Diabetes UK is the operating name of The British Diabetic Association
Diabetes UK are trying to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children and adults and the importance of spotting symptoms early to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) which can be life threatening.
Please click on the links below to look at their diabetes symptoms/information posters. Thank you.
Do you know the signs of Type 1 Diabetes Poster
Email from Barnsley Council explaining their Strength and Needs Assessment Parent and Carers Survey
As part of our family hubs and start for life programme of work we are undertaking a local strengths and needs assessment. We want every Barnsley family to receive the support they need when they need it. We’d like to know what families think are the strengths of local services, and what needs improving, so we have asked Qa Research, an independent social research company, to carry out a survey.
I am emailing to ask you to help us in getting as many parents and carers including expectant parents and carers to complete the survey as possible.
Families can give their views here https://bit.ly/3Zntzx4 All responses are confidential and will be reported anonymously. I have also attached word version for those who find it more accessible or where they don’t have access to the internet.
The key information is below.
In order for this to be meaningful we need as many responses as possible, could I please ask for your help and support to get this out as far and wide as possible over the next 2 weeks.
If you are a parent or carer yourself or are an expectant parent or carer and live in Barnsley then please complete the survey too to share your views.
Kind Regards
Laura Hammerton
Early Start and Families Strategy and Service Manager
Barnsley Council