFA Easter Discos Y1-Y6 – Wednesday 29th March
Please see the attached flyer from the PTFA with all the disco information on.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 13th March 2023
F2 Homework
Dear F2 Parents,
The children will be coming home tonight with their homework. Please keep this for the full week and return the following Monday (20th).
Many thanks
Mr Grayhurst
Correspondence 9th March 2023
Strike Action -15th & 16th March 2023
Dear Parents,
Further to my previous email, (please see below), and in line with the DfE guidance, I can confirm only our F1 class will be closed due to industrial action on Wednesday 15th March and Thursday 16th March. All other classes will be open as normal. Thank you for your support.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Edwards
19th January 2023
Dear Parents,
You may be aware that one of the largest teaching unions the NEU, has announced that following a ballot of their members, they have reached the required threshold to hold strike action in the coming months. In practice, this means that the members of this union will be asked by the NEU to strike on the following days: 1/2/23, 28/2/23, 15/3/23 and 16/3/23. Strikes on these days do not necessarily mean that schools will need to close. There is Guidance for headteachers, from the Department of Education (DfE), on actions to manage strike action and I am currently working through this to ensure we follow the correct procedures.
I need to balance my responsibility to respect the rights of the employees to legitimate industrial action, with the requirements placed upon me, as a school leader, by the DfE. I will do this without division or in a way which is politicised.
The potential impact on our school ranges from full closure or partial closure, to little or no impact at all. I will be working with the school governors to understand how the action affects us and how we manage this. I endeavour to give you at least a week’s notice to any changes to school opening but ask for your patience in this matter as I may not have the full information I need by that time. As soon as I can give you more information, I will do so.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 7th March 2023
Nursery Session on Friday Afternoons
Dear Parents,
With reference to the email below, as of yet, we have had no parents confirm an afternoon place for their child. Please can you let me know, via email, if your child will be staying Friday afternoons after Easter. Thank you
Dear Parents (of full time nursery children),
After Easter, full time nursery children will have the opportunity to stay all day on a Friday if you would like them to. As this is in addition to their 30 hour entitlement there will be a charge of £15 payable via ParentPay each week.
If you would like to take advantage of the additional childcare, please let us know.
Joanne Rodgers
School Business Manager
Correspondence 7th March 2023
Y5 Bikeability
Dear Y5 Parent,
We are very excited to inform you that our Year 5 children have been given the opportunity to obtain their Bikeability Level 1 & 2 in school during the week commencing the 27th March. This is a very worthwhile accreditation and will give the children extra confidence to cycle safely whilst out and about on the roads.
For safety reasons it is very important that all of the criteria in the information is adhered to. If, in the opinion of the Instructor, your child’s bike is not in a road worthy condition, they will unfortunately not be allowed to participate in the course. For this reason, please read all of the information on the bike check notes thoroughly and complete the consent form and return it to school as soon as possible for us to confirm numbers.
I have attached the consent form in case the paper copy sent home yesterday has gone awry. Parent info with consent formsBike Check Notes for Parents
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 7th March 2023
Bouldering Finals
Dear Parent/Carer,
Due to your child’s success at the bouldering qualification event in January, I am pleased to inform you that your child has successfully qualified for the indoor bouldering finals. This will take place on Wednesday 29th March. The event will start at 10am and will finish for 12pm. Children will return to school for the afternoon session. I am aware this is the same morning as the Easter service at church, however, it is a fantastic opportunity for your child. If you would prefer your child to attend the Easter service please inform the school office so their place can be given to another child.
Your child will require a packed lunch for the trip. They will be travelling with Mrs Connelly on Beewise coaches. Unfortunately, parents are not able to attend this event.
Your child will be given a school PE shirt, but will need to bring suitable shorts, trainers, a drink of water and a bag for their belongings. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms or shorts for the event, which will be held indoors. If your child requires an inhaler, they will need to bring this along with them.
The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 7th March 2023
Handball Competition
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your Y3/4 child has been selected to represent the school in a handball event at Jump Primary School on Friday 10th March.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3:15pm depending on how well the school perform! Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by walking at 12:15pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm, waterproof clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th February 2023
Strike Action – 28th February 2023
Dear Parents,
Further to my previous email which was sent in January (please see below), and in line with the DfE guidance, I can confirm only our F1 class will be closed due to industrial action on Tuesday 28th February. All other classes will be open as normal. We will try and give you as much notice as we can for the dates in March, however, staff do not have to notify me of their intention to strike. Thank you for your support.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Edwards
19th January 2023
Dear Parents,
You may be aware that one of the largest teaching unions the NEU, has announced that following a ballot of their members, they have reached the required threshold to hold strike action in the coming months. In practice, this means that the members of this union will be asked by the NEU to strike on the following days: 1/2/23, 28/2/23, 15/3/23 and 16/3/23. Strikes on these days do not necessarily mean that schools will need to close. There is Guidance for headteachers, from the Department of Education (DfE), on actions to manage strike action and I am currently working through this to ensure we follow the correct procedures.
I need to balance my responsibility to respect the rights of the employees to legitimate industrial action, with the requirements placed upon me, as a school leader, by the DfE. I will do this without division or in a way which is politicised.
The potential impact on our school ranges from full closure or partial closure, to little or no impact at all. I will be working with the school governors to understand how the action affects us and how we manage this. I endeavour to give you at least a week’s notice to any changes to school opening but ask for your patience in this matter as I may not have the full information I need by that time. As soon as I can give you more information, I will do so.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 18th February 2023
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Ellis Church – Thursday 23rd February
All are welcome, in the school hall straight after school.
Gymnastics After School Club – Thursday
Due to The Ellis church in the hall this Thursday, Molly the coach, will be taking the children outside to play some sports. Your child does not have to attend this week if they do not wish, they can start from next week when gymnastics resumes.
World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March
We are inviting children to dress up as their favourite character or wear their pyjamas to celebrate reading. It is not necessary to purchase expensive costumes, homemade ones are just as effective. Could we kindly ask for no football kits. Throughout the day, children will be sharing some of the amazing books in school and participating in a range of wonderful activities.
Book Shop
We are restarting our school book shop on Thursday lunchtimes, alternating between KS1 and KS2 starting with KS1 this week. If your child would like to buy a book, please could they bring in cash in a named envelope, no more than £2. Please note this is run by our Y6 pupils and is an opportunity for your child to choose their own book which they may need help to read.
Easter Service Y1-Y6
A date for your diary. Our Easter service will take place on Wednesday 29th March, 10am at St. Mary’s Church, Wombwell. The children will be walking there and back as we have done in previous years. Further information to follow.
Uniform Swap Shop
Our next uniform swap shop will take place on Tuesday 21st March at 2:30pm. Please note, you do not need to bring items to swap, and we currently have a large stock so please feel free to take whatever is needed. Mrs Fiddes will happily organise a selection of items for you to collect if you can’t attend.
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 18th February 2023
Aquafest – 24th February
Dear Y4/5 Parent,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in an Aquafest Competition at Barnsley Metrodome on Friday 24th February.
The competition will be 10:00-12:00 and children will have their lunch after the event. Children will be leaving for the venue at 9:15, travelling with staff in a minibus, and will return to school for the afternoon session. This is the first time the competition has been held and is a chance to showcase the amazing swimming venue we have in town.
The competition is classed as a developmental one, which means it isn’t targeted at elite swimmers and is more focussed on fun and participation rather than competing. Children will be supported with floats and woggles if needed. If you would like to watch your child and are able to, you may attend this event but you must sit and remain on the balcony above.
Children can come to school with their swimming kits on underneath their usual uniform. A packed lunch will be needed or if your child is eligible for free school meals and would like a packed lunch, please let the school office know before Thursday.
The cost of the event will be paid for out of the school sports fund.
The annual trip consent will be used, however, if you wouldn’t like your child to attend, please let school know ASAP.
Kind regards,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 17th February 2023
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
It has been lovely to see all the children back in school today and we are very excited to see what this half term brings. We are looking forward to some amazing events.
As it is Shrove Tuesday tomorrow, the cook is putting on a lovely dessert. For those ordering a school lunch, they can enjoy a delicious American-style pancake with ice cream, fresh fruit and chocolate sauce.
