The Ellis Church of England Primary School
Please follow the links below to find out about admission arrangements into our school and nursery…
The Ellis CE (VA) Primary School Supplemental Information Form
The Ellis CE (VA) Primary School Admissions Policy 2023-24
The Ellis CE (VA) Primary School Admissions Policy 2024-25
The Ellis CE (VA) Primary School Admissions Policy 2025-26
Consultation letter – The Ellis CE (VA) Primary School Admission Arrangements 2026-27
Admission into Nursery Policy Jan23-Jan24
You can also follow the link below to find out about our school’s admission arrangements through the local authority…
This link will take you to the local authority page where you can apply on-line for a school place…
If you would like to transfer to a new school this link will take you to the local authority page where you can download a transfer form…