School uniform
Our school uniform colours consist of grey or black trousers or skirts, red and white checked dresses, a white or red polo shirt and a red sweatshirt or cardigan. Our main supplier is Vortex, please see their details below, or alternatively, plain uniform can be purchased from a shop of your choice.
School Uniform Policy September 2024
As children are learning inside and outside the classroom and school shoes can be expensive children are encouraged to wear plain dark coloured trainers to school. We do ask that KS1 and KS2 children have plimsols in school that they can wear inside.
Please see our jewellery policy for more details. Jewellery Policy Oct24-Oct27
Children need to have a PE kit in school for PE days, your child’s PE days will be updated on their half termly class newsletter.
For indoor PE children wear plain black shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Children may require jogging bottoms when doing PE outside during the colder months.
Outdoor learning
At the Ellis we encourage our children to get outside whatever the weather so it is essential children dress for the weather. We have welly racks outside every class and encourage all children to have a pair of wellies in school at all times.
Information from Vortex: Below is the link that will take you directly to your School’s page:
Parents/guardians can place an order directly through our website by making an account.
If any parents have any further questions, please feel free to contact myself or the rest of the Sales Team.
Thank you,
Nicole Roughley
School Uniform Administrator
Vortex Clothing Co Ltd
Unit 2&3 Grange Lane Ind Est
Carrwood Road
S71 5AS
Tel: 01226 202329