More information on all of the events happening this half term will be sent out this week.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 9th February 2023
After School Provision
Dear Parents,
Please see the attached letter regarding after school provision at The Ellis. Initial Info for Hemingfield Parents 9.2.23
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 6th February 2023
Scotty’s Heroes Campout Activity
Dear Parents, Scotty’s Heroes Campout
Pease see attached a flyer from Scotty’s Heroes regarding a holiday campout activity during February half term. |
Thank you
Correspondence 6th February 2023
Nursery Requests
Dear Nursery Parents,
Please can your child bring a teddy to our porridge tasting activity on Friday. Also, we are still in desperate need of boxes, tubs, tubes etc for our model making.
Thank you
Mrs Pollard
Correspondence 3rd February 2023
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
F2 School Day Timing Change
Due to recent DfE guidance (see below) we would like to inform you that after half term we are increasing the length of the school day for our F2 children only to ensure that they are accessing 32.5 hours per week. The new timings of the school day will be 8:50am – 3:20pm to ease congestion and aid a smooth pickup for our younger children. For all other classes (excluding nursery) our school day is 8:45am – 3:15pm.
‘Minimum expectation on length of the school week: state-funded mainstream schools currently offering a school week of below 32.5 hours should work towards increasing their hours to provide at least 32.5 hours by September 2023 at the latest’.
Individual School Photographs
The photographer will be coming into school on Friday 3rd March to take individual photographs of the children. If you have siblings in school, family photographs will also be taken. You are under no obligation to purchase them.
Please Do Not Drive into School
As children are walking around the school grounds between 8:20-9am, please do not drive beyond the main gates and be careful around the entrance.
Parent Voice – Barnsley School’s Alliance
Barnsley Schools Alliance have created a survey for parents to share their views on standards across the borough. The survey will help them to look at strengths and areas to develop across the whole borough. Please click on the link below if you would like to complete the survey.
Totally Runable Holiday Club for Girls Totally Runable Holiday Club Flyer
During the February half term holiday, Totally Runable will be running a holiday club for girls aged 7-12.
The club focuses on providing a friendly, fun and welcoming environment, which allows girls to be active, increase their confidence, learn lots and make lots of amazing memories.??
As this club is not funded by Barnsley Council, places are £20 per day per child or £80 for the full 5 days.
You can book your child a place following the link below:
They also still have free places available for their Easter, Summer and Christmas holiday clubs, which are funded by Barnsley Council, through the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme.
Barnsley Museums
February Half Term Activities (1)
Barnsley Museums are offering a number of fun and free activities for families over February half term across. All of their museums are free to enter and can also act as warm spaces during the cost of living crisis. Please see the attached flyers for more details.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 1st February 2023
SEND Coffee Afternoon Reminder – Tuesday 7th February 2:15pm
Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to invite you to join us for our Spring term coffee afternoon on Tuesday the 7th of February at 2:15pm.
We will meet for tea, coffee and biscuits and have a chance to touch base and discuss your child’s experiences in school, share a Thrive activity together and answer any questions.
Best wishes
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 30th January 2023
Friday Afternoon Nursery Sessions
Dear Parents (of full time nursery children),
After Easter, full time nursery children will have the opportunity to stay all day on a Friday if you would like them to. As this is in addition to their 30 hours entitlement there will be a charge of £15 payable via ParentPay each week.
If you would like to take advantage of the additional childcare, please let us know.
Joanne Rodgers
School Business Manager
Correspondence 30th January 2023
Y1 Meet the Teacher – Monday 6th February
Dear Parents,
I would like to take this opportunity to say how incredible your children have been at adjusting to lots of new routines and helping Mrs Trotter to feel welcome in Y1! Thank you to you all as parents, for assisting this transition. There is a real ‘buzz’ about learning in our classroom which is a joy to see.
I would like to offer a ‘meet the teacher’ afternoon on Monday 6th February, between 1pm and 5:30pm, for anyone who would like to have an informal 10 minute chat about how their child has settled and what we are currently working on as their next steps. I am very aware that I was unable to attend your previous Y1 parents evening with Mrs Broadbent in November (due to holding the Y2 one myself) and thought it might be helpful for any parent who would like to have a short meeting about their child. This is not compulsory and will not replace the formal parents evening which will still go ahead in the spring term in line with the rest of the school.
If you would like to pop into school for a face to face chat on that date, please book a slot on school cloud. Please follow the link below, if you have any queries Mrs Fiddes will be able to help you.
I am very excited to spend the rest of the year with your children and to see them progress in their next steps of their learning journey.
Could I also just take this opportunity to remind you of a few things please:
Water Bottle in School
Your child needs a water bottle in school, it must contain water only. Juice and cordials are not allowed.
This half term we have allowed the children to bring in one toy to share as our history topic has been toys. After half term, please ensure no toys are brought in as we will have moved onto a different topic.
PE Kits
Our PE days are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child must bring a white top and black shorts and black jogging bottoms (outdoor PE) as part of this kit. They also need a pair of trainers if their outdoor school shoes are not suitable for running about in during outdoor PE.
In line with our school policy, children are only permitted to wear a watch (no camera please) and one pair of stud earrings. We currently have lots of beautiful bracelets, necklaces being work which are not safe when children are running around at playtime.
Reading Diaries
We ask that your child reads 3 times a week and records this in their reading diary which should be brought in every day. Just to clarify, any reading can be entered into their diary; magazines, comics, online books, book bank books and most importantly their Read Write Inc book, which is the one I would like your child to prioritise each week. Lots of re-reading of the same text is proven to have a huge impact on reading skills at this stage as children move from decoding words on the first read to reading with increased fluency on repeated reads. This is the reason we only change this book once a week. We want to get your child off to a flying start in KS1 and reading really does open the door to so many other subjects and life time opportunities so let’s invest in this together to make an big impact on your child’s future.
Thank you for all your support these last few weeks. I feel very welcomed by you all and want to work together to ensure we make the rest of this year really count!
Kind regards
Mrs C Trotter
Correspondence 27th January 2023
Nursery Requests
Dear Parents,
Next week in our art sessions we are going to use natural materials to paint (instead of a brush or our finger). By next Tuesday (31st January), we would be really grateful if you could send in a selection of small sticks, leaves, feathers etc to use.
We would also be grateful for any donations of children’s socks please.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Pollard and Mrs Kelly
Correspondence 27th January 2023
Y4 Taste Testing
Dear Y4 Parents,
On Monday, we are planning a taste testing activity as part of our new English book. The children will be tasting different crisp flavours and trying to guess what they are. We will be sampling the following flavoured crisps:
Smokey Bacon
Prawn Cocktail
Cheese and Onion
Roast Chicken
If you would rather your child did not participate in this activity please let me know by Monday morning.
Please do not share this planned activity with your child as they are testing their sensory skills.
Thank you
Y4 Team
Correspondence 26th January 2023
Industrial Action – Wednesday 1st February
Dear Parents,
Further to my previous email (please see below), and in line with the DfE guidance, I can confirm our F1 and F2 classes will be closed due to industrial action on Wednesday 1st February.
19th January 2023
Dear Parents,
You may be aware that one of the largest teaching unions the NEU, has announced that following a ballot of their members, they have reached the required threshold to hold strike action in the coming months. In practice, this means that the members of this union will be asked by the NEU to strike on the following days: 1/2/23, 28/2/23, 15/3/23 and 16/3/23. Strikes on these days do not necessarily mean that schools will need to close. There is Guidance for headteachers, from the Department of Education (DfE), on actions to manage strike action and I am currently working through this to ensure we follow the correct procedures.
I need to balance my responsibility to respect the rights of the employees to legitimate industrial action, with the requirements placed upon me, as a school leader, by the DfE. I will do this without division or in a way which is politicised.
The potential impact on our school ranges from full closure or partial closure, to little or no impact at all. I will be working with the school governors to understand how the action affects us and how we manage this. I endeavour to give you at least a week’s notice to any changes to school opening but ask for your patience in this matter as I may not have the full information I need by that time. As soon as I can give you more information, I will do so.
Thank you for your continued support
Kind Regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 25th January 2023
Y3 Reminders
Dear Y3 Parents,
Our class have settled back in after Christmas really well which is wonderful. There are just a few reminders that we wanted to pass on.
