‘Be The Best You Can Be’
The Governance Handbook has been replaced with Guidance – Governance in Maintained Schools – March 2024
Competency Framework for Governance January 2017
Register of Business Interests 2024-25
Meet our Governors
Mr M Wood Co-Chair of Governors Foundation Trust Governor 14.1.21 to 13.1.25 Responsible for Pupil Premium, SEND and Assessment.
Mr D Clarke
Co-Chair of Governors
Foundation Trust Governor
24.4.22 to 25.4.26
Responsible for Computing
Forest School, Early Years
and Curriculum.
Mr M Farnsworth Parent Governor 27.6.22 to 26.6.26 Responsible for Early Years, KS1, Wider Curriculum, PE, CPD, Wellbeing and Mental Health.
Mrs E Edwards
Headteacher from 1.9.22
Mr P Spratt
Parent Governor
20.4.21 to 20.4.25
Responsible for Safeguarding, LAC, Pupil Premium, Behaviour, Data Protection and Attendance.
Rev J Armstrong
Foundation Governor
From 1.5.18
Responsible for SIAMS, RE, Worship and Spirituality, PSHE and RSE.
Mrs S Peake
PCC Governor
7.10.23 to 7.10.27
Responsible for Science and French.
Mr A Milliner
Staff Governor
15.7.24 to 15.7.28
Mr A Loades
Foundation Trust Governor
23.6.23 to 23.6.27
Responsible for English Writing, English Reading and Phonics.
Mrs J Dawson
PCC Governor
24.5.23 to 23.5.27
Responsible for Art, DT and Music.
Mr S Myers Foundation Governor 26.9.23 to 26.9.27 Responsible for History and Geography.
Mr J Brett
LA Governor
26.9.24 to 26.9.28
Responsible for KS2 and Maths.