All stationery equipment is provided in school and children should not be bringing their own pencil cases. Please save these for home learning at home.
Children should not be bringing toys and teddies into school.
Water Bottle in School
Your child needs a water bottle in school, it must contain water only. Juice and cordials are not allowed.
P.E Kits
Our PE days are on Mondays and Tuesdays. Your child must bring a white top and black shorts and black jogging bottoms (outdoor PE) as part of this kit. We ask that your child brings their PE kit on Monday and takes it home on Fridays to be washed.
Reading Diaries
We ask that your child reads 3 times a week and records this in their reading diary which should be brought in every day. We understand that sometimes your child may read on their own and we ask that you provide a signature as proof your child has read. Reading is such an important skill and opens a range of opportunities and interests.
Thank you for all your support this year,
The Y3 Team
Correspondence 24th January 2023
KS1 Gymnastics – 27th January
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Key Stage 1 gymnastics event at Jump Primary School on Friday 27th January 2023.The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm. I am really impressed with the dedication your child has shown as they have been giving up their lunchtimes to practise their routine.
Your child will have their lunch before walking to the venue or in the event of bad weather, Mrs Fiddes and Mrs Connelly will transport the children by car.
Children will need to bring shorts, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms over their shorts for travelling to and from the event, which will be held indoors.
Unfortunately, parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 19th January 2023
Strike Action
Dear Parents,
You may be aware that one of the largest teaching unions the NEU, has announced that following a ballot of their members, they have reached the required threshold to hold strike action in the coming months. In practice, this means that the members of this union will be asked by the NEU to strike on the following days: 1/2/23, 28/2/23, 15/3/23 and 16/3/23. Strikes on these days do not necessarily mean that schools will need to close. There is Guidance for headteachers, from the Department of Education (DfE), on actions to manage strike action and I am currently working through this to ensure we follow the correct procedures.
I need to balance my responsibility to respect the rights of the employees to legitimate industrial action, with the requirements placed upon me, as a school leader, by the DfE. I will do this without division or in a way which is politicised.
The potential impact on our school ranges from full closure or partial closure, to little or no impact at all. I will be working with the school governors to understand how the action affects us and how we manage this. I endeavour to give you at least a week’s notice to any changes to school opening but ask for your patience in this matter as I may not have the full information I need by that time. As soon as I can give you more information, I will do so.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 19th January 2023
The Ellis OFSTED Report
19th January 2023
Dear Parents, The Ellis Final Ofsted Report November 2023
We are pleased to share that following our recent inspection we have been categorised as a GOOD school. We are extremely pleased with this outcome. This judgement of Good and the comments made by the inspectors reflect the hard work by the team at The Ellis and the enthusiasm and engagement for learning by the children.
The process was supportive and the inspectors identified the recent curriculum improvements were a positive change, which we will continue to monitor and embed.
We are currently in the process of reviewing our behaviour policy and reward system, and will share this with you as soon as we can.
The governing body, staff and myself are very proud of our achievements and will ensure that we continue to ‘be the best we can be’ for all the children at The Ellis.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the report, please feel free to email or speak to me.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards and The Ellis Team
Correspondence 19th January
Football Finals – Thursday 19th January
Dear Parent,
A few weeks ago, your child was part of the boys’ football team that came runners up in the District Finals. As another district is not sending their winning team, we have been allocated a place in the Boy’s County Finals.
The event is this Thursday 19th January at Barnsley College Horizon Site and will run 1-3pm.
I am aware this is short notice; however, we have only found out about our place this morning. Please could you let Mrs Fiddes know if you are able to accompany your child to the event and if you are willing to transport other children. If you are unable to accompany your child, please let school know if you are unhappy for them to sort alternative travel arrangements for your child.
Children will have their dinner before leaving for the venue at 12:30. If you are transporting your child, please arrive at school shortly before 12:30pm. Your child can return home with you after the event.
The event will be played on Astro turf and your child will need suitable footwear, shin pads, socks and warm clothes to wear when spectating. Your child will be given a school football kit. There will be no cost for the event.
This is a fantastic achievement for your child and the school to get to this stage in the competition and if successful there is the opportunity to progress to the regional finals.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 18th January
Maths Tuition
Dear Parents,
Your child has been chosen to receive additional ‘live’ online tuition in mathematics, provided by a trained White Rose Maths tutor, which will take place in school, on Mondays at 8:05am and Thursdays at 2:45pm. Each session will be 45 minutes long therefore the Thursday session will end at 3:30pm. These sessions will start from Monday 23rd January and last for 10 weeks – with a break for February half term.
This Government-funded Tuition Programme has been created to provide support in mathematics for children who may need additional help to enable them to reach their full potential. It has been set up to be delivered alongside classroom teaching hence the timings offered. Support in the form of small group tuition (1 online tutor to 3 pupils) can also be highly effective in boosting the confidence and motivation of pupils who need a little extra support.
I hope these dates and times are convenient for you and your child but should you have any queries or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is vital that your child attends both sessions each week so please let me know (via Mrs Fiddes) if this is not possible and I can offer the place to someone else.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 17th January
Sports Hall Athletics – Wednesday 25th January
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Sports hall Athletics Qualification event at Kirk Balk on Wednesday 25th January 2023. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm.
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by coach, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. Children can wear tracksuit bottoms over their shorts for travelling to and from the event, which will be held indoors.
Parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
Correspondence 17th January
Nursery lunch boxes and water bottles
Dear Parents,
Please can you remember to clean your child’s lunchbox and water bottle each day as we have noticed mould inside a few.
Thank you
Mrs Pollard
Correspondence 13th January 2023
Ellis Information
Dear Parents, ESafety Parent Poster Roadshow Flyer
The children thoroughly enjoyed the pantomime ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ this week. Thank you for all your contributions and the PTFA’s support to make this more affordable.
Foundation Stage Writing Workshop – Wednesday 18th January
Foundation Stage are running a free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) on Wednesday 18th January at 4:30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop will focus on ‘Writing in the Early Years’ and will offer you a valuable insight into how to support your child’s learning and development whilst they are in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Refreshments will be available free of charge.
Ellis Church – Thursday 19th January
Everyone is welcome to our Ellis Church, held in the school hall straight after school.
Scotty’s Heroes
If your child attends Scotty’s Heroes on Fridays, the club is being moved to Wednesdays AFTER half term. This is due to Scotty’s availability.
Cost of Living Crisis
Please see the attached flyer for details of a ‘More Money in your Pocket’ Roadshow.
Is my child too ill for school?
It can be tricky deciding whether to keep your child off school, please see the official NHS guidelines below:
Wath Academy Parent E-Safety Evening – Thursday 9th February
Please see the attached flyer and sign up you are interested in attending the evening.
Polling Station – Thursday 4th May 2023
Our nursery will be closed on the above date due to the premises being used as a Polling Station.
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 13th January 2023
F2 Food Tasting
Dear Reception Parents,
Throughout the next few weeks we will be making and tasting a variety of different food linked to our topic.
The food we will be tasting is
vegetable soup – carrots, parsnips, potato, onions, vegetable stock
fruit salad – everyday fruits (not including kiwi)
Chinese noodles, plum/sweet sour sauce, spring rolls, Chinese crackers
Porridge and different toppings including honey, jam, chocolate sauce, golden syrup
On Shrove Tuesday, we will also be making and eating pancakes.
If you do not want your child to take part in any of these activities please inform Mr Grayhurst or Mrs Beevers.
Many thanks and kind regards
Mr Grayhurst
Correspondence 10th January 2023
Foundation Stage Workshop
Dear Parents,
We will be running a free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) on Wednesday 18th January at 4:30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop will focus on ‘Writing in the Early Years’ and will offer you a valuable insight into how to support you child’s learning and development whilst they are in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Refreshments will be available free of charge.
If you would like to attend please inform your child’s class teacher. Unfortunately children are unable to attend this event.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours sincerely
Mrs T Pollard & Mr D Grayhurst
Correspondence 9th January 2023
Nursery Food Tasting
Dear Nursery Parents,
Throughout the next few weeks we will be making and tasting a variety of different food linked to our topic.
The food we will be tasting is:
vegetable stew
Chinese noodles, sweet and sour sauce and Chinese crackers
pizza with tomato, cheese and ham topping
pumpkin soup
If you do not want your child to take part in any of these activities please inform Mrs Pollard or Mrs Kelly.
Thank you
Mrs Pollard
Correspondence 6th January 2023
Y6 SATs Boosters
Dear Y6 Parents,
As our SATs tests are fast approaching, we would like to offer all Y6 pupils the opportunity to attend an after school booster club on Tuesday, to consolidate their Maths learning. We are aware that there is an overlap with gymnastics, if your child has their name down they can still attend the club, as we will put the booster work on Seesaw for them and they can join the boosters when the club ends.
The club will end at 4:15pm and light refreshments will be provided; please could you let me know if your child will be attending by the end of Monday 9th (3pm) for numbers so I can buy enough snacks!
The sessions will begin on the 10th January and run until the beginning of May. We will inform you as soon as possible if there any any weeks the boosters cannot go ahead.
Previous classes have found these really useful and have given them confidence for the SATs, therefore, it would beneficial if everyone could attend.
Kind regards
Mrs E and The UKS2 Team
Correspondence 6th January 2023
What a Great First Week!
Dear Y1 Parents,
What a brilliant first week back!
I am so proud how the Year One children have settled into new routines. We are going to have a super year together!
Thank you for your help in this transition period. We have spent lots of time getting to know each other this week. I will send home an email on Monday outlining how we will be doing spellings etc (which will be sent on a Friday starting next week) so please look out for that. I will change Read Write Inc books on a Monday so please could you send in your child’s current book so I can change it next week.
I hope the children have a great weekend and I am looking forward to seeing them again on Monday
Kind regards
Mrs Trotter
Correspondence 6th January 2023
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Pantomime – Jack and the Beanstalk
We are very fortunate this year to have been able to book a theatre company to come into school during the morning of Wednesday 11th January.
The hall will be transformed into a theatre and children are welcome to dress up in their favourite costume or party outfits (but please be mindful of outdoor play).
Our PTFA have been kind enough to donate money towards the cost of the theatre visit but we do still need to ask for a voluntary contribution of £2 per child. This payment has been put onto ParentPay. Apologies for the late reminder.
School Milk
If your child would like to receive milk in school, please remember this is ordered online directly with the dairy at Schoolmilkuk. Please remember to re-new your payment if you do not pay upfront for the whole year.
A reminder was sent before Christmas explaining that children in F2, who will turn 5 during this term (January up to Easter), will now need to pay for school milk. Only those children who turn 5 in the last term (after Easter up to the Summer) will still receive free milk.
Strep A
If your child is diagnosed with strep A please let us know so we can report numbers to Public Health if necessary.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
Correspondence 4th January 2023
Y5 Homework Booklets
Dear Y5 Parents,
Happy New Year!
Your children have all returned to school ready to learn and have worked so hard today!
Your child will be bringing their homework booklets home today. Please could they complete Autumn Workout 6 in their English and Maths booklets by next Thursday. The question sets will then continue one a week following on after that.
Please could you also support your child to practise their new spellings to be tested on Mondays.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Best wishes,
Mrs Wise
Correspondence 4th January 2023
F2 Homework
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year!
As this is only a 3 day week, we will be keeping homework simple. If you child usually brings home a reading book, this will be sent home in their reading bag. All children will also have a phonic activity on Seesaw and a letter formation sheet will be sent home.
Mrs Smith will be changing library books on Friday.
Kind regards
Mr Grayhurst
29th November 2022
CPG Weekly Workout
Dear Y4 Parents,
It was wonderful to see most of you at parents’ evening.
Your child has received a CPG 10 Minute Weekly Workout Booklet. The purpose of sending this booklet home allows the children to access times table practise in a different format.
To support them in their times table practise, we ask that pupils try to complete a Weekly Workout each week. Each workout focuses on a different set of times tables that we have covered in class or that children have covered in Year 2 and Year 3. As a class we have completed Workout 1 together as a modelled example.
This Week’s work:
If pupils could complete Workout 3 for our next lessons and being their booklet in that would be great.
As we are early on in the year, your child may need support in working through the questions. This does not need to be an independent activity to begin with.
We ask that the children bring this booklet to school with them every Friday so that we can mark it together and locate any gaps in their learning.
If you have any questions regarding this booklet or how to support your child working through this booklet, do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you
Y4 Team
25th November
Bank Holiday Announcement: Changes to the Key Stage 2 Test Dates
Dear Parents,
You may be aware of the additional bank holiday, in honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, which is taking place on Monday 8th May 2023. This date unfortunately coincides with the first day of the Key Stage 2 SATs.
After careful consideration, the Ministers have officially decided that the KS2 tests will still take place in the same week, following the usual order, however, they will each take place one day later than originally planned. As such, the new schedule will be:
We are aware that you may have booked holidays or activities around the original SATs dates and urge you to rearrange or delay the start of any such events or activities to accommodate Friday’s test paper, Mathematics paper 3.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
24th November
PTFA Christmas Disco – Tuesday 6th December
PTFA School Christmas Disco!
Please see the attached poster for more details. Christmas Disco Dec 22
Ticket sales will start next week, Monday to Friday, please be aware that NO tickets will be sold after Friday 2nd December.
Thank you for supporting us to help The Ellis.
21st November
Y4 Weekly Workout Booklet
Dear Y4 Parents,
It was wonderful to meet some of you at parents evening on Tuesday, if I haven’t already met you, I look forward to meeting you on the next date!
On Friday, your child received a CPG 10 Minute Weekly Workout Booklet. The purpose of sending this booklet home allows the children to access times table practise in a different format.
To support them in their times table practise, we ask that pupils try to complete a Weekly Workout each week. Each workout focuses on a different set of times tables that we have been covering in class or that children have covered in Year 2 and Year 3. As a class we have completed Workout 1 together as a modelled example.
If pupils could complete Workout 2 for our next lesson and bring their booklet in that would great. As we are early on in the year, your child may need support in working through the questions. This does not need to be an independent activity to begin with.
We ask that the children bring this booklet to school with them every Friday so that we can mark it together and locate any gaps in their learning.
If you have any questions regarding this booklet or how to support your child working through this booklet, do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
The Y4 Team
17th November
Ellis Information
Nursery/Reception Book Fair
Children will be taken to the book fair with their class teacher at a convenient time during the week. Please send money into school on Monday if you would like your child to purchase a book, alternatively please visit the fair after school any day with your child.
Nasal Flu Immunisations
Several of you are asking for the details for this, please see the link and school code below. and School code: BN106638
Thank you
17th November 2022
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
After School Clubs tonight
Both after school clubs tonight will be running inside (separately) due to the rain.
Thank you for your support with Ofsted this week, we will let you know the outcome when the report is published, this is likely to be in December.
Children in Need – Friday 17th November
A reminder that it is Children in Need tomorrow. Your child can wear spots or pyjamas to school and we are asking
First Aid Incidents
We have purchased a new first aid reporting system to improve the way you are notified about any first aid incidents in school. Rather than receive a paper bump note you should now receive an email, but please not these may be in your junk folder. We have already started using the system and would appreciate any feedback.
Y6 Crucial Crew – Monday 21st November
On Monday, we are taking the Y6 children to Crucial Crew, an interactive health and safety initiative run by South Yorkshire Police and Fire Services. The coach company we will be using is Beewise, which will leave school at 8:50am so please be punctual. The children are expected to return to school by 3:20pm. If your child suffers from travel sickness we would suggest that appropriate travel sickness tablets are taken and a further tablet for the return journey can be brought into school in a named envelope.
Children will need to take a packed lunch and a drink. No money is needed. Please log onto ParentPay to give your consent for this trip. Thank you.
Book Fair
The book fair is being delivered tomorrow. We are going to open it at break times for specific year groups starting with Year 1/2 on Monday (the Y3/4 slot will be on Tuesday and Y5/6 on Wednesday). There are lots of books available to choose from, ranging from £2.99-£6.99, with a selected few up to £10.99. We will also open it after school until 3:45pm if you prefer to accompany your child.
KS1 Movie Night – Monday 21st – 5pm-6:45pm
KS2 Movie Night – Tuesday 22nd – 6pm-8pm
Tickets cost £3 and include a snack and a drink. Please come in your pj’s and bring a blanket and/or pillow. A PTFA member will be available tomorrow morning on the playground, near the Y1/2 classroom, for any last minute purchases.
School Uniform Swap Shop – Wednesday 23rd 2:30pm
Thank you to parents who have donated school uniform for this worthy cause. The shop will open once every term. Please pop along to the school library and choose any items that will be useful for your families, you do not have to have donated items in order to use this service.
If you are reluctant to use the swap shop, please email Mrs Fiddes the type of garments required, along with the size and she will sort a package for you to collect from the office. We hope the school swap shop becomes a valuable resource for keeping children in school uniform without any unnecessary expense.
Nasal Flu Immunisations – Thursday 24th – F2-Y6
Your child will be encouraged (never forced) to have this immunisation nasal spray unless you have specifically requested to opt out.
Christmas Dinner / Christmas Jumper Day – Wednesday 7th December Christmas Dinner Menu 2022
On Wednesday 7th December, we will be having our combined Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day. Please order your child’s Christmas dinner online via ParentPay as soon as possible to help with numbers. There is no charge to children in F2, Y1 or Y2 as lunches are free under the Government scheme. As there is no alternative food on this day please send your child to school with a packed lunch if you do not wish to order one.
Full time nursery children are also invited to wear their Christmas jumpers and order a Christmas lunch. Payment is paid via ParentPay and costs £2.10
Part time nursery children are welcome to wear their Christmas jumpers that day.
Y1/2 Nativity – Tuesday 13th & Wednesday 14th December
Nativity tickets will be on sale from Tuesday morning onwards (22nd) from the main office, £2 each.
F2 Home Learning
As we have had a busy week the children will only have their library book sent home this Friday. Home learning activities will begin again next week.
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
14th November 2022
Important Ellis Information
Dear All Parents,
Please see the attached correspondence from Ofsted.
School inspections – a guide for parents
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
11th November 2022
Theatre Trip – Wednesday 14th December
Dear Y1 and Y2 Parents,
We would like to take our KS1 children to Barnsley Civic Theatre to watch a performance of The Lost Present: A Christmas Adventure presented by Topsy Turvy Theatre Company. It is a show written especially for children and brought to life using handmade puppets, original music and delightful storytelling. As it is our nativity during the same week, we felt that giving our children the chance to experience live theatre would be an invaluable way of appreciating and celebrating the arts, which we feel passionate about at The Ellis.
The theatre trip will take place on Wednesday 14th December and the coach company we will be using is Globe. We will leave school at 9:45am (ready for the 10:30am performance) and be back in time for lunch, so please order as normal, either online or by sending a packed lunch. There will be plenty of school staff accompanying the children and we will all be sitting together in a block in the theatre.
The cost of the day will be £13.25 per child. This is payable via ParentPay straightaway and can be paid in instalments to spread the cost. Should not enough money be collected, we will unfortunately have to cancel the trip. If you are experiencing any financial difficulties covering the cost of the trip, please contact Mrs Edwards.
There will be no spending money needed on the day.
We are looking forward to a lovely Christmas show!
Kind regards
Key Stage 1 Team
11th November 2022
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Here are some reminders for our week ahead.
Remembrance Service Choir (St Mary’s) – Sunday 13th November
The following information is for the choir who met with Mrs Edwards today. The Remembrance service on Sunday starts at 10am and choir members should meet Mrs Edwards to let her know that they have arrived. Once registered, the children are expected to sit with their families. The children will be asked to come to the front to sing our two songs (unfortunately at the moment we don’t have the exact timings for this). School uniform doesn’t need to be worn, however, the children should come dressed appropriately for church and it would be helpful if they could wear a poppy. After we have performed, the children will need to return to their families. The service ends at approximately 10:45am.
Odd Socks Day – Tuesday 15th November
Please wear odd socks to support anti-bullying week, the sillier, the better!
Parent Meetings – Tuesday 15th November – 3-6pm
If you have made an appointment on the cloud to see your child’s class teacher ( please be aware that times will be adhered to as closely as possible. Thank you.
Kingswood Residential
A general reminder (to all parents) that the latest deadline for the Kingswood residential is now Tuesday, 15th November. We will not be contacting parents again, so please make sure the deposit has been paid by close of school on Tuesday, we cannot book children a place without this. Thank you.
Early Years Workshop – Wednesday 16th November
We will be running a free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) 4:30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop will focus on ‘Reading in the Early Years’ and will offer you a valuable insight into how to support your child’s learning and development whilst they are in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Refreshments will be available free of charge. Unfortunately, children are unable to attend this event.
Ellis Church – Thursday 17th November
Everyone is welcome to our Ellis Church on Thursday, 17th November, held in the school hall straight after school.
Children in Need – Friday 18th November
Please bring a £1 donation in aid of Children in Need and wear spots or pyjamas instead of school uniform.
Art Competition Winner!
The Ellis and over 40 schools in the Barnsley area entered the Barnsley Rotary Club art competition. We are extremely pleased and proud to announce that the winner of the Lower Key Stage 2 category is the very talented Lydia Moorby. Lydia will be attending a presentation with the world-famous Barnsley artist, Ashley Jackson, on Friday 18th November. Well done Lydia!
Some of our other children who entered have also been fortunate enough to have their work selected for public display.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
11th November 2022
CGP Homework Books
Dear Y5 Parents,
Your child will be coming home with two CGP homework books today. They are ten-minute work outs for English and Maths.
Each week the children will complete one work out in each book and then return the book to school the following Thursday.
This week they will complete the Autumn Workout 1 in both books and then the following weeks we will work through the books in sequential order.
If you have any questions about this then please don’t hesitate to ask.
Many thanks
Mrs Wise
10th November 2022
Remembrance Service Choir Participation – Sunday 13th November
Dear Parents
Your child has requested to be part of a choir for the Remembrance Service at St Mary’s Church, Wombwell on Sunday 13th November.
The service starts at 10am and the children will need to meet me at 9:50am to register.
Please could you confirm that your child has permission to take part and will be available for the service.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
9th November 2022
Foundation Stage Reading Workshop – Wed 16th November
Dear Parents,
We will be running a free workshop for all parents, carers and grandparents of children within our Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) on Wednesday 16th November at 4:30pm for approximately 1 hour.
The workshop will focus on ‘Reading in the Early Years’ and will offer you a valuable insight into how to support your child’s learning and development whilst they are in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Refreshments will be available free of charge.
If you would like to attend please inform your child’s class teacher. Unfortunately children are unable to attend this event.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Yours sincerely
Mrs T Pollard & Mr D Grayhurst
7th November 2022
Y2 Cenotaph Walk Cancelled
Dear Y2 Parents,
We have taken the decision to cancel the Y2 walk to the cenotaph this week. Due to the new curriculum changes, the children will be studying World Wars in their future history learning and will have the opportunity to visit the cenotaph at that time.
We still feel paying our respects to the soldiers who fought for us is of paramount importance and the whole school will be listening to The Last Post and holding our one minute silence on Friday at 11am.
We are still going ahead with the exciting theatre trip in December so please look out for an email from Mrs Trotter this week!
Mrs Edwards
4th November 2022
PTFA Movie Nights Poster
Dear Parents,
I have attached a poster from our PTFA advertising their movie nights. Movie Night Nov 22
PTFA members will be selling tickets outside the main office from Monday 7th November to Friday 11th November, 3–3:20pm.
Thank you for supporting them.
3rd November 2022
Wraparound Care Questionnaire
Dear Parents,
Following a couple of requests from parents regarding additional wraparound care, I would be grateful if you could please complete the following questionnaire by Friday 11th November.
The more responses that we receive, the better.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
3rd November 2022
Y3 Spellings
Dear Parents/Carers,
From this half term, we will be testing the children’s spellings on a Friday instead of a Thursday.
Each Friday the children will copy up their spellings into their green spelling book and I will also put the spellings on to Seesaw. This will mean that you or the children can go on to Seesaw to check the spellings and also hear them being pronounced. We will then test them on these the following Friday.
Please keep encouraging your children to practise their spellings using ‘look, cover, write, check’ and writing them in sentences as well as going on Spelling Shed at least 3 times a week.
I will send the children’s Seesaw passwords home with them so they can log on to look at their spellings.
If you have any questions please come and ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Beresford
3rd November 2022
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Curriculum Update Evening Reminder – This evening (Thursday 3rd November)
We have recently purchased some new schemes of work to improve The Ellis curriculum and this will be an opportunity for Mrs Edwards to share them with you. Please come to the main hall, we will start at 4:30pm.
Parent Consultations
We will be holding face to face parent consultations in the school hall. Please log on to the Cloud system by following the link below to see the available dates and times for your child:
It is important to arrive on time for your allocated slot as appointment times will be strictly adhered to.
Book Fair 18-25th November
Our book fair will be held in school the week commending Monday 18th November. Children can bring in some pocket money, browse the bookshelves and purchase a book to take home on the day.
School Uniform Swap Shop Reminder (A pleas for some children’s coat hangers please)
The swap shop will be open once every term. Parents are invited to pop along to the school hall and choose any items that will be useful for their families. The first one will take place from 2:30pm on Wednesday 23rd November dependent on the amount of donations received. Please note you do not have to have donated items in order to use this service.
We will accept any items of school uniform, of any age, including coats (preferably waterproof winter ones), PE kits, pumps and good quality shoes. The items should be brought to us in a good, clean condition with any names cut out. We will then sort the items by type and size so it will be easy for parents to find the exact items they are short of.
If any parents are reluctant to use the swap shop, please email Mrs Fiddes the type of garments required, along with the size and she will sort a package for you to collect from the office.
We hope the school swap shop becomes a valuable resource for keeping children in school uniform without any unnecessary expense.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
2nd November 2022
Tag Rugby Finals Event – 10th November 2022
Dear Parent,
Due to the success at the Y5/6 Tag Rugby event, your child has been selected to represent The Ellis at the South Yorkshire Games Finals. The finals will be held on Thursday 10th November at the Sheffield Hallam Sports Park, S9 1UA.
Children will leave school at 9am and return in time for the afternoon session. Parents are invited to spectate at this event but please meet your children at the event.
Your child will need a packed lunch, PE kit, water bottle, and warm clothing for when spectating. Children will be given a school top to play in.
There will be no cost for this event.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
1st November 2022
Cannon Hall Trip Cancellation
Dear Y5/6 Parents and Carers,
After careful consideration and following our whole school decisions around the design of our curriculum, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our Y5/6 trip to Canon Hall Museum.
As we are no longer learning about Victorians, it feels wrong to continue with the trip and you will therefore be refunded with the full cost of the trip. We understand that the children will be disappointed that a looked forward to event will no longer be happening, so we will endeavour to provide an educational trip related to our newly planned areas of learning later in the academic year.
We are very excited to begin our new learning journeys with the children and if you wish to find out more about the way The Ellis curriculum has changed then please join us on Thursday the 3rd of November at 4:30pm. Also, keep your eyes open for our class newsletters, which will explain the learning your child will be doing this half term.
We appreciate your continued support and understanding.
Many thanks,
The Y5 and Y6 Team
21st October 2022
Ellis Information
Dear Parents,
Curriculum Update Evening – Thursday 3rd November
We would like to invite you to a Curriculum Update evening with Mrs Edwards. We have recently purchased some new schemes of work to improve The Ellis curriculum and this will be an opportunity for us to share them with you.
Please come to the main hall, we will start at 4:30pm.
Our PTFA needs you PTFA Need You Poster
Our PTFA (Parents, Teachers, Friends Association) are looking for new members to join and help run fundraising events for school. Please see the attached poster and contact the school office for a contact telephone number if you are interested.
Book Fair 18-25th November
Our book fair will be held in school the week commencing Monday 18th November. Children can bring in some pocket money, browse the bookshelves and purchase a book to take home on the day.
Small Menu Changes
After half term, sandwiches will no longer be on the school menu. The colder weather will soon be upon us, therefore, jacket potatoes will be available every day with 3 fillings to choose from (baked beans, tuna and cheese). Children will still be able to help themselves to as much salad as they would like from the well-stocked salad bar.
Monday 31st October
The main meal for this day will be sausage and Yorkshire pudding.
Thursday 3rd November
We have attached the Bonfire Night menu, there will be no other alternatives on this day. Bonfire Night Menu
If you choose your child’s lunches from home you will notice that these changes have also been updated on ParentPay.
Cleaning Vacancy
We have a cleaning vacancy in school, please see the link below which will take you to the advert on Indeed.
Christmas Tree Festival (from 24th November)
Harris+Co are organising an exciting Christmas Tree Festival to be held at St. Mary’s Church, Barnsley as part of the Barnsley Bright Night’s Festival. If you have been to this festival before, you will know that there are lots of wonderful things to see and do and it should be a truly magical event. Funds raised through the event will be in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance and St Mary’s Church.
Secondary School Applications
The closing date for these applications is Monday 31st October.
After School Clubs
Our after school clubs will be starting the first week back after half term. If your child will be attending one of the clubs, please send them to school with both indoor and outdoor kits.
We hope you have a lovely half term and we will see you back in school on Monday 31st October.
Mrs Edwards
Acting Headteacher
21st October 2022
Magazine Request
Dear Parents,
If anyone has any old magazines that they no longer need, I would be grateful to receive them for my Y6 art project when we come back after the half term break.
Thank you,
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/ Art Lead
19th October 2022
New After School Clubs
Dear Parents,
Here is the list of our clubs that will be running after half term.
All clubs run straight after school until 4:20pm, apart from lego club, which will end at 4pm.
If your child will not be attending the club one week, please inform us to avoid any confusion and also so we can make sure they do not get changed at the end of the school day. Thank you.
(31st October – 5th December)
Y5/6 Netball/Basketball Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email Mrs Fiddes if your child would like a place at this club.
(1st November – 6th December)
Y3/4 Benchball/Dodgeball Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email Mrs Fiddes if your child would like a place at this club.
(2nd November – 7th December)
F2/Y1 Footie Stars, £2.50 paid to Adrian Barnard, a qualified football coach. Parents must remain with their child at this club. There are a maximum of 12 places.
Current participants at this club will continue to attend, there is no need to put your child’s name down again.
(2nd November – 7th December)
Y3 Lego Club Free of charge with Mrs Willis
Lego club is a great way to showcase your imaginative and creative side whilst also developing your social skills. There are a maximum of 15 places available.
Please email Mrs Fiddes if your child would like a place at this club.
(3rd November – 8th December)
Y1/2 Multi Sports Free of charge with a coach from Complete Coaching Solutions
Please email Mrs Fiddes if your child would like a place at this club.
(3rd November – 8th December)
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places already booked directly for this half term are continuing for next half term.
(4th November – 9th December)
KS2 Scotty’s Heroes
Places already booked directly for this half term are continuing for next half term.
Kind regards
Miss Cook
Y3 Teacher & Wider Curriculum Lead
17th October 2022
Y5 Kingswood Residential Trip – 19th-21st June 2023
Dear Parents,
Curriculum Update Evening – Thursday 3rd November
We would like to invite you to a Curriculum Update evening with Mrs Edwards. We have recently purchased some new schemes of work to improve The Ellis curriculum and this will be an opportunity for us to share them with you.
Please come to the main hall, we will start at 4:30pm.
Our PTFA needs you PTFA Need You Poster
Our PTFA (Parents, Teachers, Friends Association) are looking for new members to join and help run fundraising events for school. Please see the attached poster and contact the school office for a contact telephone number if you are interested.
Book Fair 18-25th November
Our book fair will be held in school the week commencing Monday 18th November. Children can bring in some pocket money, browse the bookshelves and purchase a book to take home on the day.
Small Menu Changes
After half term, sandwiches will no longer be on the school menu. The colder weather will soon be upon us, therefore, jacket potatoes will be available every day with 3 fillings to choose from (baked beans, tuna and cheese). Children will still be able to help themselves to as much salad as they would like from the well-stocked salad bar.
Monday 31st October
The main meal for this day will be sausage and Yorkshire pudding.
Thursday 3rd November
We have attached the Bonfire Night menu, there will be no other alternatives on this day. Bonfire Night Menu
If you choose your child’s lunches from home you will notice that these changes have also been updated on ParentPay.
Cleaning Vacancy
We have a cleaning vacancy in school, please see the link below which will take you to the advert on Indeed.
Christmas Tree Festival (from 24th November)
Harris+Co are organising an exciting Christmas Tree Festival to be held at St. Mary’s Church, Barnsley as part of the Barnsley Bright Night’s Festival. If you have been to this festival before, you will know that there are lots of wonderful things to see and do and it should be a truly magical event. Funds raised through the event will be in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance and St Mary’s Church.
Secondary School Applications
The closing date for these applications is Monday 31st October.
After School Clubs
Our after school clubs will be starting the first week back after half term. If your child will be attending one of the clubs, please send them to school with both indoor and outdoor kits.
We hope you have a lovely half term and we will see you back in school on Monday 31st October.
Mrs Edwards
Acting Headteacher
17th October 2022
Gymnastics Taster Session – Wednesday 19th October
Dear Parents,
Your child has shown an interest and has been selected to represent the school in a gymnastics taster session at Barnsley Gymnastics Club on Wednesday 19th October.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm. Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by coach, at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring full PE kit (white PE tops/black shorts), suitable trainers for the event and their water bottle, please can they also bring a top and trousers for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
14th October 2022
Ellis Church Reminder
Dear All,
Everyone is welcome to our Ellis Church on Thursday 20th October, held in the school hall straight after school.
Thank you
14th October 2022
Information Uploads on Seesaw
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to those of you who attended the workshops and Curriculum evenings held recently.
We understand that for some families it was challenging to attend and we are therefore uploading versions of the presentations onto Seesaw (your child’s login should be in their reading diaries).
We are also uploading information about ways you can continue to support your child’s learning at home.
Teachers will have shared these resources on Seesaw by Wednesday 19th October. If you have any questions regarding the information shared or your child’s learning then remember you can contact teachers by emailing Mrs Fiddes.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Many thanks,
The Ellis Team
14th October 2022
School Uniform Swap Shop – Wednesday 23rd November
Dear Parents,
Due to positive responses from parents on our Google questionnaire regarding a school uniform swap shop, we are delighted to tell you that this is something The Ellis will be putting into place.
The swap shop will open once every term. Parents are invited to pop along to the school hall and choose any items that will be useful for their families. The first one will take place from 2:30pm on Wednesday 23rd November dependent on the amount of donations received. Please note you do not have to have donated items in order to use this service.
We will accept any items of school uniform, of any age, including coats (preferably waterproof winter ones), PE kits, pumps and good quality shoes. The items should be brought to us in a good, clean condition with any names cut out. We will then sort the items by type and size so it will be easy for parents to find the exact items they are short of.
If any parents are reluctant to use the swap shop, please email Mrs Fiddes the types of garments required, along with the size and she will sort a package for you to collect from the office.
We hope the school swap shop becomes a valuable resource for keeping children in school uniform without any unnecessary expense.
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
13th October 2022
Y2 Curriculum Evening
Dear Y2 Parents,
Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our Y2 curriculum evening on Tuesday. I understand that some could not make it due to work and other commitments, therefore I have sent home the plastic wallet with the handouts in for your perusal. Over the weekend, I will record and post a copy of the slides I showed with a voice over to talk about each one onto Seesaw. I hope this will be of use. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards
Charlotte Trotter
Class Teacher / KS1 Leader
12th October 2022
Hockey Event – Friday 14th October
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Year 3/4 Hockey Competition event at Springwood School on Friday 14th October.
The event will start at 1pm and should finish approximately 3pm depending on how well the school perform! Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus at 12:30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating.
Parents are unfortunately unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhaler they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/ Y3 Teacher
7th October 2022
Ellis Reminders
Dear Parents,
Here are some reminders for our busy week ahead.
National Mental Health Week – Hello Yellow – Monday 10th October
In support of National Mental Health week, children are welcome to come to school dressed in yellow. This can be full dress, a pair of socks or just a small hair accessory. Please do not go to any great expense or feel the need to purchase any new items.
Phonics Workshop F2/Y1 – Monday 10th October 4:30pm onwards
We are holding a phonics workshop for F2/Y1 parents on Monday 10th October in the school hall. During this workshop we will be explaining the RWI (Read, Write, Inc) Phonics scheme used in school. There will be opportunity for parents to look at the resources used to deliver the sessions and also to ask any questions.
NB. Our after school club will be leaving at 4:20pm so please do not arrive too early.
Harvest Festive Y1-Y6 – Tuesday 11th October
Our harvest festival this year will be held at St. Mary’s Church, Wombwell on Tuesday 11th October. Years 1-6 will be walking from school promptly at 9 o clock and parents are welcome to meet us there for a 10am start. Seating is on a first come first served basis, however, the children will need to sit in the main pews (directly in front of the altar) so please leave these free. Children will need to stay with their class throughout the service and will share some harvest poetry or art. At the end of the service we will walk the children back to school in plenty of time for their lunch. Kindly bring any donations of tinned /packed food with you as these will be donated to Wombwell food bank via St. Mary’s. Thank you.
‘Real History Alive’ Y1/2 – Wednesday 12th October
As part of our History, learning about The Great Fire of London, we have arranged for a workshop run by ‘Real History Alive’ to bring our learning to life and to give the children an interactive experience which they will enjoy and remember. Our visitors will be coming into school on the 12th of October to share an interactive show followed by hands on workshops. If you have not yet paid your donation of £4.60 there is still time to do so.
Curriculum Evenings
11th October
Y3/4 3:30-4pm
Y2 4:05pm (plus additional time for KS1 SATs information)
13th October
Y5/6 3:30-4pm
Y6 4pm onwards KS2 SATs information
Kind regards,
Mrs Edwards
Acting Headteacher
7th October 2022
Art Competition
Dear Parents,
Our children have been invited to enter an art exhibition and competition which will be held at Barnsley Metrodome on the 18th and 19th November which will be judged by internationally renowned Yorkshire artist Ashley Jackson.
I am able to submit 16 entries from classes FS2 – Y6. The overall winning school will have their school name inscribed on a silver plate which will be awarded annually. The plate is to be available for display in the winning school for the ten months prior to the following year’s competition. The individual winners will also receive a trophy to keep.
Your child’s entry must be 2D artwork (paint, pencil, pastel etc) and be on paper or thin card UNMOUNTED. There is no specific theme, any subject is acceptable. The entry must be your child’s independent work.
The closing date for entries is Wednesday 19th October. Your child can hand their entries in to their class teacher who will pass them on to me.
Maggi Brinkley
HLTA/Art Lead
6th October 2022
FS Harvest Coffee Morning – Thursday 20th October
Dear Parents,
We will be holding a harvest coffee morning on Thursday 20th October, 9-10:30am to which all family members are invited.
If you would like to attend please make your way into the school hall via the main school entrance after you have dropped your child off in class.
Doors will open at approximately 9am. This will give you ample opportunity to get your tea, coffee and cakes and purchase the gifts your child has made in class before the children come in to sing (approximately 9:30am). Raffle tickets will also be on sale.
The children will be brought into the hall by staff at approximately 9:30am to sing some songs on stage. You will be able to video and take photographs of your child, but please remember not to upload any to social media if they contain images of other children.
Nursery children can be picked up from outside nursery after the event if parents wish, however, nursery is still open as usual. F2 children will remain in school for the remainder of the day.
All proceeds from this coffee morning will be spent purchasing new equipment to enhance our outdoor learning environment.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Foundation Stage Team
6th October 2022
Y1/2 Football Tournament – 7th October
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has been selected to represent the school in a Football Tournament at Hoyland Common Primary School on Friday 7th October. The event will start at 1pm and should finish before 3pm depending on how well the school perform!
Your child will have their lunch before travelling to the venue, which will be by minibus, at 12.30pm.
Children will need to bring shorts/tracksuit bottoms, black socks, trainers and their water bottle. They will be given a school shirt to wear. As the event will be held outdoors, on grass, it would be useful to bring warm clothes for when they are spectating and they can choose to wear trainers or football boots. You child WILL need a pair of shin pads so please make school aware before Friday if you need some.
Parents are unable to spectate on this occasion.
If your child requires an inhalers, they will need to bring this along with them. The cost of the trip will be funded using the Sports Premium Grant and therefore your child requires no money for the event.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me at school.
Yours faithfully
Miss Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead/Y3 Teacher
5th October 2022
Y5/6 Curriculum Date Change
Dear Parents,
It has been brought to our attention that Kirk Balk’s open evening for Y6 is on the same night as our Y56 Curriculum evening. We have therefore changed our evening to Thursday 13th October.
We will ensure that the PowerPoint is uploaded to Seesaw for those of you who are unable to attend on the new date.
Curriculum Evenings
11th October
Y3/4 3:30-4pm
Y2 4:05pm (plus additional time for KS1 SATs information)
13th October
Y5/Y6 3:30-4pm
Y6 4pm onwards KS2 SATs information
Kind regards
Mrs Edwards
5th October 2022
F2 Topic Photographs
Dear Parents/Carers,
As part of our topic about growing and changing, we would like to set up a ‘Guess Who’ display in our classroom. Could you please bring a baby photograph into school by the end of this week (Friday 7th October) so that we can set up this interactive activity/display in our Investigation Area.
Please could you also send us a family photograph for our class display about family trees. We will take a photocopy of this then send you back the original photograph.
Many thanks for your continue support.
Mr Grayhurst and Mrs Beevers
4th October 2022
Y2 Whirlow Farm June/July 2023
Dear Parents,
Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response to our Year 2 residential to Whirlow Farm next year. I can now inform you that we have 28 children going, which is very exciting news! Now we have these numbers, I can give you some more information. We plan to take 3 groups of children on the following dates:
26-28 June and 3-7 July 2023
Group 1: Monday 26th June – Wednesday 28th June 2023
(Leaving at approximately 10:30am on Monday and arriving back at 12pm on Wednesday)
Group 2: Monday 3rd July – Wednesday 5th July 2023
(Leaving at approximately 10:30am and arriving back at 12pm on Wednesday)
Group 3: Wednesday 5th July – Friday 7th July 2023
(Leaving at approximately 10:30am and arriving back at 12pm on Friday)
When your child is not on their residential trip, they should attend school as normal. 2 members of staff will stay with each group of residential children and other staff members will teach the children who are at school.
The cost of the trip will be £89 which includes 2 nights’ accommodation, return travel, food and all activities whilst we are there. We must inform you at this stage that the cost is non-refundable. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer a discounted price if your child does not sleep over night.
We ask that payments be made via ParentPay. The total amount will appear on your child’s page and parents are then able to pay off small amounts at a time (the total amount left will decrease as payments are made) or should you wish to, you can pay the full amount in one go. We ask that all parents meet the following payment deadlines as we have to pay Whirlow Farm in advance. Should you wish to pay the balance before these dates that is fine.
First payment of £30 to be paid by 02.12.22
Second payment of £30 to be paid by 03.02.23
Third payment of £29 to be paid by 28.04.23
Parents will be invited to a meeting during the beginning of the summer term (2023) to discuss what your child will need to bring and to give you more information. Should you have any questions prior to this time, please do not hesitate to pop in and see Mrs Trotter.
Thank you for allowing your child to take part in this experience. We are sure than many life long memories will be made whilst we are there!
Kind regards
Mrs C Trotter (Y2 Teacher and KS1 Leader)
3rd October 2022
Y5/6 Trip to Cannon Hall Museum
Dear Y5 and Y6 Parents,
As part of our Victorians topic next half term we have arranged a visit to Cannon Hall Museum to learn what life was like as a Victorian servant. The trip will take place on Thursday 8th December, the coach company we will be using is Globe and we will leave school at 9:15am and return for the end of the school day.
The cost of the day will be £10.70 per child. This is payable via ParentPay straightaway and can be paid in instalments to spread the cost. Should not enough money be collected, we will unfortunately have to cancel the day. If you are experiencing any financial difficulties covering the cost of the trip, please contact Mrs Edwards.
The purpose of the trip is to enrich our curriculum and enjoy a full day of fun, learning and understanding. Children will have the opportunity to tour the house, cook in the kitchen, make sugar mice and wash clothes along with much more. We feel it would be beneficial if the children could wear Victorian clothes as this will also help with their experience, though it will be cold during outdoor activities, so they will also need warm coats and gloves.
Ideas include:
Mop cap
Plain light blouse or shirt
Plain dark long skirt
Shawl (optional)
White apron/pinafore
Dark boots or shoes
Flat cap (not to be worn at the table)
Light coloured plain shirt (collar can be tucked in or hidden by a thin scarf or a large colourful hanky tied round the neck)
Long dark trousers
Plain dark socks
Black boots or shoes
Children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink. We will not have time during the day to visit the gift shop so no money is required for this.
We are looking forward to a lovely day out!
Kind regards
Mrs Wise
30th September 2022
Important Ellis Communication
Dear Parents,
Curriculum Evenings
We are pleased to invite you into school to meet your child’s teaching team. They will explain the curriculum for your child’s year group and answer any questions you may have. No appointment needs to be made as it is not an individual parents’ evening.
11th October
Y3/4 3:30-4pm
Y2 4:05pm (plus additional time for KS1 SATs information)
12th October
Y5/6 3:30-4pm
Y6 4pm onwards KS2 SATs information
Important Dates
To help with your diary planning we have created a list of key dates for the year. Please note these are subject to change and there may be additional events added, but we endeavour to give you as much notice as possible regarding any alternations. Please see the attached list.
Harvest Festival
Our harvest festival this year will be held at St. Mary’s Church, Wombwell on Tuesday 11th October. Years 1-6 will be walking from school promptly at 9am and parents are welcome to meet us there for a 10am start. Seating is on a first come first served basis, however, the children will need to sit in the main pews (directly in front of the altar), so please leave these free.
Children will need to stay with their class throughout the service and will share some harvest poetry or art. At the end of the service we will walk the children back to school in plenty of time for their lunch. Kindly bring any donations of tinned/packet food with you as these will be donated to Wombwell food bank via St Mary’s. Thank you.
You may have noticed that the cost of trips has significantly increased. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control, however, we would still like to offer a range of experiences for our children. To support us with getting this right, please could you complete the attached ‘Cost of Living’ survey by Friday 7th October to help us make informed decisions around our curriculum enhancements.
In school, we have regular e-safety activities to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online. Here is a video for parents from Tim Pinto, our e-safety office. We hope you find it useful.
The link is: The password to view is ESOELLIS6722
Nut Free School
At the Ellis we have several children with a nut allergy and we have always been a nut free school. We would appreciate your help maintaining this and ask that you refrain from sending any products including nuts into school e.g. Nutella and peanut butter as well as certain chocolate bars which may contain nuts.
Please can you also remind your children they should not be sharing their lunches.
Cold Weather
As the temperatures are now falling, could you please ensure your child is appropriately dressed to keep them warm as we will be encouraging them to be outside as much as possible. Could I please remind you that branded hoodies are not to be worn in the classroom. If your child is cold in class we intend to have some spare fleeces for them to borrow to avoid the need for them to wear their outdoor coats.
Several parents are having trouble getting pushchairs past parked cars due to inconsiderate parking. If you drive to school, please do not park on the pavements or the zigzags and be considerate to other road users and our neighbours.
Thank you as always for your support, if you have any queries regarding anything on this newsletters, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kindest regards
Mrs Edwards
Acting Headteacher
29th September 2022
Y3-Y6 French Food Tasting
French Food Tasting
Mr Hamilton would like to give the children the chance to taste some French food next week.
Please reply to this email if you do not wish your child to taste the food or if you need to let us know about any food allergies.
Many thanks
29th September 2022
Young Voices
Dear Parents, YV T shirts YV ticket form
Thank you for giving permission for your child to take part in Young Voices 2023. I can confirm they have a place. The event will take place on Friday 3rd February 2023. Please find attached order forms for tickets and t-shirt which are there for you to read the information and see the sizes. Please do not try to fill them in online, we simply need parents to respond to Mrs Fiddes ( stating the number of tickets required and t-shirt size (As previously mentioned, it is not compulsory for your child to have a ‘Young Voices’ t-shirt, they can wear a plain white t-shirt instead). The tickets are priced at £23 this year ad this is the price set by Young Voices, not school.
Please send cash into school in an envelope clearly stating your child’s name when you send your order via email. We must inform you that we are unable to send off any orders unless we have received the money beforehand, this is because when we place the order school have to pay the full amount.
Tickets are allocated on a first come first served basis and co